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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation For Adjuncts And Peripherals Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation For Adjuncts And Peripherals Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Multimedia Communications Products: MMCX, MMCH, ESM 179 Multimedia Call Handling (MMCH) 18 Connect the Endpoints Use the following p roc ed ure and Fig ure 64 to c onnec t the end p oints: Figure 64. Typical Multimedia Call Handling Connections 1. Eac h PC MMCH end p oint must c ontain a BRI ad ap ter. 2. Connec t a DCP telep hone to a d ig ital line c irc uit p ac k. The DCP telep hone must b e used in c onjunc tion with the PC. Refer to the tables at the end of this c hap ter for the p inout of the d igital line c irc uit p ac k. 3. Connec t the PC BRI ad ap ter to any BRI port on the DEFINITY System. Refer to the tab les at the end of this c hapter for the p inout of an ISDN BRI circuit pack. Administer the System 1. Call INADS and notify the rep resentative that the Multimedia Call Handling (MMCH)? field on p ag e 2 of the c ustomer-options form must b e c hang ed to y . 2. Log off the terminal and then log b ac k on the terminal to see your c hang es 1. DCP telep hone, 2 or 4 wire to matc h typ e of c irc uit p ac k 2. Personal c omp uter 3. BRI adapter 4. D8W c ord 5. 103A or modular wall jac k 6. Main d istrib ution frame7. 25-pair c able to digital line circuit pack 8. 25-p air c ab le to BRI c irc uit p ac k or NT1, 4-to-2 wire ad ap ter 9. DEFINITY ECS 10. Multimed ia-interfac e c irc uit pac k 11. Voic e c ond itioner c irc uit pac k cydf013 RPY 091797 1 2 34 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 101111

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Multimedia Communications Products: MMCX, MMCH, ESM 180 Multimedia Call Handling (MMCH) 18 Administer the Endpoints 1. Log in and enter add data-next < or a valid extension numb er> . 2. The d ata mod ule form ap p ears. On p ag e 1 of the form, enter the Data Extension : xxxx, Type : 7500 , the Name : user’s name (suc h as ProShare), and enter y in Multimedia? field . 3. On p ag e 2 of the form, enter n in the XID? field , and enter n in the MIM Support? field and press En t e r. Administer One Number Complex 1. Id entify the voic e telep hone (DCP set) to assoc iate with the d ata end p oint. The station rec ord for this voic e station must b e c hang ed . 2. Type change station station number and p ress En t e r. 3. On sc reen 1, typ e the d ata extension numb er in the MM Complex Data Ext: field . 4. On screen 2, type y in the H.320 Conversion? field and p ress En te r. 5. Type y in the Multimedia Early Answer field and press En t e r. Setup and Test the MMCH Installation This sec tion p rovid es g eneral setup and testing p roc ed ures for the Pic tureTel, ProShare, Vistium, and Zyd ac ron multimed ia end p oints. Use the d oc umentation that ac c omp anies the end p oint eq uip ment for more d etails. Configuring the PictureTel PCS50 (Live 50) and PCS100 Table 27. Minimum System Requirements Ve r s i o n : Live 50 version 1.7 or hig her Minimum Processor Speed: 487/33 MHz, DX2/77 Disk Space: 20 MB Memory: 8 MB RAM, 17 MB rec ommend ed ISA Expansion Slots (17-bit): 2 slots Monitor: VG A, SVG A Operating System: Win d o w s ™ 3.1x or Wind ows™ 95

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Multimedia Communications Products: MMCX, MMCH, ESM 181 Multimedia Call Handling (MMCH) 18 These end p oints d o not need any spec ial c onfig uration setting s. The stand ard Pic tureTel c onfig uration for a DEFINITY ECS is as follows. 1. Load the LiveShare Plus software first. 2. Enter the user name and company name. Use default values for sub sequent p rompts. 3. Enter a site name. 4. Selec t Restart Wind ows and FINISH. 5. Load the Live 50 VAFC d rivers. 6. Load the Pic ture Tel Live 50 software. 7. Open the Pic tureTel Live prog ram g roup from the Wind ows ™ Pro g ra m Manag er sc reen. 8. Double c lic k on the PictureTel Live Configure icon. 9. At the Welcome screen, c lick on continue . 10. Go to the registration confirmation sc reen and c lic k on continue . 11. Enter the Network Interface Settings . Be sure that “ ISDN” has an “ x” in the b ox. Click on continue . 12. At the ISDN Parameters sc reen, set the sig naling p rotoc ol to USA Canada: 5ESS Custom Point-to-Point . Click on continue . 13. At the Hardware Settings sc reen, set the following : Interrup t (IRQ) to 11, Base I/O Port= 280, and Base Memory= D000. Under the Vid eo Input sec tion, selec t the NTSC c irc le. Clic k on continue . 14. At the Aud io Devic e sc reen, enter the nec essary information. 15. At the Node Name sc reen, enter a name for the PC using the ap p lic ation software p ac kag e. 16. At the Modify config.sys screen, click the SAVE b utton. 17. The remaind er of the software load s automatic ally. 18. When the load is finished , reb oot the PC. 19. Open the Pic tureTel Live prog ram g roup from the Wind ows ™ Pro g ra m Manag er sc reen. 20. Double c lic k on the PictureTel Live ic on. The p rog ram takes ab out 1 minute to op en. How to Place a PictureTel Video Call 1. Turn on the video camera. Be sure the green LED is on. NOTE: A p rob lem may b e enc ountered when trying to op en the Pic tureTel ap p lic ation software. If the app lic ation seems to freeze d uring initialization (no resp onse for several minutes) then there may b e a

