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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation For Adjuncts And Peripherals Manual

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    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Auxiliary Power Supplies 
    9 1145B Power Supply 
    Circuit protection
    A thermistor c urrent-limits the maximum outp ut of eac h outp ut to 12 W, but the 
    averag e p ower p er outp ut c annot exc eed  7.25 W (200/32 =  7.25). An LED 
    indic ates the status of the thermistor. When the LED is ON, there is a short on the 
    power pair.
    The back-up battery mounts on a top plate. The power supply and distribution 
    units mount on a b ottom p late. The plates are normally wall-mounted .
    Installing the Wall Mounting 
    See Fig ure 3
    1. Loc ate one p late d irec tly b elow the other with the raised letters rig ht sid e 
    up . Be sure  that the AC p ower c ord  c an reac h the elec tric al outlet from 
    the b ottom p late. The p ower c ord  is ab out 7.5 ft (2 m) long . 
    Up  to 4 p ower sup p lies c an d raw c urrent from one 110- or 230-VAC, 
    20- or 15-A feed er. Use only unswitc hed  rec ep tac les that are not 
    shared  with other equip ment.
    2. Sec ure the wall mounting  p lates to a 3/4-in. (2-c m) p lywood  mounting  
    b oard using  the four 1/2-in. #10 wood  sc rews sup p lied  with the p lates.
    3. Snap  the 1145B p ower sup ply onto the b ottom wall-mounting  p late (no 
    tools are need ed ).
    4. Connec t an insulated 17-AWG #12 (1.2-mm) g round  wire (or b etter) 
    b etween the g round  lug  on the p ower-sup p ly frame  and  an ap p roved  
    g round . 
    The frame g round sc rew is loc ated  next to the AC rec ep tac le, to the left of 
    the unit. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Auxiliary Power Supplies 
    10 1145B Power Supply 
    Figure 3. 1145B/1146 Mounting Arrangement
    5. Write the Unit Numb er and  c onnec tivity information on the front lab el, next 
    to the LEDs. 1. Wall mounting  p late
    2. Op tional b attery (1149B shown)
    3. 1146 power d istrib ution unit
    4. 1145B p ower unit5. Power c ab le
    6. Unswitc hed  outlet (120 VAC, 20 A or 230 
    VA C ,  1 5  A )
    7. Battery b ac kup  switc h setting
    pcdf1145  KLC 030100
    1149 Battery
    1145 Power Unit
    On Battery Reserve
    Charging Battery
    Output Power On
    1146 Power Distribution Unit
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Auxiliary Power Supplies 
    11 1145B Power Supply 
    Installing the 1146 Power Distribution Unit
    1. Insert and  sec urely tig hten the two sup p lied  #8-32 x 1/2-in. should er 
    sc rews (they have an unthread ed  sec tion at the top ) into the top holes 
    d esig nated  for 1146 Power Distrib ution Unit on the b ottom p late. Mount 
    the unit on these two shoulder sc rews, using  the key holes on the b ac k of 
    the unit. 
    2. Sec ure the unit b y inserting  the #8-32 x 1 in. sc rew throug h the b ottom of 
    the unit (just ab ove the wire c lip s) into the plate and  tig hten.
    3. Set the b attery b ac k-up  switc h op tion to the 1-32 (d own) p osition to 
    p rovid e b attery bac k-up  to all outp uts. 
    4. Connec t the p ower d istrib ution unit to the p ower sup p ly with the p ower 
    c ab le. Refer to the p ower sup ply’s rig ht-sid e lab el to loc ate the outp ut 
    p ower c onnec tion.
    Installing and Wiring the Battery
    Two types of back-up batteries can be used:
    To install the b attery, p roc eed  as follows.
    1. Loosely insert two #10-32 x 1/2-in. should er sc rews in the b attery-
    mounting holes at the top of the wall mounting plate.
    2. Plac e the keyhole slots in the b attery b rac ket on these two sc rews. Make 
    sure the lab el on the b attery is visib le. 
    The b attery c ord exits from the rig ht sid e of the b rac ket. 
    3. Tighten the sc rews securely.
    4. Plug  the b attery c ord  into the rig ht rear rec ep tac le on the power sup p ly. 
    The right-side label indicates the rear receptacle.
    Installing the Expanded Power Distribution Unit
    You c an install a sec ond  p ower-d istrib ution unit for add itional 8400- and  8500-
    series terminals.
    Table 5. Back-Up Batteries
    Battery Rating
    1148B 2.5 amp -hours 
    1149B 5 amp -hours  
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Auxiliary Power Supplies 
    12 1145B Power Supply 
    Total power c annot exc eed  200 W. Consult the c hart b elow for p ermissib le 
    terminal installations.
    Eac h exp and ed  p ower d istrib ution unit kit sup p lies the following  items:
    One p ower d istrib ution unit 
    One T-c ab le
    Two #8-32 x 1/2-in. should er sc rews
    One #8-32 x 1 in. sc rew
    One sp ac er b rac ket
    Refer to Fi g u re  4
     while installing  the p ower d istrib ution unit:
    1. Fasten the spac er b rac ket to the mounting p late with the #8-32 x 1/2-in. 
    should er sc rews. 
