Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Installation Manual
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2 Tr iad 1/2System Installation This chapter contains the basic system installation and wiring instructions for theTriad 1/2Systems, as well as how to install the op t i o na l c ar d s a n d u ni t s .

Introduction2-3 Introduction As with any sophisticated communications device, installation of the Tri ad 1 /2S yst ems , r eq uir es t he c are a nd for e though t of a c ompe te nt technician. To as sure easy s ervicing a nd reliab le operation , several factors must b e cons id ered when planning the sys te m installa tion. The installation consists of these major steps: †Si te Pre par at ion †KSU and Power S upply ( PS ) Installa tion †PCB Installation †Sys te m Wi r ing †Keys et an d Ter mi nal I nst al lat i on †Basic Installation Check-Out †System Programming and Verification Ins ta ll in g t heSTARPLUSTri ad 1 /2Sy st em is qui c k and e ffi ci en t if the se ins ta ll at ion ins tr uc t ions ar e fol lowe d.

2-4 Site Preparation Site Preparation Gen eral Sit e C on si der at i on s The first step is to locate an acceptable site for the common equipment (KSUs , b oard s, etc.). Whe n locating a moun ting s ite for the KS Us, the following p oints must be cons idered. †The KSUs are de sig ned for wall mounting and should not b e mount ed dir ec tl y t o a mas onr y or pl as te rboa rd wal l. I t is recommen ded th at a 1/2 inch plywood b ack b oard be firmly mounted to the wall, and the KSU and MDF, if other than the MDF, be mount ed to the ba ck boa rd. †The l ocati on must have a cce ss to a d edi cat ed 11 0 Volt A C ( ±1 0% ), 60 Hz , si ngl e-p hase c ir c uit wi th a c ir c uit br eak er or f use r at ed a t 1 5 amps . A 3- wire (paralle l blade grounde d outle t should b e within app roximately 6 feet of the lower lef t rear of the BKSU mounting. †The l ocati on must have a cce ss to a g ood e ar t h gr ound, s uch as a metallic cold water pipe with no non-metallic joints. The ground source should be located as close as possible to the system. †The sys te m s hould be lo ca te d i n an ar ea whic h is wel l ven ti la te d wi th a r ec omm ende d t e mper at ure r ange of 68°-7 8°Fandarelative humidity ran ge of 5-60% ( non conde nsing). †Thesystemshouldbelocatedwithin25feetofthetelephone company’s te r mina ti o n p o int . Al so , t he l o c ati o n s ho u l d be wi th in the pr esc r i bed st at ion loop l engt hs for al l keys et s and te rmi nal s. If existing cabling is to be used, the location of existing cabling and conduits should be considered. †Protection from flooding, flamm able materia ls, excessive dus t a nd vi bra ti on. †The site should be away from radio transmitting equipment, arc- welding devices, copying machines and other electrical equipment tha t ar e ca pabl e of ge ne rat i ng e le ctr i cal int er f er ence s. O pe ra ti on of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user, at their own expense, are required to take what eve r mea sur es may be re qui re d t o c or re c t the i nt er fe re nc e.

Site Preparation 2-5 Back- Board In st all at i on A wooden ba ck-boa rd is recommended for a ll installa tions and m ust be ins ta lled when the location ha s ma sonry or plasterboa rd walls. A 1/2 in ch plywood m aterial is sufficient for mos t ins ta llations . T he back- board should be mounted at a convenient height, about 3 feet above the floor and bo l te d i n a nu mbe r o f p lac e s to dis tr i bu te t he wei ght o f th e s yst em . Spaceshouldbeavailableonthebottomsideoftheback-boardforthe MDF cabling and for optiona l equipment such as a mu sic source a nd PFTU , e tc. It i s re comme nded th e l ocat ion of e ach maj or it em be r oughly ske tche d on t he b ack-b oar d as an in st all at ion la yout . Ver if y O n- Site Equ ipmen t Once the e quipme nt ins ta llation s ite has bee n identifie d a nd a dedicated AC outlet, earth ground, and lighting and ventilation are available, verify that all equipment required is on-site and has not been damaged during shipme nt. Unpa ck the KSUs to as sure the re is no shipping d amag e. Note tha t a m ounti ng t e mpl at e i s packe d wi t h e ach KS U and t his te mpl at e is required later in the installation. Check that the type and quantity of boards receive is correct and optional equipment and a Power Line Surge Protector are on-site. Note that the individual boards should NOT be u npac k ed at th is ti me . If any equ ipm ent i s d amage d o r m is sin g, not i fy t he app rop ri at e person nel to correct the s ituation.

2-6 Site Preparation Figure 2-1:Tr i ad 1Def ault Card La yout D T I BD T I BL C O BN O N EM P B DE FA ULT C A R D L AYO U T 01267SLOTS MP B D T I B

Site Preparation 2-7 Fi g u r e 2- 2:Tr ia d 2Key S ervice Unit (BKS U/ EKS U) In ce rtai n con figura tion s, i t is p ossi ble to not h ave all ca rd slots uti lize d due to powe r su ppl y cap acit ies. U se the C onfigu rator Progr am to calcu late the co rrec t con fi gura tion . D T I BD T I BD T I BL C O BL C O BL C O BN O N EM P BN O N EN O N EN O N EN O N E DEFAULT CARD LAYOUT 234 56SLOTS MPB 01D T I B7101189

2-8 K SU & Po we r Suppl y ( PSU) Inst al l atio n KSU & Power Supply (PSU) Installation TheTr iad 1Sys tem cons ists of a Bas ic KSU (BKSU) cab inet. The basic exterior of theTri ad 1S yst em is show n i nFigure 2 -2. Mounting theTr i a d 1Basic KSU The Bas ic KSU is a me tal frame cabinet d esigne d f or w all m ounting. Emp loying the KSU mountin g temp late provided with the BKSU , ma rk the location of the two screws to mount the BKSU. Again, the KSU must NOT be moun ted on a mas onry or dry -wall surface, in this case a wooden back-board is required. Refer to the next diagram for the distance between mounting holes. The BS KU is mount e d wi th four # 10 or l ar ger , 1½inch or longer screws. 1. Drill pilot holes in the two locations m arked, ins ert the screws and ti ght en le avi ng a bo u t½inc h expos ed. 2. Mount the Ba sic KSU on the scre ws and tighten the screws se cure ly. 3. Remove the front cov er by turning the two cover screw s counter clockwise. 4 . Ti lt a nd l if t the c ove r to r em ove. 5. Ins ert the screws to the mou nting hole s of th e BKS U an d tighte n the screws as shown.

KS U & Power Supp ly (PSU) In sta llat ion 2-9 Fi gure 2-3 :Tr ia d 1Unit Basic KSU Bac k w/M ounting Plate Ex tende d