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Multimedia Communications Products: MMCX, MMCH, ESM 182 Multimedia Call Handling (MMCH) 18 c onflic t with the interrup t (IRQ) p ort setting . Chec k the Pic tureTel c onfig uration to make sure that the IRQ p ort is set to 11. If initialization is still a p rob lem, c ontac t a Pic tureTel rep resentative. 2. Open the Pic tureTel ap p lic ation p rog ram. 3. Two wind ows should ap p ear: one loc al vid eo and one remote vid eo. 4. Go to the remote video wind ow (the one without the loc al video imag e insid e it). 5. Click on the blue phone ic on at the top left of the window. 6. A DIAL PAD window op ens. Use the keyb oard , or mouse and d ial p ad, to enter the DATA extension of another multimed ia end p oint. If you are d ialing another Pic tureTel, you c an p lac e a 1B (one 74 Kb c hannel) c all b y only filling in the first telep hone extension box on the DIAL PAD window. To make a 2B (two 74 Kb c hannels) c all, you must p ut the same c alled p arty extension in the sec ond telep hone extension b ox on the DIAL PAD wind ow. 7. To initiate a call, click on the VIDEO CALL b utton on the top rig ht of the DIAL PAD wind ow. 8. The d ial p ad d isap p ears and you see a status wind ow that shows “ringing.” 9. When the c onnec tion is mad e, the status wind ow d isap p ears and you c an see the c onnec tion status on the b ottom b ar of the remote vid eo wind ow. Troubleshooting the PictureTel Symptom : A c onferenc e c all b etween a Pic tureTel and a ProShare has p rob lems with the vid eo c onnec tion or with video switc hing . Solution : Be sure the Pic tureTel is version 1.7 or hig her and the ProShare is version 2.0 or hig her.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Multimedia Communications Products: MMCX, MMCH, ESM 183 Multimedia Call Handling (MMCH) 18 ProShare Configuration The ProShare system must b e set up so that it d oes not look for a Servic e Profile Id entifier (SPID) when c onnec ting to the DEFINITY ECS. This is imp ortant b ec ause you ad minister the ProShare as a sing le 7500 d ata set and the telep hone extension assoc iated with that d ata set ap p lies to b oth BRI c hannels. 1. Load the ProShare software onto the PC using the d efault values. 2. Enter the c omp any name and serial numb er of the software. 3. Selec t the d efault d irec tory loc ation and install all files. 4. Answer NO to mod em Setup . 5. Sc roll throug h the list of c ountries and selec t the c ountry in whic h the PC is installed . 6. At the Protocol and Switch Mfg wind ow, c lic k on Custom . Clic k on AT & T and c lic k on Accept . 7. At the next wind ow, c hoose PBX for Exc hang e Switc h, and c hoose G3r (for Release 8r) or G3i (for Release 8si) (as appropriate) as the PBX type. Clic k on Accept . 8. Selec t yes or no for Phone Call Supp ort. 9. A window with #Phone Numbers and #SPIDS ap pears. Set #Phone Numbers to 1 and set #SPIDS to 0 . 10. Clic k on the Aliases b utton and enter the last 5 d ig its of the d ata extension numb er and an external alias. 11. Leave the telep hone numb er at d efault and c lic k on Accept . 12. Selec t restart windows . Table 28. Minimum System Requirements Ve r s i o n : 2.0 or hig her Minimum Processor Speed: 487/33 MHz, DX2/77 Disk Space: 7 MB Memory: 12 MB RAM, 17 MB rec ommend ed ISA Expansion Slots (17-bit): 2 slots Monitor: 740x480, 257-c olor, VGA, SVGA Operating System: Win d o w s ™ 3.1x or Wind ows™ 95

