Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Installation Manual
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3-28 M ain Pro cesso r B oa rd (MPB ) Inst al l atio n Remov ing a PC B 1 . R eve rs e the pr oc ed ure ab ov e. The re is a grou nd t ab loc at e d on the top and bo ttom of each PCB toward th e front end of the card. There is al so a gr ound t ab loca te d t o t he ri ght of each car d gui de in ea ch cabinet. 2. Make sure when the PC Bs a re inse rte d into the card g uide a nd s ec u r ed in th ei r re spe c ti ve c ar d s lo t s, tha t the gr o u nd t ab o n e ac h ca rd mates with the ground tab on e ach card guide. This ensu re a g ood ground potential to red uce RF I a nd E MI interference p ossi bi li t ie s. Main Processo r Bo ard (MPB) Installatio n The MPB supervises all resources in the system and controls the Inte r- Sys te m C ommunications (ISC) hig hways . E ach highwa y is comprised of separate 4.096Mbps transmit and receive paths. Through the se highway s, digitized aud io ( PC M), a nd 512Kbp s H DLC channe ls are provid ed to and from all othe r circuits and ports of the sy stem. The MPB also controls the e xchang e of PCM a nd s igna ling, sys te m synchroniza tion, PC M sy stem tone s, PCM ga in and con ferencing, call pr ocess ing , e tc. The MPB i s comp ri se d of a Pr oces sor , Re se t and W at ch-Dog cir cui t, Res et De te ct C ircuit, 2 port UART, LED indicators and S witch Controls , Rea l T ime Clock, Ba ttery Back Up circuit, Modem Circuit, PCM a nd S igna ling C ontrol AS I Cs, and PCM RO M and sys te m RA M. A ddi t iona ll y, a sy st em Pr ogr am Module Unit (PMU), Memory Expansion Unit (MEMU) and Phased Lock Loop Unit (PLL U) a re installed via con nectors on the MPB. The Bas ic syst e m da tab ase , s cra tch- pad mem ory, et c. is st or ed in 512Kbytes of RAM. With the optio nal MEMU, the system’sRAMcan be exp ande d by 5 12 Kbyt es , f or a t ota l of 1 Me gabyt e of RAM, w hen expanded feature capacity is desired. Portions of the RAM are protected from power los s by the Battery Back- Up circuit. The RAM Battery Back- up circuitry is comprised of a long lif e lithium battery, a voltage detector to sense the +5V DC source, and a switch to control the con nection of the back -up lithium batte ry .

Main Processor Board (MPB) In sta llation 3-29 A 2- port Univ ersal Asy nchronou s Re ceiver T ra nsmitte r (UART ), prov id es two asy nchronous RS- 232C output po rts. One port is connected to a DB9 connector providin g access for inp ut of informatio n to the system dat aba se and out put of d at a su ch as SMDR. The second port d rives the 2400 Baud On- Board Modem Circu it for Remote access to the system’s d ata bas e a nd maintena nce f iles . Access to the Mode m ca n also be provid ed to any CO line or Single L ine port connected to the system. This connection is based on attributes in the system database. An eight position dip switch is employed to control specific operating char act er is ti cs of t he MPB. A bank of eight LED s indicate the opera tion s ta tus of the MPB. On p ower up or reset, the software initiates a self-test routine. During this routine, the LEDs 1-8 illuminate in sequence as each bank of 64K bytes or RAM is te st ed and pas se s. Each LED re mai ns li t unt il RA M t est i ng i s com ple te , then the LEDs respond to MPB resource testing. The re is a s ing le dip switch locate d abov e the PMU a nd be lo w the lithium battery. T his switch controls the b atte ry backup function of the MPB. T his swi tch shoul d b e s et t o t he ON pos it ion . Befor e in st all i ng t he MPB, in st all t he daug hte r boar ds as re qui re d. Re fe r toFig u re 3- 14. Before progra mming the sys te m, switch 8 should be p lace d in the ON position and power cycled off and on to initialize the sy stem databa se to default. Once the database has been initialized, switch 8 should be pl aced in th e O FF pos it ion to pr ote ct the d ata bas e. Use ex tra care wh en re movi ng RS 232 cabl es fro m th eTr iad 1/2/3MPB or SI U bo ards. H old the MPB/MI SU card in the ca rd slot be fore rem ovi ng t he RS -232 ca ble . F ai lure t o p erfo rm t his actio n may re su lt in th e MPB/MIS U card b ein g pul le d fr om its’sl o t .

