Mitel SX 200 DIGITAL Pabx General Descriptions Manual
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Features Description StatusAbbreviatron To be InspectedInsp. Internal Loca I Long Distance Maid in RoomIntLot LD Maid ConditionsThe following conditions apply to this feature: lIf System Option 2 (Message Lamp Test Enable) is enabled, when a room’s status is changed from vacant to occupied or from occupied to vacant, the system performs a message lamp test on the telephone in that room. If the test finds the lamp defective (i.e. burnt-out or missing), it raises a minor alarm. lThe Maid in Room status can be changed only from the room telephone; see MAID IN ROOM STATUS.l System Option 56 (Room Status Conversion/Auto Wake-up Print Timer) only applies if System Option 34 (Auto Room Status Conversion/Auto Wa- ke-Up Print) is enabled. l When displaying all rooms with a particular status, as selected by softkeys, the LCD will display the numbers of up to 10 rooms that have the selected status. If there are more rooms, the MORE softkey appears. Press it to view the next group of room numbers. Rooms are displayed in order from high- est to lowest room number. ProgrammingSelect COS Option 105 (Attendant Guest Room Key) for the Attendant Con- sole. Select COS Option 244 (Room Status Applies) for all extensions for which room status is to apply. Enable System Option 33 (Room Status). Select System Option 34 (Auto Room Status Conversion/Auto Wake-Up Print). Set the time of day for the conversion in System Option 56 (Auto Room StatusConversion/Auto Wake-Up Print Timer). The default is 0O:OO (midnight). Enable System Option 2 (Message Lamp Test Enable) to allow message lamptesting. OperationRefer to Practice 9109-094-315-NA, Attendant Console Description.Room Status Audit Description5.16 This feature allows the attendant to request a report of the current status of all guest rooms. The report is divided into three sections vacant, occupied105 5-189109-094-l OS-NA Issue 3 Revision 1

Hotel/Motel Features and reserved rooms. Each of these sections is further divided by room condi-tion. Conditions Only rooms with CO5 Option 244, Room Status Applies, enabled will be dis- played by the audit ProgrammingEnable System Option 27 (Room Status Audit) to allow room status pri,ntouts.Assign a printer to the “Hotel/Motel Audit” printout type in CDE Form 34 (Di- rected IO); see DIRECTED INPUT/OUTPUT for details on system printers. OperationA complete description of generating a room status report from the console along with examples of the report format is provided in Practice 9109-094-315-NA, Attendant Console Description. Room Status Display - SUPERSET 4 and SUPERSET 4DN Telephones DescriptionConditions Programming OperationFrom either a SUPfRSfT4 or a SUPkRSfT4DN Telephone 5.17 This feature allows an authorized SUPERSE~Q or SUPERSET4DN tele- phone to display the status of guest rooms. The Room Status parameters are: l Vacant or Occupied or Reserved lClean or Dirty or Out of Service or To Be Inspected This feature is available at SUPERSET or SUPfRSET4DN telephones only. Enable COS Option 608 (SUPERSET- Room Status Display) in the set’s Class of Service. Assign an access code to Feature 36 (SUPERSET Room Status Display). lDial the access code for SUPER!374 Room Status Display. lDial the extension number of the required guest room’s telephone. The LCD displays the room’s status (e.g. VACKLEAN). lIf desired, press the arrow sof-tkey to view the status of the next room (in order of extension number). When the last room is displayed, the arrow softkey no longer appears. l Press the HANGUP softkey.9 109-094-l 05-NAIssue 3 Revision 1105 5-19

