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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation For Adjuncts And Peripherals Manual

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    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units 
    29 Sett Hardware Options 
    Figure 11. Data Module Mode Selector
    4. Note the three letters eng raved  in the up p er lefthand  c orner of the EIA 
    c onnec tor b oard . Data mod ules ship  from the fac tory with b oard  inserted  
    with  “ DCE”  in the up p er left c orner. 
    5. Use the DCE p osition to c onnec t to DTE eq uip ment.  Use the DTE p osition 
    to c onnec t to DCE eq uip ment. To c hang e the mod e, remove the b oard  b y 
    grasping it and pulling it gently upward. Flip the board around, left to right,  
    and  reinsert it in the soc ket so that the c orrec t op erating  mod e, DCE or 
    DTE, ap p ears in the up p er lefthand  c orner. 
    6. Snap  the top  c over onto the unit.
    Setting 7400B Data-Module Hardware Options
    You c onfig ure the 7400B d ata mod ule using DIP switc hes on the c irc uit c ard  
    insid e the c ase. Fi g u re  1 2
     shows the front and  rear of a 7400B  d ata mod ule.   1. 7400A d ata module  2. EIA c onnec tor b oard  (shown in DTE mod e)
    7400A Data ModuleDATA
    7400atop KLC 053096 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units 
    30 Sett Hardware Options 
    To c onfig ure the 7400B d ata mod ule, p roc eed  as follows.
    Elec trostatic  d isc harg e c an severely damag e sensitive elec tronic  c irc uits. 
    Before handling  any elec tronic  hard ware, b e sure to wear a g round ing  wrist 
    strap  or other static -d issip ating  d evic e. Do not touc h exp osed  c irc uitry or 
    semiconductor c hips.
    1. If you are not attac hing  a telep hone to the data mod ule, ac tivating data 
    metering , or enab ling  b usyout on the loc al loop , you c an use the fac tory 
    d efault setting s. The 7400B d ata mod ule is alread y c onfig ured  for your 
    use. Stop  now.
    2. Otherwise, remove the ac c ess p anel on the top of the c ase b y grasp ing  
    the rear lip of the panel and pulling sharply upward.
    3. Loc ate the DIP switc h b loc k, a bank of tiny switc hes on the c irc uit board , 
    in the c enter of the op ening . 
    DIP switc hes 1, 5, and  8 c ontrol the attac hed  telep hone (if any), d ata 
    metering , and  loop b ac k on loc al loop. 
    PO WER
    7400B Data Mod ule
    PO RT 2
    PO RT 1 PO WER
    PH O NE
    7400b RBP 032596
    Figure 12. 7400B Data Module 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units 
    31 Sett Hardware Options 
    4. Set the switc hes for the c omb ination of op tions that you need  to enab le, 
    using the c hart b elow as a g uide.  
    No telephone attached, data metering OFF, busyout on local loop OFF 
    (factory default settings)
    Telephone attached, data metering OFF, busyout on local loop OFF
    No telephone attached, data metering ON, busyout on local loop OFF
    No telephone attached, data metering OFF, busyout on local loop ON
    No telephone attached, data metering ON, busyout on local loop ON
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units 
    32 Connect Data Modules 
    5. Rep lac e the c over on the d ata mod ule.
    Connect Data Modules
    To c onnec t a sing le d ata mod ule, follow the p roc ed ure in following  sec tion. To 
    c onnec t multip le d ata mod ules, see Connec ting  Multip le Data Mod ules to the 
    Sys t e m.   
    Telephone attached, data metering ON, busyout on local loop OFF
    Telephone attached, data metering OFF, busyout on local loop ON
    Telephone attached, data metering ON, busyout on local loop ON
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units 
    33 Connect Data Modules 
    Connecting a Single Data Module
    You must install a 105D or 105C isolating  d ata interfac e ad ap ter when 
    c onnec ting d ata mod ules to eq uipment in DC-p owered  c ab inets.
    Connec t the d ata mod ule to your house wiring  or DEFINITY as follows.
    1. Attac h a D8W c ab le to the LINE
     p ort of the d ata module.
