Mitel SX 200 DIGITAL Pabx General Descriptions Manual
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Features Description TrunkSupport-Tl.............................................105 3-110 Uniform Call Distribution (UCD)..................................105 3-l 12 Vacant Number Intercept........................................105 3-l 14 Verified Account Codes.........................................105 3-l 15 Verified Account Codes (Special DISA)............................. 105 3-l 16 4. TELEPHONE FEATURES...........................................105 4-1 AddHeld.....................................................105 4-l Auto-Answer................................................. 105 4-2 Auto-Hold...................................................105 4-3 BackgroundMusic.............................................105 4-4 Broker’s Call (Station Swap)......................................105 4-5 Calculator....................................................105 4-7 CallAnnounce................................................105 4-7 Call Announce Port............................................105 4-8 Callback-Busy................................................105 4-9 Callback-NoAnswer...........................................105 4-11 Call Duration Display...........................................105 4-13 CallPark.....................................................105 4-14 ClearAllFeatures..............................................105 4-15 Conference...................................................105 4-15 DirectTrunkSelect.............................................105 4-17 Disconnect Alarm................................................105 4-18Do Not Disturb................................................105 4-18 ForwardCampon..............................................10 5 4-20 Forwarding...................................................10 5 4-21 Handsfree Operation...........................................105 4-29 Headset Operation.............................................105 4-30 Hold.........................................................105 4-30 Holiday Messages..............................................105 4-34 Intercom.....................................................10 5 4-35 Last Number Redial............................................105 4-35 LinePrivacy...................................................10 5 4-36 LineSelection.................................................10 5 4-37 Messaging -Advisory...........................................105 4-38 Messaging-Call Me Back.......................................105 441 Override (Intrude).............................................105 4-45 OverrideAnnounce............................................10 5 4-48 Pickup - Local and Directed......................................105 4-48 Privacy Enable/Privacy Release....................................105 4-50 Reminder.....................................................lO 5 4-51 SecondLanguage..............................................105 4-53 Secretarial Line................................................105 4-54 Speedcall.....................................................105 4-55 9109-094-105-NA Issue 3 Revision 1vii

Table of Contents Split .........................................................10 5 4-59 Swap(TradeCalls).............................................105 4-60 SwapCampon................................................. 105 4-61 Tone Demonstration...........................................105 4-62 Transfer......................................................lO 5 4-65 Transfer With Privacy...........................................105 4-67 5. HOTEL/MOTEL FEATURES.............q...........................105 El General......................................................10 5 5-l Attendant Guest Room Softkey...................................105 5-2 Attendant Message Register Audit................................105 5-3 Attendant Message Waiting Setup and Cancel -Guest Room..........105 5-3 AutomaticWakeup............................................ 105 5-4 CallBlocking.................................................. 105 5-7 CallRestriction................................................10 5 5-7 Guest Room SUPERSETKey Programming..........................105 5-9 Maid in Room Status...........................................105 5-9 Maid in Room Status Display - SUPERSET and SUPfRSET4DN Telephone................................................10 5 5-10 MessageLampTest............................................. 105 5-11 MessageRegister..............................................105 5-12 .Property Management System (PMS)..............................105 5-l 3 Room Status -Attendant Console .................................105 5-l 6 Room Status Audit..................:...........................105 5-l-8 Room Status Display - SUPERSET and SUPERSET4DN Telephones......105 5-19 6. DATA FEATURES................................................105 6-l General......................................................10 5 6-l Associated Data Line (ADL)......................................105 6-l ADLHotline..........................................-........ 105 6-3 ADL Speed Call Originate........................................105 6-4 Abbreviated Dial For ADL Calls...................................105 6-7 Associated Modem Line (AML)...................................105 6-7 Auto-Answer .................................................10 5 6-9 Automatic Data Route Selection (ADRS)............................105 cl 0 DataAccountCodes............................................105 6-10 Data Hunt Groups..............................................105 6-12 DataPeripherals............................................... 105 6-13 DataSecurity..................................................lO 5 6-14 Data Station MessagbDetail Recording (DATA SMDR)................105 6-14 Data Station Queuing..........................................105 6-l 5 Data Transceiver (DTRX).........................................105 6-l 6 DTRX Call by Name.............................................105 6-18 DTRX Call Originate/Disconnect..................................105 6-l 8 DTRXHelp.................................................... 105 6-20 ..IVIII9109-094-105-NAIssue 3 Revision 1

