NEC Neax 2400 Ipx Installation Manual
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NDA-24306 CHAPTE R 3 P ag e 213 Re visi on 1 .0 10. C ROSS CONNECTIONS FOR DIG ITAL INTE RFACES To use d igi tal i n te rfac es, th e sy stem r e q ui res the Ph ase Lock Osc il la tor (m aste r/sl ave ), wh ic h is av ailab le on t he d ed ica te d cir c u it ca rd, PH-CK1 7-A /PH-CK16 -A. Acc ord ing to S ect ions 10.1 a nd 10.2 , p erform n ece ss a ry cro ss c onn ect ions at the MDF. Note: PH-CK17 -A is av ailab le on ly in IS W , wh ic h is des igna ted as the c lo ck sou rce offi c e. 10 .1 C ross Co nnect ions for D igi tal Inte rfaces ( ISW) P erform the f o llowi ng cro ss conn ec tio ns a t t he M DF, if t he ISW u ses PH-CK16 -A as i t s PLO ca rd , thus de sig - n ating itse lf as th e cl ock subo rd ina te o ff ic e: Note: Pro vid e th e nec essary c ro ss conn ec tio ns at the MDF by using copp er w ires of 0.5mm diamet er ( 24 A W G). 2 -c o re tw is te d w ir e is u sed for s pee ch pa th, and sing le -co re w ir e is us ed fo r co ntr ol p at h. It is re commend ed t hat w ir es o f d iff e re n t co lo rs be us ed for tru nks, s ta ti o n l ine s, PF T, e tc., so that th ey c an ea sily be d is ti n - g uis hed. N AP-2 00-0 14 S hee t 2 1 /27 C able Te rm inatio n and Cro ss C onne ctio n s fr o m M DF to P eriphe ra l Eq uip m ent, C. O . Li ne s, a nd Tie Li nes S TA RT C heck te rm in al l oc ations on the Mod ule G roup side of t he MDF D ig ital T ru nk (D TI, CC T, P RT) R efe rring to the Po rt A cco mmoda tion s he et a nd de scr ip ti o n of D igi tal T runk c ard in t h e “ C ir c u it C ard M anu al,” id en ti fy t h e l e ad n am es f o r t h e D ig ita l T ru nk c a rd a n d t h e te rm in al lo ca ti o ns o f t he l e a d s. PL O l e ad s Refe rrin g t o Fig ure 014 -1 4, id ent ify t h e l e ad names and t he t e rm inal l o ca tions for t h e PLO. C ross Con nec ti o n No te W hen a ccep ting s yn chr oni za tion c locks f rom o th er node (m as ter or s ubma ste r n ode) R efe rring to Fig ure 014 -1 5, p ro v id e t h e n ec essary c ross con nec ti o ns. W hen a ccep ting s yn chr oni za tion c locks f rom E xte rn al H igh -St abi lity O sc il la tor R efe rring to Fig ure 014 -1 6, p ro v id e t h e n ec essary c ross con nec ti o ns. END W ARNING : When a tt e mpt ing the c ro ss con nec ti o ns, be s ure to keep t he PLO c a rd f rom t he in sid e m odu le conn ec- t or. Oth erw is e , the f u se m ount ed on t he DTI c a rd will blow and the card will beco me ino pera tiv e.

