NEC Neax 2400 Ipx Installation Manual
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NDA-24306 CHAPTER 2 Page 23 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION DESIGN Figure 2-11 Face Layout of IMG1 (Local Node) Note:No circuit card is mounted in Slot 02 of TSWM0. 00 0001 0102 0203 0304 040506070809101112131415161718192021 2122 0506070809101112131415161718 19 2023 22 23 00 0102 0304050607080910111213141516171819202122 23 TSWM0PIM 0 PIM 1 FANUPIM 2 PIM 3 TOPU BASEU MISC MISC MISC MISC DLKC0DLKC1 GT0 GT1TSW00 TSW01TSW02 TSW03 TSW10TSW11 TSW12TSW13 PLO0PLO1 MISC (RES) (RES) PWRSW1 PWRSW0 PA-PW55-A (PWR0) PA-PW54-A (PWR1) PA-PW55-A (PWR0)PA-PW54-A (PWR1) PH-PC36 (MUX) PH-PC36 (MUX) PH-PC36 (MUX) PH-PC36 (MUX) PH-PC36 (MUX) PH-PC36 (MUX) IMG1 (Local Node) 000102 03040506070809101112131415161718 19202122 23 000102 030405060708091011121314151617181920212223 PH-PC36 (MUX) PA-PW54-A (PWR1) PA-PW55-A (PWR0) PA-PW54-A (PWR1) PA-PW55-A (PWR0) PH-PC36 (MUX)
CHAPTER 2 NDA-24306 Pag e 2 4 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION DESIGN Figure 2-12 Face Layout of IMG2 (Local Node) Note:No circuit card is mounted in Slot 02, 08, 09 of TSWM1. 00 0001 0102 0203 0304 040506070809101112131415161718192021 2122 0506070809101112131415161718192023 22 23 000102 0304050607080910111213141516171819202122 23 TSWM1PIM 0 PIM 1 FA N UPIM 2 PIM 3 TOPU BASEU MISC MISC MISC MISC GT0 GT1TSW00 TSW01TSW02 TSW03 TSW10TSW11 TSW12 TSW13 CLK0CLK1 MISC (RES)(RES) PWRSW1 PWRSW0 PA-PW55-A (PWR0) PA-PW54-A (PWR1) PA-PW55-A (PWR0)PA-PW54-A (PWR1) PA-PW55-A (PWR0)PA-PW54-A (PWR1) PA-PW54-A (PWR1) PH-PC36 (MUX) PH-PC36 (MUX) PH-PC36 (MUX) PH-PC36 (MUX) PH-PC36 (MUX) PH-PC36 (MUX) PH-PC36 (MUX) PH-PC36 (MUX) IMG2 (Local Node) 000102 03040506070809101112131415161718 19202122 23 000102 0304050607080910111213141516171819202122 23 PA-PW55-A (PWR0)
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 2 Page 25 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION DESIGN Figure 2-13 Face Layout of IMG3 (Local Node) 00010203040506070809111213141516171819202122 23 0001020304050607080910111213141516171819202122 23 000102 0304050607080910111213141516171819202122 23 000102 030405060708091011121314151617181920212223 DUMMYPIM 0 PIM 1 FA N UPIM 2 PIM 3 TOPU BASEU PA-PW55-A (PWR0) PA-PW54-A (PWR1) PA-PW55-A (PWR0) PA-PW54-A (PWR1) PA-PW55-A (PWR0) PA-PW54-A (PWR1) PA-PW55-A (PWR0) PA-PW54-A (PWR1) PH-PC36 (MUX) PH-PC36 (MUX) PH-PC36 (MUX) PH-PC36 (MUX) PH-PC36 (MUX) PH-PC36 (MUX) PH-PC36 (MUX) PH-PC36 (MUX) IMG3 (Local Node) 10
CHAPTER 2 NDA-24306 Pag e 2 6 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION DESIGN 9.2 Circuit Card Locations This section explains the main function of controlling circuit cards on a module basis. For more detailed information on each card, please refer to the “Circuit Card Manual”. Figure 2-14 Controlling Circuit Cards in LPM (ISW) Table 2-4 Controlling Circuit Cards in LPM (ISW) Slot No. Circuit Card Symbol Function, Mounting Conditions 00 PH-M22 MMC This circuit card offers the function of detecting MJ/MN alarm messages in the system and sending out the information to EMA. In addition, this card has the function to collect the information on TOP KEY. (02), 03 PH-IO24 IOC (Input/Output Controller)This circuit card supplies the system with a serial interface, which conforms to RS-232C, between the ISW and external equipment such as the MAT, SMDR, and MCI. One card is equipped with four I/O ports. 04 PH-PC40 EMA (Emergency Alarm Controller)This card detects various kinds of alarms which might occur in the system, and sends out the information of the detected alarm to the circuits concerned. In addition, this card has the following functions: Active/stand-by changeover function CPR (Central Processor Rack)CPR consists of the following components. CPU Board: Includes the Main Processor Unit (MPU), flash ROM, 200 Mhz (clock), and 256 MB Random Access Memory (RAM). In addition, the board is equipped with ISAGT (PZ-GT13) card, and LANI (PZ-PC19) cards. DSP: Equipped with switches and 7-seg. LEDs on the panel. FDD/HDD: Floppy Disk Drive (FDD) and Hard Disk Drive (HDD) PWR: Supplies the operation power to the LPM 00 01 02 03 04 LPM PWR FDD/HDD DSP PCI slot PH-PC40 (EMA) PH-IO24 (IOC) PH-M22 (MMC) PH-IO24 (IOC) Note CPRNote:This IOC card is optional.
