Mitel SX 200 DIGITAL Pabx General Descriptions Manual
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ACD Monitors Table IO-19 Group Programmed Data Softkey Labels Softkey Label CANCEL Function Returns the user to the System level. Details of the System level are in paragraph 10.11 . PREVIOUS This softkey is present if groups exist that have low- er access codes than the group being displayed. Pressing this key displays the activity for the next lower ACD Group. NEXT This softkey is present if groups exist that have high- er access codes than the group being displayed. Pressing this key displays the activity for the next higher ACD Group. RETURN The RETURN key (either hardkey or softkey) returns the user to the Group Summary form. Refer to para- graph 10.18 for details Page 1 of 1 Table IO-20 Terms Used In Group Programmed Data Display Term I Meaning Super Name The name of the group’s supervisor, as pro- grammed in CDE Super ID The ID number of the group’s supervisor, as pro- grammed in CDE Sen’r Name The name of the group’s senior supervisor, as pro- grammed in CDE Sen’r ID The ID number of the group’s senior supervisor, as programmed in CDE. Prog Agts The number of agents programmed as members of this group. Threshld 1 The first threshold time for a call waiting for the group. This time is used to indicate the overall call- er load on the group. The flashing icons on agent and supervisory sets are updated to reflect the sta- tus using this time. Page 1 of 2 9109-094-620-NA Issue 3 Revision 1 620 lo-23

ACD TELEMARKETER Application Package Table IO-20 Terms Used In Group Programmed Data Display (continued) Term Threshid 2 O/F Timer After Work Meaning The second threshold time for a call waiting for the group. This time is used to indicate the caller load on the group. The flashing icons on agent and su- pervisory sets are updated to reflect the status. The setting of the ‘overflow’ timer for the group The setting of the after work timer for the group. Page 2 of 2 Group Statistics 10.23 The Group Statistics form in Figure 10-9 shows a summary of statistics collected over the past hour, and shift totals for the group. 14:26 23-APR-89 GROUP STATISTICS MITEL ACD TELEMARKETER LAST HOUR SHIFT TOTAL from 08:OO ANS by GRP : 43 03:ll ANS by GRP : 397. 02:58 OFFERED : 63 OFFERED : 487 OVERFLOWED : 17 OVERFLOWED : 83 LOGINS : - LOGINS * 13 AVG AGENTS : 3.4 AVG AGENTS ; 6.8 MAKE BUSY : 12 00:49 MAKE BUSY : 62 01:46 OUTGOING : - : OUTGOING : 3 02:Ol NON ACD : 1 01:43 NON ACD : 2 02:12 I- 2- i- 7- PRINT GROUP 1 AN SALE 3- 4- 8- PREVIOUS 9- NEXT Figure IO-9 Group Statistics Display 5- CANCEL 0- RETURN Table 1 O-21 describes the softkeys presented with the Group Statistics display. Table 1 O-22 defines the fields on the display. The field definitions in Table 10-22 apply to the LAST HOUR field and the SHIFTTOTAL field. The shift start time is programmed from the System level in Maintenance via the ACD REPORTS softkey. The group shift buffers are cleared at that time. - 620 lo-24 9109-094-620-NA Issue 3 Revision 1

ACD Monitors Table IO-21 Path Programmed Data Softkey Labels 1 Softkey Label CANCEL PRINT PREVIOUS NEXT RETURN Function Returns the user to the System level. Details of the System level are in paragraph 10.11 . Starts a dump of this form to the printer used for the ACD Monitor Print. This softkey is present if groups exist that have low- er access codes than the group being displayed. Pressing this key displays the statistics for the next lower ACD Group. This softkey is present if groups exist that have high- er access codes than the group being displayed. Pressing this key displays the statistics for the next higher ACD Group. The RETURN key (either hardkey or softkey) returns the user to the Group Summary form. Refer to para- graph 10.18 for details Page 1 of 1 Table 10-22 Terms Used In Path Programmed Data Display Ans By Grp The number of ACD calls answered by the group both over the time interval, and the average dura- tion of those calls. Offered The number of ACD calls offered to the group over the time interval from all paths. Overf I owed The number of calls that have overflowed from this group over the time interval when this group is the .primary group of a path. Logins The number of logins which occurred in this group over the time interval. Avg Agents The average number of agents logged in over the time interval. The calculation is: I total agent login time/total duration Page 1 of 2 9 109-094-620-NA Issue 3 Revision 1 620 lo-25

