Mitel SX 200 DIGITAL Pabx General Descriptions Manual
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System Features lNormal system inter-digit timeout is 15 seconds (not ARS dialing). If a con- flict exists, the Dialing Conflict Timer applies. ProgrammingSelect an appropriate time-out period for System Option 50 (Dialing Conflict Timer 2-10 s).OperationNone Console LDN KeysDescription3.21 Each Console has nine programmable Listed Directory Number (LDN) po- sitions. Each LDN position can be programmed as the answer point for a par- ticular type of call and can have a descriptive label, allowing the Attendant to answer the call with an appropriate response. LDNs can appear at more than one console in a system and so allow calls to be presented to specified consoles simultaneously. The console can answer calls from an LDN by either using the ANSWER key or by selecting the LDN key directly; see ATTENDANT CALLSELECTION. ConditionsThe following conditions apply to this feature: lAny or all LDN keys and labels may be programmed to appear. ll l l l l lEach console must have its own LDN numbers explicitly programmed in CDE Form 08 (Attendant LDN Assignments). There are severai default call positions provided by the system for various call types; see ATTENDANT DEFAULT CALL POSITIONS.The RECALL key (key #l) cannot be changed.’Station and SUPERSETtelephones and consoles cannot directly dial an LDN.7Each LDN key is provided with a default label. For key F2, the label is ‘IN- TERNAL’. For key F3 to key FO it is ‘LDN n’, where n is from 1 to 8. An LDN programmed at the key can have a label that replaces the default label. It is recommended that key F2 not be assigned to an LDN key since some calls are directed to that key by the system; see ATTENDANT DEFAULT CALL POSITIONS.If the Trunk Answer From Any Station (TAFAS) feature is used then is it rec- ommended that key FO not be programmed as an LDN or that calls not be routed to the LDN when TAFAS calls are also to be answered; see ATTEN- DANT DEFAULT CALL POSITIONS.ProgrammingAssign access codes to the console’s LDN positions via CDE Form 08 (Attendant LDN Assignments). The feature descriptions in this practice identify which fea- tures can use Console LDN keys as answer points. 9 109-094-l OS-NA Issue 3Revision 1105 3-23

Features DescriptionOperation The Attendant may selectively answer any incoming call type by pressing the appropriate LDN softkey. Consoleless OperationDescription 3.22 The system may be operated without the use of an Attendant Console. Under these conditions all features associated with the console are not avail- able.SUPERSETtelephones may be used as Subattendant positions. These may switch the system night service (see NIGHT/DAY SWITCHING) and have en- hanced call handling and recall capabilities (see SUBATTENDANT). .Conditions Attendant features are not available at Subattendant positions. ProgrammingNo attendant consoles are programmed.Operation NoneContact Monitor Description3.23 This feature allows a station line circuit to be used for monitoring an alarm contact. The contact to be monitored is connected across Tip and Ring of the circuit. When the contact closes, a call is originated by the station line circuit and the call is directed to its tenant’s Dial 0 or Priority Dial 0 Routing Point. The PABX handles the call as a call reroute;see CALL REROUTING, AT- TENDANT ACCESS (DIAL 0), and PRIORITY DIAL 0.Conditions The following conditions apply to this feature: lContact Monitor is available on OPS, ONS, and analog Line cards.7 0 COS Options 400 (Contact Monitor) and 241 (Receive Only) are mutually exclusive. lThe contact signal is non-latching; if the contact opens, the Dial 0 call is terminated. lIf the station line circuit has COS 239 (Priority Dial 0) enabled then the Priority Dial 0 Routing point is used. lIf there is no Routing point then the origination is still processed(the sta- tion line circuit is now busy) and the station set is given reorder tone. eIf the call is answered at a console, the console display indicates that the caller is a contact monitor. ProgrammingEnable COS Option 400 (Contact Monitor) for the extension.105 3-249 109-094-l 05-NA Issue 3Revision 1

System FeaturesOperation Close the contact and a call is made to the Dial 0 Routing point or to the Prior- ity Dial 0 Routing point. COV Port Voice MailDescription 3.24 Voice Mail devices may use the MITEL COV (SUPERSET and SUPfRSE~4 telephones) interface.Conditions None ProgrammingEnable COS Option 229 (COV Voice Mail Port) for the COV port(s) used by the Voice Mail device. OperationRefer to the documentation provided with the Voice Mail device. Customer Data Entry (CDE)Description 3.25 Customer Data Entry is a full screen application, using softkey prompts and simple graphics, for entering and changing customer programming. Enter customer data from a terminal via the RS-232 connector on the Mainte- nance panel or the rear of the Universal Control cabinet, or from an Atten- dant Console (a screen of reduced height is used). Customer Data Entry can also be performed from a remote location, using a terminal connected to the PABX via modems.Conditions NoneProgramming . Refer to Practice 9109-094-210-NA, Customer Data Entry (CDE), for detailedprogramming information. Operation None Customer Data PrintDescription 3.26 This feature provides a means of displaying the current state of program- ming of the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX. Each or all of the CDE forms may be printed, one at a time, in a presentable format.Conditions The printer must be PABX compatible; refer to DIRECTED INPUT/OUTPUT.

