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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation For Adjuncts And Peripherals Manual

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    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Federal Communications Commission Statement 
    Means of connection
    Connec tion of this equip ment to the telep hone network is shown in the following  
    tab le.
    If the terminal eq uip ment (DEFINITY
    ® System) c auses harm to the telep hone 
    network, the telep hone c omp any will notify you in ad vanc e that temp orary 
    d isc ontinuanc e of servic e may b e req uired . But if ad vanc e notic e is not prac tic al, 
    the telep hone c omp any will notify the c ustomer as soon as p ossib le. Also, you 
    will be ad vised  of your rig ht to file a c omp laint with the FCC if you b elieve it is 
    nec essary.
    The telep hone c omp any may make c hang es in its fac ilities, eq uip ment, 
    op erations or proc ed ures that c ould  affec t the op eration of the equip ment. If this 
    happens, the telephone c ompany will provide advance notice in order for you to 
    make nec essary mod ific ations to maintain uninterrup ted  servic e.
    If troub le is exp erienc ed  with this eq uip ment, for rep air or warranty information, 
    p lease c ontac t the Tec hnic al Servic e Center at 1-800-242-2121. If the eq uip ment 
    is c ausing  harm to the telep hone network, the telep hone c omp any may req uest 
    that you d isc onnec t the eq uip ment until the p rob lem is resolved .
    It is rec ommend ed  that Luc ent Tec hnolog ies-c ertified  tec hnic ians p erform the 
    rep airs.
    The eq uip ment c annot b e used on p ublic  c oin p hone servic e p rovid ed  b y the 
    telep hone c omp any. Connec tion to p arty line servic e is sub jec t to state tariffs. 
    Contac t the state p ub lic  utility c ommission, p ub lic  servic e c ommission or 
    corporation commission for information.
    This eq uip ment, if it uses a telep hone rec eiver, is hearing -aid c ompatib le.Manufacturer ’s
    Port Identifier FIC CodeSOC/REN/
    A.S. Code Network Jacks
    Off/On Premises Station OL13C 9.0F RJ2GX, 
    RJ 2 1 X,  RJ 1 1 C
    DID trunk 02RV2-T 0.0B RJ2GX, RJ21X
    CO trunk 02GS2 0.3A RJ21X
    CO trunk 02LS2 3.0A RJ21X
    Tie trunk TL31M 9.0F RJ2GX
    1.544 d ig ital Interfac e 04DU9-B,C 6.0F RJ48C, RJ48M
    1.544 d ig ital Interfac e 04DU9-BN,KN 6.0F RJ48C, RJ48M
    2.048 d ig ital Interfac e 04DU9-BN,KN 6.0F RJ48C, RJ48M
    120A2 c hannel servic e unit 04DU9-DN 6.0F RJ48C 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Federal Communications Commission Statement 
    							909A/B Universal Coupler 
    DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    909A/B Universal Coupler
    The 909A/B Universal Coup ler is used  with pag ing  and  music -on-hold  eq uip ment 
    that is not ap p roved  for use with the p ub lic  network. 
    If the music  sourc e is reg istered  b y the FCC (in the USA) or an eq uivalent 
    b od y, the 909A/B is not required .
    Fi g u re  1
     shows a typ ic al 909A/B universal c oup ler. For ad d itional installation and 
    switc h setting  information, refer to 909A/909B Universal Coup ler Installation 
    Instruc tions. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    909A/B Universal Coupler 
    Figure 1. Typical 909A/B Universal Coupler
    The 909A is the DC version of the c oup ler, and c ab inet power sup p lies -48 VDC 
    p ower. The 909B is the AC-p owered  version and  p ower is sup p lied  from a 
    sep arate power sup p ly (suc h as the KS-22911L2).
    The DIP switches on the unit set:
    Protec tion/Pag ing  selec tion 
    — For AUX trunk p ag ing  and  malic ious c all 
    trac e, set to C2. Set the switc h to C1 for all other ap p lic ations.
    Outp ut attenuation (-9 or -15 d Bm) 
    — Setting  d ep end s on output level of 
    music source.
    Outp ut imp ed anc e (8 ohms, 1.5 kW, and 50 kW) 
    —This switc h only 
    req uires setting  if the Protec tion/Pag ing switc h is set to C2 and  the c oup ler 
    is supplying background music to a customer-supplied paging amplifier.