Features Description DTRXHotline.................................................105 6-21 DTRXMessages................................................ 105 6-21 ModemPooling............................................... 105 6-24 Modem Pooling Queuing.......................................105 6-29 7. MAINTENANCE FEATURES........................................105 7-l Alarm Indication................................................105 7-l AlarmLEDs................................................... 105 7-2 Alarm Status Display............................................105 7-2 ConfigurationReport........................................... 105 7-2 CopyDatabase................................................ 105 7-3 Customer Data Entry (CDE) Backup and Restore.....................105 7-3 Device Error Analysis Statistics....................................105 7-3 Device Status Report...........................................105 7-4 Diagnostics................................................... 105 7-4 Remote Maintenance Administration and Test (RMATS) Access.........105 7-5 Remove from Service, Return to Service............................105 7-5 Show,SetDate ................................................ 105 7-5 Show, Set System Time..........................................105 7-6 System Logging Facility.........................................105 7-6 TestLineFunction.............................................. 105 716 APPENDIX A. GLOSSARY OF SX-200 DIGITAL TERMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 A-l APPENDIX B. SUMMARY OF CALL TYPES FOR CALL REROUTING . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 B-l APPENDIX C. DATA GLOSSARY......................................105 C-l DATASET 1100 Series RS-232C pin Connections......................105 C-2 DATASET 2100 Series RS-232C pin Connections......................105 C-3 INDEX................................ ..*..........,.............Index-l . List of Tables Table 3-l Glossary of Analog Networking Terms....................105 3-B Table 3-2 Information Elements for Analog Networking ..............105 3-9 Table 3-3 Digit Translation Plans.................................105 3-32 Table 3-4 4-Circuit CO &4-Circuit DISA Trunk Hardware Options .....105 3-90 Table 3-5 6-Circuit CO Trunk And 6-Circuit DISA Trunk Hardware Options ..................................................10 5 3-90 Table 3-6 E&M Module and E&M Module DISA Trunk Hardware Options 105 3-91 Table 3-7 E&M Trunk Card Hardware Options ......................105 3-92 Table 3-B 2-CCT DID/Tie and Tie DISA............................105 3-94 Table3-9 6-CCTDID...........................................10 5 3-94 Table 3-10 Tl E&M and Tl E&M DISA............................105 3-95 9 109-094-l 05-NAIssue 3 Revision 1ix

Table of ContentsTable 3-l 1 Tl DID/Tie and Tl Tie DISA............................105 3-96 Table3-12 Tl LS/GSandTl CODISA..............................105 3-97 Table 6-l DTRX Messages.......................................105 6-21 Table C-l DATASET 1100 Series RS-232C Pin Connections.............105 C-2 Table C-2 DATASET 2100 Series RS-232C Pin Connections.............105 C-3 .X 9 109-094-l 05-NAIssue 3 Revision 1

1. INTRODUCTION GENERAL 1 .I This Practice describes the features provided by the MITEL SX-2fW’ DIGITAL private automatic branch exchange (PABX). REASON FOR REISSUE 1.2 This Practice is reissued to add new information for the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX with Generic 1002 and Generic 1003 software. As this issue contains ex- tensive changes, revision bars have not been used to identify the changes from previous issues. ABOUT THIS PRACTICE Practice Structure1.3 The feature descriptions in this practice are grouped into six major cate- gories. Separate sections of the practice describe the features in each catego- ry. The categories are: Attendant Features: The Attendant, through the console, has access to a number of specific features described in this section of the practice. Also refer to Practice 9109-094-31ENA, Attendant Console Description for detailedoperating information. System Features: These are features which apply on a system-wide basis rath- er than on a peripheral level (e.g., station or Attendant level). Telephone Features: These are features which can be activated by users hav-ing industry-standard telephones (rotary dial or DTMF), or SUPERSEDE Tele- phones.Hotel/Motel Features: These features are unique to the hotel/motel applica- tion of the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX. Data Features:These are features which apply on a system wide basis for data users equipped with data devices such as PCs and Datasets, and asso- ciated. telephones (industry-standard or SUPERSET telephones). Maintenance Features: The SX-200 DIGITAL PABX has a comprehensive maintenance package. Also refer to Practice 9109-094-353-NA, GeneralMaintenance Information, and Practice 9109-094-351-NA, RS-232 Mainte- nance Terminal. The practice also contains separate appendixes for the following: Glossary of Terms:Defines commonly used PABX terms.9 109-094-l 05-NAIssue 3 Revision 1 105 1-1

Features Description Summary of Call Types for Call Rerouting:Describes the types of calls found in the call rerouting table. Data Glossary:Defines common terms used in the sections of this Practice covering the data features in the SX-ZOO DIGITAL PABX. Also includes pin as- signments for RS-232C connectors. Index: Contains detailed cross references for all PABX features, Class of Ser- vice (COS) options and System Options. Feature Descriptions1.4 Each feature is described under four subheadings as follows: Description: Gives a brief description of the feature.Conditions: Lists the conditions and limitations of the feature. Programming: Summarizes the required system programming steps to acti- vate the feature. Operation: Describes the operations which the end user must perform to use this feature. References1.5 References to other headings within this Practice are in upper case. Refer- ences to other documents are by Practice number and Title. References to spe- cific features are initial upper case; general references are lower case. For example, to find out more about tenanting, see TENANTING, and refer to Practice 9109-094-230-NA, Tenanting. All prompts, key designations, and selection options are in upper case.SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION 1.6 Most feature descriptions in this Practice make reference to one or moreof the following: - Class of Service (COS) Options - System Options - Feature Access Codes These terms are explained briefly below. Class of Service1.7 Features in the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX are controlled by enabling COS op-Options tions that are accessed through Customer Data Programming (CDE). COS Op-tions include Attendant feature options and station feature options. Refer to the Index at the end of this Practice for detailed cross references to each of the COS Options. Indexing to COS options is by both COS number and feature name.105 l-2 9109-094-105-NA Issue 3 Revision 1

