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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation For Adjuncts And Peripherals Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation For Adjuncts And Peripherals Manual
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Voice and Data Terminals and Extenders 19 2-Wire DCP Endpoint 3 DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 3 Voice and Data Terminals and Extenders This c hapter p rovid es information on 2-wire voic e and d ata terminals and DEFINITY d ig ital c ommunic ation p rotoc ol (DCP) extend ers. 2-Wire DCP Endpoint Wire the tip and ring c onnec tions of 2-wire DCP end p oints to a TN2224B d ig ital line 2-wire c irc uit pac k (or eq uivalent) similar to the 2-wire analog end p oints for a TN747B analog line c irc uit p ac k. NOTE: The TN2224B supp orts 2-wire DCP sets only (not 4-wire). 2-wire Voice Terminals !CAUTION: Exc ep t for auxiliary power, if nec essary, these should b e the only c onnec tions to the mod ular wall jac k. Do not b rid g e or parallel these telep hones. Ta b l e 9 p rovid es the p in-out c onfig uration for 2-wire voic e terminals.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Voice and Data Terminals and Extenders 20 2-Wire DCP Endpoint 3 2-Wire Voice and Data Terminals Tab le 10 p rovid es the p in-out c onfig uration for 2-wire voic e and d ata terminals. Fi g u re 7 shows a workstation c onnec ting to a d ata ad ap ter. The line sid e of the ad ap ter c onnec ts to the TN2181 d ig ital line 2-wire c irc uit p ac k via the main d istrib ution frame (MDF) (to the system c ab inet). Table 9. Pin-out for 2-wire Voice Terminals Pin Number Function Pin Number Function 1 4-wire outp ut from terminal 5 2-wire ring 2 4-wire outp ut from terminal 7 4-wire inp ut from system 3 4-wire inp ut from system 7 Auxiliary p ower -48 VDC 4 2-wire tip 8 Auxiliary p ower GRD Table 10. Pin-out for 2-wire Voice Terminals Pin Number Function Pin Number Function 1 4-wire outp ut from terminal 5 2-wire ring 2 4-wire outp ut from terminal 7 4-wire input from system 3 4-wire inp ut from system 7 Auxiliary p ower -48 VDC 4 2-wire tip 8 Auxiliary p ower GRD

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Voice and Data Terminals and Extenders 21 2-Wire DCP Endpoint 3 Figure 7. Typical Connections to a 2-Wire DCP Workstation Wire the c irc uit p ac k to the MDF with a 25-p air c able: 1. Wire to the data ad ap ter p er loc al stand ard s. 2. Wire the d ata terminal and telephone as instruc ted in the d oc ument ac c omp anying the d ata ad ap ter. 1. 103A or mod ular wall jac k 2. 2-wire endpoint 3. Data terminal (serial d ata) 4. Data ad ap ter (suc h as Italtel)5. 4-wire mod ular c ord 6. 25-pair c ab le 7. To TN2181 dig ital line c irc uit p ac k 3 1 2 4 itdata RBP 032896 6 5 5 7Line I/O Phone