    The p inouts for J1, J2, and  J3 are p rovid ed in Ta b l e  1
    , Ta b l e  2, and  
    Ta b l e  3
    . Refer to these tab les when c onnec ting  music  or p ag ing  eq uip ment. 1. 909A/B universal c oup ler
    2. J1 8-Pin mod ular jac k
    3. J2 8-Pin mod ular jac k4. J3 7-Pin mod ular jac k
    5. DIP switch loc ation
    909_brkt KLC 042296 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    909A/B Universal Coupler 
    Table 1. J1 Pin Assignments (System Connections)
    Pin  Color Designation Description
    1 White-Orang e  —
    Not Used
    2 Orang e PG2/BZ2 Seizure c ontrol lead , c onnec ted  to -48 VDC from 
    the system or from the 909A/B when the 
    p rotec tion p ag ing switc h is set to C2, or to -48 
    VDC on the 909A/B when p rotec tion/p ag ing  
    switc h is set to C1
    3 White-Green PG1/BZ1 Seizure c ontrol lead , c onnec ted  to SZ lead  from 
    the AUX trunk when the protec tion/p ag ing  switc h 
    is set to C2, or to -48 VDC on the 909A/B when the 
    p rotec tion/p ag ing switc h is set to C1
    4 Blue R Ring  lead
    5 White-Blue T Tip  lead
    7 Green BSY2/BY2 Busy/b usy-out lead , c onnec ted to S1 lead  from 
    the AUX trunk
    7 White-Brown BSY1/BY1 Busy/b usy-out lead , c onnec ted  to S lead  from the 
    AUX trunk
    8Brown  —
    Not Used
    Table 2. J2 Pin Assignments (Accessory Connections)
    Pin  Color Designation Description
    1 White-Orang e CMS1/M1 Customer-sup p lied  music  sourc e
    2 Orange CMS2/M2 Customer-sup p lied  music  sourc e
    3 White-Green COS1 Remote b usy-out c ontrol c ontac t c losure from 
    music sourc e
    4 Blue CR Customer ring  lead
    5 White-Blue CT Customer tip  lead
    7 Green COS2 Remote b usy-out c ontrol c ontac t c losure from 
    music sourc e
    7 White-Brown CBS1/C1 Seizure ind ic ation p rovid ed  to music  sourc e
    8 Brown CBS2/C2 Seizure ind ic ation p rovid ed  to music  sourc e 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    909A/B Universal Coupler 
    Damag e to the 909A/B may oc c ur if the c ab le is p lug g ed  into J3 before all 
    c ross-c onnec ts are c omp leted .
    Fi g u re  2 shows the p hysic al loc ations of the p ins for J1, J2, and  J3.
    Figure 2. Typical Modular Jack Pinout
    Table 3. J3 Pin Assignments (Power Connections)
    Pin Color Designation Description
    1, 3, 4, & 7— — Not used
    2 Blac k GRD -48 RET or ground  lead  from system or 
    from p ositive lead  of p ower supp ly
    5 Yellow -48 VDC -48 VDC from system or from negative 
    lead of power supply
    1. J1 and  J2 8-Pin mod ular jac ks 2.  J3 7-Pin mod ular jac k
    mod_jack RBP 041796 
    							Auxiliary Power Supplies 
    5 Local, auxiliary power supply 
    DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Auxiliary Power Supplies
    Nonessential features of the attend ant c onsole, suc h as the op tional 27B1 
    selec tor c onsole, and  DCP terminals d erive their p ower from an auxiliary p ower 
    sourc e. One c onsole c an c onnec t to R8c si, and  3 c onsoles c an c onnec t to eac h 
    c ab inet stac k or R8r. Eac h c ab inet c an d erive auxiliary p ower from the system 
    and  throug h the auxiliary c able loc ated  in the trunk/auxiliary field . Auxiliary p ower 
    for a primary attend ant c onsole should  b e p rovid ed throug h this c ab le so the 
    c onsole remains fully op erational d uring  short p ower outag es.
    Local, auxiliary power  supply
    Consoles c an use either loc al or p hantom p ower, d ep ending  on the d istanc e 
    b etween the c onsole and  the DEFINITY ECS c abinet. Over short d istanc es, 
    p hantom power is attrac tive, b ec ause no ad ditional hard ware is nec essary—
    p ower is supp lied  via the telep hone c irc uit itself. For long er d istanc es, you need  
    a local power supply. Ta b l e  4
     shows c ab ling  d istanc es for the 302C1 attend ant 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Auxiliary Power Supplies 
    6 Applications that require auxiliary power 
    Applications that require auxiliary 
    Auxiliary power (local or bulk) is always required for the following:
    Any 8520 terminal
    Attend ant c onsole 302C1
    PassageWay ad ap ter interfac e 
    Any 7500-series terminal whether in passive b us, or p oint to point (one p er 
    BRI p ort)
    Any 7500- or 8500-series terminal with an async hronous d ata mod ule
    Any 8510 terminal in p assive b us or with an async hronous d ata mod ule 
    (unless the 8510 will not b e used  to sup port d ata or vid eo)
    Any 7400-series terminal with XM24 exp ansion mod ule
    Any 7400-series terminal with ad junc ts 7407, 7434 or 7444
    Any 8400-series terminal with ad junc ts 8411 or 8434
    The 1145B p ower supp ly is req uired  for all installations outsid e the United  States.
