Mitel SX 200 DIGITAL Pabx General Descriptions Manual
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Features Description particular user or group of similar users of the system. Verified Account Codes can provide restricted access to the system.A/D Converter See Analog/DigitalAnalog/Digital (A/D) A term frequently used in transmission technology which implies the transformation of analog signals (such as normal telephone speech sig- nals) into their equivalent digiral data signals. The device in general use that performs this transformation is termed an A/D Converter. The device that converts digital signals into their analog form (if required), is termed a D/A Converter. Analog Transmission Analog transmission is the transmission of a continuously varying signal. For example in the transmission of speech, where the magnitude of the signal at any instant in the transmission path is proportional to the magni- tude of the original input. This type of transmission is distinct from digital transmission in which the original input is encoded (see CODEC, for exam- ple), and the resulting line signal is in digital form.Answering Point An Answering Point is a device to which an incoming call is directed. It nor- mally consists of an industry-standard telephone or an attendant console; and under certain conditions an Answering Point may be a hunt group, a trunk, an ACD Path or a device such as a night bell, an answering machine or a recorder/announcer machine. Application Processor This is a processor containing one or more application programs which meet a customer’s particular needs, for example to meet the needs of a hospital, a governmental agency or a university environment. The proces- sor is usually arranged to be accessed directly by an input/output device; but it may, for example, by means of suitable interface arrangements, be connected to the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX and be thus capable of access by suitable input/output devices which are also connected to the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX. Application Program See Application Processor. Associated Data Line An Associated Data Line (ADL) is a DTE connection to an SX-200 DIGITAL PABX by means of a dataset which has an associated telephone set. The user sets up a data call by dialing an access code and destination dataset number.105 A-29109-094-l 05-NA Issue 3Revision 1

Glossary of SX-200 DIGITAL TERMS Associated Modem Line An Associated Modem Line is a DTE connection to an 5X-200 DIGITAL PABX by means of a modem which has an associated SffPERSET4 or SUPERSET4DN telephone. The SUPERSETtelephone and the modem can dial calls independently and can dial calls for each other. The user can con- duct voice and data calls simultaneously or alternate voice and data on a trunk call.Asynchronous Mode In asynchronous data transmission the time between bytes (characters) is indeterminate and depends upon external factors. The transmitted data has its own start and stop elements, and thus controls the receiving device; see also Synchronous Mode.Attendant The term applied to the person assigned to handle calls which appear atthe Attendant Console. Authorized Access Codes Access to the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX for programming, maintenance or ad- ministration purposes can be obtained only by first entering an authorized access code (user name and password). Autobaud Detection Some data communication equipment can determine, on receipt of one or more characters, the baud rate of the transmitting source. It then sets its own receive circuits to accommodate this baud rate. In the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX this feature is applicable to datasets and to the MaintenanceKDE port which, during the initial setting up procedure, automatically adjusts its baud rate to match that of the terminal. Automatic Route Selection Automatic Route Selection selects the optimum trunk route automatically when a call is made by a user. This selection is based on many factors, in- cluding cost, user priority, the day, and time of day.Average Busy Hour (ABH) This term is used in traffic analysis and is used to calculate ABSBH. Average Busy Season Busy Hour (ABSBH) This is the hour calculated to have the highest average business day traffic load during the busy season.Battery and Ground Pulsing This is a method of signaling used on long lines, in which both wires use battery and ground at each end of the circuit. When signaling to the re-9 109-094-l 05-NAIssue 3 Revision 1105 A-3