6. DATA FEATURES GENERAL 6.1 This part describes the data features supported by the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX with Generic 1002 and Generic 1003 software. Turn to Appendix C for a glossary of data terms. Associated Data Line (ADL) Description6.2 The Associated Data Line feature provides a telephone with the capability of originating and disconnecting a data call. The “association” is between a telephone (used for dialing or disconnecting the call), and a dataset to which the call is switched once the setup is complete. The telephone is an Associated Voice Line (AVL) for the dataset; the dataset is an Associated Data Line (ADL) for the.telephone. To originate a data call the user dials the ADL access code followed by the number of the data destination. The data destination of any data call can be predetermined via the HOTLINE feature (see ADL HOTLINE). Industry Standard DTMF and rotary telephones, SUPERSE~telephones, and Digital SUPfRSE~telephones can be used in ADL calls. Either the originator or desti- nation can terminate the data call. This feature allows the user to establish a basic ADL call by dialing an accesscode and the number of the destination from an industry-standard tele- phone or a SUPERSE~telephone. Data destinations include: l data station extension number l data hunt group access code lmodem hunt group access code followed by ARS digit string Included with originate/disconnect capabilities of ADL are the following: 0Data call originate using SPEED CALL key or Abbreviated Dial 0 ADL queuing lData call disconnect using SPEED CALL key or Abbreviated Dial, or the Dis- connect or CALUATTN key. The Associated Data Line can be used to originate or disconnect a data call, operating in either asynchronous or synchronous mode.Conditions The following conditions apply to this feature: lThe attendant console cannot use the ADL feature.9 109-094-l OS-NAIssue 3 Revision 1 105

Features DescriptionlProgram the associated voice line (AVL) in CDE Form 12 (Data Assignment). lEnsure that both the originating and destination datasets are both in the same Operating Mode (asynchronous or synchronous), as programmed in CDE Form 11 (Data Circuit Descriptors). ProgrammingAssign Feature Access Code 28 (ADL Call Setup) and Feature Access Code 29 (ADL Disconnect) in CDE Form 02 (Feature Access Codes). Enable COS Option 900 (Data Station Queuing). When COS 900 is enabled on a voice telephone, queuing to a busy data destination is allowed on an ADL call.Program ADL Auto Baud, and Operating Mode (Synchronous or Asynchro- nous) in the subform of CDE Form 11 (Data Circuit Descriptor Options). Oper- ating Mode applies only to DATASET 2100 Series datasets. To associate a voice telephone with a dataset, enter a valid extension number for the voice telephone in the AVL field of CDE Form 12 (Data Assignment). OperationThe following paragraphs describe how to originate and disconnect calls us- ing the ADL feature. ADL Call OriginateIf the Originating dataset does not have ADL Autobaud: lDial the ADL access code (if the associated dataset is not idle; reorder tone is heard and the SUPERSETtelephone displays the message “PLEASE TRY LATER”). lDial the digits of the destination. lA high pitched connect tone is heard (if the destination is busy, then busy tone is heard). lThe originating party hangs up the voice telephone and the call is switched to the associated dataset (“HANG UP” or “NEW CALL” prompt can also be used). lIf the SUPERSETtelephone has a voice party on Hold, the CANCEL key esta- blishes the data call and transfers the voice call to the party on hold. When Originating dataset has ADL Autobaud: lDial the ADL access code (if the associated dataset is not idle; reorder tone is heard and the SUPERSETtelephone displays the message “PLEASE TRY LATER”).lDial the digits of the destination (busy tone is heard if the destination is busy).lWhen ringback tone is heard, the originator must enter the autobaudcharacter (usually carriage return) so that the dataset can determine the 105 6-29109-094-l OS-NA Issue 3 Revision 1

Data Features baud rate (this character must be entered within 30 seconds or the call is released; otherwise reorder tone is heard and PLEASE TRY LATER is dis- played).l Connect tone is returned to the originator.l Hang up the voice telephone. l Call is switched to the associated dataset. NOTE: Once the ADL call has been established, the telephone is free to be used. If a voice call had been established, the other party can be placed on hold by the TRANXONF key, and the ADL call can be es- tablished. Pressing the CANCEL or BACK TO HELD softkey reconnects the telephone to the party on hold. When an ADL Call Origination is unsuccessful, reorder tone is returned and one of the following messages is displayed on the display SUPERSETtele- phone: 0The voice telephone has not been programmed as an AVL to an associated dataset. The set displays s NO ACCESS”. lThe associated dataset is not idle. The set displays “PLEASE TRY LATER”.l The user dials the number of a device which cannot handle data. The set displays “INVALID #“.l The baud rates of the source and destination are not compatible and nei- ther have Flow Control programmed. The call is barred. The calling set re- ceives reorder tone and displays m NO ACCESS”. 0The associated terminal is not asserting DTR and is NOT programmed for auto-answer. The set displays II NO ACCESS”. . ADL Call Disconnect The source or destination can disconnect an ADL call by:l dialing the ADL disconnect access codel pressing a pre-programmed attention or break key on the terminal 0pressing the DISCONNECT key or the CALUATTN key on the datasetl by either dataset dropping DTR for the preprogrammed time If the call is not set up via the ADL feature, doing an ADL disconnect causes the set to display o INVALID #“. ADL HotlineDescription 6.3 This feature establishes a data call between two preassigned DTEs by dial- ing the ADL access code from the associated telephone.9 109-094-l 05-NAIssue 3 Revision 1105 6-3

