NEC Neax 2400 Ipx Installation Manual
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NDA-24306 CHAPTER 3 Page 253 Revision 1.0 2. [HEADSET TYPE] This item specifies the type of Headset connected to the H/S1 connector. a) Press the desired number. An asterisk shows the selected number. 1: The type of Headset is “SUPRA” 2: The type of Headset is “COROLLE” SRC: Return to Configuration Menu Note:Default setting is “1: SUPRA”. b) Press the SRC key. The display returns to Configuration Menu. c) When configuration data assignment is finished, proceed to [Updating Configuration Data] on Page 260. When the other item is also specified, return to 2. Selection of Configuration Item on Page 250. NAP-200-015 Sheet 34/41 Installation of the DESK CONSOLE and Cable Connection [HEADSET TYPE] SRC: menu *1: SUPRA 2: COROLLE [CONFIG MENU P1] VER x DEST: next page 1: HEADSET/HANDSET Release: exit 2: HEADSET TYPE Answer: update 3: MUTE
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24306 Page 254 Revision 1.0 3. [MUTE] This item specifies On/Off setting of the mute function for the HAND H/S0 or H/S1 connector. While the mute function is set to On, if the Mute key is pressed, the voice at the DESK CONSOLE side is not sent to the other party. a) Press the desired number. An asterisk shows the selected number. 1: Both H/S0 and H/S1 are set to On 2: Only H/S0 is set to On 3: Only H/S1 is set to Off SRC: Return to Configuration Menu Note:Default setting is “1: H/S0 ON, H/S1 ON”. b) Press the SRC key. The display returns to Configuration Menu. c) When configuration data assignment is finished, proceed to [Updating Configuration Data] on Page 260. When the other item is also specified, return to 2. Selection of Configuration Item on Page 250. NAP-200-015 Sheet 35/41 Installation of the DESK CONSOLE and Cable Connection [MUTE] SRC: menu *1: H/S0 ON, H/S1 ON 2: H/S0 ON, H/S1 OFF 3: H/S0 OFF, H/S1 ON [CONFIG MENU P1] VER x DEST: next page 1: HEADSET/HANDSET Release: exit 2: HEADSET TYPE Answer: update 3: MUTE
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 3 Page 255 Revision 1.0 4. [REC CONTROL] This item specifies the operation mode of a recording device. The following two types of modes are available: [Manual mode] Manual mode is available when the REC circuit card is mounted in the system. When the REC key is pressed, the system starts recording and the REC lamp lights. When the REC key is pressed again, the recording stops and the REC lamp goes off. [Automatic mode] In Automatic mode, a dedicated recording device is directly connected to the REC connector. When a call is connected/disconnected, the system starts/ends recording automatically. Note that the REC key is not effective in Automatic mode. a) Press the desired number. An asterisk shows the selected number. 1: Manual mode 2: Automatic mode SRC: Return to Configuration Menu Note:Default setting is “1: MANUAL”. b) Press the SRC key. The display returns to Configuration Menu. Note:Do Not change this data. c) When configuration data assignment is finished, proceed to [Updating Configuration Data] on Page 260. When the other item is also specified, return to 2. Selection of Configuration Item on Page 250. NAP-200-015 Sheet 36/41 Installation of the DESK CONSOLE and Cable Connection [REC CONTROL] SRC: menu *1: MANUAL 2: AUTO [CONFIG MENU P2] VER x DEST: next page 1: REC CONTROL Release: exit 2: PAGE CONTROL NoteAnswer: update 3: SUP CONNECTION
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24306 Page 256 Revision 1.0 5. [SUP CONNECTION] This item specifies whether the supervisory console is connected or not. a) Press the desired number. An asterisk shows the selected number. 1: Supervisory Console is connected 2: Supervisory Console is not connected SRC: Return to Configuration Menu Note:Default setting is “1: NONE”. b) Press the SRC key. The display returns to Configuration Menu. Note:Do Not change this data. c) When configuration data assignment is finished, proceed to [Updating Configuration Data] on Page 260. When the other item is also specified, return to 2. Selection of Configuration Item on Page 250. NAP-200-015 Sheet 37/41 Installation of the DESK CONSOLE and Cable Connection [SUP CONNECTION] SRC: menu *1: NONE 2: CONNECTED [CONFIG MENU P2] VER x SRC: prev page 1: REC CONTROL DEST: next page 2: PAGE CONTROL NoteRelease: exit 3: SUP CONNECTION Answer: update