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Multimedia Communications Products: MMCX, MMCH, ESM 184 Multimedia Call Handling (MMCH) 18 How to Place a ProShare Video Call 1. Boot the ProShare c omp uter. 2. Open the c amera lens. Be sure the g reen LED is on. 3. Open ProShare Personal Conferencing p rog ram group from the Win d o w s ™ Prog ram Manag er sc reen. 4. Double c lic k on the ProShare Conferencing ic on. 5. If this is a first time install, c lic k on OK for the c amera test. This test c an take several minutes to c omp lete. 6. After the tutorial runs (if desired ) and the p rod uc t is reg istered , the ProShare ap p lic ation op ens with 2 vid eo windows. 7. Clic k on the Call b utton. A telephone d ial p ad app ears. Use the d ial p ad to enter the telep hone numb er of the d esired extension to p lac e a test c all to. The ProShare only makes 2 B c alls. The telep hone numb er entered is used to p lac e b oth c alls. To p lac e a 2B (two 74 kB c hannels) c all to 2 d ifferent telep hone extensions, sep arate them with a c olon “: ” . To p lac e a 57 kB c all instead of a 74 kB c all, enter a pound “# ” sig n to the end of the c alled p arty extension. 8. To initiate the c all, c lic k on the DIAL button on the handset window. The d ialing status d isp lays where the extension was entered . When the c onnec tion is mad e, remote video app ears. Troubleshooting the ProShare Symptom : Any attempt to p lac e a d ata c all to the c omp lex’s voic e station is d enied b y the ProShare. Solution : When c onfig uring the ProShare, you entered the voic e extension of the c omp lex. You need to enter the d ata extension (Step G, b elow). To d o this: a. Go to the ProShare d irec tory and run the Diag nostic s and Utilities program. b . Double c lic k on the Hardware and ISDN Configuration utility. c. Choose ISDN Line Configuration . d. Set Protocol = custom and Manufacturer = AT&T (5ESS) . Clic k on the Accept b utton. e. Set Switch = PBX , PBX Type = G3r (for DEFINITY ECS, R8r) or G3i (for DEFINITY ECS, R8si). Clic k on the Accept b utton. f. Set Phone Call Support = No and clic k on the Accept b utton. g. Set #Phone Numbers = 1 , #SPIDs = 0 , and Phone Number to the d ata end p oint extension. Clic k on the Accept b utton. Symptom : Cannot ac c ep t a multimed ia telep hone c all from off-p remises to the sing le numb er.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Multimedia Communications Products: MMCX, MMCH, ESM 185 Multimedia Call Handling (MMCH) 18 Solution : Und er “ Aliasing ,” enter the d ata extension numb er. To d o this: a. Go to the ProShare d irec tory and run the Diag nostic s and Utilities program. b . Double c lic k on the Hardware and ISDN Configuration utility. c. Choose ISDN Line Configuration . d. Set Protocol = custom and Manufacturer = AT&T (5ESS) . Clic k on the Accept b utton. e. Set Switch = PBX , PBX Type = G3r (for DEFINITY ECS, R8r) or G3i (for DEFINITY ECS, R8si). Clic k on the Accept b utton. f. Set Phone Call Support = No and clic k on the Accept b utton. g. Set #Phone Numbers = 1 , #SPIDs = 0 , and Phone Number to the d ata end p oint extension. h. Click on the Aliasing b utton. i. In the Alias b ox, enter the d ata extension numb er, c hoose External , c lic k the Add b utton, c lic k the OK b utton, and c lic k the Accept b utton. Symptom : Get a short b reak in aud io p ath d uring first few sec ond s of a c all. This is most notic eab le when c overing to AUDIX/Voic e mail. Solution : ProShare mutes the aud io p ath when it d oes a “ c ap ab ilities exc hang e” in H.320. This p roblem is b eing ad d ressed in later versions of the ProShare software. Contac t your Luc ent Tec hnologies rep resentative for more information. Vistium Configuration Table 29. Minimum System Requirements Ve r s i o n : 1.03.10 or hig her Minimum Processor Speed: 487/33 MHz, DX2/77 Disk Space: 10 MB Memory: 8 MB RAM, 17 MB rec ommend ed ISA Expansion Slots (17-bit): 1 slot Monitor: VG A, SVG A Operating System: Win d o w s ™ 3.1x or Wind ows™ 95

