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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation For Adjuncts And Peripherals Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation For Adjuncts And Peripherals Manual
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Malicious Call Trace 159 15 DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 15 Malicious Call Trace The malic ious c all trac e voic e rec ord er c onnec ts d irec tly to the tip and ring c onnec tions of a TN763/D auxiliary trunk c irc uit p ac k. See Fig ure 49 . The 909A/B universal c oup ler p rovid es seizure c ontrol to the rec order. Figure 49. Malicious Call Trace NOTE: A wiring b loc k must b e loc ally eng ineered. 1. Malicious call trace voice rec order 2. 25-p air c ab le (T, R, S, S1, Sz, SZ1) to TN763/D auxiliary trunk c irc uit pac k 3. 909A/B universal c oupler4. Power sup p ly for universal c oup ler 5. To SZ1 on TN763/D c onnec tor 6. Tip and ring wires 7. CBS1/C1 and CBS2/C2 cydf038 PDH 091696 J2 J3J1 5 27 7 8 236

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Malicious Call Trace 160 15 NOTE: 909A c oup lers ship s with one DW4B-DE c ab le and two DW8B-SE c ables. The 909B ship s with one KS-22911L2 p ower sup p ly, one DW4B-DE c able, and two DW8B-SE c ab les. 1. Determine the p ort assig nment of the rec ord er from the malic ious c all trac ing form. 2. Install the 909A/B universal c oup ler on a vertic al surfac e. 3. Connec t the SZ, SZ1, S, and S1 lead s from the 909A/B to an auxiliary trunk circuit pack. a. Tip and ring c onnec t from the voic e rec ord er to the auxiliary trunk c irc uit p ac k (J1 on the 909A/B). b . CBS1/C1 and CBS2/C2 c onnec t from the voic e rec ord er to J2 on the 909A/B. 4. On the 909A/B universal c oup ler: a. Connec t seizure c ontrol voltag e of from -9 to -70 Volts to the PG2/ BZ2 c onnec tion (p in 2 of J1). Switc hing voltag e to the PG2/BZ2 c onnec tion c an b e from the 909A/B -48 VDC sup p ly. b . Connec t SZ1 to the ground lead of the DC p ower sourc e used for PG2/BZ2. c.Set S1 to the “ C2” position. Set S2 p osition 7 to “ OPEN” . d . Connec t an ap p roved -48 VDC p ower sourc e to the -48 and GRD terminals (p ins 5 and 2, resp ec tively, of J3 on the 909A/B). 5. Ad minister the switc h for the c all trac e d evic e.

Loudspeaker Paging, Music-on-Hold, and External Alerting Equipment 161 Loudspeaker Paging 16 DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 16 Loudspeaker Paging, Music-on-Hold, and External Alerting Equipment This c hap ter p rovid es information on c onnec ting the eq uip ment nec essary to use the following features: n Loudspeaker paging n Music on hold n Dial dictation n Rec ord ed announc ement ac c ess n External ring ing n Queue warning ind ic ator Loudspeaker Paging The loudspeaker paging feature provides a connec tion from a TN763B/C/D auxiliary trunk c irc uit p ac k (or eq uivalent) to a c ustomer-sup p lied p ag ing amp lifier. The music -on-hold feature p rovid es a c onnec tion from a TN2183 analog line c irc uit p ac k (or eq uivalent) or auxiliary trunk c irc uit p ac k to a c ustomer-sup plied music sourc e. Loudspeaker Paging without Paging Adapter Fi g u re 5 0 shows the c onnec tions for the loud sp eaker pag ing feature. These c onnec tions are used when the loud sp eaker interfac e eq uip ment is not loc ated in the eq uip ment room. If the eq uip ment is loc ated in the eq uip ment room, the information outlet is not req uired . The c onnec tions shown are for one zone.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Loudspeaker Paging, Music-on-Hold, and External Alerting Equipment 162 Loudspeaker Paging 16 The fig ure also shows c onnec tions from the music sourc e to the loud sp eaker system throug h a p ag ing amplifier as well as throug h a 909A/B c oup ler. A wiring b loc k must b e loc ally eng ineered . NOTE: If the loud sp eaker pag ing system p rovid es a talk-b ac k mic rop hone at the sp eakers, the mic rophone must be FCC ap p roved (or eq uivalent) or a 909A/B universal coup ler is req uired . Refer to the tab les at the end of this c hap ter for p inouts of the auxiliary trunk circuit pack. Figure 50. Connections for Loudspeaker Paging Loudspeaker Paging Access (Without Universal Coupler) 1. Determine port assig nment of pag ing zone(s) from loud sp eaker pag ing form. 2. At the main d istrib ution frame, loc ate the c onnec ting b loc k and terminals assig ned to the selec ted port. 3. On the loc ally eng ineered wiring b loc k, p lac e a strap b etween terminals S and SZ. Plac e a strap b etween terminals S1 and SZ1. 4. Install p atc h c ord /jump er wires at the main d istrib ution frame. 1. 25-p air c ab le to TN763B/C/D auxiliary trunk c irc uit p ac k (SZ1 c onnec ts to GRD on key 10) 2. Loud sp eaker system 3. 909A/B universal c oup ler (if req uired ) 4. Part of main d istrib ution frame 5. Pag ing amp lifier6. Music sourc e for b ac kg round music over loud sp eakers 7. 103A or mod ular wall jac k 8. To SZ1 on TN763B/C/D c onnec tor 9. Tip and ring wires 10. -48 VDC p ower sup p ly for 909B 1 0031_0 RBP 062696 J2 J3J1 4 5 5 22 1 4 5 7 236