    2. If you are g oing  to attac h a telep hone to the data mod ule
    a. Attac h a 400B2 ad ap ter to the other end  of the D8W c ab le.
    b . Plug  the ad ap ter into a mod ular wall jac k or 103A c onnec tor.
    c . Plug  a D7AP c ord  into the 400B2 adap ter.
    d. Plug the other end of the D7AP c ord into the auxiliary power supply 
    for the telep hone.
    You must have a separate p ower sup p ly for the telephone and  for 
    the d ata mod ule.
    e. Attac h a D8W c ab le to the PHONE
     p ort of the d ata mod ule.
    3. If you are not attac hing  a telep hone, attac h the D8W c ab le from the Line 
    p ort of the d ata module to a modular wall jac k or 103A c onnec tor.
    4. Attac h the d ata-mod ule p ower sup p ly to the p ower c onnec tor on the b ac k 
    of the data mod ule, and  p lug the p ower sup p ly into an AC elec tric al outlet.
    5. Connec t an RS-232 c ab le to the PORT 1
     c onnec tor on the b ac k of the 
    data module. 
    6. If the eq uip ment inc lud es a V.35 interfac e, p lug  a V.35 c ab le into the V. 3 5
    c onnec tor on the d ata mod ule.
    7. If the d ata mod ule is a 7400B DCE-only d evic e and  if the other end  of the 
    c ab le is c onnec ted  to another DCE d evic e, insert a null-mod em adap ter 
    b etween the d ata mod ule and the RS-232 c ab le.
    8. Connec t the other end  of the RS-232 c ab le to a serial (COM) p ort 
    c onnec tion on the d ata devic e (host c omp uter, serial p rinter, mod em, 
    etc .).
    9. Go to the c onfig uration p roc ed ure for the d ata module you are using : 
    Installation Proc ed ure
    Config uring  the 7400B Data Module
    Config uring  the 7400C HSL (Hig h- Sp eed  Link) Data Mod ule
    Config uring  the 7400D Data Mod ule
    Config uring  the 8400B Plus Data Mod ule
    Config uring  the Exp ressRoute 1000 Data Mod ule 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units 
    34 Connect Data Modules 
    Connecting Multiple Data Modules to the System
    You must install a 105D or 105C isolating  d ata interfac e ad ap ter when 
    c onnec ting d ata mod ules to eq uipment in DC-p owered  c ab inets.
    You install multip le d ata mod ules in a d ata mounting  on the DEFINITY. A Z77A 
    d ata mounting  c an take up  to 8 d ata modules. See Fi g u re  1 3
    Figure 13. Z77A Data Mounting
    Proc eed  as follows.
    1. Set d ata-mod ule hard ware op tions b efore installing  the hardware in the 
    mounting .
    2. Release the horizontal retaining  b ar at the front of the d ata mounting  b y 
    pulling out the plungers at the left and right sides of the bar. 
    3. Pull the retaining  b ar out and  d own. 1. Z77A d ata mounting
    2. Data mod ule (7400A shown)
    3. Retaining  b ar4. Retaining  b ar p lung er
    5. Twist-loc k c ab le retainers
    z77a KLC 053096 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units 
    35 Connect Data Modules 
    4. Connec t the a 25-pin RS-232 c ab le to the 25-p in c onnec tor on the rear of 
    the d ata mod ule. 
    5. Route the c ab le throug h the data mounting  and  throug h the twist-loc k 
    c ab le retainer on the top  of the d ata mounting . 
    6. Attac h the other end  of the RS-232 c ab le to DTE or DCE .
    7. Insert the d ata mod ule vertic ally into the d ata mounting . Be sure the 
    d isp lay is to the top of the d ata mounting . 
    8. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each data module.
    9. Return the horizontal retaining  b ar to its orig inal position to sec ure the d ata 
    modules inside the data mounting.