Features Description mote end of the trunk, the battery and ground connections are reversed, opposing the potentials at the remote end and increasing the current sup- ply to the trunk. Battery Tone See Side Tone. B Channel The B Channel is the 64K bit channel of a DNIC device. It can carry digitized voice or ASCII characters at a maximum rate of 19.2 Kb/s. Blocking This term describes the condition existing in a switching system when the immediate establishment of a call is impossible due to insufficient switch- ing connections being available in the system at that time. ccs This unit is used in Traffic Analysis to denote the traffic occupancy of a switched circuit in a PABX exchange. One CC’S represents 100 call-seconds. CDE See Customer Data Entry (CDE). cov See Control Over Voice. CP Call Processing. CPU Central Processing Unit. Call Processing This is the software package which handles all aspects of the setting up of connections within the PABX. Circuit Switch (CS) The SX-200 DIGITAL PABX Circuit Switch provides a matrix of bi-direction- al switch links. Each circuit switch link accommodates 32 channels. Each channel can be used for a voice or data transmission. Through the circuit switch, any device may be connected to any other device in the system. It is located on the DX Module on the Main Control card. The number of links in the matrix depends upon the system configuration: The 336-, 456-, and 480-port configurations use a 16 X 16 matrix; the 672 port configuration uses a 24 X 24 matrix.105 A-4 9109-094-105-NA Issue 3 Revision 1

Glossary of SX-200 DIGITAL TERMS Circular Hunting See Group Hunting. Class of Restriction (COR) A Class of Restriction controls station and trunk access to trunk circuits. It performs functions similar to toll control and is programmable on a station (or trunk) basis. Class of Service (COS) A Class of Service has a number of different feature options assigned to it. This Class of Service may be allotted to one or many stations,and enables these stations to have, or be denied, features which are available within the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX. Up to 50 Classes of Service are available which allow a large number of different groups of station users to be pro- grammed, each with differing feature characteristics. CODEC The Coder-DECoder is a device used in digital switching and transmission systems, for coding analog signals (e.g., voice signals) into a digital format for onward transmission; and decoding a digital transmission to recover the original analog signal. CODEUFilter The CdDEWilter chip used in the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX consists of a CO- .DEC, a filter and other elements. It forms part of the peripheral card, with the CODEC portion performing the necessary A/D and D/A functions and the filter portion providing low-pass filtering for the line transmission.Connection Memory ’ The Connection Memory is the part of the DX chip which stores the digital voice (or data) samples. These samples are stored and forwarded under the control of the MCC. ,Consultation Hold (Soft Hold) This type of call hold facility is also termed soft hold and is a form of tem- porary hold. It is used to place a second party on hold, while the first party is speaking (consulting) with a third party, or otherwise wishes to tempo- rarily isolate the second party from conversation. Control Over Voice This facility is used by the SUPERSET telephone to perform most of the signaling functions of the set. A 32 kHz carrier signal is modulated accord- ing to the control function, and is transmitted to or from the set on the same pair of wires used for the audio connection. The carrier frequency lies above the normal audio range of the set, and is therefore inaudible to the user.9109-094-l 05-NAIssue 3 Revision 1105 A-5

Features Description Critical Alarm See Major Alarm.Cross-Connect Field See Main Distribution Frame. Customer Data Entry (CDE) - Customer Data Entry (CDE) is the process employed when data, particular to a specific customer installation, is entered into the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX System. This data includes such things as numbering plan, ARS rout- ings, trunk descriptors, etc. CDE is entered into the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX via the MaintenanceKDE terminal. DCE See Data Communication Equipment. DIC See Digital Interface Card. D Channel The D Channel is the 16 K bit/s control channel of a DNIC device. DID Direct Inward Dialing. DIL Direct-In Line. 3 DLIC See Digital Line Interface Circuit.DOD Direct Outward Dialing. DSP See Digital Signal Processor. DTE See Data Terminal Equipment. DTMF Dual Tone Multifrequency Signaling. 105 A-69109-094-105-NA Issue 3 Revision 1