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Loudspeaker Paging, Music-on-Hold, and External Alerting Equipment 163 Loudspeaker Paging 16 5. Connec t a 2-p air line c ord (mod ular p lug at one end ) from the information outlet to the p ag ing amp lifier (to the loud sp eaker system). 6.Install loudsp eaker eq uip ment p er the manufac turer’s instruc tions. 7. Administer the switc h for the new equipment. Loudspeaker Paging with Universal Coupler An information outlet p rovid es ac c ess to loud speaker p ag ing . The system sid e of the main d istrib ution frame c onnec ts to a 909A/B universal c oup ler. Make p rovisions for the DC p ower that the 909A/B universal c oup ler req uires, suc h as a 1151A, 1151A2, or other ap p roved -48VDC p ower sup p ly. Six lead s (T, R, SZ, SZ1, S, and S1) c onnec t the ad ap ter to an auxiliary trunk circuit pack located in a port carrier. 1. Determine port assig nment of pag ing zone(s) from loud sp eaker Pag ing form. 2. Id entify c arrier slot and lab el b oth end s of an A25D (male to male) c ab le. 3. Connec t a c ab le from the 909A/B to the system sid e of the main d istrib ution frame. A wiring b loc k must b e loc ally engineered . 4.Chapter 1, ‘‘909A/B Universal Coup ler’’ p rovid es d etails of the c onnec tions b etween the 909A/B universal c oup ler and the wiring b loc ks. !CAUTION: Damag e to the 909A/B may oc c ur if the c ab le is p lug g ed into J3 before all c ross-c onnec ts are c omp leted . 5. On the 909A/B universal c oup ler: n Connec t seizure c ontrol voltag e of from -9 to -70 volts to the PG2/ BZ2 c onnec tion (p in 2 of J1). Switc hing voltag e to the PG2/BZ2 c onnec tion c an b e from the 909’s -48-volt sup ply. n Connec t a -48 VDC p ower sourc e to the -48 and GRD terminals on the 909A/B. 6. Install p atc h c ord /jump er wires at the main d istrib ution frame. 7. Connec t a 2-p air line c ord (mod ular p lug at one end ) from the information outlet to the loud sp eaker system. 8. Install loudsp eaker eq uip ment p er the manufac turer’s instruc tions. 9. Connec t an ap p roved -48 VDC p ower sourc e to the -48 and GRD terminals (p ins 5 and 2, resp ec tively, of J3). 10. Administer the switc h for the new equipment.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Loudspeaker Paging, Music-on-Hold, and External Alerting Equipment 164 Music-on-Hold, Dial Dictation, or Recorded Announcement Access 16 Music-on-Hold, Dial Dictation, or Recorded Announcement Access Fi g u re 5 1 shows the c onnec tions for music -on-hold , d ial dic tation, or rec ord ed announc ement features when the music sourc e is Fed eral Communic ations Commission (FCC) reg istered (or eq uivalent). Fig ure 52 on p age 165 shows the c onnec tions when the music sourc e is not FCC-reg istered (or eq uivalent). NOTE: Use the following c onnec tion instruc tions when the music sourc e is not loc ated in the eq uip ment room. If the music sourc e is loc ated in the eq uip ment room, d o not route the c onnec tions throug h the information outlet. Figure 51. Typical Registered Equipment Connections (Auxiliary Access) 1. If the music sourc e is registered , the system sid e of the MDF c onnec ts d irec tly to the system. 2. If the music sourc e is not reg istered , the system sid e of the MDF c onnec ts to a 909A/B universal coupler. Registered Music Source Refer to Fi g u re 5 1 to install a reg istered music sourc e. 1. Determine feature port assig nment from Feature-Related System Parameters Form. 2.Install music sourc e p er the manufac turer’s instruc tions. 3. Install p atc h c ord /jump er wires at the main d istrib ution frame. 4. Administer the switc h for the new equipment. 1. Music sourc e 2. 4-pair modular cord 3. 103A or modular wall jac k 4. 122A music ad ap ter (if req uired ) p rimarily Franc e5. Tip (g reen) and ring (red ) 6. Part of main d istrib ution frame 7. A25D 25 p air c ab le (male-to-male) to auxiliary trunk circuit pac k cydfmusc RPY 090397 1 2 34 56 7

