NEC Neax 2400 Ipx Installation Manual
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NDA-24306 CHAPTER 5 Page 303 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION TEST PROCEDURE Note: For this test, there are three patterns for connections which possibly can be set up. Refer to Figure 024-1 on the next page. NAP-200-024 Sheet 1/2 Station to Station Connection Test START Confirm that a connection can be established between Station “A” and Station “B.” Station “A” goes off-hook. Station “A” hears dial tone. Station “A” dials the station number of Station “B.” Station “A” confirms that dial tone stops when the first digit has been dialed. Station “A” confirms that ringback tone is heard after dialing ends. Station “B” hears ringing on the telephone set. Station “B” lifts handset and answers the call. After answering, both Stations “A” and “B” confirm that they can talk with each other. Stations “A” and “B” hang up. The connection is released. END * * * * *
CHAPTER 5 NDA-24306 Page 304 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION TEST PROCEDURE Figure 024-1 Station-to-Station Connection Test NAP-200-024 Sheet 2/2 Station to Station Connection Test LC/ ELC ORT dial tone, reorder tone Self-Node (ex. LN0)Other Node (ex. LN1) ISW Fusion Link FCCS LinkFusion Link STN ASTN B RG Dial TE LN Di al TE LNDi al TE LN LC/ ELC ORT dial tone, reorder tone Self-Node (ex. LN0) ISW STN A STN B ORT dial tone, reorder tone Self-Node (ex. LN0) STN A ISW: Inter-node Switch LN: Local Node TELN: Telephone Number LC/ ELC LC/ ELC STN B LC/ ELC When Station A in IMG0/1 calls Station B in IMG2/3 of the same node. When Station A in IMG2/3 calls Station B in IMG0/1 of the same node. When Station A in IMG0/1 calls Station B in IMG0/1 of the same node. When Station A in IMG2/3 calls Station B in IMG2/3 of the same node. LC/ ELC
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 5 Page 305 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION TEST PROCEDURE 3. SYSTEM INITIALIZED TEST 3.1 Outline Tests are to be performed on the restart processing (reinitialization) and system changeover functions which en- able the system to restart its operations and services. 3.2 System Initialized Test Procedure The System Changeover Test and Initialization Tests are to be performed per the NAP Numbers indicated to the right of each item in the following flowchart. START System Changeover Test:NAP-200-025 System Initialization Test:NAP-200-026 Circuit Card Initialization Test:NAP-200-027 END
CHAPTER 5 NDA-24306 Page 306 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION TEST PROCEDURE Test Outline Tests are to be performed to see if the ACT/ST-BY of the following equipment is normally changed over: 1. Control Systems in each Local Node (LN) 2. Control Systems in ISW 3. Speech Path Systems in each LN (TSWM0/TSWM1) 4. Speech Path Systems in ISW + all LNs as a whole 5. PLO NAP-200-025 Sheet 1/13 System Changeover Test AT T E N T I O NContents Static Sensitive Handling Precautions Required
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 5 Page 307 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION TEST PROCEDURE 1. Control System changeover in each LN Follow the procedures below to perform the Control System changeover tests in each Local Node (LN). This test must be performed in each LN independently: Note:This changeover can also be performed via the CMODI/CMOD command. Refer to the “System Operations and Maintenance Manual.” Figure 025-1 DSP in ACT/ST-BY Mode (Local Node) NAP-200-025 Sheet 2/13 System Changeover Test START Control System changeover via MBR key on the CPR DSP (PZ-DK224) On the CPR DSP on which CPU OPE lamp is illuminating, flip the MBR key DOWN → UP → DOWN (OFF → ON → OFF). Lamp indication on the DSP changes to “DSP in ST-BY mode” as shown in Figure 025-1. System messages “7-C” and “7-D” are displayed in succession. Control System changeover via CPU SEL key on the EMA card. (Forced Changeover). Designate CPU changeover via CPU SEL key on the EMA (PH- PC40) card. CPU SEL key=UP: CPU of No. 0 system goes active (ACT) CPU SEL key=DOWN: CPU of No. 1 system goes active (ACT) Confirm the changed lamp indications on both DSP in ACT/ST-BY mode as shown in Figure 025-1. END System messages “7-C” and “7-D” are displayed in succession. AT T E N T I O NContents Static Sensitive Handling Precautions Required 12 MBR key DSP (Front View) DSP (Front View) MBR CPUOPEWOT IMG0 IMG1IMG2IMG3 STATUSSTATUS MBR CPUOPEWOTIMG0 IMG3 IMG1 IMG2 : Lamp is OFF : Lamp is Flashing : Lamp is ON
CHAPTER 5 NDA-24306 Page 308 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION TEST PROCEDURE 2. Control System changeover in ISW Follow the procedures below to perform the Control System changeover tests in ISW: Note:This changeover can also be performed via the CMODI command. Refer to the “System Operations and Maintenance Manual.” Figure 025-2 DSP in ACT/ST-BY Mode (ISW) NAP-200-025 Sheet 3/13 System Changeover Test START Control System changeover via MBR key on the CPR DSP (PZ-DK224)On the CPR DSP on which CPU OPE lamp is illuminating, flip the MBR key DOWN → UP → DOWN (OFF → ON → OFF). Lamp indication on the DSP changes to “DSP in ST-BY mode” as shown in Figure 025-2. System messages “7-C” and “7-D” are displayed in succession. Control System changeover via CPU SEL key on the EMA card. (Forced Changeover).Designate CPU changeover via CPU SEL key on the EMA (PH-PC 40) card. CPU SEL key=UP: CPU of No. 0 system goes active (ACT) CPU SEL key=DOWN: CPU of No. 1 system goes active (ACT) Confirm the changed lamp indications on both DSP in ACT/ST-BY mode as shown in Figure 025-2. END System messages “7-C” and “7-D” are displayed in succession. AT T E N T I O NContents Static Sensitive Handling Precautions Required 12 MBR key DSP (Front View) DSP (Front View) MBR CPUOPEWOT IMG0 IMG1IMG2IMG3 STATUSSTATUS MBR CPUOPEWOTIMG0 IMG3 IMG1 IMG2 : Lamp is OFF : Lamp is Flashing : Lamp is ON Note:This figure assumes that the system adopts the fully-expanded configuration. DSP in ACT mode DST in ST-BY mode Legend