Glossary of SX-200 DIGITAL TERMS DTR Data Terminal ready RS-232 pin. DTRX Data Transceiver. DX This is an abbreviation of the term Digital Crosspoint, the fundamental switching element of the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX Circuit Switch. The Circuit Switch is composed of a large number of digital crosspoint switch elements in the form of DX chips, assembled on a plug-in Circuit Switch module. Data Communication Equipment Data Communication Equipment (DCE) interfaces a communications line or data device to Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) over an RS-232 line. Ex- amples of a DCE are a modem and the local Maintenance Port on the SX-200 DIGITAL. Data Terminal Equipment Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) is terminal equipment usually consisting of a keyboard and video screen or printer, which is used to communicate with a variety of other equipment (i.e., another DTE or a computer). DCD Data Carrier Detect.Default This term refers to the value assigned to a particular function, which most nearly represents the normal or standard value of the function. A typical default value used in the 5X-200 DIGITAL PABX for example is a value of 1 minute allowed before an unanswered ringing extension times out. How- ever this value may be changed from the default value, during CDE pro- gramming, to a value which lies between land 5 minutes.Digit Modification This expression refers to the process of restructuring a dialed sequence of digits received by the 5X-200 DIGITAL PABX which effectively results in the production of a different sequence of digits. The revised sequence may have new digits added and/or digits deleted (absorbed), or certain digits in the original sequence may be repeated. This process is performed auto- matically by the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX and is thus transparent to the user. Digit Modification is used in Speed Calling operation, tandeming of trunk circuits, in processing incoming DID calls, in processing calls in ARS and other applications.Digital/Analog A term used in connection with the conversion of digital signals to equiva- lent analog signals. The original signals are usually in analog form and are9 109-094-l 05-NAIssue 3 Revision 1105 A-7

Features Description converted from analog to digital signals for transmission (see also Analog/ Digital). Digital Interface Card This card interfaces the analog cards in the analog bays to the digital switching network (the Circuit Switch), and the rest of the system. Digital Line Interface Circuit The Digital Line Interface Circuit (DLIC) is a MITEL chip, which is designed to handle 256 kbits/s data transmitted between the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX and high-speed digital synchronous DTEs (i.e., the Attendant Console). Digital Signal Processor (DSP) This is a single chip processor capable of both tone detection and tone generation. Located on the Main Control card, the DSP generates and de- tects all of the call progress and DTMF tones used by the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX. DTRX Messages DTRX message code used to standardize messages between MITEL PABXs as well as different language text. Intelligent devices can interpret these codes.Eand M The term applied to a type of tie trunk, and also to the signaling method . used for this and for other types of trunks. The term is derived from the use of the E and M leads, forming part of the trunk equipment, and taken re- spectively to denote the receive and transmit leads; the two leads being used to pass supervisory conditions over the trunk. End NodeA network node that supplies information to the network but does not receive information from the network. Forced Account Code The Forced Account Code feature requires that when it appears in a partic- ular station’s COS, the user at that station must dial a valid account code each time that an outgoing trunk call is made. If it is not entered the user is denied access to the trunk. The account code appears as part of the SMDR record. Full Duplex A method of operation which allows simultaneous transmission from both ends of a communications link. Ground Button See Recall Button.105 A-B 9109-094-105-NA issue 3 Revision 1

Glossary of 5X-200 DIGITAL TERMS Ground Start The term used to designate a particular type of trunk circuit, on which a ground condition is applied to the ring lead of the trunk when an outgo- ing call seizes the trunk. Hard Hold Hard Hold is the term used when a station user, or an attendant, places another party on hold, and can then perform any of the functions which are normally available at the station (as opposed to Consultation Hold, which restricts the functions which can be performed). Hot Repair This term is applied, when a system has the ability of allowing mainteL nance or repair action to be performed, without first removing power from the system.Hunt Group A Hunt Group is a group of stations to which incoming calls are directed to the group by dialing a master number. A group can be arranged as either a:l Circular group, in which case the stations are searched in a circular manner commencing with the called station. lTerminal group, in which case the stations are searched starting at the first station and ending with the last station in the group. intelligent Terminal An Input/Output device, usually with a keyboard for input and a VDU for output, which has local storage and a processor enabling it to perform cer- tain tasks independently.Interconnection Restrictions Certain interconnections between stations and trunks, and between trunk and trunk circuits are not allowed for various reasons. These interconnec- tions are prevented by setting appropriate parameters in the Device Inter- connection Table which is programmed as part of the 5X-200 DIGITAL PABX CDE procedures. Calls made with trunk circuits are thus subject to the parameters in the Table. For more information, refer to Device Inter- connection Control described in the System Features section of this prac- tice. Least Cost Routing Least Cost Routing is one of the functions of Automatic Route Selection and refers to the economical aspects of the ARS facility. In Least Cost Rout- ing, the trunk circuits are programmed, with regard to the effects of the costs of the possible alternative trunk routings. In practice the customer9 109-094-l 05-NAIssue 3 Revision 1105 A-9