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Voice and Data Terminals and Extenders 22 DEFINITY DCP Extender, Stand Alone 3 DEFINITY DCP Extender, Stand Alone The fig ure b elow shows a typ ic al c onnec tion from a d ig ital line 2-wire DCP c irc uit p ac k throug h two DCP extender d evic es. See Ap p end ix A, ‘‘Connec tor and Cab le Pinout Charts’’ for c ab ling information and pin assignments. Figure 8. Typical DEFINITY DCP Extender Connections1. System c ab inet 2. TN2181 or TN2224B c irc uit p ac k 3. 25-p air c ab le 4. DEFINITY DCP extender 5. Main d istrib ution frame (MDF) 6. Public switc hed telephone network (PSTN)7. 103A or mod ular wall jac k 8. Mod ular line c ord 9. DCP telep hone (Suc h as 8410D, 8405, or 8434) 10. Remote work loc ation cydfdcpe RPY 123097 1 234 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Voice and Data Terminals and Extenders 23 DEFINITY DCP Extender, Rack Mount 3 DEFINITY DCP Extender, Rack Mount Fi g u re 9 shows a typ ic al rac k mount (multi-mount) DCP extender. Connec tions from either a d ig ital line 17-p ort 2-wire DCP c irc uit p ac k or a d ig ital line 24-p ort 2- wire DCP c irc uit p ac k, are mad e throug h two DCP extend er d evic es. The stand alone extend er installs at the work loc ation. To install the stand -alone unit, refer to the installation instructions in ‘‘DEFINITY DCP Extender, Stand Alone’’ earlier in this c hap ter. Refer to Appendix A , Ta b l e 3 5, ‘‘DCP Extend er 25-Pair Cab le Pinout’’. The DEFINITY Extender Switc h Mod ule System Ad ministrator’s Guid e c ontains ad d itional information. Figure 9. Typical DEFINITY DCP Extender Connections1. Front of rac k mount assemb ly 2. First c irc uit p ac k in slot 1 (“ A” ) 3. Slot 12 (“ L” )4. Rear of rac k mount assemb ly 5. 25-p air c onnec tor to the MDF and the dig ital line c irc uit p ac ks 6. Power c onnec tor h2dferm PDH 100796

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Voice and Data Terminals and Extenders 24 DEFINITY DCP Extender, Rack Mount 3

Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units 25 Understanding RS-232 communications 4 DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 4 Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units Data modules c onnec t p erip heral eq uip ment to the DEFINITY ECS or DEFINITY ONE and c onvert b etween the RS-232 c ommunic ations p rotoc ol used b y p erip herals and the DEFINITY Dig ital Communic ations Protoc ol (DCP). Possib le peripherals include AUDIX adjunct equipment and terminals, serial printers, c ustomer-sup plied terminals and host c omp uters, c all detail-rec ord ing (CDR) devices, and pooled modems. The following data modules are described in this c hap ter, and Fi g u re 1 0 shows typ ic al d ata-mod ule c onnec tions. n 7400A/B/C/D n 8400B n Exp ressRoute 1000 n Async hronous d ata units (ADUs). NOTE: ISDN d ata modules, suc h as the 7500B, are not c overed in this b ook. Refer to Integ rated Servic es Dig ital Network (ISDN) 7500B Data Mod ule User’s Manual, for d etailed p roc ed ures. ISDN d ata mod ules c onnec ts DTE and DCE equip ment to the ISDN network using an RS-232 or V.35 interfac e and an RS-377 automatic c alling unit. Understanding RS-232 communications To install a d ata mod ule, you have to set up the d evic e to work with RS-232 devices.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units 26 Understanding RS-232 communications 4 The RS-232 c ommunic ations p rotoc ol d efines a c ommunic ations link as a Data Communic ations Eq uipment (DCE) d evic e and a Data Terminal Eq uip ment (DTE) d evic e c onnec ted b y an RS-232 c able. The send and rec eive p ins on DCE eq uip ment (p ins 2 and 3) are reversed on DTE eq uip ment, so that the DCE transmit p in c onnec ts to the rec eive p in of the DTE and vic e versa. Generally, the term DCE is ap p lied to d evic es that med iate b etween c ustomer eq uip ment and the c arrier or network. Suc h d evic es inc lud e mod ems, d ata mod ules, and data units. DTE d esc rib es devic es that p rovide a user interfac e for d ata c ommunic ations, suc h as d umb terminals and PCs. When c onfig ured as DTE, d ata mod ules are used for async hronous mod em p ooling . When c onfig ured as DCE, d ata mod ules are analog ous to mod ems in that they link a devic e suc h as a terminal or PC (DTE) to DEFINITY. To install a d ata mod ule c orrec tly, you identify the c onnec ted eq uip ment as DCE or DTE and d o one of the following : n Config ure the mod em for a DTE or DCE c onnec tion n Install a null-mod em c onverter Detailed instruc tions are p rovid ed in the sec tions for eac h modem typ e (b elow). Figure 10. Typical Connections to a data module1. 103A c onnec tor or mod ular wall jac k 2. 400B2 ad ap ter 3. Rear of d ata mod ule (7400B Shown) 4. Host c omp uter 5. Data module power supply 6. Elec tric al outlet 7. Disp lay telep hone 8. S101A speakerp hone9. Auxiliary p ower sup p ly for telep hone 10. D7AP c ord 11. D8W cord 12. Line to d isp lay telep hone (D8W cord ) 13. Data c able (EIA/RS-232) 14. Data-module power cable 15. To MDF and system c abinet 16. Printer Phone Power Port 1Port 2 Line cydfnst RPY 070397