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 5 Page 309 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION TEST PROCEDURE 3. Speech Path System changeover in each ISW Follow the procedures below to perform the Speech Path System changeover tests in ISW: Note:This changeover can also be performed via the CMODI/CMOD command. Refer to the “System Operations and Maintenance Manual.” Note:If you change over from LNs, the entire system will be changed over. Therefore, it is best to change over from ISW. NAP-200-025 Sheet 4/13 System Changeover Test START Change over the ACT/ST-BY of Speech Path Systems in ISW via key operation. On the active GT (PH-GT10) card in ISW, flip the MB key DOWN → UP → DOWN (OFF → ON → OFF). Make sure that the ACT/ST-BY of all Speech Path Systems in LN0/1/2/3 are totally changed over (Refer to Figures 025-3 and 025-7). Circuit cards to be checked TSW (PH-SW12) DLKC (PH-PC20) TSW (PH-SW12) MUX (PH-PC36) Analyze the system messages “7-E”, “7-F” and “1-T” to be displayed automatically. END AT T E N T I O NContents Static Sensitive Handling Precautions Required
CHAPTER 5 NDA-24306 Page 310 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION TEST PROCEDURE 4. Total Speech Path System changeover Perform the total Speech Path System changeover test by referring to the flowchart below. As suggested in the previous page, the ACT/ST-BY of Speech Path Systems can be differently set in every Local Node (LN). How- ever, excepting a particular case, the Speech Path changeover is normally performed on a system basis as shown in this page: Note:This changeover can also be performed via the CMODI/CMOD command. Refer to the “System Operations and Maintenance Manual.” NAP-200-025 Sheet 5/13 System Changeover Test START Change over the ACT/ST-BY of the whole Speech Path Systems via key operation. On the active IOGT (PH-GT10) card in ISWM, flip the MBR key DOWN → UP → DOWN (OFF → ON → OFF). Make sure that the ACT/ST-BY of all Speech Path Systems (in ISW and each Local Node) are totally changed over (Refer to Figures 025-3, 025-5, 025-6 and 025-7). Circuit cards to be checked IOGT (PH-GT10) TSW (PH-SW12) TSW (PH-SW12) TSW (PU-SW00) DLKC (PH-PC20) MUX (PH-PC36) HSW (PH-SW01) MUX (PH-PC36) Note:Check the whole cards in all LNs and ISW. Analyze the system messages 17-Y, 17-Z and 1-T to be displayed automatically. END AT T E N T I O NContents Static Sensitive Handling Precautions Required
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 5 Page 311 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION TEST PROCEDURE Figure 025-3 LEDs and Switches for Speech Path System Changeover NAP-200-025 Sheet 6/13 System Changeover Test AT T E N T I O NContents Static Sensitive Handling Precautions Required green TSW ACT MB MBR PH-GT10 IOGT: Active TSW ACT TSW ACTTSW ACT TSW ACT TSW ACTHSW ACT HSW ACTMUX ACTOPE/MB OPE/MB MUX ACT MBMB MB MB MB MB MBMBMB MBR TSW MBR TSW MBRTSW MB TSW MBRTSW MBTSW MBR TSW: Active HSW: Active TSW: Active MUX: Active DLKC: Active IOGT: ST-BY TSW: ST-BY HSW: ST-BY TSW: ST-BY MUX: ST-BY DLKC: ST-BY : Lamp is ON : Lamp is ON : Lamp is OFF : Lamp is OFF Legend green greengreen green green PU-SW00 PU-SW01 PH-SW12 PH-PC36 PH-PC20ISW LN
CHAPTER 5 NDA-24306 Page 312 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION TEST PROCEDURE 5. PLO changeover Perform the PLO changeover test referring to the flowchart below. NAP-200-025 Sheet 7/13 System Changeover Test START Change over the ACT/ST-BY of the PLO systems in each LN via key operation. On the active PLO (PH-CK16-A) card in TSWM0, flip the MB key DOWN → UP → DOWN (OFF → ON → OFF). Make sure that the ACT/ST-BY of the whole PLO systems (PLO in TSWM0 and CLK in TSWM1) in the same Local Node (LN) are totally changed over. (Refer to Figures 025-4 and 025-7.) Circuit cards to be checked < TSWM0 > PLO (PH-CK16-A) Note < TSWM1 > CLK (PH-CK18) Note Note: Check the whole cards in the same node Analyze the system messages 7-U and 7-V to be displayed automatically. Repeat the steps above for all the remaining Local Nodes. Change over the ACT/ST-BY of the PLO systems in ISW via key operation. On the active PLO (PH-CK16-A/PH-CK17-A) card in ISWM, flip the MB key DOWN → UP → DOWN (OFF → ON → OFF). Make sure that the ACT/ST-BY of the PLO systems (PLO0/PLO1 in ISWM) are securely changed over. (Refer to Figures 025-4 and 025-6) Circuit cards to be checked < ISWM > PLO (PH-CK16-A/PH-CK17-A) Note Note: Even though the PLO in ISWM is once changed over, the PLO/CLK in each LN are not changed over. Analyze the system messages 7-U and 7-V to be displayed automatically. END AT T E N T I O NContents Static Sensitive Handling Precautions Required