Features Description may require the economical aspects to be subordinate to the overall traffic efficiency requirements of the System; for example, less costly trunk routes may be available, but offer too low a traffic grade of service for the cus- tomer’s needs. Actual requirements may be subject to Traffic Analysis of the customer’s needs. Loop Start A form of signaling used by a certain type of CO trunk, which designates that type of trunk. It denotes an outgoing trunk circuit which is seized by the system placing a “loop” condition on the trunk. Loop Tie Trunk The term applied to a tie trunk between PABXs, which is seized by the application of a “loop” condition on the trunk. Subsequent supervisory conditions may be determined by the presence/absence of the loop or bybattery-reversal conditions. MCC See Main Control Card.MDF See Main Distribution Frame.MODEM A Modulator-DEModulator is a piece of Data Communications Equipment (DCE) that accepts data signals from a piece of Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and transforms them into modulated tone signals suitable for trans- mission over telephone lines. The DCE at the far end reconverts the tone signals into data signals and sends them to its DTE. The data circuit is com- monly a duplex circuit; i.e., capable of operation in both directions simul- taneously.MPU Main Processing Unit- in the case of the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX, this refers to the 68000 CPU on the Main Control card. Main Control Card (MCC) The Main Control Card is the main hierarchical intelligence of the 5X-200 DIGITAL PABX. It contains the CPU (Central Processing Unit), DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory), disk interface elements, and is responsi- ble for the overall operation of the machine (including call processing;record keeping, maintenance functions and system control functions). Main Distribution FrameThe Main Distribution frame (MDF) forms the interconnection point be- tween the in-house PABX (for example the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX), and105 A-109109-094-l OS-NA Issue 3 Revision 1

Glossary of SX-200 DIGITAL TERMS the internal and external cabling to the PABX. The MDF provides a conve- nient and flexible means of interfacing the cabling to the system.The MDF is also known as the Cross-Connect Field. Maintenance Panel The Maintenance Panel of the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX allows access to the maintenance facilities via an RS-232 port and an RJ-11 jack. Major Aiarm One of three possible types of alarm priorities, which are the Minor, Major and Critical Alarms. As the names imply, fault conditions which may arise on the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX can be segregated into different categories of urgency, which are then subsequently handled according to the degree of urgency. Message Subsystem The Message Subsystem is one of the subsystem blocks of the 5X-200 DIGI- TAL PABX. Its function is to act as the main message collection and distri- bution facility for the system, and links the Main Controller with the intel- ligent entities at the peripheral level or below. In effect it is the “nervous” system of the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX, in that it passes messages and com- mands between the lowest and highest levels of the system. Minor Alarm See Major Alarm. Mixed Station Dialing The SX-200 DIGITAL PABX caters to the use of both rotary dial and/or DTMF types of industry-standard telephones installed on the system. Modem Pool A modem pool is a hunt group of pooled modems. It permits communica- tions between dataset users and modem-eqwipped data devices.Multiple Consoles More than one attendant console may be installed on an SX-200 DIGITAL PABX System. The trunk groups can be arranged to terminate such that they can be accessed from all of the consoles, and any call can be answered from any console.Null Modem This item can take various forms, but its function is always the same; it en- ables connections to be made between two “modems” on a back-to-back basis. The main characteristic of the Null modem is to transpose the ’RS-232C 5 and R leads which interconnect the “modems”; otherwise the send (5) leads of the two “modems” are connected together, as are the9 109-094-I 05-NAIssue 3Revision 1105 A-11