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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation For Adjuncts And Peripherals Manual

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    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    External Modems 
    79 PARADYNE COMSPHERE 3810 Plus and 3811 Plus 
    and 3811 Plus
    1.Install the mod em as d esc rib ed in the vend or’s d oc umentation.
    2. Attac h a PC with terminal emulation software, as d esc rib ed  in the vend or’s 
    d oc umentation.
    3. From the terminal, enter the following  AT c ommand  string :
    4. Then enter the following  c ommand  string :
    The modem is now c onfig ured .
    Setting Up the PARADYNE 
    COMSPHERE 3910
    You c onfig ure COMSPHERE 3910 mod ems using  a front b utton p anel or  Hayes-
    c omp atib le AT c ommand s. For instruc tions on how to physic ally c onnec t the 
    mod em and  g eneral c onfig uration instruc tions, see the d oc umentation that c ame 
    with the mod em. This d oc ument desc rib es c onfiguring  the 3910 for p artic ular, 
    DEFINITY ad junc ts.
    Figure 20. COMPSPHERE  3910 modem, front panel
    Configuring the COMSPHERE 3910 for CMS
    The COMSPHERE 3910 mod em may b e used as the Call Manag ement System 
    (CMS) Remote Console Mod em or as a d evic e that provid es serial c onnec tivity to 
    CMS throug h the Network Terminal Server (NTS). The instruc tions b elow set up  
    the mod em for use in DEFINITY CMS (other c onfig urations may work as well).
    F1 F2 F3
    Power On Selftst
    modf3150 KLC 030899 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    External Modems 
    80 Setting Up the PARADYNE COMSPHERE 3910 
    Understanding the modem controls and displays
    **covered in modem user guide?**
    You c ontrol the mod em b y using  the b uttons on the front p anel of the mod em to 
    c hang e menus and  selec t menu items d isp layed  on a small LCD sc reen. The 
    b uttons d o the following : 
    The arrow and  func tion b uttons d esc rib ed  in this sec tion are loc ated  
    on the front p anel of the mod em, not on a PC keyb oard  or terminal.   
    nSingle Up Arrow moves up one level in the menu tree.
    nDouble Up Arrow moves to the top level of the menu tree.
    nLeft Arrow moves to the previous choice at the current level of the menu 
    nRight Arrow moves to next choice at the current level of the menu tree.
    nF1 selects the choice displayed above F1. 
    nF2 selects the choice displayed above F2. 
    nF3 selects the choice displayed above F3. 
    For our p urp oses, the on-sc reen p romp t strap  g roup ind ic ates a c ollec tion of 
    related c onfig uration setting s. 
    Mod em menus c an b e c onfusing b ec ause you only g et to see one or two 
    head ing s or items at a time. The mod em also has a limited  set of c ommand  
    word s, so many of them have to b e used  more than onc e, and  c ommand s seem 
    to b e rep eating  themselves. This c an b e c onfusing. To avoid  missing  a step , 
    c hec k the values on the d isp lay after you enter a c ommand, and  make sure the 
    result ag rees with that listed  in the c orresp ond ing  step  in the instruc tions.
    Creating an editable configuration set
    It is g enerally easiest to c onfig ure the mod em b y starting  from the default, fac tory 
    c onfig uration. You then c hang e only those setting s that are d ifferent for a 
    DEFINITY installation.  
    Copying factory default settings 
    Make a c op y of the d efault, fac tory c onfig uration using  the following  p roc ed ure. 
    1. On the front panel of the COMSPHERE 3910, press the F2
     b utton to selec t 
    Th e  Ld EditArea frm >
     promp t ap p ears.
    2. Press the rig ht-arrow b utton four times. 
    Th e  Factory
     menu item ap p ears. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    External Modems 
    81 Setting Up the PARADYNE COMSPHERE 3910 
    3.  Press the F1
     b utton to selec t Factory
    Th e  Ld Fact Preset: >
     promp t ap p ears.
    4. Press the rig ht-arrow b utton.
    5. Press F2
     to selec t Async_Dial
    6. Press F3
     to selec t Save
    Th e  Sav EditArea to >
     prompt appears.
    7. Press F1
     to save c onfig uration c hang es to the Active(Saved)
     storag e 
    Sinc e you are c hang ing the ac tive area to a new set of op tions— Factory/
    —the modem automatically runs a power-on self-test. The 
     and Status Configure
     messages appear. 