Features Description ProgrammingSee DIRECTED INPUT/OUTPUT for details on directing the output to the de- sired printer.Operation Refer to Practice 9109-094-210-NA, Customer Data Entry (CDE), for user in-formation. Data Demultiplexer Description3.27 The Mite1 Data Demultipiexer used with .5X-IWand SX-200 PABX sys- tems may be used with the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX. The PABX provides digitidentifiers in front of each printed line in order to route the RS-232 output to various storage devices. Refer to Practice 9160-080-300-NA, Data Demulti- plexer, for additional information on the device. The Directed Input/Output feature of the 5X-200 DIGITAL PABX replaces the Data Demultiplexer feature.Conditions The printout type and the digit identifier used for it are as follows: CDE data print-0 ACD-0 Traffic Measurement- 0TRUNK SMDR-1 DATA-SMDR-1 Printer tests-1Hotel/Motel-2 Maintenance-3 ProgrammingEnable System Option 15 (Data Demultiplexer). .Refer to Practice 9160-080-300-NA, Data Demultiplexer, for further pro-gramming information. Operation Refer to Practice 9160-080-300-NA, Data Demultiplexer, for additional infor-mation. Default Customer Data Description 3.28 The system is preprogrammed with default Class-Of-Service (COS) Op-tions and Class-Of-Restriction Options; if no alternates are programmed, the system defaults to the preprogrammed data. The Feature Access Codes can be entered during Customer Data Entry.105 3-269109-094-l OS-NA Issue 3Revision 1

System FeaturesConditions None ProgrammingRefer to Practice 9109-094-210-NA, Customer Data Entry (CDE).Operation Default data programmed into the database includes: l Device Interconnection Tablel Tl Link Descriptor l Test Line 0 Console l Class of Service Timers l System Timers l Trunk Circuit Descriptors l Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) Profile l Data Circuit Descriptors . 0 System Printouts Device lnterconnktion Control Description 3.29 This feature provides a means of disallowing connection between de-vices of different types. The feature is primarily intended to control trunk in- terconnection but applies to other devices as well. This is intended to providea method of meeting interconnection regulations imposed by various regula- tory authorities. The checks apply when a device calls another device, when a transfer (super- vised or unsupervised) is attempted and when the console attempts to per- form operations on devices. The sections in this practice mention Device Inter- connection checks where they apply. See FLASH CONTROL for details on controlling the ability of extensions to flash when extensions are involved with trunk calls. There are three aspects of the feature: Tenant Interconnection, the Device Interconnection Table, and COS Options. Tenant Interconnection is described in Practice 9109-094-230-NA,Tenanting. The check for tenant connection is done when the Device Interconnection Table check is done. The other aspects of interconnection are done only if the tenant connection check passes. The Device Interconnection Table is a table that the installer can program to limit interconnection from one device type with another and with itself. This9109-094-l 04NAIssue 3Revision 1105 3-27

