Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Installation Manual
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2-20 KS U Gro unding KSU Grounding To e nsur e pr oper sy st em op er at ion and f or s afe ty pur pose s, a good e ar th ground is required. A metallic COLD water pipe usually provides a reliable gro und. C arefully che ck that the pip e does not contain insulated joints tha t c o u ld is o la te t he gro u nd. I n t he ab sen ce o f th e C OL D wa te r pip e, a ground rod or other source may be used. A #1 4 in sul ate d A WG or la rge r c oppe r wir e shoul d b e used be twe en t he gro und sou rce and the KSU . T he wire s hould be ke pt as short a s p ossible, it i s re c o mmen ded tha t the wi r e b e n o lo nger t han 25 fe et . Grounding Instructions 1. Remove about 1½inches of ins ula tion from b oth end s. Atta ch one end of the wire to the Ground Lug on the lower left side of the Basic KSU by inse rting the wire unde r the lug s cre w an d tighte n the scre w se cure ly. 2 . At t ach t he oth er en d of the wi re as ap prop ri at e to t he gr ound s ource. 3. Ta ke a D C re sis ta nce re ading an d an AC Volt rea ding be twe en th e cha ssis groun d point (cold water p ipe ) a nd AC ground (third wire AC ground). The limit is 5V AC and 5 Ohms DC resistance. If a higher rea din g is ob ta ine d, choos e a diffe re nt chass is ground p oint a nd repeat this step until a suitable ground point is found. G roun ding t o an e lec trica l cond uit i s NO T cons id ere d a goo d ground!

Powe r Line Surge Protection 2-21 Po we r L i n e S u rg e Pr o t e c t i o n The AC outlet should be equipped with an additional power line trans ient surge protection d evice. Sy stems using s uch devices are more re si st ant t o da mage fr om p ower l ine s urge s tha n unpr ot ect ed sys te ms. Power line surges often occur during switching operations and especially during viole nt thu nderstorm activ ity. Ins ta llation of a surge protector meeting the sp ecifica tions des cribed in the f oll ow pa ra gra ph p re ven ts or mi nimi zes th e d amage r es ulti ng fr om powe r li ne sur ges . The isolation trans form er/s urg e p rotector sha ll be a 15 a mp self conta ine d un it that plugs into a stand ard grounde d 117 V AC wall outle t. Thewalloutletmustbedesignedtoaccepta3-prongplug(2parallel blades a nd ground pin ). T he pro tector s hould be fas t operating an d capable of protecting transients greater than 200 vo lts. Lightning Protection The sy stem pro vid es secondary p rotection per UL 1459 Sp ecifica tions. Primary protection circuitry is the installers responsibility and should be installed per the National Electric Code (NEC). KSU AC Powe r Plug Before plugging the KSU power cord into the AC sou rce , ve rify th at th e Power sw itch on the AC/DC front pan el is off . Plug the KS U powe r cord into the AC outlet a nd turn the AC /D C Powe r switch on. T he red/green LE D on th e PS Us s hould illuminate. It is re comme nde d th at the A C outle t be equ ippe d with an is ola tion tran sfo rmer /surge prote ctio n de vic e th at util ize d MOV p rote ctio n.

2-22 PCB Inst al l atio n PCB Installation PCB Handling & General Installation Power mus t be turne d off prior to inse rtion or remov al of the PCBs. The sy st em PC B s con tai n d igi t al c ir c uit r y whi c h, whil e ext r eme ly re li ab le , can b e d amag ed by expos ure to excess iv e s ta tic electricity. W hen handling PCBs, a grounded wrist strap should be used to protect the boards from static discharge s. Also, use common se nse whe n hand ling PCBs. For e xample , do not place a PC B in loca tions where hea vy ob je cts mig ht fal l on the PCB an d da mage compon ents. In sert in g a P CB 1. Hold the PC B by th e injector ta bs and, with the compone nts fa cing right, align the top and botto m edge of the PCB in the card guides. 2. SlidethecardintothesystemandusetheinjectorstoseatthePCB firmly into the backplane connector. Remov ing a PC B Reverse theInserting a PCBp rocedure. Ins ta llation method of PCB is shown inFig u re 2- 11. There is a ground tab located on the top and bottom of each PCB towa rd the front end of the card. There is also a ground tab located to the right o f ea ch car d gui de i n e ach cab ine t. Make s ure whe n t he PCBs are i nse rt e d into the card gu ide and secured in their respective card slots, that the groundtab oneachcard mates with the ground tabon each cardguide. This ensure a good ground potential to reduce RFI and EMI interference poss ib il it ie s. Al l Board s SHOULD NOT b e In sta lle d or Re mov ed wi th Powe r Ap pli ed. Only DTIB type stations can be used for Database pr ogramm ing.

