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Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation For Adjuncts And Peripherals Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation For Adjuncts And Peripherals Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Stratum 3 Clock 139 Set Clock Options 11 Table 21. Y-Cable Clock-End Cross-Connects for Reliability From Stratum 3 ClockTo Y-cable clock end (primary)To Y-cable clock end (secondary) Lead Name Lead Color/ Te r m i n a lLead Name Lead Color/ Te r m i n a lLead Name Lead Color/ Te r m i n a l RREF1 W-BL/1 V-O/43 TREF1 B L -W/ 2 O - V/ 4 4 RREF2 W- O/ 3 V-O / 4 3 TREF2 O -W/ 4 O -V/ 4 4 Table 22. TN780-Carrier Cross-Connects for Standard Reliability From Stratum 3 Clock To TN780 carrier A To TN780 carrier B Lead Name Lead Color/ Te r m i n a lLead Name Lead Color/ Te r m i n a lLead Name Lead Color/ Te r m i n a l BCLKRTN R-O/13 ALRM5B V-G/45 BCLKLST O-R/14 ALRM5A G-V/47 BPWRRTN R-BR/17 ALRM4B BK-BL/21 BPWRLST BR-R/18 ALRM4A BL-BK/22 REF2 RTN W- B R/ 7 A L RM 3 B R- B R/ 1 7 REF2LST BR-W/8 ALRM3A BR-R/18 SCLKRTN R-BL/11 ALRM2B R-BL/11 SCLKLST BL-R/12 ALRM2A BL-R/12 SPWRRTN R- G / 1 5 A L RM 1 B Y- BL / 3 1 SPWRL ST G - R/ 1 7 A L RM 1 A B L - Y/ 3 2 BCLKRTN R-O/13 ALRM5B V-G/45 REF1RTN W-G/5 ALRM0B W-BR/7 REF1LST G-W/7 ALRM0A BR-W/8 C C A 0 1 R R- S/ 1 9 EXTSYN 0 T V- BL / 4 1 Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Stratum 3 Clock 140 Set Clock Options 11 C C A 0 1 T S- R/ 2 0 EXTSYN 0 R B L - V/ 4 2 C C B 0 1 R B K -B L / 2 1 EXTSYN 1 T Y- G / 3 5 C C B 0 1 T B L - B K/ 2 2 EXTSYN 1 R G - Y/ 3 7 Table 23. Y-Cable Clock-End Cross-Connects for High or Critical Reliability From Stratum 3 ClockTo Y-cable clock end (primary)To Y-cable clock end (secondary) Lead Name Lead Color/ Te r m i n a lLead Name Lead Color/ Te r m i n a lLead Name Lead Color/ Te r m i n a l RREF1 W- B L / 1 V- O / 4 3 TREF1 B L - W/ 2 O- V/ 4 4 RREF2 W- O / 3 V-O / 4 3 TREF2 O-W/4 O-V/44 Continued on next page Table 24. Circuit-Pack Cross-Connects for High or Critical Reliability From Stratum 3 Clock To TN780 carrier A To TN780 carrier B Lead Name Lead Color/ Te r m i n a lLead Name Lead Color/ Te r m i n a lLead Name Lead Color/ Te r m i n a l BCL KRTN R-O /1 3 ALRM5 B V- G/ 45 ALRM5 B V- G/ 45 BCLKLST O-R/14 ALRM5A G-V/47 ALRM5A G-V/47 BPWRRTN R-BR/17 ALRM4B BK-BL/21 ALRM4B BK-BL/21 BPWRLST BR-R/18 ALRM4A BL-BK/22 ALRM4A BL-BK /22 REF2RTN W- BR/7 ALRM3 B R-B R/ 17 ALRM3 B R-B R/ 17 REF2LST BR-W/8 ALRM3A BR-R/18 ALRM3A BR-R/18 Continued on next page Table 22. TN780-Carrier Cross-Connects for Standard Reliability From Stratum 3 Clock To TN780 carrier A To TN780 carrier B Lead Name Lead Color/ Te r m i n a lLead Name Lead Color/ Te r m i n a lLead Name Lead Color/ Te r m i n a l Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Stratum 3 Clock 141 Set Clock Options 11 7. Bridg e the jump er wires to c ross-c onnec t from the TN780 in A and B c arriers to the Stratum 3 Cloc k. 8. Dress the c ab les d own sid es of the c ab inet and run throug h the c ab le Slack Manager, if provided. 9. Ad minister the switc h for the c loc k . SCLK RTN R-B L/1 1 ALRM2 B R-B L/1 1 ALRM2 B R-B L/1 1 SCLKLST BL-R/12 ALRM2A BL-R/12 ALRM2A BL-R/12 SPWRRTN R-G / 1 5 AL RM 1 B Y- BL / 3 1 AL RM 1 B Y- BL / 3 1 SPWRLST G-R/17 ALRM1A BL-Y/32 ALRM1A BL-Y/32 REF1 RTN W- G / 5 AL RM 0 B W- BR/ 7 AL RM 0 B W- BR/ 7 REF1LST G-W/7 ALRM0A BR-W/8 ALRM0A BR-W/8 C C A 0 1 R R-S/ 1 9 EXTSYN 0 T V- BL / 4 1 C C A 0 1 T S- R/ 2 0 EXTSYN 0 R B L - V/ 4 2 CCB01R BK-BL/21 EXTSYN1T Y-G/35 CCB01T BL-BK/22 EXTSYN1R G-Y/37 C C A 0 2 R B K- O / 2 3 EXTSYN 0 T V- BL / 4 1 C C A 0 2 T O - BK / 2 4 EXTSYN 0 R B L - V/ 4 2 C C B 0 2 R B K- G / 2 5 EXTSYN 1 T Y- G/ 3 5 C C B 0 2 T G - BK / 2 6 EXTSYN 1 R G - Y/ 3 7 Table 24. Circuit-Pack Cross-Connects for High or Critical Reliability From Stratum 3 Clock To TN780 carrier A To TN780 carrier B Lead Name Lead Color/ Te r m i n a lLead Name Lead Color/ Te r m i n a lLead Name Lead Color/ Te r m i n a l Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Stratum 3 Clock 142 Set Clock Options 11