    8. To return to the top -level menu at any time, p ress the d ouble up -arrow 
    b utton.
    Loading the copied default settings
    Load  the d efault setting s so that you c an ed it them for use with CMS. Proc eed as 
    1. On the front p anel of the COMSPHERE 3910, press F2
     to selec t 
    Th e  Ld EditArea frm >
     promp t ap p ears.
    2. Press the rig ht-arrow b utton onc e. 
    Th e  Active(Saved)
     prompt appears.
    3. Press F1
     to selec t Choose Function
    4. Press F1
     to selec t Edit
    Th e  Edit StrapGroup >
     prompt appears.
    Configuring the DTE interface
    Set the d ata sp eed  and  enab le stand ard, RS-232 c ommunic ations setting s. 
    Proc eed  as follows.
    Configuring basic, RS-232 handshaking
    Start b y selec ting  values for the b asic  p arameters of serial d ata c ommunic ations, 
    mod e, speed /rate, framing , and  error c orrec tion (parity). The mod em uses these 
    p arameters when it neg otiates a c onnec tion with another RS-232 d evic e, a 
    p roc ess c alled  hand shaking.
    1. From the Edit StrapGroup >
     prompt, press F1
     to selec t DTE_Interface
    Th e  Async/Sync Mode
     menu head ing  ap p ears. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    External Modems 
    82 Setting Up the PARADYNE COMSPHERE 3910 
    2. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  Async DTE Rate
     menu head ing  ap p ears.
    3. Press the rig ht-arrow b utton five times.
    Th e  9600
     menu item app ears.
    4. Press F2
     to selec t 9600
    5. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  Asyn #Data Bits (8)
     menu head ing  ap p ears.
    6. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  Asyn Parity Bit (None)
     menu head ing  ap p ears.
    7. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  Asyn #Stop Bits (1)
     menu head ing  ap p ears.
    8. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  DTR Action
     menu head ing ap p ears.
    Configuring the RS-232 Ready signals, DTR and DSR 
    Next, c onfig ure the Data Terminal Read y and  Data Set Read y lead s of the RS-
    232 interfac e.
    1. From the DTR Action
     menu head ing , p ress the rig ht-arrow b utton onc e.
    Th e  Stndrd_RS232
     menu item app ears.
    2. Press F2
     to selec t Stndrd_RS232
    3. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  DSR Control
     menu head ing  app ears.
    4. Press the rig ht-arrow b utton onc e.
    Th e  Stndrd_RS232
     menu item app ears.
    5. Press F2
     to selec t Stndrd_RS232
    6. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  RTS Action 
    menu head ing  ap p ears.
    Configuring RS-232 Send signals, RTS and CTS 
    Next you set the p arameters that the mod em uses to offer and  ac c ep t d ata, 
    Req uest To Send  (RTS) and  Clear To Send  (CTS).  
    1. From the RTS Action 
    menu heading , p ress the rig ht-arrow b utton onc e.
    Th e  Stndrd_RS232
     menu item app ears.
    2. Press F2
     to selec t Stndrd_RS232
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    External Modems 
    83 Setting Up the PARADYNE COMSPHERE 3910 
    3. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  CTS Control
     menu head ing  ap p ears.
    4. Press the rig ht-arrow b utton onc e.
    Th e  Stndrd_RS232
     menu item app ears.
    5. Press F2
     to selec t Stndrd_RS232
    6. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  RTS/CTS Delay (0 msec)
     menu heading appears.
    Configuring various control features
    Now set the Line Sig nal Detec t (LSD, also known as DCD or Data Carrier Detec t) 
    control  and rate controls.
    1. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  LSD Control (Stndrd_RS232)
     menu heading appears.
    2. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  CT111_Rate Cntl (Disable)
     menu head ing  ap p ears.
    3. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  DTE_Rate=VF (Disable)
     menu head ing  ap p ears.
    4. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  Extend Main Ch. (Disable)
     menu head ing  ap p ears.
    Finishing configuration of the DTE interface
    1. Press F1
     select End
    Th e  Edit StrapGroup >
     prompt appears.
    Configuring the DTE Dialer
    Now d efine the c ommand  interfac e that the mod em should  use when d ialing . The 
    RS-232 interfac e uses  c ontrol c harac ters to p ass c ommunic ations c ommand s 
    and  c ontrol the transmission. These are user-c onfig urab le. We need  to disab le  
    the result-c od e op tions while retaining  the d efault values for the other c ontrol 
    c harac ters. Proc eed as follows.