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Multimedia Communications Products: MMCX, MMCH, ESM 186 Multimedia Call Handling (MMCH) 18 Zydacron Configuration These end p oints d o not need any spec ial c onfig uration setting s. The stand ard c onfig uration for a DEFINITY ECS is as follows. Use the d oc umentation that ac c omp anies the Zyd ac ron eq uip ment for more d etails. 1. Open Wind ows and load the software ap plic ation. 2. Selec t Full Installation. 3. Clic k on OK for the default loc ation of the ap p lic ation d irec tory ( c : \ Z YD A PP2 ). 4. Selec t Yes to reset the vid eo d rivers (if d esired ). 5. View or c lose the READZA2.txt file as desired. 6. When the Collaboration Software d ialog b ox op ens, selec t Yes if another vend or’s vid eo c onferenc ing ap p lic ation is b eing load ed . Selec t No if only Zyd ac ron software is being load ed . 7. The software c ontinues to load automatic ally. When finished, the ap p lic ation ic ons ap p ear in the prog ram group . How to Place a Zydacron Video Call 1. Turn on the video camera. Be sure the green LED is on. 2. Double click on the Zydacron ic on to start the p rogram. The p rog ram may take ab out 30 sec ond s to op en. 3. Two loc al vid eo wind ows should ap p ear. 4. Clic k the Dial ic on from the Main toolb ar. 5. Use the keypad or the c omp uter keyb oard to enter the telep hone numb er of the test end p oint or telep hone. 6. To initiate the c all, c lic k on the CALL b utton. The Inc oming Call sc reen ap p ears on the test end p oint (or the test telephone ring s). Table 30. Minimum System Requirements Ve r s i o n : Z250 v. 1.0 or Zyd Ap p2 v. 1.3 Minimum Processor Speed: 487/33 MHz, DX2/77 Disk Space: 5 MB Memory: 4 MB RAM, 8 MB recommended ISA Expansion Slots (17-bit): 1 slot Monitor: VG A, SVG A Operating System: Win d o w s ™ 3.1x or Wind ows™ 95

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Multimedia Communications Products: MMCX, MMCH, ESM 187 Multimedia Call Handling (MMCH) 18 7. Selec t ANSWER on the test end p oint or p ic k up the test telep hone hand set. 8. Remote vid eo ap p ears on the loc al sc reen and a talk p ath is op ened on the head set. For a test telephone, a talk p ath is op ened. Troubleshooting the Zydacron Symptom : After eac h PC reb oot, the first time you b ring up the Zyd ac ron ap p lic ation and rec eive a telep hone c all, if you d o not answer the d ata c all, the answer sc reen stays frozen in the wind ow. Solution : Restart the Zyd ac ron app lic ation. Press the Ctrl, Alt, and Del keys at the same time. This b rings up a wind ow that allows you to selec t a task. Selec t the Zydacron application and click on the end task b utton. Symptom : Cannot make an outgoing c all. Get a Messag e Interrup t. Solution : The interrup t (IRQ) setting is inc orrec t. Contac t your Zyd ac ron rep resentative for the rec ommend ed IRQ setting s. Place Conversion Test Call NOTE: Th e H.320 Conversion?: field must be set to y on p ag e 2 of the Station Fo r m . Plac e a c onversion test c all to an end p oint with a known vid eo c ap ab ility (for examp le: c all your voic e station from your PC). Expansion Services Module The Exp ansion Servic es Module (ESM) p rovid es T.120 d ata sharing c ap ab ility on a MMCH multip oint H.320 vid eo c onferenc e. Eac h p erson in the c onferenc e must have end p oints and a p ersonal c omp uter with the H.320 vid eo ap p lic ation installed . The DEFINITY ECS must have the exp ansion servic e mod ule installed .

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Multimedia Communications Products: MMCX, MMCH, ESM 188 Multimedia Call Handling (MMCH) 18 Figure 65. Typical Multimedia Call handling ESM Connections ESM Installation Use the following p roc ed ure and Fig ure 65 to c onnec t to the ESM eq uip ment: 1. Install the TN2207 p rimary rate interfac e (PRI) c irc uit p ac k and the TN787F/G/H/J/K multimed ia interfac e (MMI) c irc uit p ac k in the DEFINITY Sys t e m p o r t c a r r ie r. 2. Record the circuit pack locations. 3. Connec t the ESM Y-c ab le as shown. Administer the DEFINITY ECS 1. Enter list configuration all, and a list of the installed c arriers, c irc uit p acks, and ports ap p ears. 2. Rec ord the loc ation (b oard numb er) of the new c irc uit pac ks and verify that all other req uired c irc uit pac ks (refer to ‘‘ESM Installation’’ ) are p resent. 3. Enter add DS1 xxxxx, (where xxxxx is the loc ation of the TN2207 PRI c irc uit p ac k rec ord ed in step 2), and the DS1 c irc uit p ac k ad ministration form ap p ears. 4. Set the Name: field to ESM DS1 5. Set the Bit Rate: field to 2.048 6. Set the Line Coding: field to hdb3 1. Port B Y-c ab le c onnec tor to a TN787 multimedia interfac e (MMI) circuit p ac k 2. Port A Y-c ab le c onnec tor to a TN2207 PRI circuit pack 3. 25-p air Y-c ab le 4. 357A ad ap ter5. D8W c ord c onnec ted to 357A ad ap ter S/ B p o r t 8 6. Exp ansion servic e mod ule (ESM) 7. Port B on comp atible p rimary rate interfac e (PRI) c ard cydf012 RPY 100697 12 4 53 6 7