Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Installation Manual
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3-18 Pow er Suppl y Unit Inst al l atio n Figure 3- 8: DCCU a nd Optional BCU Ins ta llation

Powe r Supply Unit I nst alla tion 3 -19 Refer toFigure 3- 1for a list of all card types. Table 3-1: Power Cons umption pe r Card Card Power Required 10A Po wer Su ppl y pro vi des 240 watt s 15A Po wer Su ppl y pro vi des 360 watt s Digit al Tel ephone Inter fac e Bd (DTIB) 38 w at ts* Digit al Tel ephone Inter fac e Exp. B oard (DTI BE 38 w at ts* El ect ronic Telephone Inter face Br d (ETIB ) 42 w at ts* Si ngle Line Inter face B oard (SLI B) 14 w at ts* Loop Start CO Trunk Board (LCOB) 7 watts G r o un d S t ar t C O Tr un k Bo ar d ( G CO B) 1 0 w at t s Direct Inward Dialing Board (DIDB) 36 watts DTMF-4A 1.5 w at ts DTMF-4B 0.5 w at ts T- 1 Interface Board (T1I B) 4.5 w at ts Primar y Rate Int erface Board (PRIB) 4.5 wat ts M essa g e Un it (MSGU ) 6 wa tts B atter y Ch argi ng U nit (BC U) 36 w at ts M is ce l la ne o us I nt e rf a ce Un it ( M I SU ) 3 wa tts M ai n P roc es s or B oa rd ( MPB ) 4.5 w at ts * Any S ta ti on ca rd p lu gg e d int o s l ots 6 , 7, a nd 8 o n the BKS U , or S lo t 5 o n t he E K S U d ra ws power from PS2. All DTIBEs draw power from PS2.

3-20 Pow er Suppl y Unit Inst al l atio n F igure 3-9: Ty pical Sy stem Configurations

Powe r Supply Unit I nst alla tion 3 -21 Figure 3-10: Typical System Configurations

3-22 Pow er Suppl y Unit Inst al l atio n Figure 3-11: Typical System Configurations

Powe r Supply Unit I nst alla tion 3 -23 Figure 3-12: Typical System Configurations

3-24 Pow er Suppl y Unit Inst al l atio n Battery Back-up Wiring Installation As i n di c ate d i nFi gur e 3- 2,theTr iad 3Sys te m can be eq uipp ed to pr ovid e operation from external batteries if local AC power fails. The Back-Up batteries are connected to the terminal block of the BKSU/EKSU1 cabinets. The external batteries must provide 24 volts DC. This is generally accomplis hed by connectin g two 12 volt batteries in a series ar ra ngeme nt . O pe rat i on on bat te r ie s i s con tr oll ed by th e BC U. T hi s BBU provid es chargin g current to th e b atteries durin g normal AC p ower ope rati on at a max imum of a bout 1 amp . During battery operation, the PSUs discontinue battery operation if the AC pow er i s r ea ppl ie d or t he bat t er y v olt age i s t oo l ow t o ma int ai n proper sy stem op eration. If a low-ba ttery cutoff occu rs and a new battery is installed, it is necessary to reset the Battery Back-Up circuit in the PSU manua ll y b y mome ntar il y de pr es si ng the ora nge color ed BAT T REST ART switch loca ted on the fa ce pla te of each PSU. Note tha t the Battery Back-U p circuit in both PSUs of a two ca bin et sy stem must be res et. The l engt h of t ime t he sys te m op er at es on t he bat t er ie s is de pend ent on se ver al e le men ts : ba tt er y ch arg e s ta te , c o nd it io n o f t he ba tt er i es, capacity of the batteries, and the size of the system (number of station por ts ). The fo l l o wing ta bl e g ive s the ap pr o xima te ba c ku p t i me fo r se ver al system sizes and different battery capacities in ampere-hours. Table3-2:SystemBack-UpDuration Batte ry Capacity36 Ports82 Ports132 Ports 20 amp/h r 4 Ho ur 1.5 H ou r 1/ 2 H ou r 40amp/hr 8Hour 3Hour 1Hour

Powe r Supply Unit I nst alla tion 3 -25 Figure 3-13: Battery Back-Up Installation

3-26 Pow er Suppl y Unit Inst al l atio n Power Line Surge Protection The AC outlet should be equipped with an additional power line trans ient surge protection d evice. Sy stems using s uch devices are more re si st ant t o da mage fr om p ower l ine s urge s tha n unpr ot ect ed sys te ms. Power line surges often occur during switching operations and especially during viole nt thu nderstorm activ ity. Ins ta llation of a surge protector meeting the sp ecifica tions des cribed in the f oll ow pa ra gra ph p re ven ts or mi nimi zes th e d amage r es ulti ng fr om powe r li ne sur ges . The isolation trans form er/s urg e p rotector sha ll be a 15 a mp self conta ine d un it that plugs into a stand ard grounde d 117 V AC wall outle t. Thewalloutletmustbedesignedtoaccepta3-prongplug(2parallel blades a nd ground pin ). T he pro tector s hould be fas t operating an d capable of protecting transients greater than 200 vo lts. Lightning Protection The sy stem pro vid es secondary p rotection per UL 1459 Sp ecifica tions. Primary protection circuitry is the installers responsibility and should be installed per the National Electric Code (NEC). KSU AC Powe r Plug Before plugging the KSU power cord into the AC sou rce : 1. Verify that th e Power s witch on the AC/DC front panel is off. (Refer to Figure 3- 6.)MakesurethePowerswitchesontheDC/DCareintheoff posi t ion. 2. Plug the KS U powe r co rd into the AC outle t and turn the AC /DC Power switch on. The red/green LED on the PSUs should illuminate. 3 . DO NOT t ur n t he DC/ DC Powe r swi tch on a t thi s t i me. It i s re comm end ed th at the AC outl et be equ ipp ed wit h an is ol atio n tra nsforme r/surge prot ecti on de vi ce th at uti lize d MOV prote cti on.

PCB I nst alla tion 3 -27 PCB Installation PCB Handling & General Installation The sy st em PC B s con tai n d igi t al c ir c uit r y whi c h, whil e ext r eme ly re li ab le , can b e d amag ed by expos ure to excess iv e s ta tic electricity. W hen handling PCBs, a grounded wrist strap should be used to protect the boards from static discharge s. Also, use common se nse whe n hand ling PCBs. For example, do not place a PCB in locations where hea vy ob jects might fall on the PCB a nd da mage compon ents. With the excep tion of th e MPB/PMU, all b oard s m ay b e i nst al le d or r e move d wi th powe r appl i ed. Howe ver, power mu st be turne d of f prior to inse rtion or remo val of the MPB/PMU. All other boards hav e a NORMAL /SERVICE switch which should b e p ut in the S ERVICE pos ition before insertion or remova l with the s ystem powe re d. In the NORMAL pos ition , the boards function norm ally. In th e S ERVI CE pos it ion , t he boar d i s pla ced in an out - of-se r vice mod e. Ports active when the switch is placed in the SERVICE position remains active until released no rmally. When the port returns to idle, it is marked as out- of-s er vi ce a nd, when al l port s and cir cuit s on t he boar d a re i dle , the s ta tu s LE D(s) ext i ngu is hes i ndi ca ti ng the bo a rd is i dle an d c an be re move d f rom the s yst em wit hout af fec t i ng sy st em oper at io n. In sert in g a P CB 1. Hold the PC B by th e injector ta bs and, with the compone nts fa cing right, align the top and botto m edge of the PCB in the card guides. 2. SlidethecardintothesystemandusetheinjectorstoseatthePCB firmly into the back plane connector.