Features Description restriction can be applied in either direction if desired. The Device Intercon- nection Table alone applies when the two devices in question are not bothtrunks. When two trunks are to be connected together, the Device Intercon- nection Table restrictions apply. In this case, COS Options may apply addition- al restrictions. The COS Options apply additional checks when trunks are to be connected together. The COS Options do not override the Device Interconnection Tablebut add finer control to the table. The Options apply when a third party (a console, extension or trunk) attempts to leave two or more trunks connected together by a supervised transfer. The COS of the third party is used for the checks. The following rules apply for the COS Option checks:l DISA to any trunk, any trunk to DISA has no COS Option checking lIncoming Tie trunks have no COS Option checking lCO to CO trunk checks COS Option 313 (CO Trunk To CO Trunk Connect) lCO to Tie checks COS Option 3 14 (CO Trunk To Tie Trunk Connect) lTie to COchecks Cos Option 314 (CO Trunk To Tie Trunk Connect) and 319(Extension non-CO Trunk To Trunk Connect) lCO to DID checks COS Options 315 (CO Trunk To DID Trunk Connect) lDID toC0 cliecks COS Options 315 (CO Trunk To DID Trunk Connect) and 319 (Extension non-CO Trunk To Trunk Connect) lTie to Tie checks COS Option 316 (Tie Trunk To Tie Trunk Connect) and 319(Extension non-CO Trunk To Trunk Connect) 0DID to Tie, Tie to DID checks COS Option 317 (Tie Trunk To DID Trunk Con-nect) and 319 (Extension non-CO Trunk To Trunk Connect) lDID to DID checks COS Option 318 (DID Trunk To DID Trunk Connect)ConditionsThe following conditions apply to this feature: lWhen a device hangs up from a three party call, the Device Interconnec-tion feature applies between the remaining parties. The third party that is used in the COS option checks is the party that hung up. If the two remain-. ing parties cannot connect, then the call is cleared down. lWhen a device hangs up from a four or five party conference call, if there are only trunks left in the call, the Device Interconnection feature is applied between each trunk in the call (both ways). The third party that isused in the COS option checks is the party that hung up from the call. If at least one trunk can connect to one other trunk in the conference then the Device Interconnection check passes. If no trunks can connect to any other trunks in the call then the call is completely cleared down.l If the Console is not allowed connection to a device, it cannot exercise fea-tures affecting that device. 105 3-28 9 109-094-l 05-NAIssue 3 Revision 1

System Features lDevice Interconnection applies directly to trunks, stations, sets, data sta- tions, modem pools, and consoles. aConnection is always allowed to Night Bells, Call Announce Ports, and LDNs. lDevice connection checking is done when an ACD position is directly dialed. The checks apply between the caller and the set where the position is logged in. lNo checking is done for ACD calls from an ACD path. lNo checking is done between callers and members of recording or autoattendant hunt groups. lChecking is done with hunt groups using the tenant of the first pro- grammed member of the hunt group. lChecking is done with logical lines using the tenant of the SUPERSETtele- phone where the first appearance of the line resides. lWhen a trunk is accessing ARS directly or for trunks transferred into ARS before a trunk is seized, the third party used is the trunk itself. lWhen an extension times out from reorder tone with a conference on hold, the above rules apply to the call that is left; it is as if the extension had hung up from the call. ProgrammingSet the interconnection rules in CDE Form 30 (Devjce Interconnection Table) as required. Enable the appropriate CO5 Options for the devices that can connect the de- sired trunks.Operation None Dial Tone DisableDescription Conditions ProgrammingOperation 3.30 Assignment of this feature to a dial-in trunk suppresses dial tone on an incoming trunk call. If this feature is assigned to an extension, the extension does not receive dial tone whenever dialing is initiated. When applied to DISA trunks, the option suppresses the initial dial tone re- turned for dialing the DISA feature access code. The second dial tone, after a successful code is dialed, is not affected by the option. Enable COS Option 701 (No Dial Tone) for the device. None

Features Description Dictation Trunks Description3.31 This feature indefinitely extends the dialing stage on a trunk to allowtone-to-pulse or pulse-to-tone conversion, based on Trunk Circuit Descrip- tors, of all digits dialed during a trunk call. Without the feature, only DTMF signaling is possible from extensions so equipped. ConditionsThe following conditions apply to this feature: Programming . Operation lA DTMF receiver circuit is used for the duration of the call.l Dictation trunks cannot be put on hold but callers can be transferred todictation trunks. lThe dialing stage cannot be terminated on the trunk during the call. Set the switches on the analog CO trunks cards to the appropriate setting; refer to Practice 9109-094-200-NA, Shipping, Receiving, and Installation In-formation. Enable appropriate options for the trunks via CDE Form 13 (Trunk Circuit Des- criptors); also see TRUNK CIRCUIT DESCRIPTOR OPTIONS. Dial the necessary digits to access the dictation trunk. The system keeps the extension in dialing mode on the trunk and converts all digits dialed to the appropriate format for the trunk selected (tone or pulse).DID/Dial-in/Tie Intercepts Description3.32 This feature allows a customer to specify that all DID and Dial-in Tie Trunk calls directed to a busy extension (or one which does not answer within a selected time period) are rerouted to a call rerouting point. As well, the trunks can be programmed to be redirected immediately or to be redirected under certain error conditions. See RECALL for how this fits in with general recall operation. When a DID trunk dials in, the following conditions are tested-in the follow- ing order:l If calling an LDN and the DID Attendant Access Night point is defined,then the trunk is rerouted to that point. l If calling a station, SUPERSETtelephone, hunt group, or logical line andthe DID Routing Point is defined, then the trunk is rerouted to that point. l If calling a busy industry-standard telephone, SUPERSETtelephone, or logical line and the extension has forwarding - busy/always programmed,then the trunk is forwarded. 105 3-309 109-094-l 05-NA Issue 3Revision 1

