Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Installation Manual
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2-60 St at ion Conne ctions Sin gle Li ne In t er face Board (S LIB) This board provides the interface to six (6) 2500 type telephones. The SLI B s igna ls i nte rf ace wit h m echani cal 9 0V ri nge rs and l ight s 90 V messagewaitinglampson2500setsasdesired. The station connections are via three (3) Modular (RJ14 type) connectors loca te d on the front e dge of the card. The boa rd can s upport a D TRU boar d a nd a MSG1 2 boa rd in a da ught er boa rd ty pe ar ran geme nt . The DT RU unit has two (2) D TMF re ceivers on it and can b e installe d on the S LIB board. The DT RU mounts on the SLIB boa rd as a da ughter boa rd ty pe ar ran geme nt . O nly one SL T s tati on is all owe d per d igit al ex te ns ion n umbe r. It is not po ssib le to b ridg e di gital sta tion p orts so t hat an e xt ensio n numb er ma y ap pea r in mor e tha n one loca tion . Tabl e 2 -12 : S LI B W ir i n g SLIB Connector Connector Pin # 3M Conne ction 6M Connection M3 3 Tip 6 Tip 6 2Ring6Ring6 4 Tip 5 Tip 5 1Ring5Ring5 M2 3 Tip 4 Tip 4 2Ring4Ring4 4 Tip 3 Tip 3 1Ring3Ring3 M1 3 Tip 2 Tip 2 2Ring2Ring2 4 Tip 1 Tip 1 1Ring1Ring1

Sta tion Connections 2 -61 In sta l li ng t he DT RU Modu le 1. Unpack the DTRU Module from its antistatic conductive bag in the pack ing box. 2. Locate the CON1 and CON2 connectors on the DTRU module. 3. Locate the CONN1 and CONN2 conne ctors on the SLIB (outline d). 4. Pos ition the D TRU module s o that the CON 2 and C ON1 conne ctors m atch up with the CON N1 and CON N2 connectors on the S LIB respectively. 5. Pus h the DT RU module onto th ese conne ctors mak ing sure it is seated properly. Refer toFig u re 2- 23.This completes the installation procedure for the DTRU Modul e. In sta l li ng t he MSG U Board The Message Wait Lamp Relay Control (MSGU) provides Message Wait Lamp Relay Control for message lamp single line telephones. The MSGU boar d m ounts on the S LIB boar d a s a daug hte r boar d t yp e a rr ange me nt. 1. Unpack the MSGU Module from its antistatic conduc tive bag in the pack ing box. 2 . Locat e t he CO NN1 and CO NN2 conne ctor s on t he MS GU m odule . 3. Locate the CONN3, a nd CONN4 conne ctors on the SLIB ( outline d). 4 . Pos it ion t he MS GU mod ule so th at th e CO NN1 a nd CO NN2 connectors match up with th e CONN3 an d CONN4 connectors on the SLIB respectively. 5. Pus h the MSGU module on to the se connec tors m aking s ure it is seated properly. Refer toFig u re 2- 23.This completes the installation procedure for the MSG U M od u l e.

2-62 St at ion Conne ctions Ad ju sti n g Mo dem S ett in gs When using modems conn ected to SLT ports on theTriad 1/2/3,thegain se tt in gs o n th e S LT po r t when u si ng T 1 as ac c es s t o t he CO s ho u ld be se t to 0 dB (maximizes modem speed). COtoSLT CallviaaT1TIETrunk: 1. Access the s pecific trunk ty pe above. 2 . Hookfl as h and di al 6 38 8 on the ke ypa d. 3. Hang up. COtoSLT CallviaaT1Trunk: 1. Access the s pecific trunk ty pe above. 2 . Hookfl as h and di al 6 38 6 on the ke ypa d. 3. Hang up. SLT to S LT Call : 1. Place an intercomcall from1SLT to another. 2 . Hookfl as h and di al 6 38 5 on the ke ypa d. 3. Hang up. No ad jus tm ent is ne ede d if a cce ss to the CO is a ccom plishe d b y standa rd loop /g round start trunk circuits. The se trunk types are se t to 0 dB by def aul t. In al l ca se s t he maxi mum mode m sp ee d i s n ot as much as i f t he mode m were connected directly to the CO lin e. The sy stem degrad es the connection to the next lower b aud rate th at th e m odem supp orts. Exa mple: If th e m odem can a chieve 28800 on a d irect CO line, th e maximum speed on an SLT p ort would b e 26400. Testing proves that a baud rate of 33600 can be achieved with SLT-T1 lines. Typical connection speeds with SLT-T1 are 22700-33600. Typical connection speeds with SLT-Loop/Ground Start are 17400-23800. Al l resul ts w ere obtai ne d using a 56K U.S. Rob otic s Sport ste r mode m.