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 2 Page 27 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION DESIGN Figure 2-15 Controlling Circuit Cards in ISWM Table 2-5 Controlling Circuit Cards in ISWM Slot No. Circuit Card Symbol Function, Mounting Conditions 00, 01 PH-PW14 PWRSW This circuit card supplies operating power to circuit cards accommodated in the ISWM. 02, 03 18, 19PU-SW01 HSW This circuit card provides the function of Space Division Switch between HW in 3-step time division switching. CPU controls the function via GT. 04-07, 14-17PU-SW00 TSW This circuit card supplies the Time Division Switch (TSW) and INT function for the system. The card replaces the time slot PCM signal from LN. The combination of maximum 4-card TSW and 2-card HSW provides 32, 768ch switching for the system. 09, 13 PH-CK16-A PLO This circuit card, used with a direct digital interface circuit card, sets up network synchronization with the network concerned. With this circuit card, the IPX-U system can be a clock subordinate office of the digital network. 09, 13 PH-CK17-A PLO This circuit card, used with a direct digital interface circuit card, sets up network synchronization with the network concerned. Since this circuit card provides high precision base clock oscillator, the IPX-U system can be a clock source office of the digital network. 10, 11 PH-GT10 IOGT This circuit card functions as a connection to ISAGT and each package in ISW. And it transfers the order from CPU board to each TSW I/O bus or packages. 13 1400 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 1011 16 17 18 1915PH-PW14 (PWRSW0) PU-SW01 (HSW00) PU-SW00 (TSW00) PH-GT10 (IOGT0) PH-PW14 (PWRSW1) PU-SW01 (HSW01) PU-SW00 (TSW01) PU-SW00 (TSW02) PU-SW00 (TSW03) PH-CK16-A/17-A (PLO0)PH-CK16-A/17-A (PLO1) PH-GT10 (IOGT1) PU-SW00 (TSW10) PU-SW00 (TSW11) PU-SW00 (TSW12) PU-SW00 (TSW13) PU-SW01 (HSW10) PU-SW01 (HSW11)09 12
CHAPTER 2 NDA-24306 Pag e 2 8 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION DESIGN Figure 2-16 Controlling Circuit Cards in LPM (LN) Table 2-6 Controlling Circuit Cards in LPM (LN) Slot No. Circuit Card Symbol Function, Mounting Conditions 00 PH-M22 MMC This circuit card offers the function of detecting MJ/MN alarm messages in the system and sending out the information to EMA. In addition, this card has the function to collect the information on TOP KEY. (02), 03 PH-IO24 IOC (Input/Output Controller)This circuit card supplies the system with a serial interface, which conforms to RS-232C, between the node external equipment such as the MAT, SMDR, and MCI. One card is equipped with eight I/O ports. 04 PH-PC40 EMA (Emergency Alarm Controller)This card detects various kinds of alarms which might occur in the system, and sends out the information of the detected alarm to the circuits concerned. In addition, this card has the following functions: Active/stand-by changeover function CPR (Central Processor Rack)CPR consists of the following components. CPU Board: Includes the Main Processor Unit (MPU), flash ROM, 200 Mhz (clock), and 256 MB-Random Access Memory (RAM). In addition, the board is equipped with ISAGT (PZ-GT13 for TSWM0 and PZ-GT20 for TSWM1) cards, and LANI (PZ-PC19) cards. DSP: Equipped with switches and 7-seg LEDs on the panel. FDD/HDD: Floppy Disk Drive (FDD) and Hard Disk Drive (HDD) PWR: Supplies the operating power to the LPM. 00 0102 03 04 LPM PWR FDD/HDD DSP PCI Slot PH-PC40 (EMA) PH-IO24 (IOC) PH-IO24 (IOC) Note Note: This IOC card is optional. CPR PH-M22 (MMC)
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 2 Page 29 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION DESIGN Figure 2-17 Controlling Circuit Cards in PIM Table 2-7 Controlling Circuit Cards in PIM Slot No. Circuit Card Symbol Functions, Mounting Conditions 01 PA-PW55-A PWR This circuit card supplies operating power to circuit cards accommodated in the PIM. 03 PA-PW54-A DPWR This circuit card supplies operating power to circuit cards accommodated in the PIM. 13, 14 PH-PC36 MUX This circuit card is an interface card for mounting line circuits and/or trunks. Between the CPR and the Port Microprocessor (PM) of the line/ trunk circuit, this card provides an interface for multiplexing/de- multiplexing of voice Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) information and digital data information. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 PA-PW55-A (PWR0) PA-PW54-A (PWR1) PH-PC36 (MUX) PIM PH-PC36 (MUX)