    Opening the DTE Dialer menus
    1. From the Edit StrapGroup >
     p romp t, p ress the right-arrow b utton onc e.
    Th e  DTE Dialer
     menu head ing  ap pears.
    2. Press F1
     to selec t DTE_Dialer
    Th e  DTE Dialer Type (AT)
     menu head ing  app ears. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    External Modems 
    84 Setting Up the PARADYNE COMSPHERE 3910 
    Skipping to the result-code options
    To reac h the op tions we need  to set, we have to skip  over a numb er of other 
    op tions without making  c hang es. Proc eed  as follows.
    1. From the DTE Dialer Type (AT)
     menu head ing , p ress F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  AT Escape Char
     menu head ing  ap p ears.
    2. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  Escape GuardTim
     menu heading appears.
    3. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  BreakForceEscap
     menu head ing  ap p ears.
    4. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  CommandCharEcho
     menu head ing  ap p ears.
    5. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  CarriageRtn Char
     menu head ing  ap p ears.
    6. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  Backspace Char
     menu head ing  app ears.
    7. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  Linefeed Char
     menu head ing  ap p ears.
    8. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  ResultCodes (Enable)
     menu head ing  ap p ears.
    Disabling result codes
    We have reac hed  the options that we need  to c hang e. Proc eed  as follows.
    1. From the ResultCodes (Enable)
     menu head ing , p ress the rig ht-arrow 
    b utton onc e.
    Th e  Disable
     menu item app ears.
    2. Press F2
     to selec t Disable
    3. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  ExtendResltCode (Enable)
     menu head ing  ap p ears.
    4. Press the rig ht-arrow b utton onc e.
    Th e  Disable
     menu item app ears.
    5. Press F2
     to selec t Disable
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    External Modems 
    85 Setting Up the PARADYNE COMSPHERE 3910 
    Exiting the DTE Dialer menu 
    Skip  over the remaining  menu head ing s. Proc eed  as follows.
    1. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  ResultCode Form
     menu heading  app ears.
    2. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  AT Cmnd Mode
     menu head ing  ap p ears.
    3. Press F1
     to selec t End
    Th e  Edit StrapGroup >
     menu head ing  app ears.
    Configuring the Data Line
    Set the line speed  and  ac c ep t the d efault values for the other setting s. Proc eed  
    as follows.
    Opening the dial line menu
    1. From the Edit StrapGroup >
     menu head ing , press the rig ht-arrow button 
    twic e.
    Th e  Dial_Line
     menu item app ears.
    2. Press F1
     to selec t the Dial_Line
     menu head ing . 
    Th e  Dial Line Rate
     menu head ing  ap p ears.
    Setting the line rate 
    1. From the Dial Line Rate
     menu head ing , p ress the rig ht-arrow b utton four 
    Th e  9600(V32b)
     menu item ap p ears.
    2. Press F2
     to selec t 9600(V32b)
    Exiting the dial line menu
    Skip  over the remaining  menu head ing s. Proc eed  as follows.
    1. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  V32bis Automode (Enable)
     menu head ing  ap pears.
    2. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  V32bis Autorate (Enable)
     menu head ing  ap p ears.
    3. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  Dial Tx Level (Permissv (-9))
     menu head ing  ap p ears.
    4. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  V22b Guard Tone (Disable)
     menu head ing  ap p ears. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    External Modems 
    86 Setting Up the PARADYNE COMSPHERE 3910 
    5. Press F1
     to selec t Nxt
    Th e  V32bis Train (Long)
     menu head ing  ap p ears.
    6. Press F1
     to selec t End
    Th e  Edit StrapGroup >
     prompt appears.
    Saving the new configuration
    You must save the c onfig uration c hang es you have mad e b efore you c an use 
    1. From the Edit StrapGroup >
     p romp t, p ress the sing le up -arrow b utton 
    onc e.
    Th e  Choose Function
    , Edit
    , and  Save
     menu head ing s ap p ear.
    2. Press F3
     to selec t Save
    Th e  Save EditArea to >
     p rompt ap p ears.
    3. Press F1
     to selec t Active(Saved)
    Th e  Command Complete
     messag e ap p ears.
    4. Press the sing le up -arrow b utton ag ain.
    Th e  Save EditArea to >
     p rompt ap p ears.
    5. Press the rig ht-arrow b utton onc e to selec t Customer 1
    6. Press F1
     to save c hang es to the Customer 1
     storag e area.
