Mitel SX 200 DIGITAL Pabx General Descriptions Manual
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Programming Table 1 l-8 ACD Path Form Fields (continued) Field Overflow 2 Agent Group Meaning A programmable field specifying the ID of the second agent group that receives overflow calls. Callers waiting for this group remain in the queue for the primary and first overflow groups. An Overflow 1 agent group must be assigned before the Overflow 2 field can be accessed. The default value is no overflow. Overflow 3 Agent Group A programmable field specifying the ID of the third agent group that receives overflow calls. Callers waiting for this group remain in the queue for the primary, first and second overflow groups. The default value is no Overflow 1 and 2 agent groups must be assigned before the Overflow 3 field can be accessed. The default value is no overflow. Interflow Enabled Entering YES in this field allows the waiting ACD call to exit ACD and call a specified number. If this field is enabled the call interflows to the inter-flow Point Access Code. Default for the Interflow Enabled field is NO. Interflow Timeout Programmable field specifying when the waiting ACD call should leave the ACD system and be routed to the interflow point. The timer range is 0O:Ol to 54:O0. The default value of this field is the maximum time of 54 minutes. Programming a value in this field ensures that unanswered calls do not remain in the system after the caller disconnects. This can occur with loop start trunks if the CO fails to send a disconnect to the PABX. This timer also ensures that all calls are handled within a maximum time interval. Call handling may involve routing the caller elsewhere or dropping the call. Interflow Point Access Programmable field containing the directory Code number of the inter-flow device. Valid interflow points are LDNs, stations, sets, consoles, night bells, ACD paths, station/set hunt groups, UCD agent hunt groups, system speed call numbers or DROP CALL. If an access code is programmed, the DROP CALL softkey is provided. Page 3 of 4 9109-094-620-NA Issue 3 Revision 1 620 11-15

ACD TELEMARKETER Application Package Table 11-8 ACD Path Form Fields (continued) Field . Meaning Allow Overflow to In- Enter YES in this field allows an overflow to the terflow Point before interflow point before the Interflow Timeout. Timeout Priority A programmable field used to set the priority of the ACD Path. Priority range is 1 to 99 (1 is highest priority). The field default is 99. Calls waiting for an Agent Group are serviced according to the path priority. Expensive trunks should be routed to a path with a high priority. Service Time A programmable field used to establish a standard time to answer that the supervisor can use to monitor the performance of agents answering calls on the path. The service time is programmable in the range 00: 00 to 54: 00. The path level of service is calculated by comparing the actual time to answer against the programmed service level. Page 4 of 4 ACD Path Programming 11 .13 For a path to function, the primary agent group and the path access code must be programmed. Few restrictions exist on path programming. An agent group, for example, could be the primary group of three paths and the first overflow group of two other paths. The same applies to recording groups and the alternate music sources. The result is that a path can be cus- tom tailored to the call being handled. 11.14 Each path is given a priority ranging from 1 to 99 (1 being the highest priority). ACD calls entering a high priority path are serviced before calls that entered a path with a lower priority. This feature improves cost efficiency by routing to higher priority paths those trunks that incur additional expenses, such as long distance calls or WATS . 11 .I 5 All devices have unrestricted access to ACD paths except Loop Start CO trunks and Loop Start DISA trunks (if located on a CO Trunk card). Loop start trunks can be prevented from entering ACD through the use of the”Loop Start Trunk to ACD Path Connect” option (COS Option 812). By default this option is disabled, so by default loop start trunks may not enter ACD. 620 11-16 9109-094-620-NA Issue 3 Revision 1

Programming ACD RECORDING HUNT GROUPS 11.16 Recorded announcements are given to ACD callers while waiting for an idle agent. ACD callers entering the PBX on a path hear ringback until the ‘Delay for Ringback’ timer specified in the Path form has expired. At this point, the system attempts to provide an agent. If all agents are busy and the caller must wait, the call is routed to a recording. 11.17 The recordings are provided by hunt groups of regular ONS ports. When a RAD answers, the system collects all callers waiting for the RAD and creates a listen-only conference. Callers selectan idle RAD based on the hunt- ing type of the group. When all of the recordings in a group are busy, the cail- er camps on to the recording group and waits for a free recording. All calls which are waiting are brought into a listen-only conference with the first available recording. At the end of the recorded message the callers are routed to the music source defined in the Path form. If no alternate music source is defined, the caller is given system music or silence. 11.18 The ON5 ports must be specified as Call Announce ports in the STATIONISUPERSE7-Telephones Form (Form 09) before entering the extension numbers in the Hunt Group form. The ONS ports cannot have keyline or mul- ti-call line appearances. After changing the Hunt Groups form to a Record- ing Hunt Group, the Hunt Group form changes to that shown in Figure 1 l-9. . Fields described below but not shown in Figure 1 l-9 are accessed through the OPTIONS softkey. HUNT GROUPS FORM [ GRP 01:200 ] [TERM’] [RECORD] EXT NUM BAY SLT CCT COMMENTS 7 Figure 1 l-9 Hunt Groups Form (Form 17) Table 1 l-9 describes the fields on the Hunt Groups form. 9109-094-620-NA Issue 3 Revision 1 620 11-17