IntroductionSystem Options1.8 System Options and Timers -includes the selectable system options and variable timers. Refer to the Index at the end of this Practice for detailed cross references to each of the System Options. Indexing is by both System Option number and name. Feature Access1.9 Feature Access Codes - are the set of access codes that the user is required Codesto enter to access features. Refer to the Index at the end of this Practice for detailed cross references to each of the Features. Indexing is by both Feature number and name.9109-094-l 05-NAIssue 3 Revision 1105 l-3

Features Description 105 l-4This page intentionally blank 9 109-094-l 05-NAIssue 3Revision 1

2. AlTENDANT FEATURES 2.1 The following paragraphs describe all features provided by the5X-200 DIGITAL PABX that apply to the Attendant Console. Attendant func- tions are performed by the LCD Console, which has a 4-line, 80-character Liq- uid Crystal Display (LCD) display, and a keyboard with an extensive range of operational key groups to perform a wide variety of different functions. Information presented on the four lines of the LCD display includes: lDate (if idle), or call source data, and time/call waiting indication l Call destination datal Sof-tkey labels (Fl-F5) l Softkey labels (FS-FO). If a Console operation cannot be done, a beep tone is heard and the display shows CANT. When the console is used for Customer Data Entry (CDE), abbreviated CDE forms are displayed on the LCD. The console can also be used to perform maintenance functions.More detailed information on the Attendant Console, including prompts and displays, may be found in Practice 9109-094-315-NA, Attendant Console De- scription.Attendant Abbreviated Dial Number Entry Description2.2 This feature allows the Attendant to program system abbreviated dial numbers from the Attendant Console. There is only one table for the system’s abbreviated dial numbers. Selected attendants have the option of making abbreviated dial numbers confidential. This restricts the viewing and chang- ing of the number to only those attendants permitted to do so. See ABBREVIATED DIAL.Conditions The following conditions apply to this feature: lOnly one device (console or terminal) can be programming system Abbre- viated Dial numbers at one time. lWhile the console is using the Abbreviated Dial Number Entry feature, CDE Form 31 (System Abbreviated Dial Entry) cannot be accessed.Similarly, the console cannot use the abbreviated dial number entry feature while CDE Form 31 (System Abbreviated Dial Entry) is being accessed. lExcept for in the *3 and *5 codes described below, the digit * may not ap- pear in Abbreviated Dial numbers.l The number programmed is not limited to external numbers -it can be any access code in the system.9 109-094-l 05-NAIssue 3 Revision 1105 2-1

Features Description ProgrammingTo allow abbreviated dial programming, enable Class of Service (COS) Option 111 (Attendant Abbreviated Dial Programming) for the console. To allow the display of confidential abbreviated dial numbers, enable COSOption 110 (Attendant Abbreviated Dial Confidential Number Display) for the console. This option applies to both programming and dialing of the con- fidential abbreviated dial numbers. The console has unrestricted use of all abbreviated dial numbers, but pro- gram an access code in CDE Form 02 (Feature Access Codes) for Feature 24 (Abbreviated Dial Access). ; The following codes can be inserted into a stored number: *3nn - wait for nn manually dialed digits nn can range from 01 to 14 For example, the general number for external directory assistance is 9 + 1 + (area code) + 555-1212; the area code is to be dialed manually. The number to be stored would be 91*3035551212. *5 -call to Call Announce Port. This code must be at the end of the number; it cannot have digits following it. OperationRefer to Practice 9 109-094-3 15-NA, Attendant Console Description. Attendant Alarm Readout Description2.3 The Attendant Console can display the alarm logs presently active in the system. The Attendant can cause a readout of the alarm messages one by one using the softkeys. The message indicates the fault and its location. ConditionsFor the Attendant to access the alarms, the following must be true:l There must be no other console accessing alarms lThere must be no console or maintenance terminal accessing maintenance or CDE. lThere must be no current Test Line access lLogs can be reviewed only once from the Attendant consolel The ALARM softkey appears only if the ALARM ICON is lit. ProgrammingEnable COS Option 102 (Attendant Display of System Alarms) for the console. OperationRefer to Practice 9109-094-31 S-NA, Attendant Console Description. 105 2-29 109-094-l 04NAissue 3Revision 1