    The spac er b rac ket is not shown in the fig ure. It is b ehind  the top  p ower 
    d istrib ution unit.
    2. Slid e the keyhole slots in the p ower d istrib ution unit over the shoulder 
    sc rews.
    3. Insert the #8-32 x 1 in. sc rew throug h the distrib ution unit, throug h the 
    sp ac er b rac ket, and  into the p late. Tig hten the sc rew.
    The mounting  hole is loc ated  just ab ove the wire c lip . 
    4. Set the b attery b ac k-up  switc h to the 1-32 (d own) p osition.
    5. Power-d own the 1145B as d esc rib ed  on the lab el on the side of the unit.
    6. Remove the outp ut p ower c ab le b etween the 1145B and  the 1147B units. 
    The c ab le will not b e reused .
    7. Connec t the P1 c onnec tor end  of the T-c ab le to the bottom p ower 
    d istrib ution unit. 
    Table 6. Permissible terminal installations (total power < 200 W)
    Terminal mix Maximum numbers Notes
    7500-series +  8500-series ISDN 24 +  24
    7400-series +  8400-series DCP 24 +  24
    8400-series DCP 74
    7400-series DCP 74 Averag e p ower p er 
    terminal must b e 
    less than 3.126 W 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Auxiliary Power Supplies 
    13 1145B Power Supply 
    8. Connec t the P2 c onnec tor to the top  d istrib ution unit. 
    9. Connec t the P3 c onnec tor to the 1145B.
    10. Power-up  the 1145B as d esc rib ed  on the lab el on the sid e of the unit.
    Figure 4. Expanded Power Distribution Unit 1. Wall-mounting  p late
    2. Op tional 1146 p ower distrib ution unit
    3. T c ab le (H600-347-G7)4. Stand ard 1146 p ower distrib ution unit
    5. 1145B p ower unit
    1145 Power Unit
    1149 Battery
    On Battery Reserve
    Charging Battery
    Output Power On1
    32-48V -48V
    RT N RT N
    Un it N o.
    Co nnect ed To :
    32-48V -48V
    RT N R TN
    Unit No.
    Connec ted To :
    0004_1 PDH 062596 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Auxiliary Power Supplies 
    14 1145B Power Supply 
    Powering Up and Testing AC and DC Power
    When you p ower up  the unit or interrup t p ower to a unit, the unit runs an AC or 
    DC self test. LEDs on the front p anel ind ic ate the status of the p ower sup p ly. The 
    following table lists the LEDs. 
    1. Connec t the AC p ower c ord  to the p ower sup p ly, and route the c ord  to an 
    ap p rop riate AC outlet using  the c lip s p rovid ed  on the unit.
    A maximum of four p ower sup plies c an b e p owered  from one 
    d ed ic ated  110 VAC, 20-A feed er. Use only unswitc hed  rec ep tac les.
    2. Start the AC test b y plug g ing  the c ord  into the outlet. 
    This powers up the power supply.
    3. Chec k AC op eration of the 1145B p ower sup p ly by monitoring  the LEDs:
    PA S S
    : GREEN and  YELLOW are b oth lit. 
    FA I L
    : either GREEN or YELLOW LED is not lit.
    4. If the AC test failed , test the AC outlet, p ower c ord , and  c onnec tions. 
    5. If the AC test failed , b ut p ower is availab le and  the AC power c ord  and  
    c onnec tions are g ood , rep lac e the p ower unit.
    6. Onc e the AC test p asses, ac tivate the DC b attery-b ac kup  sup ply b y 
    d isc onnec ting  the AC p lug .
    7. Chec k DC (b attery b ac k-up ) op eration b y monitoring  the LEDs.
    PA S S
    : RED and GREEN are both lit.
    FA I L
    : either RED or GREEN is not lit.
    8. If the DC test fails, c hec k the c onnec tions. 
    9. If the DC test fails b ut the c onnec tions are g ood , rep lac e the b atteries and  
    10. If the DC test fails after you rep lac e the b atteries, rep lac e the p ower 
    11. Onc e the DC test p asses, rec onnec t AC p ower to the p ower sup p ly. 
    Table 7. Power-supply LEDs
    LED Color  Meaning
    GREEN Power supply is providing power
    YELLOW Battery is c harg ing  (after at most 20 hours, when the b attery has 
    reac hed  full c harge, the YELLOW LED should  g o out)
    RED Power sup p ly is on b attery reserve 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Auxiliary Power Supplies 
    15 1145B Power Supply 
    Wire the 1146 Power Distribution Unit
    Wire end points to the 1146 while p ower from the 1145B is on. 
    1. Install c ross-c onnec t jump ers (the lab el shows p olarity) to Pins 7 and  8 of 
    the ap p rop riate information outlet. Route the wires throug h the c lip  
    p rovid ed on the unit. If a red  LED is on, see ‘‘Rep airing  Short Circ uits and  
    Resetting  Red  LEDs’’ on p ag e 16. Fi g u re  5 shows the c onnec tions.
