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Comdial Execumail Voice Processing System 6.5 Instructions Manual

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    of 703
    							Learning ExecuMailLesson 3: Adding Subscribers & Guests45
    Lesson 3: Adding
    Subscribers & GuestsIn this lesson you’ll learn the basics of using the voice mail system as system
    manager. You’ll add new subscribers and a guest to the system. You’ll learn how
    to assign system manager status to a subscriber and you’ll learn how to edit
    subscriber information and all other information stored on the system. Finally,
    you’ll practice using local connect to record names and you’ll learn about the
    various message taking, notification, and delivery options available to each
    Please note that we’ve designed the samples used in this lesson carefully to avoid
    conflicts with actual subscribers or other information. You can enter the sample
    information and train without concern, while your system processes normal calls.
    At the end of Lesson 5, we’ll show you how to erase the training samples and
    return your system to its original state.
    Adding New SubscribersAdding new subscribers to the system is a simple process. All you have to do is
    add a new page to the Personal Directory Screen and enter the subscriber name,
    extension, and other preliminary information. The system’s enrollment
    conversation guides the subscriber through the process of setting up the mailbox
    for use.As part of installation and setup, your installer has already added current
    subscriber information for you. But, it is important for you to know how to do
    this for yourself. You’ll work with this part of the system often, adding and editing
    subscribers, and mirroring physical changes in extension numbering and
    At the Banner Screen, sign in to the system as “Thomas 
    [F2)Please enter your ID: is shown.
    QuickStart APPLICATION Page 1
    is shown.
    mBefore you continue, make sure that the CAPS, NlJM, and INSERT keylock
    indicators are OFF--check the upper-right comer of your screen.
    Move to the Personal Directory Screen...
    ,.’ 1:  .  .
    .:;  .  
    (Ctrl@)PERSONAL DIRECTORY isshown. 
    46Lesson 3: Adding Subscribers & GuestsExecuMail6.5i:.i
    The Personal Directory Screen for the first person in your organization should
    now be on-screen. (In most cases, the names will be sorted alphabetically, or
    they may be sorted numerically by ID number.) The first person may be a guest
    (for example, George Washington) or a regular subscriber.
    In the steps that follow, you’ll add subscribers and a guest for a hypothetical
    company to your “live” system. You’ll train with this information in parallel with
    your existing subscribers, message groups, and other “real” information. 
    activiy won’t affect normal call processing operations.
    During training, you’ll be acting as “Chris Aaronson,” system manager for the
    newly installed voice mail system at XYZ Widget Corporation. XYZ Widget
    employs 8 people-you and the corporation’s 7 founding partners. Conveniently,
    the partners’ names begin with the letters X, Y, or Z. (This keeps them grouped
    together at the end of the Personal Directory and separate from your actual
    subscribers and guests.)
    Naturally enough, XYZ Widget sells the world’s finest widgets in an evergrowing
    number of shapes, sizes, and colors. Business is booming and the voice mail
    system was purchased to handle the explosion in telephone traffic. In these next
    3 lessons, you’ll configure the voice mail system to answer and route calls, and to
    take and deliver voice mail.
    _’ :.
    Assigning IDS:
    Each subscriber must have a unique extension number and Personal ID. A guest:
    must have a unique Personal ID, as well:
    Extension number This is what an outside caller presses to reach a particularsubscriber. It is entered in the Extension # ID field on the subscriber’s
    Personal Directory page. Since this number must be unique for each subscriber,
    we refer to this as the 
    Extension #ID in other technical manuals. The system
    allows extension numbers of up to 10 digits (or the equivalent touchtone letters,
    for systems using lettered telephone keypads). Note that while the system’s
    # ID is usually the same as the subscriber’s actual telephone extension
    number, it is not 
    required to be the same. We’ll look at the reasons for this later
    in the lesson.:
    Personal ZL) A subscriber uses this number to send messages, receive messages,
    and perform personal “housekeeping” (changing options, security codes, and so
    forth) by phone. The system supplies a suggested Personal ID based on theextension number. In most cases, this is the digit 
    “8” plus the extension number.