3-30 M ain Pro cesso r B oa rd (MPB ) Inst al l atio n Ta b l e 3 - 3 : M P B D i p S w i t c h F u n c t i o n s Function SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 SW7 SW8 Not Used ( S of t wa re C on tro lled ) No t U s e dNo t U s e d Flow Cont rolON= Xo nX o ff OFF RTS/CTS Memo ry DiagnosticsON = Te s t ROM & RAM OFF= No Test Default Data* * If switch in ON position when power is off, default data is loaded. * If switch in OFF position when power is off, customer database is saved. Table 3-4: I/O Port RS232 Connections PIN # Description 2TransmitData 3 Rec eive Dat a 7RTS(RequestToSend 8CTS(ClearToSend) 6DSR(DataSetReady) 5Grd 1 CD (Carr ier Detec t) 4 DTR (Dat a Term inal Ready)

Main Processor Board (MPB) In sta llation 3-31 Serial Interface Unit (SIU2) A Universa l As ynchron ous Receiver Transmitter (UART), provid es two RS-2 3 2C i nte rf ace por ts . T hes e t wo port s ar e conn ect ed to RJ48 connectors p roviding a cce ss for input information to the s ystem dat aba se and out put of d at a. In sta l li ng t he SIU 2 1. Unpack the SIU2 from its antistatic conductive bag in the packing box. There should also be a plastic bag with two plastic standoffs and two met al s c re ws. 2. Pus h the two standof fs into the hole s on the SIU2 board. 3. Locate the CONN6 connector a nd the two screw h oles (ou tlined) on the MPB. 4. PushtheSIU2boardontotheCONN6connectorandbesureitis seated correctly. 5. From the back s ide of the MPB board, inse rt the two metal screws into the holes and tighten them into the bottom of each stand-off and secure. Refer toFig u re 3- 14. This completes the installation procedure for the SI U2 .

3-32 M ain Pro cesso r B oa rd (MPB ) Inst al l atio n Ph as e Lo ck Loo p Un i t (P LLU) This board MUST BE installed whenever a T-1 or PRIB card is installed in the s ystem. Th e Pha se Locked Loop Unit ( PL LU) is a n option boa rd which generates a 32.768MHz clock synchronized to 1.544MHz from the T- 1/PRIB interfa ce b oard or interna l clock. The 32.768MHz clock is provid ed to CGMD on MPB. It consists of a PLL circuit, PLL Monitoring circuit a nd clock (f rom T-1/PRIB interface boa rd ) monitoring circuit. Installing t he PLLU 1 . Unpac k t he P LLU fro m i ts ant is ta ti c c o ndu c t i ve bag in the pa c ki ng box. 2 . Locat e CO NN 10 an d CO NN1 1 (out li ned ) on t he MPB boa rd. 3 . R emo ve t he j u mper f ro m pin s 1 2 and 13 o n CO NN1 0.THI S JUMPER IS VERY IMPORTANT, SO DON’TLOSEIT. If t he PL LU is r emove d f rom the M P B boa rd, thi s jum per ne ed s t o be put ba ck onto pins 12 an d 13 of this conne cto r or the MPB doe s not operate properly. 4. Position the PLLU so that CON1 and CON2 match up with CONN11 a nd CO NN1 0 r esp ec t iv el y. 5. Push the PLLU onto their respective connectors and make sure the P LLU is se at ed cor r ec t ly. Refer toFig u re 3- 14. This completes the installation procedure for the SI U2 .

Main Processor Board (MPB) In sta llation 3-33 Me mo r y Expa n si on U ni t (M E MU ) This unit is added to the MPB board to provid e an additional 512K of RAM to the s yst em. T he M P B b o ar d i s r eq u ir ed whe n t he s yst e m c apa c it y exc e eds 4 8 CO Li nes and 9 6 St at ions . In sta l li ng t he MEM U 1. Unpack the MEMU from its antistatic cond uctive bag in the p acking box. 2. On the MEMU, locate the battery s witch SW1 and put the switch in the ON position. 3 . Locat e t he CO NN7 and CO NN8 conne ctor s (outl i ned) on t he MPB. Loca te the CONN 1 and CONN 2 connectors on the MEMU. 4 . Pos it ion the MEMU so t hat CON N1 a nd CO NN2 mat ch up wit h CO NN7 a nd CO NN8 r es pe cti vel y on t he MPB. 5. Pus h the MEMU onto the ir resp ective conn ectors and mak e s ure it is seated properly. Refer toFig u re 3- 14. This completes the installation procedure for the SI U2 . Pr ogr am Mod ule Un it (P MU) The PMU is ins talled on the MPB and con ta ins the s oftware u sed by the sys te m to control f eatures and th eir function. In sta l li ng t he PM U 1 . Unpac k P M U fr o m i ts an ti st at ic c o nd u c ti ve bag in t he p ac ki ng b o x. 2 . Tu rn th e P M U o v er so the l abe ls ar e do wn p ri o r to ins er t ing t he module into the plastic guide rails on the MPB. 3. Slide the PMU until the card e dge of the PMU fully eng age s the card e dge conne ctor of th e MPB. N ote that the PMU should ne ve r b e removed from or installed in a live system.

