NEC Neax 2400 Ipx Installation Manual
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NDA-24306 CHAPTER 5 Page 313 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION TEST PROCEDURE Figure 025-4 LEDs and Switches for PLO Changeover NAP-200-025 Sheet 8/13 System Changeover Test AT T E N T I O NContents Static Sensitive Handling Precautions Required Legend Lamp is ON:Lamp is OFF: PLO: ST-BY MB OPE PLO: Active MB OPE green PH-CK16-A PLO: ST-BY MB OPE PLO: Active MB OPE green PH-CK16-A / PH-CK17-A CLK: ST-BY MB OPE CLK: Active MB OPE green PH-CK18 [ISW] [Local Nodes]
CHAPTER 5 NDA-24306 Page 314 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION TEST PROCEDURE Figure 025-5 General Block Diagram of the Whole System (1/2) NAP-200-025 Sheet 9/13 System Changeover Test HSW TSWM0TSWM1 TSWM0TSWM1 This figure roughly shows the general block diagram of the whole system. MISCIOCEMA MISCIOCEMA TSW00TSW01TSW02TSW03 TSW00TSW01TSW02TSW03 FCCS Link ISWLN0LN1 To PLO of LN2/3 GT ISAGT-A DLKCPLO To MUX (IMG0)To MUX (IMG1) To MUX (IMG0)To MUX (IMG1)To MUX (IMG2)To MUX (IMG3) To MUX (IMG2)To MUX (IMG3) Note 1 Note 3 Note 4 Circuit Card (No. 0 System) Circuit Card (No. 1 System) Note 1HSW00, 01 for No. 0 System / HSW10, 11 for No. 1 System Note 2ISW-LN TSW CA-n Cables Note 3ISW-LN PLO CA-n Cables Note 4PLO-CLK CA-n Cables : : TSW02TSW03 Note 2 To TSW of LN2To TSW of LN3 TSW00TSW01 LANI CPU ISAGT IOGT PLO DLKC GT PLOCLK GT TSW00TSW01TSW02TSW03 ISAGT- BISAGT-A CPULANI TSW00TSW01TSW02 CLK TSW03 GT ISAGT-B MISCIOCEMA CPULANI Note 4 < ISW (Inter-node Switch) > ISAGT: PZ-GT13 LANI: PZ-PC19 IOGT: PH-GT10 ISW: PU-SW00 HSW: PU-SW01 PLO: PH-CK16/17-A EMA: PH-PC40 IOC: PH-IO24 < LN (Local Node) > ISAGT-A: PZ-GT13 ISAGT-B: PZ-GT20 LANI: PZ-PC19 GT: PH-GT09 TSW: PH-SW12 MUX: PH-PC36 DLKC: PH-PC20 PLO: PH-CK16-A CLK: PH-CK18 EMA: PH-PC40 IOC: PH-IO24
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 5 Page 315 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION TEST PROCEDURE Figure 025-5 General Block Diagram of the Whole System (2/2) NAP-200-025 Sheet 10/13 System Changeover Test HSW TSWM0TSWM1 TSWM0TSWM1 MI S CIOCEMA MISCIOCEMA MISCIOCEMA IOGT ISAGT FCCS LinkISWLN0 LN1 To PLO of LN1 To MUX(IMG0)To MUX(IMG1) To MUX (IMG0)To MUX (IMG1)To MUX (IMG2)To MUX (IMG3) To MUX (IMG2)To MUX (IMG3) Note 1 Note 3 Note 4 Note 4 Circuit Card (No. 0 System) Circuit Card (No. 1 System) Note 1HSW00, 01 for No. 0 System / HSW10, 11 for No. 1 System Note 2ISW-LN TSW CA-n Cables Note 3ISW-LN PLO CA-n Cables Note 4PLO-CLK CA-n Cables: : Note 2To TSW of LN2 To TSW of LN3 This figure roughly shows the general block diagram of the whole system. TSW00TSW01TSW02TSW03 PLODLKC GT ISAGT-A CPULANI TSW00TSW01TSW02TSW03 DLKC GT PLOCLK GT ISAGT-BISAGT- A CPULANI TSW02TSW03TSW00TSW01 TSW02TSW03TSW00TSW01 PLO CPU LANI TSW00TSW01TSW02TSW03 GT CLK ISAGT-B < ISW (Inter-node Switch) > ISAGT: PZ-GT13 LANI: PZ-PC19 IOGT: PH-GT10 ISW: PU-SW00 HSW: PU-SW01 PLO: PH-CK16/17-A EMA: PH-PC40 IOC: PH-IO24 < LN (Local Node) > ISAGT-A: PZ-GT13 ISAGT-B: PZ-GT20 LANI: PZ-PC19 GT: PH-GT09 TSW: PH-SW12 MUX: PH-PC36 DLKC: PH-PC20 PLO: PH-CK16-A CLK: PH-CK18 EMA: PH-PC40 IOC: PH-IO24