    While similar, a guest’s Personal ID is used only to sending messages to, and
    retrieve messages from his or her host subscriber. Guests don’t have an extension,
    so a guest’s Personal ID is usually selected by agreement between the host and
    Our samples use extensions 890 through 897. These should not conflict with any
    of your existing numbers, unless your system uses 89, 890897, or any longer
    extension, Personal ID, or other System ID number starting with “89.”
    i’ ‘.:
     . .
    If you do try to enter a duplicate extension number, Personal ID, or other
    conflicting System ID number, you’ll get a message that says “Duplicate ID.” This
    message will give the conflicting ID and the name of the subscriber, guest, group,
    or transaction box already using the number. This prevents any potential
    ii  :.:.
    [:, ‘.:
    							Learning ExecuMail
    Lesson 3: Adding Subscribers & Guests47
    problems or confusion. If you were entering actual information, you would simply
    review the conflict and choose a different 
    ID number.
    NOTE: If you get a “Duplicate ID” message during training, it means one of
    two things:
    1.Another person has already completed these lessons but has failed to
    erase the sample information. Suspect this if you see “Chris Aaronson”
    and the other sample subscriber names on the system. If this is the case,
    follow the instructions at the end of Lesson 5 to erase the sample
    information completely before you continue.
    2.You have a genuine ID conflict. While unlikely, contact your installer for
    assistance. Your installer can supply an alternate system for training or
    arrange to resolve ID conflicts for you before you continue.Subscribers and guests are usually sorted alphabetically by last name. Entering
    the last name first helps the system keep things sorted. Enter 
    on/y the last
    name-without a comma, space or any extraneous characters.
    XYZ Widget Corporation
    LastFirstPositionExt.Per. IDI
    AaronsonChrisSystem Manager8908890Let’s first add Chris Aaronson’s Personal Directory page. New pages are added
    with the 
    [FB) command.
    Press: FJADD MENUisshown. Subscriber ishighlighted.
    The Personal Directory “Add” menu gives you the choice of adding either a
    subscriber or a guest, or adding many subscribers in a range of extensions (the
    popup menu may have additional options depending on the subscriber currently
    on screen). The 
    [WI lets you move between these choices. Try it now...
    Press: [Space)Guest is highlighted.
    Press:&z=qRange is highlighted.
    Since you really want to add a subscriber...
    Press:[m)Until Subscriber is highlighted.
    [xr) adds a new page for the highlighted choice.
    press:[piqEnter extension number (Press
    ESC to quit)::  
    ..CI....I  . .: _:1, . . . I..
    Type:8 9 0 [-Enter)Enter last name: C8901 
    							48Lesson 3: Adding Subscribers & GuestsExecuMail6.5
    Type:Aaronson[e-1Enter)Enter first and middle names:
    {note, two “A’s”}Type: 
    ChrisC_t-Enter)Full middle names or initials are optional. If you include a middle name or an
    initial for actual subscribers or guests, use a space to separate them.Enter Personal ID: 8890
    Your system may create a different suggested Personal ID, since the ID created iscontrolled by the setting of the default personal ID field on the 
    Application Screen, Page 5.
    mIF your system creates Personal IDS different t?om the ones shown in the text,
    correct the 
    ID to match the one shown on page 47 before you continue.
    To accept the default Personal ID...
    press: [-jziqEnter extension number (Press
    ESC to quit):
    That’s all there is to entering a new subscriber. For convenience, the system
    always assumes that you are entering a series of new subscribers. It suggests the
    next extension number in sequence, so you can simply press 
    [mEnter( to
    continue adding subscribers. We want you to explore some other features first,
    [Esc)PERSONAL DIRECTORY page forAaronson, Chris 
    Apart from the name, Personal ID, and extension number, all other fields on a
    Personal Directory page are filled automatically. The settings used are the defaults
    contained on the 
    QuickStart Application Screen, Page 5. (These will have been
    preset by your installer.)
