NEC Neax 2400 Ipx Installation Manual
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NDA-24306 CHAPTER 3 Page 243 Revision 1.0 2. Mounting of ADD-ON CONSOLE a) When mounting at the right side of DESK CONSOLE Figure 015-16 Mounting of Add-On Console (Right Side of DESK CONSOLE) NAP-200-015 Sheet 24/41 Installation of the DESK CONSOLE and Cable Connection DD HP HWC L 6 L 5 L 4 L 3 L 2 L 1*0 # 9 WXYZ 8 TUV 7 PQRS4 GHI5 JKL6 MNO3 DEF 2 ABC 1 SRC Ta l k Cancel DEST Answer HOLD ReleaseSTARTMUTEREC PA G E Po s it i on B u sy Night TF RECALL ICPT LT ANANS ADM GST BUSY TIE LDN Position Busy Alarm Night Position Busy WURWUSDDC DDS DDR RCRRCS MWS MWR TRKSL SVC HWSSC BV TG1 TG6STS TG7 TG8 TG2 TG3 ENT ER CLEAR TG4 TG9 EXIT TG5TG10 MR CLR TRKSL DDCSVC SC HWS BV STS MWS RCS DDS DDRRCR MWR WUS WUR MR CLR TG1 TG6 TG2 TG7 TG3TG8 TG4 TG9 TG5 TG10 EXIT CLEA RENTER BOTTOM VIEWTOP VIEW
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24306 Page 244 Revision 1.0 Figure 015-16 Mounting of Add-On Console (Right Side of DESK CONSOLE) (Continued) NAP-200-015 Sheet 25/41 Installation of the DESK CONSOLE and Cable Connection Mount the ADD-ON CONSOLE to DESK CONSOLE with three screws as shown below. ADD-ON CONSOLE DESK CONSOLE Projection Projection
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 3 Page 245 Revision 1.0 b) When mounting at the left side of DESK CONSOLE Figure 015-17 Mounting of Add-On Console (Left Side of DESK CONSOLE) NAP-200-015 Sheet 26/41 Installation of the DESK CONSOLE and Cable Connection TR KSL SVC SC DDC HWS B V WUS DDS RCS WUR DDR RCRMWS MWR MR CLR TG1 TG6 TG2TG7 TG3 TG8 TG4TG9 ENT ER CLEAR EXIT TG5TG10STSALARMPOSITION AVA ILA BLE LDNTIE BUSY HWC HPDDADM GST L 6 L 5 L 4 L 3 L 2 L 1 * 7 PQRS8 TUV9 WX YZ 1 2 ABC3 DEF 4 GHI5 JKL6 MNOSRCCANCEL TA L K RELEASEHOLDDEST ANSWER POSITION BUSY NIGHT NIGHT POSIT ION BUSY REC MUTE STARTPA G E TF RE CALL IC PT LT NANS 0# 1. Remove the metal plate from the ADD-ON CONSOLE, turn it over, and mount it to the ADD-ON CONSOLE again. Refer to the figure below. ADD-ON CONSOLE Metal PlateScrew (3) Screw (1)Screw (5) Screw (6)Screw (4) Screw (2) When mounting at the right side When mounting at the left side Turn over the metal plate. Screw (6) Screw (3) Screw (1) Screw (5) Screw (2) Screw (4) Metal Plate ADD-ON CONSOLE
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24306 Page 246 Revision 1.0 Figure 015-17 Mounting of Add-On Console (Left Side of DESK CONSOLE) (Continued) NAP-200-015 Sheet 27/41 Installation of the DESK CONSOLE and Cable Connection Top ViewBottom View TRKSL SVC DDCHWS WUS DDS WUR DDRSC BV RCSMWS RCR MWR STS TG1 TG6 TG2TG7 TG3 TG8 MR CLR ENTER CLEAR EXITTG4TG9 TG5 TG10 2. Mount the ADD-ON CONSOLE to DESK CONSOLE with three screws as shown below. Projection ADD-ON CONSOLEDESK CONSOLE Projection
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 3 Page 247 Revision 1.0 3. Connection of AC-DC adapter for Add-On Console (Optional) The AC-DC adapter is required when the power supply from the distant PBX is not available. Figure 015-18 Connection of AC-DC Adapter for Add-On Console NAP-200-015 Sheet 28/41 Installation of the DESK CONSOLE and Cable Connection The connector for the AC-DC adapter is on the rear side of ADD-ON CONSOLE. AC-DC Adapter( ) Connector for AC-DC Adapter
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24306 Page 248 Revision 1.0 Configuration Menu [General] Configuration Menu is used for assigning configuration data for DESK CONSOLE. The menu has the following items: 1. HEADSET/HANDSET 2. HEADSET TYPE 3. MUTE 4. REC CONTROL 5. PAGE CONTROL 6. SUP CONNECTION 7. REC VOLUME 8. BLF 9. HOLD/START/RELEASE SWAP [Selection of Configuration Item] 1. Displaying Configuration Menu a) Turn on the power while pressing the L3 and L6 keys simultaneously. NAP-200-015 Sheet 29/41 Installation of the DESK CONSOLE and Cable Connection [L6 key] [L3 key]L 6 L 5 L 4 L 3 L 2 L 1 Alarm Position Available LDN EMGTIE BVBusy TRKSLAT N D Call ParkNANS SCRecall SVCPosition Busy Night PA G EREC STARTMUT EPosition BusyNight 1 2 ABC3 DEF 4 GHI5 JKL6 MN0 7 PQRS8 TUV9 WXYZ 0 *#Cancel Ta l k SRC DEST ReleaseHold Answer
