NEC EliteMail Vms/Elitemail Limited Technician Guide
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3 - 2Using Remote Maintenance Issue 3 EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited SECTION 3 A CCESS REMOTE M AINTENANCE MENUSRemote Maintenance is a terminate-and-stay resident (TSR) program, meaning it remains loaded in your computer memory while you use DOS or run other applications. Press - to access the Remote Maintenance Main Menu. The Main Menu includes several submenus that are described below. You must press Shift key on the left side of the keyboard. To select from the Main Menu or any submenu, either: Press the function key listed next to the desired selection. Use the arrow keys to highlight your selection, and press . To return from any submenu to a previous menu, press !. To escape from a submenu or a selected function, you can also press . When you press ], changes you made are not saved. SECTION 4 R ETURN TO DOSPress ! to return to DOS from the Remote Maintenance Main Menu but leave the Remote Maintenance Main Menu accessible. You may then run other DOS programs and later press - to return to the Main Menu. You do not need to reload the remote software with the RR command unless you restart the computer or unload Remote Maintenance using the SUNLOAD command. For details, refer to Chapter 3 Section 9 Unload Remote Maintenance from Memory on page 3-5. SECTION 5 C ALL HOST C OMPUTER5.1 Start a Remote Maintenance Session Use the Call Menu. Applicable for technicians working with multiple host computers and/or different COM settings ( e.g., modem or baud rate). Use Quick Connect. Applicable if you have only one host computer to support or prefer to manually enter the telephone number.

EliteMail VMS/EliteMail LimitedIssue 3 Console Maintenance3 - 3 5.2 Call a Host Computer from the Call Menu 1. From the Main Menu, press to access the Call Menu. 2. Highlight the Phone Book entry you wish to call. Use the arrow keys to move from name to name. 3. Press ! to start dialing. A pop-up is displayed, identifying both the host and the calling parameters in use ( e.g., COM port and baud rate). Note the Dialing! message displayed at the bottom of the screen. 4. Wait 5 to 10 seconds for a connection. The waiting time may vary based on how busy the host system is. The host computer screen should be displayed on your screen. SECTION 6 U SE QUICK CONNECT6.1 Quick Connect Option Quick Connect speeds use of Remote Maintenance. This option uses data from the DEFAULT Phone Book Entry, including the login, password, COM port, and baud rate. Since most host systems use the same COM settings, Quick Connect can save you time. If you have only one host computer to support, you may even enter the telephone number in the DEFAULT entry. 6.2 Call a Host Computer Using the Quick Connect Option 1. From the Main Menu, press ! to select Quick Connect. 2. At the displayed ENTER TELEPHONE NUMBER pop-up, either: Specify the telephone number. Use the applicable format described in Chapter 2 Install the Remote Computer Software on page 2-1. Use the telephone number from the DEFAULT Phone Book Entry. To use this, continue to step 3. 3. Press . A displayed pop-up identifies both the host and the calling parameters in use. Note the Dialing! message displayed at the bottom of the screen. 4. Wait 5 to 10 seconds for a connection. The wait period may vary based on how busy the host system is. The host computer screen should be displayed on your screen.

3 - 4Using Remote Maintenance Issue 3 EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited SECTION 7 A CCESS MENUS D URING CONNECTIONTo access other menus during connection: 1. Press - to access the Remote Maintenance Main Menu anytime during a connection just as you did to access from DOS. This allows you to access various functions, such as the File Menu to transfer the host computer REPLOG file to your computer. The program running on the host computer is not affected and operates normally. 2. When you are finished using the Remote Maintenance menus, press ! from the Main Menu to redisplay the screen from the host computer and regain control of it. SECTION 8 E ND CONNECTION8.1 Properly Disconnect from a Remote Maintenance Session When you have finished a Remote Maintenance session, you must disconnect properly. If you do not properly disconnect from the host computer, the telephone line the host computer used for the connection is not released. 8.2 Disconnect from the Host Computer 1. Press - to display the Main Menu. 2. Press $ to select the Hangup option. This ends the connection and releases the telephone line. 3. Press !to return to DOS or make a connection to another host computer using the Quick Connect option. If you do not disconnect correctly, or accidentally lose your connection, the host immediately restarts. This safety feature prevents the host from being left inaccessible. To avoid disconnecting anyone currently calling the host system, always disconnect according to these instructions.