    Assigning System Manager Status
    You have added Chris as a subscriber, but not as a system manager. How do you
    add a system manager?Press: 
    [F81ADD MENU is&own. Subscriber is
    Notice that the Add menu has four choices. The fourth choice lets you promote
    any existing subscriber to system manager status. Remember, the system allows
    as many “system manager” status subscribers as you need. Assign system
    manager status to Chris...
    are now added to the screen,
    to the right of Chris’ name. 
    							Learning ExecuMailLesson 3: Adding Subscribers & Guests49
    Editing Subscriber and Other InformationEditing the Personal ID or any other field on any screen page is easy. You simply
    move the highlight and cursor to the desired field, and make the change.
    Remember, the “highlight” shows the field currently “live” for editing. The
    “cursor” shows the current typing position within the highlighted field.
    You move the highlight/cursor with these keys:
    Key(s)ActionMoves highlight forward to the next field. Action is left to
    right, top to bottom.
    Moves highlight backward to the prior field. Action is right to
    left, bottom to top.
    ElMoves highlight to the closest field below the current field.
    ElMoves highlight to the closest field above the current field.
    ElMoves cursor left one character. If you are at the start of the
    current field, it acts like 
    ElMoves cursor right one character. If you are at the end of the
    current field, it moves you to the first character of the next
    closest field. (It acts like 
    @&J.)In these lessons, you’ll only leave and retrieve messages for Chris and the other
    sample subscribers, so you need to tell the system not to try ringing a sample
    “extension” before taking messages. This feature is controlled by the
    Transfer? field. If this is set to Yes the system will try to route the call to the
    number shown in the transfer dialing field before taking a message.
    In most cases, the transfer number on a Personal Directory page will be X. This is
    shorthand for “extension.” When the system sees only an x in a dialing field, it
    automatically uses the actual entry found in the Extension # ID field.
    Setting Transfer? to No tells the system to skip the step of trying to transfer a
    call to the extension, and take a message directly.
    Transfer? is highlighted.
    N(m)Transfer dialing field is highlighted.
    You should set Transfer? to No for each sample subscriber you add.
    Before we continue, spend a minute or two experimenting with the highlight and
    cursor movement keys. Try the following:
    . .:
    Move highlight to Edits OK?
    Move highlight to the Access field. 
    							50Lesson 3: Adding Subscribers & GuestsExecuMail6.5
    Move the cursor to the end of the PersonalID field.
    Move cursor to the start of the extension # ID field.
    If you accidentally modify any of the fields while you are moving around,remember that pressing 
    @ while you are still in the affected field will return it
    to its original setting.
    If you have already moved the cursor to another field before you discover your
    mistake, you’ll have to edit the field back to its original setting.
    There are three other keys that help while editing:
    Deletes the character at the cursor. Any remaining characters
    to the right of the cursor are moved left to fill the gap made
    by the deletion. The cursor stays in its current position.
    Deletes the character to the left of the cursor and moves the
    cursor to the left.
    Deletes all characters from the cursor to the right-hand end of
    the field. The cursor stays in its current position.
    Using Local Connect to Record Names
    In the last lesson, you used local connect to listen to voice fields. Now, you’ll
    record voice fields, as well, First, you must set up the local connection. Refer to
    the detailed instructions on page 40 if you need to refresh your memory.
    Dial the system. When it answers, press IF3) to
    move the 
    “x-” indicator to the port taking your call.
    IF4) to connect locally.
    Use the 
    m key to place the cursor on the Voicename field.
    You should now be connected locally. The cursor should be positioned on theVoice name field for the Personal Directory page belonging to Chris Aaronson.
    When you are on a voice field, the IF9) command !% you record into it.Press: 
    lgTo start recording press SPACE
    andtalk after the beep. Press
    ESC to skip.