CHAPTER 3 NDA-24306 Page 214 Revision 1.0 Figure 014-14 PLO Pin Assignment for Receiving Clock (ISW) NAP-200-014 Sheet 22/27 Cable Termination and Cross Connections from MDF to Peripheral Equipment, C. O. Lines, and Tie Lines PLO input leads appear on the LT connectors labeled EXCLK0 and EXCLK1. PLO mounting slots PLO card is mounted in slots 09 and 13 of ISWM. LT cable connectors Connect LT cables to the connectors labeled “EXCLK0” and “EXCLK1” on the ISWM backplane. EXCLK0/EXCLK1 connector Pin Assignment Pins are assigned as follows on “EXCLK0/EXCLK1” connector. When clock is distributed from a digital inter- face, use one pair of “DIUxxx” leads among a maximum of 4 inputs. DIU leads have the following precedence: DIU0xx(High)-> DIU3xx(Low). Contrarily, to receive clock from an external high-stability oscillator, use “DC- Sxx” leads. MDF To Digital Interface and/or DCSInstallation Cable ISWMEXCLK0 (Slot No.09) EXCLK1 (Slot No.13) 34PH ISWM EXCLK CA-A 34PH ISWM EXCLK CA-A Rear View1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1326 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38FM1 FM0 DIU3B DIU2B DIU1B DIU0B DCSB SYN1B SYN0B E E DIU3A DIU2A DIU1A DIU0A DCSA SYN1A SYN0A 01 02 00 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19EXCLK0EXCLK1 PLO PLO Front View ISWM Backplane ISWMEXCLK1EXCLK0

NDA-24306 CHAPTER 3 Page 215 Revision 1.0 Figure 014-15 Cable Connection Diagram (ISW) for Distributing Clock from Digital Interface NAP-200-014 Sheet 23/27 Cable Termination and Cross Connections from MDF to Peripheral Equipment, C. O. Lines, and Tie Lines This figure shows an example of distributing clock from a digital interface. This example also assumes that the Digital Trunk POUT leads are used as the 1st clock distribution route. Note 1:PLO has a maximum four inputs. DIU0xx leads are used for the 1st clock distribution routes. Thus, DIU3xx leads are used for the 4th. The first input has the highest priority. Note 2:The connection is required for a dual PLO system. MDF ISWLN PCM Carrier Equipment DSU CLK PCM Cable (2P)to other node Installation CableInstallation Cable maximum 100 meters (330 feet) (24AWG) Installation Cable RA RB TA TB POUTA POUTB DIU0A0 DIU0B0 DIU1A0 DIU1B0 DIU2A0 DIU2B0 DIU3A0 DIU3B0 DIU0A1 DIU0B1 DIU1A1 DIU1B1 DIU2A1 DIU2B1 DIU3A1 DIU3B1 EXCLK0 PLO 0 LT Connector Digital Interface EXCLK1 PLO 1maximum 200 meters (660 feet) (24AWG) Note 1 Note 2

CHAPTER 3 NDA-24306 Page 216 Revision 1.0 Figure 014-16 Cable Connection Diagram (ISW) for Accepting Synchronization Clocks from an External High-Stability Oscillator NAP-200-014 Sheet 24/27 Cable Termination and Cross Connections from MDF to Peripheral Equipment, C. O. Lines, and Tie Lines Cable Connection Diagram Provide the following wirings at the MDF. The following connection diagram shows an example where the system has the PLO cards in a dual configuration. Note:This diagram shows connections for a system having dual PLOs. MDF ISW PCM Cable (IP) PCM Cable (IP) DCSA DCSB LT Connector Cable EXCLK1 DCSB DCSA LT Connector Cable EXCLK0 EXCLK1 PLO 1 EXCLK0 PLO 0 BASEUmaximum 400 meters (1320 feet) (24AWG) External High-Stability Oscillator 1 CLK External High-Stability Oscillator 0 CLK