    Table 4. 302C1 Attendant Console Cabling Distances
    24 AWG Wire
    (0.27 mm
    2)27 AWG Wire
    (0.14 mm2)
    feet meters feet  meters
    With selector console:
    Phantom-p owered 800 244 500 152
    Loc ally p owered 5000 1524 3400 1037
    Without selector console:
    Phantom powered 1400 427 900 274
    Loc ally p owered 5000 1524 3400 1037 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Auxiliary Power Supplies 
    7 Sources of auxiliary, local power 
    Sources of auxiliary, local power
    An attendant console can derive auxiliary power from:
    A bulk power supply, such as the 1145B
    A c onsole’s maximum distanc e from its 1145B auxiliary p ower sourc e is 
    800 ft (244 m) for a 302A1 or 350 ft (107 m) for a 301B1 and  302C1.
    1151A1 or 1151A2 p ower sup p ly
    Required Safety Precautions
    When op erating  p ower-sup p ly eq uipment, you must follow b asic  safety p rec autions  to 
    red uc e the risk of fire, elec tric  shoc k and  p ersonal injury. Read  and  und erstand  all 
    instruc tions. Follow all warning s and  instruc tions marked  on the p rod uc ts. Follow all 
    the installation instructions when mounting the product.
    Never use a p ower unit with a power sourc e other than that sp ec ified  on the p rod uc t 
    lab els. 
    Do not try to p lug  the 3-wire g round ing  p lug  into a nong round ing  p ower outlet. This 
    p lug  only fits into a g round ing  p ower outlet. This is a safety feature. If you are unab le to 
    insert the p lug  into the outlet, have an elec tric ian replac e the outlet. Do not defeat the 
    safety p urp ose of the g round ing  p lug . 
    Do not attac h the p ower sup p ly c ord  to build ing  surfac es.
    Do not overload power outlets.
    Do not use this p rod uc t near water. Do not let anything  sp ill on or into the unit. Clean 
    only with a d ry rag .
    Never p ush ob jec ts throug h op ening s in the c ase. 
    Do not try to d isassemb le the unit. Return it for repair. Op ening  or removing  c overs 
    may exp ose you to dang erous voltag es. Inc orrec t reassemb ly may c ause elec tric  
    shoc k when the p rod uc ts are sub seq uently used.
    Power d own the unit and  refer servic ing  immed iately if the unit is exp osed  to water or 
    other liq uid s, if the unit is d rop ped  or d amag ed , or if the unit fails to op erate normally. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Auxiliary Power Supplies 
    8 1145B Power Supply 
    Never let the op erating temp erature of the unit exc eed  the rec ommend ed  maximum.
    Do not b loc k or c over the ventilation op ening s in the c ase. 
    Do not let anything  rest on the unit.
    Do not attempt to rec harg e b atteries. The p ower unit rec harges the  b atteries itself. 
    Any other rec harg ing  method  may c ause leaks of c orrosive elec trolyte or exp losion. 
    Disc ard  d isc harg ed  b atteries as soon as p ossib le. Disc harg ed b atteries are more 
    likely to leak.
    Do not store batteries in high temp erature areas. Batteries stored  in a c old  
    environment should  b e p rotec ted  from c ondensation d uring  storag e and  warming . 
    Batteries should  b e stab ilized  at room temp erature p rior to use after c old  storag e. Do 
    not install b atteries if the manufac turing  d ate on the lab el ind ic ates that the b atteries 
    are more than 6 months old .
    1145B Power Supply
    The 1145B p ower sup p ly p owers ISDN/DCP, terminal eq uip ment, ad junc ts, and  
    other c ustomer-supp lied  external eq uip ment. It sup p lies -48V, 200 W total and  
    sup p orts 32 outputs. You c an install one ISDN terminal or DCP ad junc t p er 
    A manual switc h on the d istrib ution unit lets the user red irec t reserve p ower to 
    outputs 1 to 32 so that all outp uts g et b attery reserve p ower.
    An op tional 1149 battery and  1146 distrib ution unit p rovides uninterrup tib le -48 
    VDC p ower.
    When op erating  p ower-supp ly eq uip ment, you must follow b asic  safety 
    p rec autions to red uc e the risk of fire, elec tric  shoc k and  p ersonal injury. 
    Read , und erstand , and  follow all warning s and  instruc tions. See ‘‘Req uired  
    Safety Prec autions’’ on pag e 7. 
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