ACD TELEMARKETER Application Package Table 10-22 Terms Used In Path Programmed Data Display (continued) Term Make Busy Meaning The number of times members of this group went into Make Busy during the interval, and the aver- age duration of the Make Busy states. Outgoing The number, and average duration, of external outgoing calls made by the agents in this group over the time interval. Non Acd The number, and average duration, of internal calls made and non ACD calls received by group mem- bers over the time interval. Page 2 of 2 Group Activity 10.24 The Group Activity form shown in Figure IO-10 provides a continu- ously updated display of the activity of callers and agents within the group. 14:26 23-APR-89 CALLER ACTIVITY CALLS WTG : 12 LONGST WTG: 01:38 UNDER IST : 7 BETWEEN : 3 AFTER2ND : 2 OVERFLOWED: 6 HELD CALLS : 1 GROUP ACTIVITY MITEL ACD TELEMARKETER AGENT ACTIVITY LOGGED ON : 10 READY : - AFTER WORK: 1 ON ACD : 7 MAKE BUSY : 1 DND . - ON non ACDI 1 l- s- 2- 7- GROUP 1 AfV SALE 3- 4- 5- CANCEL & PREVIOUS 9- NEXT 0- RETURN Figure IO-10 Group Activity Display Table 1 O-23 describes the softkeys presented with the Group Activity display. Table 1 O-24 defines the fields on the display. 620 IO-26 9109-094-620-NA Issue 3 Revision 1

ACD Monitors Table IO-23 Group Activity Softkey Labels Softkey Label CANCEL Function Returns the user to the System level. Details of the System level are in paragraph 10.11 . PREVIOUS This softkey is present if groups exist that have low- er access codes than the group being displayed. Pressing this key displays the activity for the next lower ACD Group. NEXT This softkey is present if groups exist that have high- er access codes than the group being displayed. Pressing this key displays the activity for the next higher ACD Group. RETURN .The RETURN key (either hardkey or sof-tkey) returns the user to the Group Summary form. Refer to para- graph 10.18 for details. Page 1 of 1 Table IO-24 Terms Used In Group Activity Display Term Meaning Caller Activity Calls Wtg The number of callers queued for this group from all paths. Longst Wtg The waiting time of the longest waiting caller queued for this group. Under 1st The number of callers queued for this group who have been waiting for less than the first threshold timer. Between The number of callers queued for this group who have been waiting for longer than the first thresh- old timer but less than the second threshold timer. After 2n_d The number of callers queued for this group who have been waiting for longer than the second threshold timer. Overflowed The number of callers queued for this group who have overflowed to the next group in the path, if programmed to do so. Page 1 of 2 9109-094-620-NA Issue 3 Revision 1 620 lo-27

ACD TELEMARKETER Application Package Table IO-24 Terms Used In Group Acttvity Display (continued) Term Meaning Held Calls The number of callers on hard hold by agents in this group. I Agent Activity Logged On The number of agents currently logged on in this group. Ready After Work The number of agents ready to take an ACD call. The number of agents who have just completed an ACD call, and their After Work Timer is active. On ACD The number of agents currently on incoming ACD calls. I Make Busy The number of agents currently in Make Busy. I DND The number of agents with Do Not Disturb acti- vated. I On Non ACD The number of agents currently on non-ACD in- coming calls or outgoing calls. I Page 2 of 2 1 MONITORING AGENTS 10.25 The following forms provide information about the agents pro- grammed in the ACD system and currently logged in. The primary form within the agent sub-level is the Agent Summary that provides an overview of cur- rent activity as well as a synopsis of statistical data collected over the past hour. The user is presented with a set of softkeys to access additional forms supplying detailed information about the agent and the agent’s perform- ance. The additional forms are: l Agent Programmed Data display showing all information entered during Customer Data Entry that affects this agent. m l Agent Statistics display with details of the agent’s performance over the last hour, and a comparison between the performance of this agent and the the entire group. 0 Agent Activity display showing the current status of any specified agent,. These forms are described in detail below. 620 lo-28 9 109-094-620-NA Issue 3 Revision 1

ACD Monitors Agent Summary 10.26 The Agent Summary form provides a snapshot view of an agent’s cur- rent state and a summary of one or more agents’ performance over the last hour. After pressing the AGENTS softkey at the System level, the user is prompted to enter an agent ID number. After entering a valid agent ID the user is pres- ented with the screen shown in Figure 10-l 1 _ information about the chosen agent appears at the top. Pressing the RETURN key without first entering an agent ID number also dis- plays the screen shown in Figure 10-l 1 , but in this case the agents are listed by group number and ID number from lowest to highest ID number as pro- grammed during Customer Data Entry. 10.27 Entering an unprogrammed or out-of-range agent number results in an error message on the work-line. The CANCEL key allows deletion of the entry. Alternately, the user may press the RETURN hardkey and re-enter an agent number. 15:23 23-APR-89 AGENT SUMMARY MITEL ACD TELEMARKETER 1, 6- 1 7- PRINT ) B-PAGE UP 1 9- PAGE DOWN IO- RETURN - PROGRAMMING 2-STATISTICS 3-ACTIVITY 4- 5- CANCEL - ~~ I I I SUMMARY-LAST HOUR GRP AGENT AGENT ACD NUM NAME . ID STATE ANSWERED CMP to GRP AV NONACD MAKE BUSY 2 JACOBSON K 2390 ready 27 02:28 97 96 - : 3 01:28 2 OLIVETTI S 2750 acd 23 03:Ol 86 105 1 02:27 - : 2 ANDERS BOB 3215 nonacd 13 03:45 102 103 -: 5 01:13 2 KING SUSAN 3310 makeb 4 01:58 80 93 - ; - : 5 BRUCE ALAN 1540 acd 12 02:35 10 98 2 00:47 4 00:29 33 LIKOUDIS J 3250 ad 13 02:21 100 100 0 : 2 00:47 42 ISKOVITCH 4100 ready - - - - - : - : 42 CUOMO MARY 73550 makeb 11 04:27 67 132 - : 1 60:00 49 LAM JSOEPH 2210 acd 19 02:39 100 102 -: -: s Figure IO-I 1 Agent Summary Form Display Table 1 O-25 describes the softkeys presented with the Agent Summary dis- play. Table lo-26 defines the fields on the display. 9109-094-620-NA Issue 3 Revision 1 620 lo-29