ACD TELEMARKETER Application Package Table 11-9 Hunt Groups Form Fields Field Meaning HUNTGROUP NUM- A programmable two digit field in the range of 1 to 3ER 50. ACCESS CODE - A programmable field containing the access code _ for the hunt group. This code must be a unique number that does not conflict with the system numbering plan. The entry in this field is copied to 0 the Path form as an access code to the recordings TYPE OF SEARCH Enter one of the following to specify the desired method of hunting: CIRCULAR: Hunting begins at the extension following the extension to which the previous call was completed, and hunts through all extensions in the hunt group in the programmed sequence. TERMINAL: Hunting always starts at the first extension programmed in the hunt group and -terminates at the first idle extension. Figure 1 l-9 shows an entry of TERM in this field. ;ROUP TYPE Sof-tkey that allows the user to specify a RECORDING group type. Figure 1 l-9 shows the entry RECORD in this field on the form. :XTENSION NUMBER Extension number of the ONS port(s) connected to a recording. The maximum number of entries in this field is fifty. 3AYISLOTKiRCU IT System generated field that is displayed after entering the extension number of the ONS port. Page 1 of 2 620 11-18 9109-094-620-NA issue 3 Revision 1

Programming Table 1 l-9 Hunt Groups Form Fields (continued) Field MESSAGE LENGTH Meaning Programmable field defining the length of the recorded announcement. The range is 1 second to 4 minutes. Default entry is 10 seconds. This timer value determines whether the PABX or the RAD ends the recording. If the RAD is to hang up, set the Message Length at least 3 seconds longer than the actual recording length. This allows for inaccurate RAD timers and message delays. In addition, the flash hook time programmed into the PABX affects how soon the PABX sees the RAD going on hook after the RAD hangs up. NAME Programmable field that identifies the hunt group by name. This field cannot be accessed before the Hunt Group Access code has been assigned. The name field allows 12 characters to be entered, but cannot begin with the digits 0 to 9, # or *. Blanks and dashes within the name are also disallowed. Page 2 of 2 9109-094-620-NA Issue 3 Revision 1 620 11-19

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A. PROGRAMMING ERROR MESSAGES A.1 The error messages that may appear during programming of the ACD forms are listed, and explained, in the following Table. Table A-l Programming Error Messages Error Message Meaning ACD agent group XX already assigned to a super- The ACD agent group which has.been edited or visor inserted into the sub-form, is already pro- grammed under some other supervisor. Agent group XX has already been assigned else- The selected overflow agent group or primary where in this path ACD agent group is a duplicate of an agent group already specified in this path. ACD agent group XX not assigned to a supervisor ACD group XX, requested by the FIND GROUP key, cannot be displayed, because it has not been assigned to a supervisor yet. ACD groups under XXXXX must first be deleted This senior supervisor cannot be deleted from the first-level form by the DELETE key because there are ACD groups defined under this senior supervisor. ACD keys template for this COS is invalid or dis- abled An attempt was made to change the COS of a logged in ACD position. The new COS has ACD keys template disabled, or assigned to another ACD position. ACD position active -Cannot make template change An attempt was made to disable, or change a template COS option while the ACD position is logged in. AGENT STATUS not allowed when multiple QUEUE STATUS keys are programmed The user is attempting to program an agent sta- tus key when there is more than one queue sta- tus key programmed for the template.Only one is allowed if an agent status key is present. Agent XXXXX does not exist The ID entered for the FIND ID key does not exist in the database. Agent XXXXX is on line and cannot be deleted The DELETE key cannot be used on an agent who is on line. Alternate music sources cannot have keyline or multi-call line appearances. Music sources cannot be line appearances. An ACD position is currently logged in at the SUPERSET The user is attempting to delete a SUPERSET where there is an acd position logged in. The ACD position must log out first Page 1 of 5 9 109-094-620-NA Issue 3 Revision 1 620 A-l