Busy Tone Disconnect Equipment for Non-U.S. Installations 143 12 DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 12 Busy Tone Disconnect Equipment for Non-U.S. Installations The c ustomer-p rovid ed busy-tone d isc onnec t adjunc t d etec ts d isc onnec ts of inc oming c alls on loop -start, 2-wire, analog trunks. In some c ountries outside the United States, the PSTN send s tones in the voic e b and instead of line d isc onnec t sig nals. Fi g u re 4 4 shows typical connections. Figure 44. Typical Cabling for Busy Tone Disconnect1. Pub lic switc hed telep hone network 2. Main d istrib ution frame 3. Busy tone disconnect device4. Tip and ring wires 5. To loop -start, c entral-offic e, trunk c irc uit p ac k suc h as a TN747B cydf057 RPY 123097 1 223 444 5

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Busy Tone Disconnect Equipment for Non-U.S. Installations 144 12

Call Detail Recording Option Settings 145 Connecting CDR Equipment to DEFINITY 13 DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 13 Call Detail Recording Option Settings This c hapter p rovid es information on c onnec ting Call Detail Rec ord ing (CDR) eq uip ment to a DEFINITY. Connecting CDR Equipment to DEFINITY The interfac e between the DEFINITY and CDR eq uip ment may be a n Data module (see Chapter 4, ‘‘Data Mod ules and Async hronous Data Units’’, for rec ommend ed settings) n Mod em (see Chap ter 5, ‘‘External Mod ems’’ , and the mod em vend or’s d oc umentation for rec ommend ed setting s) n TN726 d ata line c irc uit p ac k and an async hronous d ata unit CDR eq uipment c an c onnec t d irec tly to the DCE c onnec tor (EIA Port) on the rear of the c ontrol c arrier in all systems exc ep t R8c si. Data modules or mod ems are not req uired . In R8c si, CDR eq uip ment c onnec ts to the MODEM (P2) c onnec tor on the p roc essor interfac e c ab le. Using a Printer as the CDR Output Device You c an use a p rinter c an an outp ut-rec eiving d evic e for CDR. The rec ommend ed op tion setting s for the AT&T Model 572 p rinter are shown in Ta b l e 25.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Call Detail Recording Option Settings 146 Using a Printer as the CDR Output Device 13 Table 25. 572 Printer Used with Management Terminal, CDR, or Journal Printer Function Function Name Menu Menu Status 01 FORM LENGTH 09 11 02 LPI 01 6 03 CPI 01 10 04 LQ or NLQ 01 LQ 05 BUZZER 01 ON 06 FONT 02 FONTCART 07 RESOLUTION 01 144 11 BUFFER 02 N-LINE 13 PW ON MODE 01 ON-LINE 14 DIRECTION 01 B1-DIR.1 15 BUFF FULL 02 LF + CR 1 6 P. E. 0 1 AC TI VE 17 AUTO CARRIAG E RETURN ( CR) 01 CR + LF 18 ZERO 01 0 22 AUTO LINE FEED 01 CR ONLY 311’’ SKIP 01 OFF 32 CHAR.SET (GO, GL) 02 USA 33 CHAR.SET (G1, GR) 01 UK 34 CHAR SET (G2) 03 GE 35 CHAR SET (G3) 07 LINE DRAWING 81 OFF-LINE STATE 01 ALL RECEIVE 82 DSR 02 OFF 8 3 REQ U EST TO SEN D ( RTS) TI M I N G 0 1 RTS 84 CD 02 OFF 8 5 C L EA R TO SEN D (C TS) 0 2 OFF 91 OVER RUN 02 256 92 DATA BIT 02 8 Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Call Detail Recording Option Settings 147 Using Other Equipment as the CDR Output Devices 13 Using Other Equipment as the CDR Output Devices A CDR, a 94A loc al storag e unit (LSU), or c ustomer p remises eq uip ment (CPE) c an b e used as the outp ut rec eiving d evic e. Sources of Administration Information Ad ministration p roc ed ures for CDR eq uip ment are p rovid ed in DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server R8 Ad ministrator’s Guid e. 93 PROTOCOL 03 XON/XOFF 94 STOP BIT 01 1 95 PARITY 01 NONE 96 PBS 01 9600Table 25. 572 Printer Used with Management Terminal, CDR, or Journal Printer — Continued Function Function Name Menu Menu Status Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Call Detail Recording Option Settings 148 Sources of Administration Information 13