CHAPTER 5 NDA-24306 Page 316 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION TEST PROCEDURE Figure 025-6 System Block Diagram for ISW Switching Network NAP-200-025 Sheet 11/13 System Changeover Test This figure shows a system block diagram of ISW, which adopts a dual configuration. As seen in the figure, ISW has the following terminals for the ACT/ST-BY changeover of dual system equipment: CPU:If the ACT/ST-BY of CPU (ISW) is once changed over, the whole controlling block (including CPU, IS- AGT, LANI in ISW) are also changed over. IOGT:If the ACT/ST-BY of IOGT (ISW) is once changed over, the whole switching block within the system (IOGT, TSW, HSW in ISW and TSW, MUX, DLKC in all LNs) are also changed over. However, PLO (in both ISW and each LN) is not affected. PLO:If the ACT/ST-BY of PLO in ISW is once changed over, only the PLOs in ISW are solely changed over. Note:Even though the ACT/ST-BY of PLO in ISW is once changed over, the PLO/CLK in each LN are not changed over. This is because the PLOs in ISW and each LN (TSWM0) have multiple connections, re- spectively, via the backboard bus. For more details, refer to the “Circuit Card Manual.” HSW 01 HSW 00 TSW 03 TSW 02 TSW 01 PLO 1 PLO 0 IOGT 0IOGT 1 CPR 1 CPR 0 ISAGT ISAGT: PZ-GT13 LANI : PZ-PC19 IOGT: PH-GT10 TSW : PU-SW00 HSW : PU-SW01 PLO : PH-CK16/17-A EMA : PH-PC40 IOC : PH-IO24CPU 0 LANI MISC BUSLANI IOC/ MISCEMACPU 1ISAGT TSW 00To TSW of LN3 External Cables (ISW-LN TSW CA-n)External Cables(ISW-LN TSW CA-n) External Cables (ISW-LN PLO CA-n)To P L O 1 ( T S W M 0 ) of each LN To PLO0 (TSWM0) of each LN TSW I/O BUS TSW I/O BUS NoteTo TSW of LN2 To TSW of LN1 To TSW of LN0 To TSW of LN3 To TSW of LN2 To TSW of LN1 To TSW of LN0HSW 11 HSW 10 TSW 13 TSW 12 TSW11 TSW 10 FCCS Link LANILANI
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 5 Page 317 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION TEST PROCEDURE Figure 025-7 System Block Diagram for LN Switching Network (1/2) NAP-200-025 Sheet 12/13 System Changeover Test This figure shows a system block diagram of LN, which adopts a dual configuration. As seen in the figure, each LN has following terminals for the ACT/ST-BY changeover of dual system equipment: CPU:If the ACT/ST-BY of CPU is once changed over, the whole controlling block in the same node (in- cluding CPU, ISAGT, LANI) and GT in both TSWM0 and TSWM1 are also changed over. GT (TSWM0): If the MBR key is flipped on the active GT (PH-GT09) card in TSWM0, the whole switching block in IPX-U [IMG0/1 (TSW, MUX, DLKC) and IMG2/3 (TSW, MUX)] is totally changed over. How- ever, PLO (in TSWM0) and CLK (in TSWM1) are not affected. PLO (TSWM0):If the MB key is flipped on the active PLO (PH-CK16-A) card (in TSWM0), the ACT/ST-BY of both PLOs in TSWM0 and CLKs in TSWM1 are totally changed over. Note:See “Note” on the previous page. MUX: PH-PC36 LANI TSW 01 DLKC 0DLKC 1 CPR 0 CPR 1 MISC BUS TSW I/O BUS Note TSW I/O BUS Line/Trunk PMIMG 0PM BUS PCM HW PCM HW PCM HW PCM HW To T S W M 1 Line/Trunk PMIMG 1PCM HW PCM HW PM BUS PCM HW PCM HW TSWM0 To T S W M 1 Fr o m PL O of ISWMTo CLK of TSWM1 TSW 02TSW 03 TSW 12TSW 13 External Cables (ISW-LN TSW CA-n) External Cables (ISW-LN PLO CA-n)External Cables (PLO-CLK CA-n) To/From TSW of ISWMLN0/1/2/3 FCCS Link CPU 0CPU 1 MUXMUXMUXMUX TSW 10TSW 00TSW 11 MUXMUXMUXMUX PLO 1 PLO 0 GT 1GT 0 ISAGT-AISAGT-B LANILANILANI ISAGT-BISAGT- A EMAIOC/ MISC ISAGT-A: PZ-GT13TSW: PH-SW12 GT: PH-GT09 LANI: PZ-PC19 ISAGT-B: PZ-GT20 IOC: PH-IO24 EMA: PH-PC40 PLO: PH-CK16-A DLKC: PH-PC20
CHAPTER 5 NDA-24306 Page 318 Revision 1.0 INSTALLATION TEST PROCEDURE Figure 025-7 System Block Diagram for LN Switching Network (2/2) NAP-200-025 Sheet 13/13 System Changeover Test ISAGT-A: PZ-GT13 MUX: PH-PC36 LANI GT 0 TSW 00TSW 10TSW 01TSW 11 GT 1 EMA CLK 0 CLK 1 CPR 0LANICPR 1 MISC BUS TSW I/O BUS TSW I/O BUS Line/Trunk PMIMG 2PCM HW PCM HW PCM HW PCM HW PM BUS PCM HW PCM HW PCM HW PCM HW PM BUS ISAGT-BISAGT-B To T S W M 0 Line/Trunk PMIMG 3 TSWM1 To T S W M 0 Fr o m P L O of ISWM CPU 0 ISAGT-AISAGT-A CPU 1 TSW 02TSW 03 TSW 12TSW 13 External Cables (ISW-LN TSW CA-n) To / F r o m T S W o f I S W M External Cable (PLO-CLK CA-n)LN0/1/2/3 FCCS Link MUXMUXMUXMUXMUXMUXMUXMUX LANI IOC/ MISC LANI TSW: PH-SW12 GT: PH-GT09 LANI: PZ-PC19 ISAGT-B: PZ-GT20 IOC: PH-IO24 EMA: PH-PC40 CLK: PH-CK18
