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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation For Adjuncts And Peripherals Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation For Adjuncts And Peripherals Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 DEFINITY LAN Gateway System 109 Connecting a PC 7 4. If you are not installing a p rinter, set the terminal op tions ac c ording to the instruc tions in the terminal doc umentation. 5. At the terminal, enter AT . If the 7400B d ata mod ule is c onnec ted c orrec tly, it resp ond s with OK (written on the terminal sc reen). 6. Enter AT D T and the telep hone number of the 7400A d ata mod ule c onnec ted to the DEFINITY LAN g ateway (refer to the “ Installing the Terminals” worksheet for this numb er). 7. Chec k the DIP switc hes insid e the front panel. If a telep hone is not c onnec ted with the d ata mod ule, set the first DIP switc h (1) to the ON p osition. If a telep hone is c onnec ted , set all DIP switc hes OFF. Figure 32. Typical Administration PC Connections Using Data Modules 8. After a c onnec t interval, if the PC and 7400 d ata mod ules are installed c orrec tly (and the DEFINITY LAN Gateway is in either ADX, OAM, OS or AINIT state), the sc reen d isp lays the login prompt. 1. Ad ministration PC 2. RS-232 c ab le 3. Data module power supply 4. 7400B d ata mod ule 5. D8W c ord 6. 103A or mod ular wall jac k 7. Main d istrib ution frame (MDF) 8. 7400A d ata mod ule9. Null modem c ab le 10. Port B c onnec tor on MFB Y-c ab le 11. Port A c onnec tor on MFB Y-c ab le 12. Multifunction Y-c able (MFB 13. System c ab inet 14. Alarm c irc uit p ac k (p art of LAN g ateway) 15. Multifunc tion c irc uit p ac k (p art of LAN gateway) cydf003 KLC 022900 1 2 3 3 4 8 910 11 12 13 1415 5 5 667

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 DEFINITY LAN Gateway System 110 Installing a Printer 7 9. If the PC d oes not disp lay the login p romp t, write d own the state d isp layed , then see the troub leshooting proc edures for terminal c onnec tions in DEFINITY Communic ations System Generic 3 Installation, Ad ministration and Maintenanc e of CallVisor ASAI over the DEFINITY LAN Gateway. Installing a Printer The following instruc tions are typ ic al for most installations. But follow the instructions supplied with the printer. 1. Unp ac k and set up the p rinter ac c ord ing to the instruc tions sup p lied with the p rinter. 2. Be sure that the p rinter has p ap er, the rib b on is p rop erly installed , and the cover is closed. 3. Connec t one end of the printer c ab le to either the serial or p arallel p ort on the PC (d ep end ing on the PC and p rinter). Sec ure the c onnec tor with the sc rews p rovid ed . 4. Connec t the op p osite end of the p rinter c ab le to the matc hing p ort (serial or p arallel) on the printer. 5. Set the op tions on the p rinter. Refer to the d oc umentation ship p ed with the printer.

DCS Connections 111 8 DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 8 DCS Connections Typ ic ally, c ab inets are c onnec ted b y d istrib uted c ommunic ation-system (DCS) links using d irec t c onnec tions or mod ems. The system uses the p roc essor interfac e as the c ontrol c irc uit p ac k. The c ontrol c irc uit p ac k provid es a sing le EIA p ort that allows ac c ess to one d ata link. Connec tions to the system vary d ep end ing on the d istanc e b etween systems and the typ e of system b eing c onnec ted . Figure 33. Typical DCS Link, System to System1. To p roc essor interfac e c irc uit p ac k to PI c onnec tor on rear of c ontrol c arrier 2. 25 ft (7.7 m) maximum 3. M25B c ab le (RS-232) 4. Data mod ule5. Mod ular c ord 6. 103A or mod ular wall jac k 7. Main d istrib ution frame (MDF) 8. Pub lic switc hed telep hone network ( PSTN ) cydfdcs1 RPY 123097 11 22 33 4455 66778

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 DCS Connections 112 8

DS1/T1 CPE Loopback Jack 113 Installing Loopback Jacks 9 DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 9 DS1/T1 CPE Loopback Jack This c hap ter provid es information on how to install and use a DS1 loop b ac k jac k to test the DS1 sp an b etween the DEFINITY and the network interfac e p oint. The loop b ac k jac k is req uired when DC p ower is at the interfac e to the ICSU. NOTE: Do not remove the loop b ac k jac k after installation. It should always b e availab le for remote tests of the DS1 sp an. The loop b ac k jac k isolates the ICSU from the DC power and p rop erly loops the DC sp an power. NOTE: The loop b ac k jac k op erates with DS1 c irc uit p ac ks and R7 or later software. The loop b ac k jac k op erates with the 120 integ rated c hannel servic e unit (ICSU) only. It d oes not sup p ort 3100-series c hannel servic e units or other external CSUs or older ICSUs. Installing Loopback Jacks You c an install a loop b ac k jac k with or without a smart jac k. With a Smart Jack Install the loopb ac k jac k at the interfac e to the smart jac k, if p ossib le. This p osition p rovid es maximum c overag e of CPE wiring when remote loop b ac k tests are run. If the smart jac k is not ac c essib le, install the loop b ac k jac k at the extend ed demarcation point.