ACD TELEMARKETER Application Package Table IO-25 Agent Summary Form Softkey Labels Softkey Label Fun&h PROGRAMMING STATISTICS ACTIVITY CANCEL PRINT PAGE UP PAGE DOWN Displays the Agent Programmed Data form show- ing the CDE information for the agent currently bracketed by the work-line arrows. Refer to para- graph 10.28 for a description of the Agent Pro- grammed Data form. Accesses the Agent Statistics form that shows a statistical overview of the agent’s activity at the present moment, and a summary of statistics col- lected over the past hour. Paragraph 10.29 de- scribes the Statistical Overview. Accesses the Agent Activity display containing a frequently updated view of current status of the agent and the agent’s set. See paragraph 10.30 for a description of this form. Returns the user to the System level. Refer to para- graph 10.11 for details. Prints the Agent Summary form at the printer used for the ACD Monitor Print. Accesses agents with lower group numbers if there are more agent summary lines than fit on one screen. The key only appears when an upward scroll can occur. Accesses agents with higher group numbers if there are more agent summary lines than fit on one screen. The key only appears when a downward scroll can occur. Page 1 of 1 Table IO-26 Terms Used In Agent Summary Display Term Meaning Agent Name And Current State I Grp Num The agent group’s number. I Agent Name The agent’s name as programmed in CDE. I Agent ID The agent’s ID or access code. Page 1 of 2 620 lo-30 9109-094-620-NA Issue 3 Revision 1

ACD Monitors Table IO-26 Terms Used In Agent Summary Display (conti n&d) Term ACD State Summary - Last Hour Answered Cmp To Grp Av Non ACD Vlake Busy I L Meaning The current state of the agent as one of the follow- ing; acd -on an ACD call dnd -the agent’s set has Do Not Disturb active hold - agent has an ACD caller on hold makeb -agent has entered the make busy state nonacd -agent is on a non-ACD, or outgoing call ready - agent ready to accept an ACD cai I The number and average duration of incoming ACD calls answered by this agent. The first percentage is the ratio of the number of incoming ACD calls answered by this agent com- pared to the.average number answered by the rest of the agents in the group over the same period. Agents logging on and off during the period affect the numbers. The second percentage is the ratio of the average call duration of incoming ACD calls answered by this agent compared to the average duration an- swered by the rest of the agents in the group over the same period. The number and average duration of non-ACD calls received and placed by the agent. The number and average duration of times the agent was in a Make Busy state. Page 2 of 2 Agent Programmed Data 10.28 The Agent Programmed Data form displays the data programmed for the agent by the installer during Customer Data Entry. Figure 1 O-l 2 shows the form. The softkeys and fields on the form are described in Table IO-27 and Table 10-28. 9109-094-620-NA Issue 3 Revision 1 620 lo-31

ACD TELEMARKETER Application Package 15: 53 23-APR-89 AGENT PROGRAMMED DATA MITELACD TELEMARKETER GROUP NAME : NEWSROOM SUPER NAME : SOBRAN JOE AGENT COS : 12 GROUP NUM : 33 SUPER ID : 3800 SEN’R NAME : MORRISS F SEN’R ID : 3900 AGENT 3250 LIKOUDIS J l- 2- 3- 4- 5- CANCEL 5- 7- 8- PREVIOUS 9- NEXT 0- RETURN Figure IO-12 Agent Programmed Data Display Table 1 O-27 describes the softkeys presented with the Agent Programmed Data display. Table 1 O-28 defines the fields on the display. Table IO-27 Agent Programmed Data Softkey Labels Softkey Label _ Function CANCEL Returns the user to the System level. Refer to para- graph 10.11 for details. PREVIOUS Displays the previous agent, sorted by group num- ber and agent ID. The softkey only appears when there is a preceding agent. NEXT Displays the next agent, sorted by group number and agent ID. The softkey only appears when there is another agent. RETURN The RETURN key (either hardkey or softkey) returns the user to the Agent Summary form described in paragraph 10.26 . Page lof 1 620 lo-32 9109-094-620-NA issue 3 Revision 1