    A red  LED lig hts if the assoc iated  c irc uit is c onnec ted  to shorted  wiring or  
    a shorted  terminal.
    Figure 5. Typical wiring to a terminal
    2. Mark lead  d estinations, unit numb er, and  c onnec tivity information on the 
    label next to eac h c onnec tor. 1. Power sup p ly kit
    2. 2.5, 5.0, or 8.0 A hour b attery
    3. 1146 p ower d istrib ution unit
    4. 1145B p ower sup p ly
    5. Circ uits 1-17
    6. Circ uits 17-32
    7. Port c irc uit8. Main d istrib ution frame
    9. Mod ular c ord
    10. AC inp ut
    11. Ground  wire
    12. ISDN/ d isp lay system p rotoc ol terminal
    13. Circ uits 1-32
    14. Pins 7 and  8 (d isp lay terminal p ower)
    13 14
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Auxiliary Power Supplies 
    16 1151A and 1151A2 Power Supplies 
    Replacing the Batteries
    To maintain back-up protection and battery reliability:
    1. Rep lac e b atteries every four years.
    Storing the Batteries in Inactive Units
    To p revent leakag e when the p ower unit is not in use for several months or more:
    1. Remove the b atteries and  store them sep arately.
    Repairing Short Circuits and Resetting Red LEDs
    A red  LED next to any of the 32 p ower output c onnec tors ind ic ates a short c irc uit 
    in the b uild ing wiring  or the terminal eq uip ment. To reset the LED:
    1. Disc onnec t the terminal eq uip ment from the wall jac k.
    2. If the LED g oes off, the terminal eq uip ment is faulty. Rep lac e it. 
    3. If the LED is still lit, find  and  rep air the short c irc uit in the b uild ing wiring .
    4. Rec onnec t the terminal eq uipment to the wall jac k, and re-test.
    1151A and 1151A2 Power Supplies
    The 1151A is a stand ard  (no b attery b ac kup ) p ower sup p ly unit. The 1151A2 is a 
    b attery b ac kup  version of the 1151A. Either p ower sup p ly c an sup p ort one 
    telep hone with or without an ad junc t. 
    The 1151A and  1151A2 p ower sup plies c an sup p ly loc al p ower to ISDN-T 7400-, 
    7500-, 8400-, and  8500-series voic e terminals c onnec ted  to a system, and  to the 
    DCP 7444 voic e terminal or 302C attend ant c onsole that need  auxiliary p ower for 
    its d isp lay. The unit c an sup p ly p ower to ad junc t eq uip ment suc h as S201A and  
    CS201A sp eakerp hones, or a 500A headset ad ap ter attac hed  to any c urrently 
    manufac tured  analog , DCP, or ISDN-T voic e terminal eq uip p ed  with an adjunc t 
    jac k.
    The power supply has the following spec ifications:
    A sing le output of -48 VDC, 0.4 A
    Either a 120 VAC 60-Hz p ower sourc e (105 to 129 VAC) or a 220/230/240 
    VAC 50-Hz p ower sourc e (198 to 274 VAC)
    Automatic  inp ut voltag e selec tion
    Outp ut c ap ac ity of19.2 W
    Maximum loop  rang e of 250 ft (77 m) 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Auxiliary Power Supplies 
    17 1151A and 1151A2 Power Supplies 
    Use of 2 mod ular jac ks. PHONE jac k p ins 7 and  8 (- and  + , resp ec tively) 
    provide power.
    The PHONE and  LINE jac ks are 8-p in female nonkeyed 757-typ e jac ks that c an 
    ac c ep t D4, D7, and  D8 mod ular plug  c ab les. Fi g u re  6
     shows a 1151A p ower 
    sup p ly. The 1151A2 looks similar.
    When op erating  p ower-supp ly eq uip ment, you must follow b asic  safety 
    p rec autions to red uc e the risk of fire, elec tric  shoc k and  p ersonal injury. 
    Read , und erstand , and  follow all warning s and  instruc tions. See ‘‘Req uired  
    Safety Prec autions’’ on pag e 7.
    Do not loc ate the unit within 7 in. (15.25 c m) of the floor. 
    Use the power supply only with telec ommunic ations eq uipment, ind oors, 
    and  in a c ontrolled  environment.
    Figure 6. Typical 1151A Power Supply (Front)
    pwr_sup1 CJL 051496 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Auxiliary Power Supplies 
    18 1151A and 1151A2 Power Supplies 
    Desk Mounting
    1. Plac e the p ower sup ply on a flat surfac e suc h as a d esk. 
    Wall Mounting
    1. For wall-mounting , use the keyhole slots on the bottom of the c hassis.
    Standards compliance
    The 1151A and  1151A2 p ower sup p lies c omp ly with the UL Stand ard  UL 1459, 
    sec ond  ed ition. 
    Table 8. Standards compliance
    Complies UL 1459
    Certified CSA 22.2
    Ap p roved EN7950
    Ap p roved CE 
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