NDA-24306 CHAPTE R 3 P ag e 217 Re visi on 1 .0 10 .2 C ross Co nnect ions for D igi tal Inte rfaces ( LN) U sua ll y, ea ch LN a cce pts c lock signa ls fr o m P L O of IS W via t h e ext ern al I S W-LN PLO CA -n c abl es (S ee Fi g- u re “DCS Con nec tio n s” ). Ho wev er, if t h e node re q u ir es a spare clock b y an E xter nal High Sta b il ity Osc ill a to r f or eme rgen cy, perform the fo ll o w ing cr oss con nec ti o n s as we ll: Note: Pro vid e the n ece ssa ry cro ss con nec ti o ns at the MDF us ing cop per w ir es of 0.5mm d iame ter (24 AWG). 2- c o re t w is te d wir e i s u sed for s p ee ch pa th, and sing le -co re wi re i s u sed for co ntr ol pa th. It is r e commend ed t hat w ir es o f d iff e re n t co lo rs be us ed for tru nks, s ta ti o n l ine s, PF T, e tc., so that th ey c an ea sily be d is ti n - g uis hed. N AP-2 00-0 14 S hee t 2 5 /27 C able Te rm inatio n and Cro ss C onne ctio n s fr o m M DF to P eriphe ra l Eq uip m ent, C. O . Li ne s, a nd Tie Li nes S TA RT Che ck t erm inal lo ca ti o ns on the M odule Gr oup s ide of t h e M DF D ig ita l T run k (DT I, CC T, P RT) R efe rr in g to t h e P ort A cco m m od ati o n sh ee t a n d des crip ti o n of D ig ita l T runk ca rd in t h e “C ir c u it C ard Man ua l,” ide ntify the l e ad n am es for the Di gital T runk ca rd a n d the t e rm inal lo ca tions of t h e l ea ds. PLO lea ds Refe rr ing to F igu re 014 -1 7, ide ntify the l e ad n am es and t he te rm in al l o ca ti o ns for t he PLO. T o acc ept sy nch ron iza ti o n c loc ks fr om o th er n ode for eme rgen cy, p ro v ide nec ess ary cross con nec ti o ns r e fe rring to Fig ure 014 -1 8. Not e END WARN IN G :W hen a tte m pti ng t h e c ro ss co nn ec tion s, b e s u re to k e ep t h e P LO c a rd f r o m t h e in side m odu le co nn ecto r. Ot herw is e , t h e fuse moun ted on t h e DTI ca rd wi ll blow and t he ca rd wi ll b ecome i n ope ra ti ve.

CHAPTER 3 NDA-24306 Page 218 Revision 1.0 Figure 014-17 LT Connector Lead Accommodation of PLO (ISW-LN0) NAP-200-014 Sheet 26/27 Cable Termination and Cross Connections from MDF to Peripheral Equipment, C. O. Lines, and Tie Lines MDF To Digital Interface 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13E E DIU3A DIU2A DIU1A DIU0AFM1 FM0 DIU3B DIU2B DIU1B DIU0B 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Installation Cable DCS Connections DIU Connections ISWM TSWM0 TSWM1 PLO-CLK CA-A ISW-LN PLO CA-A CLK10 (Slot No.12)CLK00 (Slot No.08) EXCLK0 (Slot No.21) PLO CLOCK0 (Slot No.21) EXCLK1(Slot No.23) PLO CLOCK1 (Slot No.23)PLO CLOCK0 (Slot No.21) PLO CLOCK1 (Slot No.23) Note 1 Note 2 This figure shows an example for DCS connections between ISW and LN0. Also perform the same for connections between ISW-LN1, ISW-LN2 and ISW-LN3, by using each LT connector and cable. Note 1:For DIU connection route diagram, see the figure on the next page. Note 2:“DCSnn” leads here are not used.

NDA-24306 CHAPTER 3 Page 219 Revision 1.0 Figure 014-18 Cable Connection Diagram (LN) for Distributing Clock from a Digital Interface NAP-200-014 Sheet 27/27 Cable Termination and Cross Connections from MDF to Peripheral Equipment, C. O. Lines, and Tie Lines This figure shows an example of distributing clock from a digital interface in LN0. This example also assumes that the Digital Trunk POUT leads are used as the 1st clock distribution route. Note 1:PLO has a maximum of four inputs. DIU0xx leads are used for the 1st clock distribution routes. Thus, DIU3xx leads are used for the 4th. The first input has the highest priority. Note 2:The connection is required for a dual PLO system. MDF DIU0A0 DIU0B0 DIU1A0 DIU1B0 DIU2A0 DIU2B0 DIU3A0 DIU3B0 DIU0A1 DIU0B1 DIU1A1 DIU1B1 DIU2A1 DIU2B1 DIU3A1 DIU3B1 PCM Carrier Equipment DSU Digital Interface PLO 0 PLO 1 EXCLK0 EXCLK1Installation Cable RA RB TA TB POUTA POUTB Installation Cable Installation Cable maximum 200 meters (660 feet) (24AWG) LN0, IMG1 to other node CLKPCM Cable (2P) Note 1 Note 2 LT Connector maximum 100 meters (330 feet) (24AWG)