Features Description ConditionsRefer to Associated Data Line. ProgrammingAssign the hotline number in CDE Form 12 (Data Assignment). OperationTo originate an ADL hotline call:lDial the ADL access code. The call is automatica!ly connected to the preas- signed destination. Also, a carriage return may be required de- pending upon the programmed ADL Autobaud option. See ASSOCIATED DATA LINE - flOperation: ADL Gall Originate”. lIf the destination is busy and queuing is enabled, the originating station is queued. lIf the destination is not a valid data device, the message “INVALID #“and reorder tone is returned. ADL Speed Call OriginateDescription6.4 An ADL user can originate an ADL call via a personal Speed Call number. ConditionsNone ProgrammingProgramming varied depending upon the type of telephone as described be- low. SUPERSET Telephone At the user’s telephone: 0Press the PROGRAM/SAVE feature key while the set is idle (if a call is re- ceived or originated, the telephone immediately exits from the speedcall activity). lPress an unused SPEED CALL key (if a previously defined key is selected,thepreviously stored number is erased). 0Dial the ADL access code lIf required, dial the Account Code access code and the Account Code lDial the number of the data destination lPress the PROGRAM/SAVE feature key to save the number SUPERSET 4 Telephone At the user’s telephone: 105 6-49 109-094-l 05-NA Issue 3Revision 1

Data Featuresl With the handset on-hook, press the PROGRAM softkey lPress the SPEED CALL softkey l Press an unused SPEED CALL key lDial the ADL access code lIf required, dial the Account Code access code and the Account Code lDial the number of the data destination lCheck the number to be saved, if correct press the SAVE softkey SUPERSET 3DN Telephone At the user’s telephone: With the handset on-hook, press the PROGRAM feature key Press an unused SPEED CALL Key Dial the ADL access code If required, dial the Account Code access code and the Account Code Dial the number of the data destination Press the PROGRAM feature key; the speed call number is now saved SUPERSFT 4DN Telephone At the user’s telephone: With the handset on-hook, press the SUPERKEY Find and press the SPEED CALL softkey Press an unused Line Appearance key Dial the ADL access code If required, dial the Account Code access code and the Account Code Dial the number of the data destination Check the number to be saved, if correct press the SAVE softkeyOperation Operation varies depending upon the type of telephone as described below. SUPERSET 3 Telephone To originate a data speed call: l Press the programmed speed call key9 109-094-l 05-NAIssue 3 Revision 1105 6-5

Features Description lGo on-hook when connect tone is heard lCall is transferred to the associated dataset To originate a data speed call with voice party on hold: l Press the programmed Speedcall keyl If ADL Autobaud is programmed, press CARRIAGE RETURN key lWhen the connect tone is heard, press the CANCEL key to establish the data call and transfer the voice call back to the party on hold SUPERSET 4 Telephone To originate a data speed call: l Press the programmed SPEED CALL key lGo on-hook when connect tone is heard lCall is transferred to the associated dataset To originate a data speed call with voice party on hold: l Press the programmed SPEED CALL key llf ADL Autobaud is programmed, press CARRIAGE RETURN key lWhen the connect tone is heard, press the CANCEL softkey to establish the data call and transfer the voice call back to the party on hold SUPERSET 3DN Telephone To originate a data speed call: 0Press the programmed SPEED CALL key lGo on-hook when connect tone is heardl Call is transferred to the associated dataset To originate a data speed call with voice party on hold: l Press the programmed SPEED CALL key lIf ADL Autobaud is programmed, press CARRIAGE RETURN key eWhen the connect tone is heard, press the CANCEL key to establish the data call and transfer the voice call back to the party on hold105 6-6 SUPERSET 4DN Telephone 9109-094-105-NA Issue 3 Revision 1