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 DS1/T1 CPE Loopback Jack 114 Installing Loopback Jacks 9 If there is no extend ed demarc ation p oint, install the loop b ac k jac k direc tly at the network interfac e p oint as shown in Fi g u re 3 4 . If there is an extended d emarc ation p oint and the smart jac k is not ac c essib le, install the loop b ac k jac k as shown in Fi g u re 3 5 . If there is an extend ed d emarc ation p oint, b ut the smart jac k is ac c essib le, install the loop b ac k jac k as shown in Fi g u re 3 6 . 1. To install the loop b ac k jac k, simp ly d isc onnec t the RJ-48 (8-wide) c onnec tor (typ ic ally an H600-383 c ab le) at the app rop riate interfac e p oint and c onnec t the loop bac k jac k in series with the DS1 sp an. See Fig ure 34 throug h Fi g u re 3 8. 2. Plug the H600-383 c ab le from the ICSU into the female c onnec tor on the loopback jack. 3. Plug the male c onnec tor on the loop b ac k jac k c ab le into the network interfac e point. NOTE: Do not remove the loop b ac k jac k after installation. This is not a test tool and should always b e availab le to remotely test a DS1 sp an. Without a Smart Jack Install the loopb ac k jac k at the p oint where the c ab ling from the ICSU p lug s into the d umb b loc k. If there is more than one d umb b loc k, c hoose the one that is c losest to the Interfac e Termination feed or the fib er MUX to p rovid e maximum c overag e for loop b ac k jac k tests. Refer to Fig ure 37 and Fi g u re 3 8. 1. To install the loop b ac k jac k, simp ly d isc onnec t the RJ-48 (8-wide) c onnec tor (typ ic ally an H600-383 c ab le) at the app rop riate interfac e p oint and c onnec t the loop bac k jac k in series with the DS1 sp an. See Fig ure 34 throug h Fi g u re 3 8. 2. Plug the H600-383 c ab le from the ICSU into the female c onnec tor on the loopback jack. 3. Plug the male c onnec tor on the loop b ac k jac k c ab le into the network interfac e point. NOTE: Do not remove the loop b ac k jac k after installation. This is not a test tool and should always b e availab le to remotely test a DS1 sp an.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 DS1/T1 CPE Loopback Jack 115 Administering the Loopback Jack 9 Administering the Loopback Jack 1. At the management terminal, enter change DS1 location. Location is the DS1 interfac e c irc uit p ac k c orresp ond ing to the loop bac k jac k. 2. Be sure the near-end CSU typ e is set to integrated . 3. On p ag e 2 of the form, c hang e the supply CPE loopback jack power field to y . Setting this field to y informs the tec hnic ian that a loop b ac k jac k is p resent on the fac ility and allows the tec hnic ian to d etermine that the fac ility is availab le for remote testing . 4. Enter save translation to save the new information. Loopback Testing with a Smart Jack The loop b ac k jac k and smart jac k isolate faults b y d ivid ing the DS1 sp an into 3 sec tions (see Fig ure 34 , Fi g u re 3 5, and Fi g u re 3 6): n From the 120A2 (or later) ICSU to the loop b ac k jac k n From the loop b ac k jac k to the smart jac k (network interfac e point) n From the smart jac k to the CO The first 2 sec tions are your resp onsib ility. The last is the resp onsib ility of the DS1 service p rovid er. Testing the DS1 Span from the ICSU to the Loopback Jack The DS1 sp an test has 2 p arts. n Chec king for c irc uit c onnec tivity The first p art of the test p owers-up the loop b ac k jac k and send s a sig nal from the DS1 c irc uit p ac k, throug h the wiring , to the loop b ac k jac k. The test allows ab out 10 sec onds for the sig nal to loop around the loop b ac k jac k and return to the DS1 c irc uit pac k. Then it send s the results to the management terminal and proceeds to the second part of the test. n The sec ond p art of the test send s the standard , 3-in-24 DS1 stress-testing p attern from the DS1 b oard , throug h the loop bac k jac k, and bac k to a b it error d etec tor and c ounter on the DS1 b oard . A b it-error rate c ounter d isp lays the results on the manag ement terminal until you terminates the test. Always p erform b oth p arts of the test. Proc eed as follows.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 DS1/T1 CPE Loopback Jack 116 Loopback Testing with a Smart Jack 9 Checking the integrity of local equipment Before you g o any further, make sure that the the p roblem is ac tually on the DS1 sp an b y testing the eq uip ment that c onnec ts to the sp an at the near end . 1. Test the DS1 c irc uit p ac k, and p erform any need ed maintenanc e or rep airs. 2. Test the ICSU, and p erform any need ed maintenanc e or rep airs. Busying out the DS1 circuit pack Now take the DS1 c irc uit out of servic e. 1. Onc e you are sure that the DS1 c irc uit p ac k and ICSU are func tioning c orrec tly, g o to the manag ement terminal, and b usy out the DS1 c irc uit pack by entering busyout board UUCSS where UU is the c abinet numb er, C is the c arrier number, and SS is the slot number of the DS1 b oard . Administering the DS1 for the test 1. At the manag ement terminal, op en the DS1 ad ministration form. Enter change DS1 UUCSS where UU is the c abinet numb er, C is the c arrier number, and SS is the slot number of the DS1 b oard . 