3-34 Misce llan eous In terfa ce Un it (MISU) Installation Fi gure 3 -1 4: MPB Da ught er Bo ards Inst al la ti o n Misce llaneous Inte rface Unit (MISU) Installation The Miscellaneous Unit (MISU) provides two external page ports, two DT MF R ec e iv er c i rc ui ts , t wo E xt er nal M usi c so ur c es , a nd 6 d ry re la y conta cts . When using CO Lines as additional music inputs, keep in mind that the music so urce may require a talk battery in series with either TIP or Ring. Use e xtra c are wh en r emov in g RS- 232 ca ble s from th e Tria d 1/ 2/3 MP B or SI U board s. Ho ld the MPB /MIS U c ard in th e car d slo t b efor e remo vi ng the RS232 cab le . Fai lure to pe rform thi s ac tion m ay re su lt in th e MPB/MIS U card bei ng pu lle d from its’sl o t .

Miscellane ous Int erface Unit (M IS U) I nst allation 3 -35 This talk batte ry boos ts the sig nal le ve l sufficiently so tha t the CO L ine interface can read the signal. Figure 3-15: Talk Ba ttery The MISU con sis ts of the following : †Two e xte rn al page p ort s ar e p rovi de d fr om t he am phenol conne ct or on the front edge of th e MISU. These ports are connected to trans formers, prov iding a 600 ohm imped ance. †Music inpu ts are provided f rom the amph enol connector on the front edg e of t he ca rd. †6 ind epe nde nt re lay contacts are provid ed through the am phen ol connector on the front edg e of the MISU . T hese contacts are contr oll e d by soft war e from ent r ie s in the sy ste m d at abas e. Cont rol si gnal s a re se nt by the MPB. T he outp ut dri ve s t he re la y coi ls, controlling the state of the 1 a mp, 24V relay contacts. †The signals to activate the externally provided power failure transfer ar e p rovi de d on the MI SU. †The M I SU ha s 2 D TM F Recei ve rs for sy st em use. (SLT, DI SA ) KSUMusic Source Talk Battery

3-36 Misce llan eous In terfa ce Un it (MISU) Installation Table 3-5: MISU Wiring Pair PIN # Color Description Pair PIN # Color Description 126 1WH /B L BL / WHRELAY1T RELAY1R14 39 14BK /BN BN /B KEXP 2T EXP2 R 227 2WH /O R OR/WHRELAY2T RELAY2R15 40 15BK /SL SL/BK 328 3WH/ GN GN /WHRELAY3T RELAY3R16 41 16YL / BL BL / YL 429 4WH /B N BN /W HRELAY4T RELAY4R17 42 17YL / OR OR/YL 530 5WH/SL SL/WHRELAY5T RELAY5R18 43 18YL /G N GN /YL 631 6RD/BL BL/RDRELAY6T RELAY6R19 44 19YL/BN BN/YL 732 7RD/OR OR /RD20 45 20YL/SL SL/Y L 833 8RD /G N GN /R D21 46 21VI/BL BL/VI 934 9RD/BN BN/RD22 47 22VI/OR OR/VI 10 35 10RD /SL SL/RD23 48 23VI /G N GN /V I 11 36 11BK /B L BL / BKBG M/MOH 1T BG M/MOH1 R24 49 24VI/BN BN/VI 12 37 12BK /O R OR/BKBG M/MOH 2T BG M/MOH2 R25 50 25VI/SL SL/VI 13 38 13BK/ GN GN /BKEXP1T EXP1R

Miscellane ous Int erface Unit (M IS U) I nst allation 3 -37 Power Fai lu re Tra n sf er Un it ( P FTU) The PFT U op tional unit is installe d on the MISU b oard It provid es th e transfer of u p to 6 CO lines to 6 stations. It has a switch to pro vide manual switchov er. T he controls a re conne cte d to the unit from the MISU. The PFT U is w ired from the 25-p air connector on the KS U C O line connector to the MD F, the n cross connecte d to the CO Line inp uts from thetelephonecompany,totheCOLineinputsofthesystem,andto Power Fa ilure S LTs . N ote that the SLT ma y also be connected to a SLIB in the s yst em as sho wn inTa b l e 3 - 6. In sta l li ng t he PF TU 1. Unpack the PFTU from its antistatic conductive bag in the packing box. There should also be a plastic bag with two mounting screws along with a multicolored cable. 2. Plug one end of the multicolored cable onto th e connector on the PFTU. 3. Pos ition the PF TU so that the amp henol conne ctor is to the left. 4. Use the two mounting scre ws and mount the PF TU to the MIS U. 5. Locate the connector CONN1 on the MISU and plug the other end of t he mu l ti c o lo r ed c abl e to th is c o nnec t o r. Refer toFig u re 3- 16 .This com pletes th e installa tion p rocedure f or the PFTU .