    10. Go to the c onfig uration p roc ed ure for the d ata module you are using : 
    Config uring  the 7400A Data Module
    Config uring  the 7400B Data Module
    Config uring  the 7400C HSL (Hig h- Sp eed  Link) Data Mod ule
    Config uring  the 7400D Data Mod ule
    Config uring  the 8400B Plus Data Mod ule
    Configuring the 7400A Data Module
    The 7400A is a full-d up lex, async hronous d ata mod ule for use with Dig ital 
    Communic ations Protoc ol (DCP). It is d esig ned  for ap p lic ations that d o not 
    req uire integ ration of voic e and  d ata. It sup p orts async hronous c onnec tions at 
    sp eed s up  to 19.2 Kb p s via an EIA-232-D interface. Fi g u re  1 4
     rep resents the 
    front and  b ac k of the 7400A data mod ule. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units 
    36 Connect Data Modules 
    Figure 14. 7400A asynchronous data module
    Using the 7400A menu system 
    On the 7400A, you selec t c ommunic ations setting s using  the c ontrols on the front 
    p anel of the d evic e . An LCD d isp lays the c onfig uration menus.  You use the 
     and  BACK
     buttons to navig ate throug h the menus and  the ENTER/
     button to selec t values. 
    Powering up the 7400A
    When you p ower up  the 7400A, the POWER TEST
     and  DATA
     LEDs lig ht up , and  
    the 7400A d ata module d isp lays the HOME sc reen on the LCD.  The fig ure b elow 
    rep resents a typ ic al home sc reen. Dashes ind ic ate a lead  that is c onnec ted , 
    ovals a lead  that is not. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units 
    37 Connect Data Modules 
    Adjusting the control-panel display on the 7400A
    1. Ad just the c ontrast of the d isp lay so that you c an see it c omfortab ly. Press 
    the ENTER/YES
     b utton. This step s you throug h the availab le c ontrast 
    setting s.  
    7400A data module, EIA RS-232 interface circuits
    The d ata mod ule c ommunic ates with other eq uip ment via a c onfig urab le, 25-pin 
    RS-232 serial interfac e. DCE and  DTE op eration use d ifferent sets of p ins and  
    assig n d ifferent func tions to some of the same p ins. To avoid  c onfusion later on, 
    p lease take a moment to review the d ifferenc es. See the tab le below (the pins 
    most d isc ussed  in sub seq uent sec tions have b een emp hasized ).
    TEST00—0 0 0 ——
    Y7400A Data ModuleY mm m
    l mmÜ l
    Push the b utton ind ic ated  b y the arrow (Ü
    Pin     Name Function DCE DTE
    1   — Not used — —
    2     BA (TD) Transmitted Data Inp ut Outp ut
    3    BB (RD) Rec eived  Data Outp ut  Inp ut
    4   CA (RTS)  Req uest to Send Inp ut  Outp ut
    5    CB (CTS) Clear to Send Outp ut  Inp ut
    6   CC (DSR) Data Communic ation Eq uip ment Read y  Outp ut  Inp ut
    7   AB (SG) Sig nal Ground    Common Common
    8  CF (RLSD)  Rec eived  Line Sig nal Detec tor  Outp ut  Inp ut
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units 
    38 Connect Data Modules 
    * Circ uits are not used  for asynchronous op eration. Outp uts are c lamp ed OFF and  inputs are ignored .
    Configuring the 7400A for data communications 
    equipment (DCE) applications
    If you are not g oing  to use the 7400A d ata module in a mod em p ool, p roc eed  as 
    follows. 9  —  Reserved  for Testing   + 12 volts —
    10  —  Reserved  for Testing   -12 volts —
    11 — Not used — — 
    12   CI  Data Sig nal Rate Selec t (DCE Sourc e) Outp ut  Inp ut
    13    CI2 Data Signal Rate Select 2 (DCE Source)— Input
    14 — Not used — — 
    15   DB* Transmitter Sig nal Element Timing  (DCE 
    Sourc e)Outp ut Inp ut
    16 — Not used — — 
    17    DD* Rec eiver Sig nal Element Timing  (DCE 
    Sourc e)Outp ut Inp ut
    18   LL Loc al Loopb ac k Inp ut  Outp ut
    19   CH2 Data Sig nal Rate Selec t 2 (DTE Sourc e) —  Outp ut
    20 CD (DTR) Data Terminal Eq uip ment Read y Inp ut  Outp ut
    21  RL Remove Loop b ac k Inp ut  Outp ut
    22  CE (RI)  Ring  Ind ic ator Outp ut  Inp ut
    23     CH Data Sig nal Rate Selec t (DTE Sourc e) Inp ut Outp ut
    24   DA* Transmit Sig nal Element Timing  (DTE 
    Sourc e)Input Output
    25    TM Test Mod e  Outp ut Inp utPin     Name Function DCE DTE
    Continued on next page 
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