2. Make sure that the near-end csu type field is set to integrated . 3. Chang e to p ag e 2 of the DS1 ad ministration form, and c onfirm that the value of the TX LBO field is 0dB . 4. If the value of the TX LBO field is not 0dB , rec ord the c urrent value. Then set the TX LBO field to 0dB for testing. 5. Press EN TER to make the c hang es, CANCEL to q uit without c hang es. Testing the integrity of the loopback circuit Now perform the first p art of the ac tual loop b ac k test. 1. At the management terminal, enter test DS1-loop UUCSS cpe-loopback-jack where UU is the c abinet numb er, C is the c arrier number, and SS is the slot number of the DS1 b oard . The loop b ac k jac k p owers up. Ac tive, DS1 fac ility alarms (if any) c lear. After ab out 20 sec ond s, the first set of results ap p ears on the terminal.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 DS1/T1 CPE Loopback Jack 117 Loopback Testing with a Smart Jack 9 2. If FAIL ap p ears on the terminal d isp lay, there may b e a fault in the wiring b etween the ICSU and the loop b ac k jac k or the loop b ac k jac k may itself be faulty. Isolate the problem by replacing the loopback jack and repeating step 1 . 3. If FAIL still ap p ears after the loop b ac k jac k has b een rep lac ed, susp ec t a wiring p rob lem. Rep lac e the c ab le between the ICSU and the loop b ac k jack. Then repeat step 1 . 4. When PA S S ap p ears on the terminal, p roc eed with the sec ond p art of the test, c hec king the integ rity of transmitted d ata. Testing the integrity of data sent over the loop Now perform the sec ond p art of the test, c hec king for d ata errors. NOTE: The loss of sig nal (LOS) alarm (demand test #138) is not p roc essed d uring this test while the 3-in-24 p attern is ac tive. Clearing the results of previous tests 1. Zero out the bit-error c ounter. At the manag ement terminal, enter clear meas DS1 loop UUCSS where UU is the c abinet numb er, C is the c arrier number, and SS is the slot number of the DS1 b oard . 2. Zero out the performanc e measurement c ounter. At the manag ement terminal, enter clear meas DS1 log UUCSS where UU is the c abinet numb er, C is the c arrier number, and SS is the slot number of the DS1 b oard . 3. Zero out the ESF error c ount. At the manag ement terminal, enter clear meas DS1 esf UUCSS where UU is the c abinet numb er, C is the c arrier number, and SS is the slot number of the DS1 b oard . Running the data test 1. Disp lay the b it error c ount. At the manag ement terminal, enter list meas DS1 sum UUCSS where UU is the c abinet numb er, C is the c arrier number, and SS is the slot number of the DS1 b oard . 2. Step through the table below to troubleshoot.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 DS1/T1 CPE Loopback Jack 118 Loopback Testing with a Smart Jack 9 3. Once you are fairly c ertain that the test is reporting no errors (after at least 1 error-free minute), c onfirm that the 3-in-24 p attern error d etec tor is op erating . Enter test DS1-loop UUCSS inject-single-bit-error . where UU is the c abinet numb er, C is the c arrier number, and SS is the slot number of the DS1 b oard . 4. Display the bit error count again. At the management terminal, enter list meas DS1 sum UUCSS where UU is the c abinet numb er, C is the c arrier number, and SS is the slot number of the DS1 b oard . Condition Solution The value of the Te s t : c p e - loopback-jack field is Pattern 3-in- 24The loop bac k jac k test is ac tive. The value of the Synchronized field is NRetry the test 5 times. The value of the Synchronized field remains N after 5 tries.Exc essive bit errors are likely. Chec k for i n t e rm it t e n t c o n n e c t io n s o r b r o k e n w i re s in a n SPE rec eive or transmit p air, and rep air as nec essary. Then rep eat step 1 . The value of the Bit-error count field is non-zero Rep eat step 1 several times. The value of the Synchronized is Y The DS1 c irc uit p ac k has sync hronized to the looped 3-in-24 p attern and is c ounting b it errors in the p attern. The value of the Bit-error count field pegs at 75535 or inc rements b y 100s or 1000s eac h time you rep eat step 1 .Susp ec t loose or c orrod ed c onnec tions, severe c rosstalk, or imp ed anc e imb alanc es b etween the two c ond uc tors of the rec eive or transmit p air. Wiring may need rep lac ement. The value of the Bit-error count field is 0There are no ob vious wiring p rob lems. Verify this by repeating step 1 a 1- to 10-minute intervals until you are c ertain. If the test rep orts no errors for 1 minute, the error rate is less than 1 in 10 8. If the test rep orts no errors for 10 minutes, the error rate is less than 1 in 10 9.