EliteMail VMS/EliteMail LimitedIssue 3 Console Maintenance3 - 5 SECTION 9 U NLOAD REMOTE M AINTENANCE FROM M EMORY9.1 Remote Maintenance Remote Maintenance is a terminate-and-stay resident (TSR) program. TSR programs remain in the computer memory while you use DOS or run other applications. The following procedure unloads Remote Maintenance only. It does not unload other TSR programs. 9.2 Unload Remote Maintenance from the Remote Computer Memory 1. Verify that you are at the DOS prompt in the directory used by the Remote Maintenance software, generally C:\REMOTE . 2. Enter SUNLOAD , and press .

Console Maintenance4 - 1 Transferring Files SECTION 1 G ENERAL I NFORMATIONRemote Maintenance allows you to transfer files from the host computer to the remote computer, including the call report log file (REPLOG file). Related file transfer features let you change the current directory, view, delete, rename, or copy files, or print a file from the host computer on a printer attached to the remote computer. SECTION 2 P REPARE FOR FILE T RANSFERMany functions are available from the Remote Maintenance File submenu. To use any file function, press - to access the Main Menu. From the Main Menu, press to select the File Menu option and the File submenu is displayed. The File submenu offers a number of options. Of the various File options available, only Transfer is dealt with in this guide. 2.1 File Transfer Options Before transferring files, you may want to set one or more of the applicable file transfers options below: File Compression Leave File Compression at OFF (default). Overwrite Verify With this option ON (default), you must confirm any file transfer that replaces an existing file with the transferred file. If OFF, you are not asked to confirm before the file transfer. Overwrite Duplicate Files This option reduces unnecessary or accidental duplication of files. Settings are: ALWAYS replace duplicate files (default), OLDER (replace when the destination file is older than the transferred source file), or NEVER replace the destination file.

4 - 2Transferring Files Issue 3 EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited Set File Transfer Options 1. From the Main Menu, press to select the Files option. 2. Press to select the File Menu expanded menu. 3. Press % to select Options. 4. To reset an option at the Options Menu, highlight it, then press . Settings toggle between ON and OFF. Leave the File Compression option OFF (default). 5. Press ! to save entries and exit to the File Menu. 2.2 The File Menu Screen Figure 4-1 File Menu Screen lets you transfer files between the host and remote computers. You can also use this Screen to copy, delete, or view files, and make new directories on either the host or remote computer. Figure 4-1 File Menu Screen \ A ! C.! D! $%% %% (\ ) ?41% #%E EFF G : % %E EFF \ C ;# < CAC %& C ;# < HCAC %& I ;# < CAC %& I ;# < HCAC %& J- - &$AH CC %$ J !+ K A&A C&HC %A J-& - &$AH CC %$ J ! K & CAC %A$ J- - A CC %$ J K &$ HC&$C %AA J-$ - A& CC %$ J K &&& CC $% J!- - $ CC %$ J AA CC %$ J!-& - $ CC %$ J !!! . & HC&C %A J- - &$ CC %$ J !!! - HCC %H J & A&& C&C %$ J !!! - HC&&C H% J A AA CAC A% J!!! # C$C %A J#,+ H CC %$ J!!! $ C&&C A%$ J $&A CAC A% J!!! +-! C&HC %AA - - H CC %$ !+ # K $ C&HC %&A ) ) .7 !=4? % &&$ .91 : ! 1 ? /% ,L :% . 745:M 7 .& 50 . 89 ¯®¬46N ¿! 47?3 N 5: 7

EliteMail VMS/EliteMail LimitedIssue 3 Console Maintenance4 - 3 File Lists The File Menu Screen has two separate windows. The left window lists files and directories on the local computer (where you are). The right window lists files and directories on the host you are connected to by modem. The directory you are in is listed at the top of each window. To move between the two windows, press the left or right arrow key. The other elements of the File Menu Screen (from top to bottom of the screen) are: Status Box In Figure 4-1 File Menu Screen, Remote and ACTIVE-FSP are shown at the top left, below the product name and version number. Remote indicates the Remote Maintenance software is in use. ACTIVE indicates a connection to a host computer, with -FSP indicating that the host software is using the Full-Speed Mode option. Phone Book ID When a connection is established, the host name or ID from the Phone Book is displayed. JOHNSON CORP. is shown in the example above. With no connection, DISCONNECTED is shown. Local/(Arrow)/Host The left or right arrow centered above the file list windows indicates the direction that files are transferred. The left arrow indicates file transfer from the host to the local computer. Scroll Bars When more files than can be displayed at once exist, the scroll bars (left and center) show you the relative position in the file lists. Highlight Bar On this screen, the cursor is displayed as a bar and used for highlighting various files. The window where the highlight bar is placed is the active window. Message Line Watch the line below Files Selected for prompts/messages.