PCB I nst alla tion 2 -23 Figure 2-11: PCB Installa tion

2-24 M ain Pro cesso r B oa rd (MPB ) Inst al l atio n Main Processo r Bo ard (MPB) Installatio n The MPB is installed in the right most PCB card slot (slot MPB) of the BKSU. The MPB contains a lithium dry-ce ll to ma intain m emory a nd real-time clock functions. The battery is soldered to the MPB and connected to the circuitry by an On-Off DIP switch. Make sure the DIP swi tch is O N be for e the MPB i nst al lat i on. TheMPBmaybeequippedwiththreedaughterboards:AMEMUfor mem ory exp ansi on, a MO DU f or modem acce ss to the s ystem, and a PLLU f or T-1 synchronization. Re fe r toFi g ur e 2- 12. The ME MU is not utilized at this time. The MPB also has an e ight position dip switch. T he following is the function of each s witch p osition: Tabl e 2 -1: MP B Sw i tc h Po si t i on s Swi tch 1 Not Used Swi tch 2 Not Used Swi tch 3 Not Used Swi tch 4 Handshaking ON: XOFF/XON OFF: CTS/RTS Swi tch 5 Not Used Swi tch 6 Test s ON: Execute H/ W test s at star t up OFF: Skip H/W t ests at star t-up Swi tch 7 Status ON: Displ ay st ar t up status at start -up. OFF: No star t-u p d isp lay statu s Swi tch 8 D B Flu sh ON : Flush th e d at a ba se OFF: Retain the database Use e xtra c are wh en r emov in g RS232 cab le s from th e Triad 1/ 2/3 MPB o r SI U boar ds. Hold th e MPB/MI SU ca rd in t he ca rd slot be fore r emov in g the RS 232 c able . F ail ure to pe rform t his ac tion may r esult in th e MPB/ MI SU card be ing pu lle d from its’slot.

Main Processor Board (MPB) In sta llation 2-25 Before progra mming the sys te m, switch 8 should be p lace d in the ON position and power cycled off and on to initialize the sy stem databa se to default. Once the database has been initialized, switch 8 should be pl aced in th e O FF pos it ion so as to prot e ct t he dat ab ase . Software for the syste m is contained on two ch ips , labe led U1 and U3. The MPB is shipped with these chips in place so you should not have to installthesoftware.However,ifasoftwareupgradeispurchased,you must rep lace the existing chips. Removing Existing Software Before starting this procedure, you must have an Integrated Circuit (IC) Extractor tool to remove the current EPROMs from the Printed Circuit Board. 1. Locate and remove EPROMs U1 and U3 on the MPB board. These EPRO Ms must be r em oved a nd re pl aced wit h EPRO Ms la bel ed U1 a nd U3. Using the IC tool, gently pull upwards until the EPROM lifts free of the s ocket. Be ca reful not to bend or break the pins of the EPROMs. 2. Place the EPROMs on a non- static, n on-conductive surface until the ne w s oftware is ins ta lled. The n place the EPROMs into the pack aging tube and put this into the packing box. In sta l li ng Ne w Soft ware 1. Remove the EPROMs from the packing tube. 2. Install EPROMs U1 and U3 onto the Master Processor Unit. Be sure the no tche d end (end with cutout) is aligne d with the notch ed e nd of the s ocket(s ). 3 . Whe n t he EPROMS ar e ins ta ll ed, check for be nt pins on the E PRO Ms a nd correct any found. 4 . Wi th the l it hi u m b att er i es and dau gh te r bo ar ds ins tal l ed, ins er t t he MPB in s lot MPB of th e BKSU. Refer toFi gur e 2-1 2.

2-26 M ain Pro cesso r B oa rd (MPB ) Inst al l atio n Ph as e Lo ck Loo p Un i t (P LLU) The PhaseLockedLoopUnit(PLLU)is anoptionboard whichgeneratesa 32.768MHz clock synchronized to 1.544MHz from the T-1 interface board or int er nal c l oc k. T his boar d i s r eq uir ed when eve r a T -1 c ar d is i nst all e d in the system. The 32.768MHz clock is provided to CGMD on MPB. It consists of a P LL c i r cu it , P LL M onit or ing c ir c uit a nd c l oc k (f rom T- 1 int er fac e board) monitoring circuit. Installing t he PLLU 1 . Unpac k t he P LLU fro m i ts ant is ta ti c c o ndu c t i ve bag in the pa c ki ng box. 2 . Locat e CO NN 5 a nd CO NN 6 ( outl in ed) on t he MPB boar d. 3 . Remove t he j umper f rom pin s 1 2 and 13 on CO NN5 .Th is jum per is very impor tant, so do n’t lo se it. LOSS OF JUM PER ON CONN5 12 & 13 WILL PREVENT SYSTEM FROM OPERATION.I f the PLLU i s r em o ved fro m th e M P B bo a rd, thi s ju mp er ne eds to be pu t ba ck o nto p ins 12 and 13 of this connector or th e MPB d oes not ope rate properly. 4. Locate the CON1 and CON2 connectors on the PLLU board. 5 . Pos it ion the PLLU so tha t CO N2 and CON1 ma tch up wit h CO NN5 and CO NN 6 r es pe c ti ve ly. P u sh th e P LLU o nto the ir r es pe c ti ve c o nnec t o r s and make sure the PLLU is seated correctly. Refer toFig u re 2- 12.This completes the installation procedure for the PL LU .