CHAPTER 2 NDA-24306 Pag e 3 0 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION DESIGN Figure 2-18 Controlling Circuit Cards in TSWM0 Table 2-8 Controlling Circuit Cards in TSWM0 Slot No. Circuit Card Symbol Functions, Mounting Conditions 00, 01 PH-PW14 PWRSW This circuit card supplies operating power to circuit cards accommodated in the TSWM. 08, 09 PH-PC20 DLKC This circuit card provides the Attendant Consoles (ATTs) with information such as ATT call termination/answer/release (abandoned call) via the Data Link which is established in the TSW card. In addition, station idle/busy information is sent to the ATTs via the same Data Link. 10, 11 PH-GT09 GT This circuit card permits the CPU to directly control the TSW, PLO, DLKC, and MISC circuit cards via TSW I/O Bus and MISC I/O Bus. 12-19 PH-SW12 TSW This circuit card supplies the Time Division Switch (TSW) and INT function for the system. The TSW capacity is 8192 × 2048 TS (time slots) for each card, while performing the switching under the following conditions: • TSW00 (or 10) for MUX in IMG0 • TSW01 (or 11) for MUX in IMG1 • TSW02 (or 12) for connections between TSW00 (or 10) and ISW • TSW03 (or 13) for connections between TSW01 (or 11) and ISW 21, 23 PH-CK16-A PLO This circuit card, used with a direct digital interface circuit card, sets up network synchronization with the network concerned. With this circuit card, the belonging Local Node can be a clock subordinate office of the digital network. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 PH-PW14 (PWRSW0) PH-PW14 (PWRSW1) TSWM0 PH-PC20 (DLKC0) PH-PC20 (DLKC1) PH-GT09 (GT0) PH-GT09 (GT1) PH-SW12 (TSW00) PH-SW12 (TSW01) PH-SW12 (TSW02) PH-SW12 (TSW03) PH-SW12 (TSW10) PH-SW12 (TSW11) PH-SW12 (TSW12) PH-SW12 (TSW13) PH-CK16-A (PLO0) PH-CK16-A (PLO1)
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 2 Page 31 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION DESIGN Figure 2-19 Controlling Circuit Cards in TSWM1 Table 2-9 Controlling Circuit Cards in TSWM1 Slot No. Circuit Card Symbol Functions, Mounting Conditions 00, 01 PH-PW14 PWRSW This circuit card supplies operating power to circuit cards accommodated in the TSWM. 10, 11 PH-GT09 GT This circuit card permits the CPU to directly control the TSW, PLO, DLKC, and MISC circuit cards via TSW I/O Bus and MISC I/O Bus. 12-19 PH-SW12 TSW This circuit card supplies the Time Division Switch (TSW) and INT function for the system. The TSW capacity is 8192 × 2048 TS (time slots) for each card, while performing the switching under the following conditions: TSW00 (or 10) for MUX in IMG2 TSW01 (or 11) for MUX in IMG3 TSW02 (or 12) for connections between TSW00 (or 10) and ISW TSW03 (or 13) for connections between TSW01 (or 11) and ISW 21, 23 PH-CK18 CLK This circuit card functions as a relay to 32MHz clock, 8KHz FH and Holding on Music provided by the PLO package mounted in TSWM0, to TSW cards mounted in TSWM1. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 PH-PW14 (PWRSW0) PH-PW14 (PWRSW1) TSWM1 PH-GT09 (GT0) PH-GT09 (GT1) PH-SW12 (TSW00) PH-SW12 (TSW01) PH-SW12 (TSW02) PH-SW12 (TSW03) PH-SW12 (TSW10) PH-SW12 (TSW11) PH-SW12 (TSW12) PH-SW12 (TSW13) PH-CK18 (CLK0) PH-CK18 (CLK1)
CHAPTER 2 NDA-24306 Pag e 3 2 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION DESIGN 9.3 Assignment of Network Control Node The IPX-U system can be in service by dialing a telephone number assigned for each station at a Network Control Node (NCN). Because these network-level data (NDM data) can be assigned via the MAT dedicated to the NCN only, designate any of the following nodes as this network data manager (NCN): One of the Local Nodes (LN), excepting for the ISW, within the IPX-U system One of the belonging Fusion nodes outside the IPX-U system For more details, refer to the figures on the next pages. Note 1:Within the IPX-U system, the NCN can be designated only from the Local Nodes (LN0-LN3). The ISW cannot be assigned as the NCN. Note 2:On a FCCS network, assign only one NCN. Multiple nodes cannot be assigned as the NCN.