CHAPTER 3 NDA-24306 Page 220 Revision 1.0 This NAP explains the installation of the DESK CONSOLE and Cable Connection. Figure 015-1 shows the outer view of the DESK CONSOLE. Use the PA-CS33 (ATI) card as an interface card between the system and the DESK CONSOLE. The card can connect a maximum of two DESK CONSOLEs. Figure 015-1 Outer View of DESK CONSOLE NAP-200-015 Sheet 1/41 Installation of the DESK CONSOLE and Cable Connection START Cable running Referring to Figures 015-2 through 015-5, run the cables between each DESK CONSOLE and its Modular Block (Jack), and between the Modular Blocks and the MDF. Protect the cables by using cable ducts, etc. Termination of cables Referring to Figures 015-2 through 015-5 terminate the installed cables to the MDF and the Modular Blocks. Check the terminal locations on the Module Group side of the MDF.Referring to Port Accommodation sheet and description of PA- CS33 card in the “Circuit Card Manual,” identify the lead names for the card and the terminal locations of the leads. Cross Connection Referring to Figures 015-2 and 015-5, provide the necessary cross connection at the DESK CONSOLE side and the PBX side. Mounting of Headset (Optional) Referring to Figure 015-6, mount optional Headset on DESK CONSOLE. Mounting of Handset (Optional) Referring to Figure 015-7 or 015-8, mount optional Handset on DESK CONSOLE. A

NDA-24306 CHAPTER 3 Page 221 Revision 1.0 NAP-200-015 Sheet 2/41 Installation of the DESK CONSOLE and Cable Connection Installation of Recording Equipment (Optional)Referring to Figures 015-9 through 015-12, install optional Recording Equipment. Connection of AC-DC Adapter (Optional)Referring to Figure 015-13, mount optional AC-DC adapter to DESK CONSOLE in the case of local power supply. Mounting of Add-On Console (for Hotel system)For the Hotel system, mount Add-On Console to DESK CONSOLE referring to Figures 015-14 through 3-120. Assignment of Configuration DataAssign configuration data for DESK CONSOLE. END A

CHAPTER 3 NDA-24306 Page 222 Revision 1.0 Figure 015-2 Cable Connection Diagram for DESK CONSOLE NAP-200-015 Sheet 3/41 Installation of the DESK CONSOLE and Cable Connection To connect DESK CONSOLE(s), the PA-CS33 card is used as the interface card. The card may be mounted in slot No.12 or in slot No.23. The leads appear on LT5 and LT11 respectively. However, when replacing At- tendant Console with DESK CONSOLE, the leads appear on the LT connector on the ATT TERM (See Note on the next page). PA-CS33(ATI) mounting slots PA-CS33(ATI) card may be mounted in slots 12 and/or 23. LT cable connectors Use LT5 connector when the PA-CS33 card is mounted in slot 12. When the card is mounted in slot 23, use LT11 connector. LT cable Pin Assignment Pins are assigned as follows for PA-CS33 card. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 1 226 27 PIN Backplane 2221201918171615141311100908070605040302010023 12 LT 5 PIM Universal SlotsUniversal Slots Front View LT 1 1 PIMLT 1 1LT 5 PA-CS33 Pin Assignment LEADPINLEAD BN4800 BN4820 TAS1B BN4810 TAS0B BN4830 B0 B2 B1 B3BN4801 BN4821 TAS1A BN4811 TAS0A BN4831 A0 A2 A1 A3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 for DESK CONSOLE 0 for DESK CONSOLE 1 for DESK CONSOLE 0 for DESK CONSOLE 1 LT Connector MUXMUXPA - C S 3 3 ( AT I )PA-CS33(ATI) for ADD-ON CONSOLE 0 for ADD-ON CONSOLE 1 for ADD-ON CONSOLE 0 for ADD-ON CONSOLE 1