Data Features To originate a data speed call: l Press the programmed SPEED CALL key lGo on-hook when connect tone is heard lCall is transferred to the associated dataset To originate a data speed call with voice party on hold: lPress the programmed SPEED CALL key lIf ADL Autobaud is programmed, press CARRIAGE RETURN keyl When the connect tone is heard, press the BACK TO HELD softkey to estab- lish the data call and transfer the voice call back to the party on hold, or press NEW CALL to establish the data call and make a new voice call. Abbreviated Dial For ADL Calls Description6.5An ADL user can originate an ADL call via a System Abbreviated Dial num- ber.Conditions Reorder tone is returned if the user enters an.invalid Abbreviated Dial num- ber. ProgrammingEnable COS Option 245 (Abbreviated Dialing Access) in the associated voice line’s Class of Service. Assign an access code to Feature 24 (Abbreviated Dial Access) in CDE Form 02 (Feature Access Codes). Enter the desired abbreviated dial numbers into CDE Form 31 (System Abbre- viated Dial Entry), or enter them from the Attendant Console. See ATTEN-DANT ABBREVIATED DIAL NUMBER ENTRY. Operation To originate an Abbreviated Dial call: 0If the Abbreviated Dial number entry does not include the ADL access code, dial the ADL access code. l Dial the Abbreviated Dial access code. lDial the desired Abbreviated Dial number (one to three digits). lHang up when connect tone is heard. The call is transferred to the asso- ciated dataset. See also ADL Call Originate in this Section. Associated Modem Line (AML) Description6.6 This feature provides a simple way to switch data through the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX. The operation involves the association of a standard9 109-094-l 05-NAIssue 3 Revision 1105 6-7

Features Description ONS voice port and one or more SUPfRSET4 or SUPERSET4DN telephones. The ONS port is connected to Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) via a modem. Voice only calls, data only calls, simultaneous voice/data calls, and alternating voice/data calls are permitted.Conditions The following conditions apply to this feature: l This feature is available only-on SUPERSET and SUPfRSfT4DN tele- phones. lIn a data call; both modems must operate at the same baud rate; one mo- dem must be in Originate mode, the other in Answer mode. lThe only effect of AML on voice calis is that the SWAP (Trade Calls) softkey appears on calls to a station which has an Associated Modem Line or on trunk calls. lWhen two telephones assigned the same modem port converse, the SWAP (Trade Calls) softkey does not appear; data communication between these telephones is not possible. lIf the set user presses the SWAP (Trade Calls) sof-tkey when the data port is already in use, the message DATA BUSY appears on the display. Hang up or press the CANCEL softkey. 0An AML data device may be associated with more than one telephone (only one can use it at a time); however, a telephone may be associated with only one AML data device. ProgrammingEnable COS Option 607 (SUPERSET- Associated Modem Line) in the set’s Class of Service. Enter the modem’s ONS port extension number in the ASSOC field of the set’sentry in CDE Form 09 (StationlSUPfRSfTSets). Enter the set’s extension number in the ASSOC field of the modem’s port entry in CDE Form 09 (StationISUPfRSfTSets), if the terminal is to be able to dial a call on behalf of the associated telephone.Operation To make a Data Call from the SUPfRSfTtelephone: lDial the destination’s modem number; when the destination modem an- swers, it returns modem answer tone. ePress the SWAP (Trade Calls) sof-tkey. NOTE: If the modem line is already connected to a call, or the modem is at- tempting to make a data connection, the message “DATA BUSY” ap- pears. The CANCEL softkey is then the only key available. lPut the modem on-line; the data call is now established.105 6-B 9109-094-105-NA Issue 3 Revision 1