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Canon I Sensys Mf8540cdn User Guide

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    of 750
    Initializing System Management Settings
    You  can restore the  settings of the  machine (Setting Menu List). Some  settings require restarting the  machine to  be initialized.
     Select the  item  that  you
    want to  initialize  Restart  the  machine if  necessary.
    Items  for initializing
    Select the  setting you want to  initialize.
    Initializes  all the  settings.
    To initialize the  settings in , you can also  press   and  restart the  machine.
    This chapter  contains technical specifications  of this machine, instructions on  how to  use the  e-Manual,  disclaimers, copyright  information,
    and  other important  information  for  customers.
    Feature Highlights
    Give  the  features that  are  described in this section  a try.  The features are  grouped under four  headings: "Going Green and  Saving
    Money,"  "Improving  Efficiency," "Going Digital," and  "So Much  More."
    Going Green and Saving Money
    2 -Sided Printing (MF8580Cdw / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn Only)
    Print Multiple Pages  on a Single Sheet
    Sleep Mode
    You  can use 2 -sided  printing for  copies, print jobs  sent from your computer, and  even incoming faxes.  Because you'll only
    be using half  the  paper  you would otherwise, you can cut  your paper  costs  in half. The key  enables you to  save
    even more paper  by allowing you to  simultaneously select the  settings for  2 -sided  copying and  for  copying multiple pages
    onto  one sheet.
    To make 2 -sided  copies: 2 - Sided Copying (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn Only)
    To save  paper  when you copy: Using  the [Paper Save  Copy] Key
    To print 2 -sided  documents from your computer: Switching  1 - Sided and  2 - Sided Printing (MF8580Cdw  /
    MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn Only)
    To print 2 -Sided incoming faxes: 
    Print on  Both  Sides
    To really start saving  paper,  shrink  multiple pages onto  a single sheet - 2  or 4  pages for  copies, and  up  to  16 pages for
    print jobs  sent from your computer. If  you are  using a machine capable of 2 -sided  printing,  the   key  enables you
    to  save  even more paper  by allowing you to  simultaneously select the  settings for  2 -sided  copying and  for  copying
    multiple pages onto  one sheet.
    To copy multiple pages of a document onto  one sheet: Copying Multiple Documents onto  One Sheet (2  on  1/4 on
    To save  paper  when you copy: 
    Using  the [Paper Save  Copy] Key
    To print multiple pages of a document onto  one sheet: Printing Multiple Pages onto  One Sheet
    For saving  energy  and  money, a sleep mode that  powers down a machine when nobody is  using it has become an
    essential  feature. This machine will  enter sleep mode automatically,  and  can also  be put to  sleep whenever you want.
     once to  put the  machine to  sleep. Press it again to  instantly  wake the  machine back into action.
    							Save Toner
    Send Faxes  Directly From Your Computer (MF8580Cdw / MF8550Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
    Screen Your Faxes  (MF8580Cdw / MF8550Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
    For more information  about  this function, see  Entering Sleep  Mode.
    Got  multi -page documents or drafts that  don't need presentation-quality  printing?  
    There's a setting that  uses less toner.  Give  it a try and  save  toner and  money.
    For more information  about  this function, see  Saving  Toner.
    Fax documents directly  from your computer. Why bother printing and  then  faxing?  It just wastes paper  and  costs  you
    money. You  can save  yourself  this trouble  and  cut  costs  with paperless  faxing.
    For more information  about  this function, see  Sending  Faxes  from Your  Computer (PC Fax) .
    You  can have incoming faxes held in memory  and  then  check  them yourself  before they're printed.  Just  print what you
    need and  delete  the  rest, saving  paper  and  toner.
    For more information  about  this function, see  Storing  Received Faxes  into Memory (Memory Reception) .
    Improving Efficiency
    Address Book (MF8580Cdw / MF8550Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
    Shortcut Keys for  Copying and Scanning
    Print Images Right Off Your USB Stick
    Entering fax  and  e-mail addresses in the  Address Book saves you the  inconvenience of entering  them number-by-number,
    letter-by-letter every time  you have something  to  send. Display the  addresses you use most frequently with the
     feature to  quickly and  easily  send what you need to  the  people  who need it. You  can save  your Address Book
    data on  your computer  and  feel secure knowing  that  your important  contact information  is  backed  up.
    To use the  machine to  enter addresses in the  Address Book:  Registering in the Address Book (MF8580Cdw  /
    MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
    To use your computer  to  enter addresses in the  Address Book:  
    Registering Address Book from Remote
    UI (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
    To select an  Address Book address as a fax  destination:  
    Specifying from Address Book (Fax)
    To select an  Address Book address as an  e-mail destination:  Specifying from Address Book
    To save  Address Book addresses on  your computer  or to  export  Address Book addresses that  are  saved  on  your computer
    to  the  machine: 
    Saving/Loading Address Book (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
    Take  advantage of the  shortcut keys on  the  operation panel so you don't have to  reconfigure the  same settings over and
    over again.  The  key  enables you to  save  paper  by allowing you to  copy two or four  pages onto  one sheet. If  you
    are  using a machine capable of 2 -sided  printing,  you can also  copy on  both  sides of the  sheet. For scanning, use the  
    / keys to  preset  your favorite save  destinations, scan types,  and  file formats.  Just  place your document and
    touch  one of these shortcut keys to  scan.
    To save  paper  when you copy: Using  the [Paper Save  Copy] Key
    To easily  scan documents: Scanning Using  the [Scan >  PC] Key
    Insert your USB  stick directly  into the  machine and  print JPEG  and  TIFF images right then  and  there.  You  can preview
    images before printing,  or print a list  of images. Simple and  convenient  printing,  no  connection to  a computer  necessary.