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 3 Page 249 Revision 1.0 The first page of Configuration Menu appears on the LCD. Configuration Menu has a total of three pages. 1st Page 2nd Page Note:Do Not change this data. 3rd Page b) When the DEST key is pressed, the display changes to the next page. When returning to the previous page, press the SRC key. c) When the Release key is pressed, Configuration Menu disappears and the DESK CONSOLE returns to normal operation. NAP-200-015 Sheet 30/41 Installation of the DESK CONSOLE and Cable Connection [CONFIG MENU P1] VER x DEST: next page 1: HEADSET/HANDSET Release: exit 2: HEADSET TYPE Answer: update 3: MUTE [CONFIG MENU P2] VER x SRC: prev page 1: REC CONTROL DEST: next page 2: PAGE CONTROL NoteRelease: exit 3: SUP CONNECTION Answer: update [CONFIG MENU P3] VER x SRC: prev page 1: REC VOLUME Release: exit 2: BLF Answer: update 3: HOLD/START/RELEASE SWAP
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24306 Page 250 Revision 1.0 2. Selection of Configuration Item Using a numeric key, press the desired number in Configuration Menu. A menu for assigning configuration data appears. Assign configuration data referring to “Assignment of Configuration Data” on the next page. NAP-200-015 Sheet 31/41 Installation of the DESK CONSOLE and Cable Connection Alarm Position Available LDNTIE EMG BVBUSY TRKSLAT N D Cal l ParkNANS SCSVC RecallPosition Busy Night PA G E REC START MUTENight Position Busy DEST Answer Hold Ta l k Cancel SRC 1 2 ABC3 DEF 4 GHI5 JKL6 MNO 9 WXYZ 8 TUV 7 PQRS #0* L 2 L 3 L 4 L 1 L 6 L 5 Release [SRC key] [DEST key] [Answer key] [Numeric keys] [Release key]
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 3 Page 251 Revision 1.0 [Assignment of Configuration Data] This section explains how to assign each configuration data. When assigning configuration data, the following shaded keys are used. NAP-200-015 Sheet 32/41 Installation of the DESK CONSOLE and Cable Connection Alarm Position Available LDNTIE EMG BVBUSY TRKSLAT N D Call ParkNANS SCSVC RecallPosition Busy Night PA G E REC START MUTENight Position Busy DEST Answer Hold Ta l k Cancel SRC 1 2 ABC3 DEF 4 GHI5 JKL6 MNO 9 WXYZ 8 TUV 7 PQRS #0* L 2 L 3 L 4 L 1 L 6 L 5 Release [SRC key] [Numeric keys (1 - 4)]
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24306 Page 252 Revision 1.0 1. [HEADSET/HANDSET] This item specifies an optional device connected to the HAND H/S0 connector. Note:With regard to the H/S1 connector, only the Headset is connected. Accordingly, data assignment for H/S1 connector is not required. a) Press the desired number. An asterisk shows the selected number. 1: Headset is connected to the HAND H/S0 connector 2: Handset is connected to the HAND H/S0 connector SRC: Return to Configuration Menu Note:Default setting is “1: HEADSET”. b) Press the SRC key. The display returns to Configuration Menu. c) When configuration data assignment is finished, proceed to [Updating Configuration Data] on Page 260. When the other item is also specified, return to 2. Selection of Configuration Item on Page 250. NAP-200-015 Sheet 33/41 Installation of the DESK CONSOLE and Cable Connection [HEADSET/HANDSET] SRC: menu *1: HEADSET 2: HANDSET [CONFIG MENU P1] VER x DEST: next page 1: HEADSET/HANDSET Release: exit 2: HEADSET TYPE Answer: update 3: MUTE