    Th e  Command Complete
     messag e ap p ears.
    7. Press the doub le up -arrow b utton onc e. 
    Th e  Idle:9600
     and Status Configure
     messag es ap p ear. When you power  
    off the mod em, it should  return to this state.
    Checking the status of the COMSPHERE 3910 
    To c hec k the status of the COMSPHERE 3910 mod em at any time, p roc eed  as 
    1. From the topmost menu, selec t the Status
     menu item. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    External Modems 
    87 Setting Up the U.S. Robotics Modem for DEFINITY 
    Setting Up the U.S. Robotics Modem
    for DEFINITY
    The U.S. Robotics modem external modem is recommended for DEFINITY 
    systems. For instruc tions on how to p hysic ally c onnec t it and  for g eneral 
    c onfig uration instruc tions, see the doc umentation that c ame with the mod em. 
    This d oc ument d esc rib es c onfig uring the mod em for p artic ular DEFINITY 
    ad junc ts.
    All c onfig uration is d one via hard ware switc hes. Proc eed  as follows.
    1. Set the DIP switc hes on the mod em to matc h the setting s listed  in the tab le 
    b elow (for switc h loc ations, c onsult the d oc umentation that c ame with the 
    mod em).
    Administering the DEFINITY for 
    You have to ad minister eac h mod em that you attac h to the system.
    Only the b asic  p roc ed ure is c overed  here. For the full rang e of op tions, see 
    the DEFINITY R8 Ad ministrator’s Guid e. 
    Accessing the Administration Form
    1. Open the mod em-ad ministration form. At the manag ement terminal, enter 
    change system-parameters maintenance
    2. Sc roll to p ag e 3 of the form. 
    Table 13. U.S. Robotics External Modem Switch Settings
    Switch Setting Function
    1 OFF (Up) DTR (Data Terminal Read y) overrid e
    2 OFF ( U p ) Re su lt  c od e s
    3 ON (Down) Result c od es
    4 OFF (Up) Keyb oard  command  ec ho
    5 ON (Down) Auto answer
    6 OFF (Up) CD (Carrier Detec t) overrid e 
    7 OFF (Up) Power-on and ATZ reset software d efaults 
    8 ON (Down) AT command  rec og nition 
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals  555-233-116  Issue 1
    April 2000
    External Modems 
    88 Administering the DEFINITY for Modems 
    Identifying the modem
    1. On the mod em-ad ministration form, set the Modem Connection: 
    field to 
     (it should  b e set to none
     if no mod em is installed ). 
    This field  g enerates alarms if it is not ad ministered  c orrec tly. It c annot b e 
    set to none
     if Alarm Origination
     is ac tivated .
    2. Set the Modem Name:
     field  to a uniq ue, 20-c harac ter, alp hanumeric  
    id entifier.
    Setting data-transmission parameters 
    1. On the mod em-ad ministration form, set the Data Bits:
     field  to 8
    d efault).
    2. Set the Parity: 
    field  to none 
    (the d efault).
    3. Set the RTS/CTS Enabled:
      field  to &H1
     (unless you have an Intel modem, 
    in whic h c ase set it to \Q3
    This enab les flow-c ontrol.
    4. Set the Asynchronous Data Mode:
     field  to &M0
    , the d efault (unless you 
    have an Intel modem, in whic h c ase set it to \J1
    5. Set the DTE Auto-Data Speed:
     field  to S90=1 
    (unless you have an Intel 
    mod em, in whic h c ase set it to &M0&Q0
    This lets the mod em automatic ally ad just the data sp eed  to matc h the 
    req uirements of the remote eq uip ment.
    6. Set the Disable Data Compression:
     field  to %C0
     (unless you have an 
    Intel mod em, in whic h c ase set it to H0%C0
    , or a U.S. Rob otic s 839, in 
    whic h c ase the op tion is not available).
    This disables V.42bis and MNP Class-5 data compression.
    7. Set the Enable Error Control: 
    field  to \N5
     (unless you have an Intel 
    mod em, in whic h c ase set it to \N3
    This enab les LAPM and  MNP error c ontrol.
    Setting dialing parameters
    1. Set the Auto-Answer Ring Number:
     field  to S0=10
    This sp ec ifies the numb er of ring s that the mod em waits b efore answering  
    an inc oming  c all.
    2. Set the Dial Type:
     field  to T
     for tone d ialing  (the d efault) or P
     for p ulse 
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