Sta tion Connections 2 -63 Figure 2-23: SLIB w/MSGU and DTRU Module Installation DTRU CO N 2 CO N 1 CO N N3 CO N N4 CONN1 CONN2 CO N N1MSGU

2-64 St at ion Conne ctions Digital Telephone Interface Board (DTIB) The DTIB board provides the interface to twelve (12) digital telephones. It is offered in two (2) versions, a 12-circuit and a 24-circuit. The card has one LED to indica te off -hook/in use s tatus . T he DTIB card extra ctors are color coded green. Cab les The re is o ne 50-pin f ema le amp henol conne ctors la beled Conn 2 locate d on the front of the card. This allows the system to be cabled to the main di st ri but ion fra me (MDF). †25-p air telep hone cabling must b e p re pared with ma ting conne ctors to extend the interface circuits to the MDF. †Cab les s hould be routed through the cable clam ps at the b ottom of the KS U to the MD F. The se cables are the n terminated on industry st anda rd 66 M1- 50 t yp e p unchdown conn ect or blo ck s. †I t is re comme nded th at 66 M1 -5 0 spl it bl ocks wit h bri dgi ng cl i ps b e used to simplify troubleshooting and to quickly isolate faults. O nly one stati on i sa llowe d p er d igi tal e xte nsion num ber . It i s not p ossi ble to br idge digi tal stati on po rts so th at an e xte nsion n umbe r may ap pe ar in m ore th an on e lo catio n.

Sta tion Connections 2 -65 Tabl e 2 -13 : D T I B W ir i n g P ai r P I N # C o lo r D esc r ip t i on Pa ir PI N # C o l o r D esc ri p t i on 126 1WH /B L BL /W HDA TA - R 1 DATA-T 1 DTIB12 S ta tion Ports 13 38 13BK /G N GN /B KDA TA - R 1 3 DATA-T 13 DTIB24 S ta tion Ports 227 2WH /O R OR/WHDA TA - R 2 DATA-T 214 39 14BK/BN BN/BKDA TA - R 1 4 DATA-T 14 328 3WH/GN GN/WHDA TA - R 3 DATA-T 315 40 15BK/SL SL/BKDA TA - R 1 5 DATA-T 15 429 4WH /B N BN /W HDA TA - R 4 DATA-T 416 41 16YL /B L BL /Y LDA TA - R 1 6 DATA-T 16 530 5WH /S L SL/WHDA TA - R 5 DATA-T 517 42 17YL /O R OR /Y LDA TA - R 1 7 DATA-T 17 631 6RD/BL BL/RDDA TA - R 6 DATA-T 618 43 18YL/GN GN/YLDA TA - R 1 8 DATA-T 18 732 7RD/OR OR/RDDA TA - R 7 DATA-T 719 44 19YL /B N BN /Y LDA TA - R 1 9 DATA-T 19 833 8RD /G N GN /R DDA TA - R 8 DATA-T 820 45 20YL /SL SL/YLDA TA - R 2 0 DATA-T 20 934 9RD/BN BN/RDDA TA - R 9 DATA-T 921 46 21VI /BL BL /V IDA TA - R 2 1 DATA-T 21 10 35 10RD/SL SL/RDDATA-R 10 DATA- T 1022 47 22VI /O R OR/VIDA TA - R 2 2 DATA-T 22 11 36 11BK /BL BL /B KDATA-R 11 DATA- T 1123 48 23VI/GN GN/VIDA TA - R 2 3 DATA-T 23 12 37 12BK /O R OR/BKDATA-R 12 DATA- T 1224 49 24VI /B N BN /V IDA TA - R 2 4 DATA-T 24 25 50 25VI/SL SL/VI