    							Scan  and Save to  a USB Stick
    Remote Management with Remote UI
    For more information  about  this function, see  Printing from USB Memory (USB Print).
    Convert  paper  documents into JPEG  or PDF  files  and  save  them on  a USB  stick that  you've inserted directly  into the
    machine. There's no  need to  save  the  files  to  a computer  or use specialized software. Just  found  out  you need image files
    of a paper  document for  a meeting  that's about  to  start?  Head over to  the  machine, make some  PDF  files, and  take the
    USB  stick you stored  them on  into the  conference  room.
    For more information  about  this function, see  Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory .
    Remote  UI lets  you manage a lot from your computer, all without having to  go over to  the  machine. Configure settings
    and  keep  an  eye  on  the  machine's  status with an  intuitive, easy -to -understand Web browser  interface  that  you'll master
    immediately. Save  your time  and  energy  for  things  other than taking care of the  machine.
    For more information  about  this function, see  Using  Remote  UI.
    Going Digital
    Scan  and E -mail (MF8580Cdw / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn Only)
    Scan  and Share  (MF8580Cdw / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn Only)
    Scan  Only What You Need
    E -mail scanned documents without even turning  on  your computer. Just  convert your scanned document into an  e-mail
    attachment right from the  machine. If  you're one of those people  who'd rather send a fax  than mess around with a
    computer, this feature is  for  you.
    For more information  about  this function, see  Sending  Documents as E- mails  Directly from the Machine
    (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn Only) .
    Say you've got  a paper  copy of a report for  a company -wide  meeting. Scan it, convert it, and  now everyone  can see  it.
    It's saved  directly  in a shared  folder on  your network, so there's no  need to  print out  copies and  pass them out. Once you
    start talking  about  hundreds of pages of documents that  everyone  needs,  there's just no  other way  to  go.
    For more information  about  this function, see  Saving  Documents Directly to a Shared Folder  (MF8580Cdw  /
    MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn Only) .
    What  if  you're scanning a whole  page of a newspaper but all you're really interested in is  a headline and  a photo ?  Use
    ScanGear MF.  You  can select what you want from a preview, and  then  have the  scanner  disregard  the  rest. Otherwise
    you'll have to  use an  editing program to  crop  out  everything you don't need.
    Using  your product to  scan,  print or otherwise  reproduce certain documents,  and  the  use of such images as
    scanned, printed or otherwise  reproduced by your product, may  be prohibited by law  and  may  result in criminal
    and/or civil  liability.  If  you are  uncertain  about  the  legality  of using your product to  scan,  print or otherwise
    reproduce any particular  document, and/or of the  use of the  images scanned, printed or otherwise  reproduced,
    you should consult in advance  with your legal advisor for  guidance.
    							Searchable PDFs
    Convert  Text  in Scanned Documents
    Add Images to  a Work in Progress
    For more information  about  this function, see  Configuring  Scan Settings  in ScanGear  MF.
    You  can convert scanned documents to  regular PDF  files, or you can go a step further and  make the  text in that  scanned
    document searchable. There's a lot more you can do with a PDF  file when you make it text-searchable. To do this, just
    select "PDF"  as the  scan type when you scan with MF Toolbox.
    For more information  about  this function, see  Scanning Using  MF Toolbox.
    Text normally gets scanned as an  image, but you can convert it into text that  can also  be edited.  Select "OCR"  as the  scan
    type when you scan with MF Toolbox. The software  that  comes with this machine will  convert any text in the  scanned
    image into text data that  you can then  edit with a text editor.
    For more information  about  this function, see  Scanning Using  MF Toolbox.
    Some  applications  work with the  machine to  let you easily  import scanned images directly  into documents you're working
    on. This way  you can skip  the  steps of opening a separate application just for  receiving the  scanned images and  then
    exporting them to  the  application you're really using.
    For more information  about  this function, see  Scanning Using  an Application .
    So Much More
    Easy Printing with Google Cloud Print
    Keep  Your Printouts Private (MF8580Cdw / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn Only)
    Go  Wireless (MF8580Cdw / MF8280Cw Only)
    Hook  up  to  Google  Cloud Print  with your laptop or cell phone, send your data, and  out  come  your printed documents.
    With this machine, Google  Cloud Print,  and  your mobile device, print whenever you want from wherever you want.
    For more information  about  this function, see  Using  Google Cloud  Print.
    Normally,  when you print something  from your computer, it comes out  of the  printer right away. However, if  you have
    sensitive  documents,  this may  not  be what you want. Just  use secure printing and  no  one will  be able  to  print your
    documents without entering  your password on  the  machine's  operation panel.  Don't let your confidential  documents lie
    exposed  on  the  tray  for  everyone  to  see.
    For more information  about  this function, see  Printing a Document  Secured by a PIN (Secure Print) (MF8580Cdw
    / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn Only) .
    No cables, easy  installation, simple maintenance. If  you've got  a WPS wireless LAN router, bypass  the  settings process
    altogether and  be ready to  go before you know it. Enjoy the  kind of clutter -free and  easy  to  use document system that
    you can only get from wireless.  Compatible with IEEE  802.11b/g/n  for  stress-free wireless,  and  also  supports WEP and
    WPA/WPA2-PSK (TKIP/AES -CCMP) for  tighter security.
    For more information  about  this function, see  Connecting to a Wireless LAN (MF8580Cdw  / MF8280Cw Only) .
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