NEC Neax 2400 Ipx Installation Manual
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NDA-24306 CHAPTER 3 Page 73 Revision 1.0 STEP 11 : Fix a FAN fuse (5.0 A) onto the PZ-M369 by referring to Figure 005-4. STEP 12 : Connect the remaining FAN cables per Figures 005-10 and 005-11. STEP 13 : Lastly, attach the Top Cover onto the TOPU of the cabinet. Then, fasten the four screws (refer to Figure 005-7). Note:The procedures, STEP 1 through STEP 7, must be performed at each PBX cabinet adopting 3-PIM or 4- PIM configuration. NAP-200-005 Sheet 11/16 Mounting of Units and Modules
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24306 Pag e 7 4 Revision 1.0 Figure 005-10 Cable Connections for FANU in FAN BOX NAP-200-005 Sheet 12/16 Mounting of Units and Modules TH0 TH1 TH2 FAN TALM0 Note 2 TA L M THM TOPU (Top View) Note 1 PZ-M369 (Front View) T H 2T H 2( ) T H 1T H 1 T H 0T H 0 T A L M 0T A L M( ) ( ) TO P U NEAX 2 400 IMSNEC . . PBX FA N B OX PZ-M369 Note 1:For details on the FAN connector (PIM backplane), refer to Figure 005-11. Note 2:For details on the TALM connector (TOPU panel), refer to Figure 005-3. ATTENTIONContents Static Sensitive Handling Precautions Required
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 3 Page 75 Revision 1.0 Figure 005-11 Connection of “FAN” Connector Cable (FAN BOX-PIM) NAP-200-005 Sheet 13/16 Mounting of Units and Modules ( FA N ) (FAN) FA N B OX PBX FAN power cable R EA R TH2 TALM1 TALM0 TH1 TH0 FC0 FC1 FC2ON OFF Auto PZ-M369 FA N p o w e r c a b l e FA N B OX F R O NT FAN ATTENTIONContents Static Sensitive Handling Precautions Required
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24306 Pag e 7 6 Revision 1.0 3. ATTACHING THE ADDITIONAL NOISE FILTER UNIT (NFILU) TO THE BASEU The following flowchart shows the procedure to attach the Additional Noise Filter Unit (NFILU) to the BASEU of the PBX. This work should be performed in each IMG stack of all Local Nodes when they contain 3 or 4 PIMs. NAP-200-005 Sheet 14/16 Mounting of Units and Modules START Referring to Figures 005-12 and 005-13, insert the NFILU to the BASEU and attach the NFILU with two screws. Referring to Figure 005-14, connect the cables equipped with the NFILU to the terminals on the BASEU. END
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 3 Page 77 Revision 1.0 Figure 005-12 Insertion of NFILU Figure 005-13 Attaching of NFILU NAP-200-005 Sheet 15/16 Mounting of Units and Modules NOISE FILTER UNIT (NFILU) SCREW BASE-U SCREW SC REW S BASE-U
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24306 Pag e 7 8 Revision 1.0 Figure 005-14 Cabling Diagram of NFILU NAP-200-005 Sheet 16/16 Mounting of Units and Modules (—48VB) (GB0) (G) (—48V) (PZ-M371) Additional Noise Filter Unit (NFILU)(3) (4) (1) (2) (1) (2) (PZ-M377) FRONT Already Attached Noise Filter Unit BASEU (GB1)
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 3 Page 79 Revision 1.0 This NAP explains the procedures for installing the power equipment. Note:The Circuit Breaker (NFB) for the Rectifiers DC output must remain OFF. NAP-200-006 Sheet 1/1 Installation of Power Equipment START Install the power equipment at the predetermined location using anchor bolts, etc. Install the framework for the batteries to be used for backup. Secure the framework using anchor bolts, etc. Check the cabling at the primary and secondary sides of the power equipment, and the cabling to the batteries. Confirm that the specifications of the customer-installed AC PDB (NFB capacity, voltage, phase, etc.) conform to the specifications of the Rectifier. Confirm that the proper communication ground is available. Connect the input power cable and grounding cable to the rectifier. Supply electrolyte to each battery as per the specifications of the battery. Charge the batteries after verifying that the rectifier is operating normally. END
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24306 Pag e 8 0 Revision 1.0 This NAP explains the procedures for installing the MDF. NAP-200-007 Sheet 1/1 Installation of the MDF START Install the MDF at the predetermined location on the floor or wall. Be sure to check the quantity of accessory items such as arresters, block terminals, etc. Install the MDF, taking into consideration the locations of lead-in holes for Local Cable, C.O. lines, Tie Lines, and Cable Running Routes. MDF Line Protector Ground must be separated from the Communication Ground connected to the rectifier. END
NDA-24306 CHAPTE R 3 P age 81 Re visi on 1 .0 T his NA P exp la ins the f o llo w ing work ite m s. Conne ction of P ower a nd Ground C abl es Conne ction of DC-DC Conver ter f o r T ele phone s e ts equi pped wit h M ess age W aitin g L am ps End J o in ti ng of P ower an d G round C ab les Bra n ch ing of P ow er C ab le s 1. CONNECTION OF THE POWER AND GRO UND CABLES CAUTION : G rou ndi ng c ir c u it co ntinu ity is v ital for sa fe o pera ti o n of tel ecomm unicati on e q uip ment. Never operate telecommunication equipment with grounding conductor disconnected. NAP-200-008 Sheet 1/12 Connection of Power and Ground Cables from the Power Equipment START Cable Running Run the power and ground cables per Figures 008-1/008-2 . Running of power and ground cables up to the Power Receiving Terminals in the BASEU An example of cable running on a free access or computer floor is shown in Figure 008-1. Confirm that the Circuit Breaker (NFB) of the Rectifier is OFF. Connection of the power and ground cables Connect the power and gr ound cables to the Power Receiving Terminals on the BASEU per Figure 008-2 . Connect the power and ground cables to the output terminals of the Rectifier. Check after cable connections Using a continuity tester, confirm that the -48 V power cable is not shorting to the G power cable or FE ground cable. END
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24306 Pag e 8 2 Revision 1.0 Figure 008-1 Detail of Cable Running NAP-200-008 Sheet 2/12 Connection of Power and Ground Cables from the Power Equipment P OW E R A N D GR OU N D C AB L E S T -B R A N CH C O NN EC TI ON POWER RECEIVINGIMG3 DUMMY IMG2 TSWM1 IMG1 IMG0 REARLPM TERMINAL M A IN C AB L E ISW REAR LPM REAR TSWM0 REAR REAR