    Notice that one-line help tells you exactly what to do. Try it yourself. Hold the
    telephone handset normally. Speak clearly and at a conversational speed. It is
    natural to speak a little too quickly at first. If there is a lot of background noise in
    your work area, it will be picked up in the recording, so it is important to work in
    a quiet area or at a quiet time. For best results, the microphone should be 2 or 3
    inches (about 7 centimeters) away from your mouth. 
    							Learning ExecuMail
    Lesson 3: Adding Subscribers & Guests51After the beep...
    . ..then. to stop recording...
    “Chris Aanmson ”
    press: [SpaceBar)Recording time shown in Voice name field.
    NOTE: Your recording of “Chris Aaronson” will be 2 to 3 seconds long.
    When recording a name, avoid unnaturally long pauses at the beginning or
    end. Be prepared to speak immediately after pressing the 
    [Space]. Press it
    again, immediately after you stop speaking. Since the recordings you make
    will be combined with prompts to create a conversation with callers, long
    pauses sound awkward.Recording names and prompts usually takes a little practice. Listen to your
    recording. If you are not happy with the quality of it, record it again. Note that a
    new recording erases an existing recording; you don’t need to press 
    [Derl to
    erase the field first.
    Listen to the handset, and...
    @J“Chris Aaronson ”You should experiment with handset distance and the loudness of your voice.
    You’ll quickly find a combination that works best with your particular equipment
    and environment. The Reference Manual gives more tips and specifics.
    Of course, each subscriber should record the name in his or her own voice. The
    enrollment conversation guides subscribers through recording a name the first
    time they call the system, as well as setting up other options. You may record an
    initial name for subscribers though, since an empty Voice name field can
    confuse callers. Also, you must record a guest’s Voice name field, since guests
    cannot record their own name by phone. (Your installer may have already
    recorded initial names for each of your actual subscribers.)
    Note that subscribers don’t have to use local connect to record their names. This
    field and the “greeting” field can be recorded by phone by the subscriber during
    the enrollment conversation, or through setup options. You’ll try this yourself in
    the next lesson.
    Rerecord Chris’ name several
    times for practice. Experiment withdiierent handset distances and the
    loudness of your voice.
    When you have finished, place the handset
    on your desk-don’t hang up yet.
    Now let’s add the remainder of the staff of XYZ Widget Corporation. Add each of
    the remaining subscribers first, then come back and record each name. (Save Jay
    Zink’s guest for later.) We’ll take you through enrolling the next person, Jan
    Xavier, step by step. You’ll add the remaining 6 subscribers on your own.
    							52Lesson 3: Adding Subscribers & Guests
    XYZ Widget Corporation
    FirstPositionExt.Per. ID
    AaronsonChrisSvstem Manasrer8908890
    YaleHughV.P. of Sales8928892
    YeomanMikeNational Sales8938893
    YingSueInternational Sales8948894
    ZonderDrewV.P. Product Support
    Applications Support8968896
    OEM Support8978897
    Jay Zink’s Guest(None)8898
    Add Hugh Yale through Jay Zink.
    Press: l-JADD MENU isshown. Subscriber is
    press:[e-IEnter]Enter extension number (Press
    ESC to quit):
    Type: 891 [m-JEnter last name:
    Xavier(W)Enter first and middle names:
    Type:JanI-Enter Personal ID: 8891
    press: (eJEnter)PERSONAL DIRECTORYpage forXavier,
    Jan is added.Enter extension number (Press
    ESC to quit): 892
    Extension 892 is for Hugh Yale. Use the personnel chart to finish adding Hugh
    and the other remaining subscribers. But don’t add the last person, Drew Zonder,
    just yet.
    mIf your system creates Personal Ds different horn the ones shown above,
    correct the 
    IDS to match the one shown in this table before you continue.
    When you finish Jay...
    Press: IgJPERSONAL DIRECTORY page for
    Zink, Jay is added.