System Features lIf calling a busy industry-standard telephone, SUPERSETtelephone, log- ical line, or hunt group and the DID Recall Points on Busy is defined, thenthe trunk is rerouted to that point. lIf calling a station or SUPERSETtelephone with Do Not Disturb enabled and a Do Not Disturb Intercept point is defined, then the trunk is reroutedto that point. lIf the station or SUPfRSETtelephone called does not answer and the ex- tension has forwarding -no answer programmed, then the trunk is for- warded.lIf the industry-standard telephone, SUPfRSETtelephone, hunt group member, or logical line called does not answer and the DID no answerpoint is defined, then the trunk is rerouted to that point. The above applies, except for DND intercept, for Tie trunks, but using the equivalent Tie routing points.Conditions The .folIowing conditions apply to this feature: lIf an illegal number is dialed or an illegal feature is attempted and the DIDIntercept Routing point is defined, then the DID trunk is rerouted to that point. The tenant of the trunk is used. The same applies for Tie trunks and the Dial-in Tie Intercept point. If no point is specified, reorder tone is giv- en. lCalls routed to an LDN or to a console through the DID/Tie intercepts are identified as intercepted calls on the console display, when they are an- swered . lCalls routed to an LDN through DID Intercept busy/no answer routing point, show the tenant name of the called party when answered at the console.l If a vacant number is dialed and the DID Vacant Number Routing point isdefined, then the DID trunk is rerouted to that point. The tenant of the trunk is used. The same applies for Tie trunks and the Dial-in Tie VacantNumber Routing point. 0The DID or Tie no answer point applies in recall situations if the trunk was ringing a party and has not been answered yet by,any device in the system (excluding recordings). See REDIAL. aThe reroute for no answer does not occur if calling a console, LDN or Night Bell. It also doesnot occur if already ringing the reroute point. 0The reroute point on busy or no answer cannot be a console.l The tenant of the called party is used to determine the rerouting point. When a logical line is called, the tenant of the fi&t appearance of the line is used. When a hunt group is called, the tenant of the first member of the hunt group is used. When an LDN is called, the tenant of the console with the lowest Bay/Slot/Circuit plid where the LDN appears is used. 0The answer time timing for reroute/no answer is taken from COS Option 115 (Attendant Timed Recall - NO ANSWER) of the trunk used for the re- route on no answer. If the time value is zero, then no reroute is done.9109-094-I 05-NAIssue 3Revision 1105 3-31

Features Description lThe application of busy and attendant night access points applies only when the trunk initially dials in. The no answer point applies when ring- ing any extension unless the trunk has been answered. This includes ring- ing an extension after a call forward no answer on the initial dialed desti- nation. lCOS Option 210 (Call Forwarding Inhibit on Dial-In Trunks) for the called party is checked on the always, busy, and no answer routing points. If the COS option is enabled for the point, then the reroute is not done. lExtensions may be restricted from receiving DID trunk calls directly from DID trunks, by selecting COS Option 226 (Inward Restriction - DID) for the extension. lFor DID and Tie calls, the routing for all calls is done once dialing is com- pleted. lThe busy and no answer points do not apply when calling consoles, LDNs, or Night Bells. ProgrammingEnter the desired rerouting points via CDE Form 19 (Call Rerouting Table) inthe appropriate tenant. To disable rerouting when a particular station or SWfRSETtelephone is called, enable COS Option 210 (Call Forwarding Inhibit on Dial-In Trunks) for the required extension(s). See DID Call Inhibit for details on blocking DID trunk calls altogether to a par- ticular extension. OperationNone Digit Translation Description3.33 The 5X-200 DIGITAL PABX may be programmed to provide one of four Digit Translation Plans for rotary telephone sets. The default Digit Translation Plan is Plan 0.105 3-32 Table 3-3 Digit Translation PlansDigit Plan 0 Plan l.Plan 2Plan 3 1 2 1pulse2pulses9pulses10 pulses 2pulses3pulses8pulses9 pulses 33pulses4 pulses7pulses8pulses 44 pulses5pulses6pulses7pulses9109-094-l OS-NA Issue 3Revision 1