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Loudspeaker Paging, Music-on-Hold, and External Alerting Equipment 165 Music-on-Hold, Dial Dictation, or Recorded Announcement Access 16 Nonregistered Music Source Refer to the fig ures b elow when installing a nonreg istered music sourc e. 1. Determine feature port assig nment from Feature-Related System Parameters Form. 2.Install the music sourc e p er the manufac turer’s instruc tions. 3. Connec t a c ab le from the assig ned p ort c arrier slot to J1 on the 909A/B. A wiring b loc k must b e loc ally eng ineered . 4. Connec t the T-lead at pin 5 and the R-lead at p in 4 of J1 on the 909A/B universal c oup ler to the c orresp ond ing lead s from the TN2183. 5. Connec t the CT-lead at p in 5 and the CR-lead at p in 4 of J2 on the 909A/B to the MDF. 6. Install p atc h c ord /jump er wires at the MDF to c onnec t tip and ring to the information outlet at the music sourc e. 7. Set the Protec tion/Pag ing switc h to C1. 8. Connec t a mod ular c ord from the information outlet to the music sourc e. 9. Connec t -48V to p in 5 and -48V RET to p in 2 of J3 on the 909A/B. The p ower sourc e may b e an 1151A, 1151A2, or other ap p roved power supply. 10. Administer the switc h for the new equipment. Figure 52. Typical Nonregistered Equipment Connections (Auxiliary Access) NOTE: A wiring b loc k must b e loc ally eng ineered. 1. Customer-sup p lied music sourc e 2. A25D 25-p air c ab le to auxiliary trunk c irc uit pack 3. 909A/B universal c oup ler 4. Part of main d istrib ution frame5. Power sup p ly for universal coup ler 6. 103A or mod ular wall jac k 7. 4-p air mod ular c ord 8. Tip and ring wires J2 J3J1 5 24 5 4 5

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Loudspeaker Paging, Music-on-Hold, and External Alerting Equipment 166 External Ringing 16 Figure 53. Connections to Nonregistered Music-on-Hold via Analog Line NOTE: A wiring b loc k must b e loc ally eng ineered. External Ringing Connec tions for external ring ing are at an information outlet. The system sid e of the main d istrib ution frame (MDF) is c onnec ted to a TN2183 (or eq uivalent) analog line c irc uit p ac k. NOTE: Up to three d evic es c an b e c onnec ted to one analog line c irc uit p ac k p ort. 1. Wire the ring ing d evic e to the information outlet. 2. Administer the switc h for the new equipment. Queue Warning Indicator The c onnec tions for the q ueue warning ind ic ator are the same as external ring ing . An AC ind ic ator (lig ht) suc h as a 21C49 c an b e used in a Uniform Call Distrib ution/Direc t Dep artmental Calling (UCD/DDC) q ueue. The lig ht is c onnec ted to an information outlet. The system sid e of the MDF is c onnec ted to an analog line c irc uit pac k loc ated in a p ort c arrier. 1. Wire the q ueue warning ind ic ator to the information outlet. 2. Administer the switc h for the new equipment. 1. Customer-sup p lied music sourc e 2. 25-p air c ab le to analog line c irc uit p ac k 3. 909A/B universal c oup ler 4. Part of main d istrib ution frame5. Power sup p ly for universal c oup ler 6. 103A or modular wall jac k 7. 4-p air mod ular c ord 8. Tip and ring wires 0051_0 PDH 062696 J2 J3J1 5 24 5 4 5

Paging and Announcement Equipment 167 PagePac Plus Paging System 17 DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 17 Paging and Announcement Equipment This c hapter p rovid es information on c onnec ting the following p iec es of eq uip ment: n Pa g e Pa c Plu s Pa g i n g Sy st e m n SPA Ra d io Pa g in g PagePac Plus Paging System PagePac D20 The Pag ePac D20 is a 20-watt amp lic enter and c ontroller that c an op erate alone or with a zone exp ansion unit to p rovid e multiple p ag ing zones. It req uires a 909A/B universal c oup ler if it op erates alone, and a wiring b loc k must b e loc ally eng ineered .

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation for Adjuncts and Peripherals 555-233-116 Issue 1 April 2000 Paging and Announcement Equipment 168 PagePac Plus Paging System 17 Figure 54. Connections for PagePac 20 Without Zone-Mate Fi g u re 5 5 shows a Pag ePac D20 amplic enter and c ontroller with a zone exp ansion unit inc orp orated into the Pag ePac D20. The Pag ePac D20 amp lic enter and c ontroller d oes not req uire 909A/B when a zone exp ansion is installed . 1. Pag ePac D20 amp lic enter and c ontroller 2. 25-pair c ab le to TN763/B/C/D auxiliary trunk c irc uit p ac k (T, R, S, S1, SZ, SZ1) 3. Universal c oup ler 4. Part of main d istribution frame 5. Power sup ply for universal c oup ler6. 103A or mod ular wall jac k 7. 4-pair modular cord 8. To SZ1 on TN763/B/C/D c onnec tor 9. Tip and ring wires 10. CBS1/C1 and CBS2/C2