    Jay Zink has a guest, named Drew Zonder. Drew is a buyer for a company that
    uses huge numbers of widgets. He and Jay must communicate frequently.
    “Guest” privileges let Drew leave messages for Jay like any outside caller. Butj  
    							Learning ExecuMailLesson 3: Adding Subscribers & Guests53
    unlike an outside caller, Drew can 
    receiue messages from Jay. The host/guest
    relationship is private. No subscriber other than Jay can leave messages for Drew.
    Add Jay’s guest...
    Press: (F81ADD MENU is shown. Subscriber is
    Press: Ispace]Guest is highlighted.
    press:pEiqAdd guest for Zink, Jay? (Y/N):
    Press:(-1Enter Personal ID:
    Since there is not an extension number for Drew, the system doesn’t create a
    suggested Personal ID. When adding guests, select a Personal ID that is easy for
    the guest to remember, yet secure enough to protect the voice mailbox. For now,
    we’ll just use 
    8898...Type: 8898 
    (-1Enter last name:
    Zonder[z]Enter first and middle names:
    Drew[w]PERSONAL DIRECTORY page forZonder, Drew is added.
    Notice that a guest page says Guest of. . . and gives the subscriber’s name.
    The Send Msg Urgent? field controls whether a guest can send urgent
    messages to his or her host subscriber. A guest page has fewer fields since there
    is no need for an extension or call transfer information.
    You have added a total of 9 new pages to the Personal Directory. The Personal
    Directory can contain an unlimited number of pages. In large organizations, it is
    common to have hundreds of extensions and subscribers. The voice mail system
    includes commands that simplify finding a particular name in a large listing.
    You move through Personal Directory pages with these keys:
    ActionMoves to the first subscriber (alphabetically).
    Moves to the last subscriber.
    [P9Dn)Moves to the next subscriber.Moves to the prior subscriber page.
    [F21 then 0
    -or--QZQJi)Either of these commands will ask you for the last name,
    extension number or System ID you want to jump to. Enter
    the first few letters of the desired last name and press
    							54Lesson 3: Addina Subscribers & GuestsExecuMail6.5
    wThese commands also work for moving through the pages of the Groups
    Screen and the Transaction Directory Screen, since both of 
    these screens are
    also organized as a series of single, alphabetized pages. These commands
    also work for the 
    F?ompt Editor Screen, where ‘Jump” allows you to move
    to particular prompt sets or prompt numbers.
    Before you record names for each new subscriber, practice using these directory
    Use IF2) then Q to find Hugh Yale.(Try “ya]” [j=EiiiQ
    m to move to the end of the directory.
    m to find Chris Aaronson.
    lcMHJl to find Jan Xavier.(Jjy ‘x” psiiq)
    Now that you are back to Jan, record names for the remaining XYZ Widget
    employees and Jay’s guest.
    NOTE: In the remainder of this lesson and ail of the next, we’ll be asking
    you to record names, greetings, messages, and 
    so forth. It is very important
    that you record each 
    of these exactly as shown. If you skip recordings or take
    shortcuts by reducing or changing the wording we give, you won’t be able to
    review key features of the system and the resulting examples won’t make
    Use the directory and cursor movement
    commands and 
    IF9) and m to record
    and play names for Jan Xavier
    through Drew Zonder.
    Remember to set Transfer? to No
    for each sample subscriber.
    When finished, press 
    IF4) to end your local connection
    m to sign out to the Banner Screen.
    Message Notification and Delivery
    Once callers leave voice mail, it is important that the system let subscribers know
    that messages are waiting. The voice mail system can tell a subscriber that
    messages are waiting in a number of different ways. This process is called
    “message notification.”Here are the ways the system notifies a subscriber:n
    By lighting a “message waiting” lamp or by activating a stutter dialtone as
    provided by your Comdial telephone system.n
    By announcing that messages are waiting when a subscriber calls the
    By calling a subscriber periodically, and announcing that messages are
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