Main Processor Board (MPB) In sta llation 2-27 Mo dem U ni t (M O D U ) The Modem Unit provides an asy nchronou s mod em for acces s to the sys te m da ta bas e a nd f ault r e po rt i ng fe at ure s fro m a re mo t e s it e. Th e Module is optionally installed on the MPB and incorporates a 2400 Baud modem. The modem may be connected to a pre-selected CO Line thr ough the s yst em swi tchi ng mat ri x. ThelocalportmaybeconnectedtoanyCOLineviaanexternalmodem or to a t er mi nal . T he M ODU por t is i ndep ende nt of the S IU st andar d RS2 32 C por t, al lowi ng s yst e m dat ab ase acce ss , e tc. wit hout t he nee d t o interrupt the SMDR output. In sta l li ng t he MODU 1. Unpack the MODU from its antistatic conductive bag in the packing box. 2 . Locat e t he CO NN9 and CO NN1 0 connect or s (out l ine d) on t he MPB. Loca te the CON1 a nd CON2 conne ctors on the MOD U. 3. Position the MODU so that CON2 and CON1 match up with CONN9 a nd CONN10 resp ectiv ely on the MPB. Push the MODU o nto the ir respective connectors and make sure it is seated properly. Refer toFig u re 2- 12.This completes the installation procedure for the MO DU .

2-28 M ain Pro cesso r B oa rd (MPB ) Inst al l atio n Figure 2-12: MPB w/PLLU and MODU Installation MODU P CO N N5CONN10 CON2 CON1 CON2 CONN9 MPB R S232C 9PINTER MINAL 9PIN 2(TX) 3(RX) 5(GND) 5(GND) 2(RX) 3(TX) 9PIN 25PIN 2(TX) 3(RX) 5(GND) 5(GND) 3(RX) 2(TX)CON1 CONN6

Miscellane ous Int erface Unit (M IS U) I nst allation 2 -29 Misce llaneous Inte rface Unit (MISU) Installation The Miscellaneous Unit (MISU) contains two External Music Sources (MOH/BGM), an Ext er nal pa ging por t, and four dr y cont act s. Op ti onal l y, the M I SU is eq uipp ed wit h t wo ser i al int e rfa c e p ort s by i nst al li ng the Se ri al I nte rf ac e Uni t ( SI U) da ught er bo a rd. Th e S IU sho ul d be ins ta ll ed if more than two serial communication devices are to be connected to the system. If required, install the SIU as shown inFigure 2 -14. When using CO Lines as additional music inputs, keep in mind that the music so urce may require a talk battery in series with either TIP or Ring. This talk batte ry boos ts the sig nal le ve l sufficiently so tha t the CO L ine interface can read the signal. Figure 2-13: Talk Ba ttery The M I SU con sis ts of: †The Ex te rn al page po rt s ar e p rovi de d fr om t he amp henol conne ct or on the front edge of th e MISU. These ports are connected to trans formers, prov iding a 600 ohm imped ance. †Music inpu ts are provided f rom the amph enol connector on the front edg e of t he ca rd. †Four i nde pe ndent r el ay cont act s ar e p rovi de d th rough t he amph enol connector on the front edg e of the MISU . T hese contacts are contr oll e d by soft war e from ent r ie s in the sy ste m d at abas e. Cont rol si gnal s a re se nt by the MPB. T he outp ut dri ve s t he re la y coi ls, controlling the state of the 1 a mp, 24V relay contacts. TheMISUshouldbeinsertedintoslot#7. Use ex tra care whe n remo vin g RS 232 cab les from the MPB or S IU bo ards. Hold the MPB/MIS U card in the card slot b efore re mov ing the RS 232 cab le. Fai lure to pe rform th is a ction may re sult in t he MPB/ MI SU c ard be ing pull ed from i ts’slo t. KSUMusic Source Talk Battery