ACD bELEMARKETf/? Application Package Table A-l Programming Error Messages (continued) Error Message An agent’s set’s prime line cannot have any ap- pearances on other sets Meaning There is an ACD agent logged in at the given SUPERSETand so line appearances of that SUPERSETcannot be programmed into the data base. Attempting to remove an Agent Group that has This message is displayed if the Primary Agent calls waiting. group or the Overflow agent groups have calls waiting from the path, and the user is attempt- ing to change or delete the agent group or the path. Attempting to remove a Music Source that is cur- Someone is listening to the Music source so it rently in use cannot be removed. This message can occur when attempting to change or delete a music source, deleting the recording that the music source is in, or deleting the path. Attempti,ng to remove a Recording that is cur- rently in use Someone is using the Recording hunt group so it cannot be removed. This message can occur when attempting to change or delete the re- cording or when deleting the path. Beep The speed dial number entered is too long (maxi- mum 25 digits). Beeping Too many digits or characters have been entered in the selected field. Cannot change agent information at time of reas- The user attempted to reassign an agent to the signment current ACD Group, AND change the agent name or COS at the same time. These two steps (reas- sign and changing) must be done separately. Cannot change COS of an ACD position whose set The ACD position being updated is logged in is currently in use and using the set. To change the COS, the ACD position must be logged off or else logged in to an idle set. Cannot delete last agent while callers are waiting The user attempted to delete the last agent from on ACD group XX ACD group XX, thereby deleting group XX it- self. There are ACD calls waiting for group XX, so the deletion cannot be permitted at this time. Cannot disable option when ACD programming is The user is attempting to disable System Option present 41 (Automatic Call Distribution) when there is ACD programming present in one or all of CDE forms 38,39,40 and 41. Page 2 of 5 620 A-2 9109-094-620-NA Issue 3 Revision 1

Programming Error Messages Table A-l’programming Error Messages (continued) Error Message Delete ACD Group XX from ACD SUPERVISORS form before deleting last agent Meaning The user attempted to delete the last agent from group XX, which would have the effect of delet- ing group XX itself. Group XX is referenced in the ACD SUPERVISORS form, so it must be de- leted from that form first. Then the user is al- lowed to delete the last agent, which deletes the group. Delete ACD Group XX from ACD PATH YY before The user attempted to delete the last agent from deleting last agent group XX, which would have the effect of delet- ing group XX itself. Group XX is referenced in the ACD PATH form, for path number YY, so it must be deleted from that form first. Then the user is allowed to delete the last agent, which deletes the group. First Status Threshold must be start time of pre- vious recording Adjust the interflow ti.meout as indicated. Form access disallowed, enable Automatic Call Distribution System Option The user is attempting to program an ACD CDE form when ACD is not enabled in the system. System Option 41 (Automatic Call Distribution) must be enabled. Invalid Interflow Point The access code entered for the Interflow point is non-existent or illegal. Legal points are: LDNs, stations, sets, consoles, ACD paths, station/set hunt groups, UCD agent hunt groups, nightbells, and system speedcall numbers. Key number XX has MAKE BUSY programmed Each agent template can only have one MAKE BUSY key programmed. Key number XX has QUEUE STATUS programmed An Agent keys template can only have one- QUEUE STATUS key programmed; or a supervisor keys template can only have one QUEUE STATUS key programmed if there is already one AGENT STATUS key programmed. Key number XX has SHIFT programmed Each template can only have one SHIFT key pro- grammed. Maximum Afterwork Timer is 15:OO Maximum Time is 54:00 The user entered a timer out of range. The user entered a timer out of range for Start Time or one of the Thresholds. Multiple QUEUE STATUS keys not allowed with 4GENT STATUS keys The user is attempting to program more than one queue status key for a template that has an agent status key programmed. Only one is al- lowed if an agent status key is present. Page 3 of 5 9 109-094-620-NA Issue 3 Revision 1 620 A-3

ACD TELEMARKETER Application Package Table A-l Programming Error Messages (continued) Error Message Meaning Must delete all appearances of XX from CALL RE- ( This ACD path cannot be deleted, because its ac- ROUTING TABLE’ cess code is defined in the CALL REROUTING table (Form 19). Must delete all appearances of XX from answer points in NON-DIAL-IN trunks This ACD path cannot be deleted, because its ac- cess code is defined in the NON-DIAL-IN TRUNKS form (Form 14). ON5 Port access code XXXXX does not exist The access code entered for the Alternate Music Source Between Recordings, or Music Source Fol- lowing a Recording is non-existant or illegal. Option XXX conflicts with this option Only one of the ACD COS options (ACD agent, ACD supervisor, ACD senior supervisor) can be enabled in the same COS. Option 41 must be enabled Option 41 (Automatic Call Distribution) must be enabled before this option can be enabled. Option 44 must be disabled The user is attempting to disable Option 41 (Au- tomatic Call Distribution) Recording access code XXXXX does not exist The access code entered for a recording is non- existant or illegal. The code must be for a record- ing hunt group. Start time of a recording must be C Inter-flow Timeout Adjust the start time as indicated. Start time of a recording must be c start time of Adjust the recording start times as indicated. next recording Start time of recording must be > start time of the previous recording Adjust the recording start times as indicated. Supervisor XXXX does not exist A Supervisor with ID XXXX cannot be displayed, as requested via the FIND SUPER key, because this access code has not been assigned to a supervi- sor. Template number must be in range (l-3) The template number is out of range. Page 4 of 5 620 A-4 9109-094-620-NA Issue 3 Revision 1