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units 27 Installation Procedure 4 Installation Procedure To install a typic al d ata mod ule, you p erform the following tasks: 1.Obtain Req uired Eq uip ment 2.Sett Hard ware Op tions (must b e c omp leted b efore you ad minister or p hysic ally c onnec t the d ata mod ule) 3.Connec t Data Modules 4.Ad minister the DEFINITY ECS for Data Mod ules (c an b e c omp leted either b efore or after you physic ally c onnec t the d ata module) Obtain Required Equipment To p hysic ally c onnec t a d ata mod ule to the system, you need the following p arts. n 105C/D Isolating Data Interfac e (if c onnec ting to a DC c ab inet) n EIA-232-D (RS-232-C) c ab le with a male c onnec tor (for the d ata mod ule) and the c orrec t c onnec tor for the p erip heral eq uip ment The c ab le c onnec ts the PC to the d ata mod ule n Null-mod em c onverter (op tional) n V.35 c ab le with c orrec t c onnec tors (not req uired b y all systems) n D8W telep hone c ord The c ord c onnec ts the d ata mod ule’s LINE jac k to the DEFINITY wall jac k. n DCP telep hone and D8W c ord (op tional) The D8W c ord c onnec ts the telep hone to the d ata mod ule’s PHONE jac k. n Suitab le auxiliary p ower supp ly if the op tional telep hone is installed (D7AP p ower c ord and 400B2 ad ap ter in the US, international p ower sup ply, suc h as the MSP-1, elsewhere). You must have ac cess to the administration console of the DEFINITY, either throug h a terminal and keyb oard or throug h a PC. A b reakout b ox for RS-232 interfac es may p rove help ful in some c ases. The RS- 232 b reakout b ox help s you to identify the pin c onfig uration of the RS-232 interface on the equipment you are trying to c onnect. Sett Hardware Options Dep end ing on the d ata mod ule, you may have to set various c onfig uration op tions using hard ware switc hes, software c ommand s, or b oth. You must set the hard ware op tions b efore you administer or p hysic ally install the d ata mod ule.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Data Modules and Asynchronous Data Units 28 Sett Hardware Options 4 Setting 7400A Data-Module Hardware Options Most c onfig uration op tions are c ontrolled b y c ommands entered on the front p anel of the 7400A. But you have to make hard ware c hang es when you want to set up the 7400A d ata-mod ule for use in a mod em p ool or as a p iec e of d ata c ommunic ations eq uip ment. In a mod em-p ool, the d ata mod ule op erates as d ata-terminal eq uip ment (DTE). In most other ap p lic ations, it func tions as data c ommunic ations eq uip ment (DCE). You have to set the c orrec t op erating mod e for the d ata module b efore you c an ac c ess the menus for the remaining configuration tasks. To c hang e the op erating mod e of the 7400A from DCE to DTE (or vic e versa), you c hang e the p osition of a small c irc uit b oard (the Elec tronic Ind ustries Assoc iation c onnec tor b oard ) insid e the c ase. See Fig ure 11 and p roc eed as follows. !WARNING: Elec trostatic d isc harg e c an severely damag e sensitive elec tronic c irc uits. Before handling any elec tronic hard ware, b e sure to wear a g round ing wrist strap or other static -d issip ating d evic e. Do not touc h exp osed c irc uitry or semiconductor c hips. 1. Unp lug the d ata mod ule from the p ower rec ep tac le. 2. Remove the ac c ess p anel on the top of the c ase b y g rasp ing the rear lip of the p anel and p ulling sharp ly up ward. 3. While fac ing the front of the d ata module, loc ate the small EIA c onnec tor c irc uit b oard . It stic ks up vertic ally, and a larg e, silver arrow on the main c irc uit b oard p oints to it.