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 3 Page 257 Revision 1.0 6. [REC VOLUME ADJUSTMENT] This item specifies the recording level of the received voice from the other party. Note that the voice level at the operator side cannot be adjusted. a) Press the desired number. An asterisk shows the selected number. 1: +2dB Up 2: 0dB (Standard level) 3: -4dB Down 4: -8dB Down SRC: Return to Configuration Menu Note:Default setting is “2: 0dB”. b) Press the SRC key. The display returns to Configuration Menu. c) When configuration data assignment is finished, proceed to [Updating Configuration Data] on Page 260. When the other item is also specified, return to 2. Selection of Configuration Item on Page 250. NAP-200-015 Sheet 38/41 Installation of the DESK CONSOLE and Cable Connection [REC VOLUME ADJUSTMENT] SRC: menu 1: +2dB 4: -8dB *2: 0dB 3: -4dB [CONFIG MENU P3] VER x SRC: prev page 1: REC VOLUME Release: exit 2: BLF Answer: update 3: HOLD/START/RELEASE
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24306 Page 258 Revision 1.0 7. [BLF] This item specifies On/Off setting of the BLF function. When using BLF function, system data assignment is also required. a) Press the desired number. An asterisk shows the selected number. 1: BLF Available 2: BLF Not available SRC: Return to Configuration Menu Note:Default setting is “2: DISABLE”. b) Press the SRC key. The display returns to Configuration Menu. c) When configuration data assignment is finished, proceed to [Updating Configuration Data] on Page 260. When the other item is also specified, return to 2. Selection of Configuration Item on Page 250. NAP-200-015 Sheet 39/41 Installation of the DESK CONSOLE and Cable Connection [BLF] SRC: menu 1: ENABLE *2: DISABLE [CONFIG MENU P3] VER x DEST: next page 1: REC VOLUME Release: exit 2: BLF Answer: update 3: HOLD/START/RELEASE SWAP
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 3 Page 259 Revision 1.0 8. [HOLD/START/RELEASE/SWAP] This item specifies the locations of HOLD, START and RELEASE key. a) Press the desired number. An asterisk shows the selected number. 1: Original setting 2: Swapped setting Note:The locations of each key changes as shown below. SRC:Return to Configuration Menu Note:Default setting is “1: ORIGINAL”. b) Press the SRC key. The display returns to Configuration Menu. c) When configuration data assignment is finished, proceed to [Updating Configuration Data] on Page 260. When the other item is also specified, return to 2. Selection of Configuration Item on Page 250. NAP-200-015 Sheet 40/41 Installation of the DESK CONSOLE and Cable Connection [HOLD/START/RELEASE/SWAP] SRC: menu *1: ORIGINAL 2: SWAPPED Original setting Swapped setting RELEASE START HOLD RELEASE START HOLD [CONFIG MENU P3] VER x DEST: next page 1: REC VOLUME Release: exit 2: BLF Answer: update 3: HOLD/START/RELEASE
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24306 Page 260 Revision 1.0 [Updating Configuration Data] When configuration data assignment is complete, update configuration data according to the procedure below. When the RELEASE key is pressed, update is cancelled. While one of the Configuration Menu is displayed on the LCD, press the ANSWER key. Configuration data is updated and the DESK CONSOLE is automatically restarted. NAP-200-015 Sheet 41/41 Installation of the DESK CONSOLE and Cable Connection Alarm Position Available LDNTIE EMG BVBUSY TRKSLAT N D Call ParkNANS SCSVC RecallPosition Busy Night PA G E REC START MUTENight Po s it i on B u sy DEST Answer Hold Ta l k Cancel SRC 1 2 ABC3 DEF 4 GHI5 JKL6 MNO 9 WXYZ 8 TUV 7 PQRS #0* L 2 L 3 L 4 L 1 L 6 L 5 Release[Answer key] (Update) [Release key] (Cancel)
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 3 Page 261 Revision 1.0 This NAP explains the installation of the MAT (Maintenance Administration Terminal) and the System Message Printer focusing on their cable connections. 1. INSTALLATION OF MAT AND CABLE CONNECTIONS NAP-200-016 Sheet 1/9 Installation of the Maintenance Administration Terminal (MAT) and Cable Connections START Preparation of the MAT Set up the Personal Computer, CRT Display, Printer, and so on. Cable Connection Connect the cables between the MAT and the PBX referring to Figures 016-1 and 016-2. END
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24306 Page 262 Revision 1.0 Figure 016-1 Cabling of MAT when Using Ethernet NAP-200-016 Sheet 2/9 Installation of the Maintenance Administration Terminal (MAT) and Cable Connections 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 LANI (PZ-PC19) MAT HUB BASEULPM 10BASET (straight) PH-PC40(EMA) PH-IO24(IOC) Note