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 5 Page 319 Revision 1.0 Test Outline Tests are to be performed to see if the system initialization can be executed on the following basis: 1. System Initialization on a Local Node basis (in each Local Node individually) 2. System Initialization in ISW only 3. System Initialization on a system basis (in ISW and all Local Nodes simultaneously) NAP-200-026 Sheet 1/5 System Initialization Test AT T E N T I O NContents Static Sensitive Handling Precautions Required
CHAPTER 5 NDA-24306 Page 320 Revision 1.0 1. System Initialization on a Local Node basis Perform the system initialization test in each Local Node (LN), using the keys on the TOPU (refer to Figure 026- 1): Figure 026-1 Keys on the TOPU (Local Node) NAP-200-026 Sheet 2/5 System Initialization Test START On the TOPU of the LN to be tested, set the EFFECT key to “ON” side. On the TOPU, set the SYSTEM DATA key to “NON LOAD” side, and PROGRAM key to “NON LOAD” side. Perform the system initialization by pressing the START button. Confirm When the system is initialized, the CPU OPE lamp on the DSP of active CPR lights steady-green. When the system is initialized, system message “7-B” is displayed automatically. Assign data and time via MAT command “ATIMN/ATIM”. Repeat the steps above for all the remaining LNs. END AT T E N T I O NContents Static Sensitive Handling Precautions Required * ALM ON OFF PFT START INITIAL ON OFF EFFECT LOAD NON LOAD PROGRAMNON LOAD SYSTEM DATA LOAD RST
NDA-24306 CHAPTER 5 Page 321 Revision 1.0 2. System Initialization in ISW Perform the system initialization test in ISW, by using the keys on the TOPU (refer to Figure 026-2): Figure 026-2 Keys on the TOPU (ISW) NAP-200-026 Sheet 3/5 System Initialization Test START On the TOPU of ISW, set the INITIAL SELECT key to “SELF” side. On the TOPU of ISW, set the EFFECT key to “ON” side. On the TOPU of ISW, set the SYSTEM DATA key to “NON LOAD” side and PROGRAM key to “NON LOAD” side. Perform the system initialization by pressing the START button. Confirm When the system is initialized, the CPU OPE lamp on the DSP of active CPR lights steady-green. When the system is initialized, system message “7-B” is displayed automatically. Assign data and time via MAT command “ATIMN/ATIM”. END ATTENTIONContents Static Sensitive Handling Precautions Required * ALM ON OFF PFT START INITIAL ON OFF EFFECT LOAD NON LOAD PROGRAMNON LOAD SYSTEM DATA LOAD RST SYSTEM SELF SELECT SYSTEM
CHAPTER 5 NDA-24306 Page 322 Revision 1.0 3. System Initialization on a system basis Perform the system initialization tests in ISW and all Local Nodes simultaneously, per the flowchart cited be- low. As in the flowchart, there are two kinds of method here; test via the keys on the TOPU of ISW, and test by turning the power ON and OFF. NAP-200-026 Sheet 4/5 System Initialization Test START Perform the total system initialization via the keys on the TOPU (ISW) Note:For key allocations, refer to Figure 026-2 on the previous page. On the TOPU of ISW, set the INITIAL SELECT key to “SYSTEM” side. On the TOPU of ISW, set the EFFECT key to “ON” side. On the TOPU of ISW, set the SYSTEM DATA key to “NON LOAD” side and PROGRAM key to “NON LOAD” side. Perform the system initialization by pressing the START button. Confirm When the system is initialized, the CPU OPE lamps on the DSP of active CPR in all LNs and ISW light steady-green. When the system is initialized, system message “7-B” is displayed automatically. ATTENTIONContents Static Sensitive Handling Precautions Required A *