4 - 4Transferring Files Issue 3 EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited Functions Line The bottom of the screen lists the functions available at this window by function key and abbreviated name. These may vary slightly depending on whether the highlight bar is in the local or host window. Tagging Files You can select the files you want to transfer, view, copy, or delete by tagging (marking) them. Files can be tagged individually by using the arrow keys or grouped using the DOS wildcard characters. Tag or Untag Files Individually 1. To tag a file, press the arrow keys to highlight the file, then press . 2. To remove a tag from a file (untag it), highlight it again, and press . If more than one file is tagged when you issue a command, the command is performed on all the tagged files. Tag or Untag a Group of Files Using DOS Wildcard Characters Wildcard characters are special characters that can represent any other valid characters in a filename or extension. The ? can be any single character. For example, ?AT.DOC is all files with AT as the middle and last character, and DOC as the extension such as BAT.DOC and CAT.DOC. The * can be any number of characters ( e.g., REP*.* is for all files beginning with REP, with any file extension). Refer to Figure 4-2 Expanded File Menu. You can also use this menu to tag or untag a group of files using DOS wildcard characters. Press to view the expanded File Menu.

EliteMail VMS/EliteMail LimitedIssue 3 Console Maintenance4 - 5 Figure 4-2 Expanded File Menu Tag or untag a group of files: 1. Press right or left arrow to move the highlight bar to the correct window on the File Menu Screen. 2. Press to display the expanded File Menu. 3. Press ! to Tag File (s ) or press to Untag File (s ). 4. Enter the name of the file or files, using the wildcard characters (* or ? ) and press . SECTION 3 T RANSFER FILES B ETWEEN HOST AND R EMOTE COMPUTERS3.1 Files You May Transfer You may transfer files from one host computer to the remote computer during a Remote Maintenance connection. Transferred files are copied to the remote computer; files on the host computer are not erased. 3.2 Transfer Files 1. From the Main Menu, press to select the Files option. \ ! E/! F! $%&%( (%((%(( )\ * C;6% %G GHH = % %G GHH 888888888888888888888888888888888888888I888888888888888888888888888888888888888I E ?# @/ , ?# @ (J JE(E %& + - / ;3 /26 K=L 6 JE(E %& + M / ,0 ;3 /26 K=L 6 , &( (EJE %& +!!! # /& :;03 #92B #29 C 9< 6 (E(E %$ +!!! .( /$ ;N #29 C 9< 6 $ JE$E % +!!! . / 2 7 /26 K=L 6 ( (E(&E $%( +!!! # / # 6 /26 K=L 6 # J E(E %&$ +!, # M & /J C;6 D< 6 $ E(E %$ +! M & / D 20= 6 J E(E %$ +!!! / = #29 C 9< ,D1; 6 $ EE %$ +! M & /( >2 EE %$ +!!! / & E(E %& +!/ ! )*$J( E(E %$ 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888O /9 !D;C % $$$( Files Selected: 0 Bytes: 0

4 - 6Transferring Files Issue 3 EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited 2. To move between windows, press & to move the highlight bar to the right window or press to move to the left window. Placement of the highlight bar designates which window is active. The active window is the source from which files transfer. The other window is automatically the destination. 3. To move through the directory list(s), use the following keys: 4. To change directories, perform either procedure below: Move the highlight bar to the directory name, current directory (.), or parent directory (..). Then press to list the files in that directory. Press to display the File Menu expanded menu. Press to select Change Drive/Directory. At a dialog box, indicate the drive, directory, and any subdirectories. Press to list. Key Movement in the List &Move to right-hand list Move to left-hand list (Up one file )Down one file * Up one screen page Down one screen page +,Top of list -Bottom of list Do not transfer or view the voice mail system database files (AV*.*), executable files (*.EXE) or the current day REPLOG file while the voice mail software is running on the host computer. The host computer must be at the DOS prompt before you can transfer these files.