2-66 St at ion Conne ctions Figure 2-24: Digital Telephone Interface B oard (DTIB) Installation

Syst em W irin g 2 -67 Sy s t e m W i r i n g Battery Back-Up Wiring Installation The sys te m can be eq uipp ed t o pr ovi de op er at ion fr om e xte r nal b at te ri es if lo c a l AC po we r fai ls . T he B ac k-U p ba tt er i es ar e co nnec t ed to th e s tr i p connector on the front of the PSU as shown: Fi g u r e 2- 25 : Ba tt er y Ba ck -U p Wi r i n g The external batteries must provide 24 Volts DC. This is generally accomplis hed by connectin g two 12 volt batteries in a series ar ra ngeme nt . O pe rat i on on bat te r ie s i s con tr oll ed by th e PS U. T his PSU provid es chargin g current to th e b atteries durin g normal AC p ower ope rati on at a max imum of a bout 1 amp . During battery operation, the PSUs discontinue battery operation if the AC pow er i s r ea ppl ie d or t he bat t er y v olt age i s t oo l ow t o ma int ai n proper s ystem operation. If a low-b attery cut- off occurs and a new battery is installed, it is necessary to reset the Battery Back-Up circuit in the PS U man uall y by mo mentar il y d epr es si ng the whi te col ore d BATT . RESTART switch located on the faceplate of the PSU. -+ +- +MARK ER -MA RKER+PSU- 4PIN CO N N BATT

2-68 Sys tem Wiring The l engt h of t ime t he sys te m op er at es on t he bat t er ie s is de pend ent on se ver al e le men ts in cl udi ng: bat te r y char ge st at e, condi ti on o f t he bat t er ie s, capaci t y of the ba tt er i es, and th e s iz e of t he sys te m (num ber of st at ion por ts ). The fol l owing char t giv es th e a ppr oxim at e b ack-up t ime for s ev er al system sizes and different battery capacities in ampere-hours. MPB and SIU RS232C Port Wiring The MPB has one stan dard RS232C port and th e S IU has two stand ard RS232C ports. The RS232C ports are connected by 9-pin D connectors as shown i nFi gur e 2 -26. No te the configuration is 8 bits, no p arity and 1 s top bi t. F ig u r e 2 -26 : R S2 32 9-P i n C o nn e ct or W i r in gTable 2 -14 : S yst em Back -Up Dura tion Ba tt ery Ca paci t y 36 Po rt s 6 0 Po rt s 20AH 4 H our 1.75 Ho ur 40AH 8 H our 3.5 H ou r MPB & SIU RS232C 9PINTERMI NAL 9PIN 2(TX) 3(RX) 5(GND) 5(GND) 2(RX) 3(TX) 9PIN 25PIN 2(TX) 3(RX) 5(GND) 5(GND) 3(RX) 2(TX)

Syst em W irin g 2 -69 MISU Wiring The MIS B has conne ctions f or 2 mus ic s ource s, 2 E xternal page zones and 4 rela y contact controls. The MISB conn ections are made by the 25 pa ir connector. T he wiring conne ctions for the 25-pair cable are ide ntified in Ta b l e 2 - 2. Stati on Wir in g Station interface boa rds (DT IB, ET IB, S LIB) in clude s a 25 pa ir conne ctor for station wiring to the ports on the board. The following provides details on the interconnection of each type of station interface board and the st at ion ja ck. Digital Key set and Term inal Wiring Wiring f rom the D TIB to station jack req uires one pair of w ire. Digitized voi ce, si gnal ing , and powe r ar e sent ov er t hi s pa ir . Fig u re 2- 27gives details on connections of station jacks to the system and Ta b l e 2 - 1 3give s the configuration o f the 25-p air s ta tion conne ctor arra ngeme nt and punchd own type block. F igure 2 -27 : Digi t al St at io n Jac k Wi ring Onl y the fi rst pair (Re d, Gre en on jac k) shoul d be co nne cte d bac k to the K SU. N o othe r pai rs sho uld b e con ne cted b ack to the KSU . G YR BK DR (RED)DT (GR EEN)