Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Installation Manual
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2-70 Sys tem Wiring El ectron ic Key set a nd Te rmina l Wiring Wiring from the ETIB to statio n jack requires two pairs o f wire. The first pair provides the audio or voice path, the second is for signaling or data pat h. The DAT A pai r is pol ar it y s ens it iv e, re ve rs al doe s not ha rm th e key set or sy stem, but the port does not function properly when revers ed. P ower i s d el iv er ed by a ppl yi ng DC vol t age t o t he c e nt er t ap of t he coupling trans formers of each of the 2 p airs. Fig u re 2- 22gives details on connections of station jacks to the system and Ta b l e 2 - 1 1gives the co nfig uration of the 25-pair station conne ctor arra ngeme nt and punchd own type block. Figure 2-28: Electronic Station Wiring G YR BK VR ( RE D ) VT (GR EEN) DR ( YELLOW)DT (BLACK)

Syst em W irin g 2 -71 Single Line Telephone Wiring The S LIB is wi re d t o S LT dev ic e s wi t h a sin gle pa ir of wir e whi c h pr ovi des battery feed, voice and signaling to and from the SLT. Typical wiring to th e S LT ja ck is sh o w n inFig u re 2- 29andTa b l e 2 - 1 2giv es th e c onf igur at ion of the station connector arra ngement when conn ected to a pu nchdown ty pe block . Figure 2- 29: Single Line Telephone Wiring G YR B VRVT

2-72 Sys tem Wiring Power Failure Transfer Wiring ThePFTUiswiredfromthe25-pairconnectortotheMDF,cross connected to the C O Line inp uts from the te le phone compa ny, to the CO Lineinputsofthesystem,andtoPowerFailureSLTs.Thebasic connections a re sh own inFigure 2-30a nd the connector configuration is giv en inTa b l e 2 - 1 2. N ote that the SLT may also be connected to a SLIB as showninthefigure. Figure 2-30: PFTU Wiring MDF (P FTU ) CO R 1 - IN CO T 1 - IN CO R 1 - O UT CO T 1 - O UT TEL1- R TEL1- T SLI B1-R SLI B1-T 1 26 CO L 1 CO L 2 2 27LC OB 3 28 SLT 4 29SLIB 24 Subscr iber

Wa ll Moun ti ng the E le ct r o ni c Tel epho ne 2 - 73 Wall Mounting the Electronic Telephone All connection s to the Electron ic Key Telephone are fully modular. To wa ll mount t he El ec t roni c Ke y T el eph one, it i s nec e ssa ry to have one Wa ll Mount Ki t and on e st an dar d-t ype j ack as sem bly des ign ed f or nor mal wa ll hanging applica tions. 1. Unplug the line cord from the phone. This line cord is not be required and should b e retaine d as a mainte nance replacem ent ite m. 2. Lift the plastic number retainer upward and expose the screw u n der nea th. R e mo ve the s cr ew and th e ha ndse t ta b. R e pl ac e it wi th the handset tab from the Wall Mount K it. 3. Be careful to pos ition th e tab so tha t the protrus ion faces the ho okswitch. This allows the ha ndse t to re main s ecure w hen the tele phone is on the wall. Re pla ce the screw and snap the numbe r retainer into place. 4 . Su bs ti t u te t he sho r t mo du l ar c o r d fr o m t he Wal l M o u nt As se mbl y into the modular connector vaca ted by th e line cord. 5. Align the wall mount baseplate with holes on the bottom of the telephone. Snap in place. 6 . No w ma tc h the t wo ke y h o le sl o t s o n the b ase pl ate wi th t he l u gs o n the 630-A type jack. Align the modular connector and slide telephone into place. Refer toFigure 2 -33.

2-74 Wa ll M oun ting the D igit al Tel epho ne Wall Mountin g the Digital Telephone To wal l m ount the D igi t al Key Te le phone , i t is ne c ess ar y t o us e t he Wa ll Mount b rack et and one st anda rd- ty pe j ack a sse mbl y de sig ned f or nor mal wall hanging applications. Refer toFigure 2 -33andFigure 2 -34. 1. Remove thehandset fromthecradleandlocate theplastic retainer in the bottom of the hook-switch well area. Push the plastic retainer sl o wly u pwar d u n ti l it i s f re e. Lo c ate t he ta b o n th e p la sti c r et ai ner and ma ke s ure the tab is toward you, then place it back into its holder. Slide the plastic re ta ine r all the way dow n into its chan nel. Part of the reta iner remains above its holder to hold the han dset secure for the wall mount configura tion. 2. Turn th e tele phone over a nd unp lug the lin e cord. If the line cord is no t plugged into the wall jack assembly, re-ro ute the line co rd thru the acce ss ch anne l o n the top of the te le phone . If the line cord is p lugg ed into the wall jack as sem bly, run the line cord throug h the ho le provid ed and plug into the conne ctor on the b ack of th e telephone. 3. Line up the hooks on the top and bottom of the wall mount bracket s o they can e nga ge w ith the slots cut into the bottom of the telephone bas e. Ins ert the bottom hooks first. Slide the mounting b rack et slowly downwa rd s until the top tabs slide into the top slots and snap in place. 4. Match th e two k ey hole s lots on the b ase plate with the lugs on th e 630- A type jack. Align the mo dula r conne ctor and s lide the te le phone into place. 5. Place the hands et onto the re ta ine r. T he te le phone is n ow re ady for us e. Refer toFig u re 2- 34for location of mounting information .

He adset Installation 2-75 Headset Installation TheTriad 1/2/3Electronic/Digital Key Telephones have been designed to operate with industry standard electret mic compatible modular headset ada pte r s an d ope ra tor he ads et s. To modi fy a n El ec t r onic / Di gi ta l Ke y T el ep hone to supp ort a n ex te rna l hea dse t: 1. Plug the he ads et ad apter cord into the va cant hand set jack on the Key Telephone base. 2. Plug the te le phone hand set cord into the he ads et ada pter box whe re indicated by the headset manufacturers instructions. The Headset Operation must be enabled (refer toStation Programming). The station then has the capability to enable/disable headset mode by di ali ng a code . W hen Hea dse t mode is act i ve at t he st ati on, th e O N/OF F button controls the on-h ook or off- hook s ta tus . Also, fea tures s uch as On- Hook D ia ling a nd Ha ndsf ree Speakerp hone operation become inop er abl e. Caller ID Interface Unit Installation The Caller Identification Interface Unit receives the data from the te le phone comp any and s end s t he dat a, in A SCI I RS- 23 2 C fo rma t to a pr int er , te le phone , com pute r or DT E (D at a T er mi nal Eq uipm ent ) de vi ce. Sel ectin g the Cable 1. Select the correct RS-232 cable (P/N 9081-00) for the Tri ad 1 /2MPB an d SIU. 2. Connect one end of the cable on the desired KSU I/O port (1, 3, or 4) . 3. Conne ct the othe r e nd to the OUT port on the Calle r ID unit.

2-76 Caller ID Interface Unit Installation Figure 2-31: Caller ID Cable Connections Triad 1/2MPB and SIU KSU 9-Pin Female Conn ec tio n1440/1480-00 9-Pin Male 11 22 33 44 KSU55Caller ID Box 66 77 88 99 1480-00 Switch Setti ngs ON OFF 1440-00 Switch Setti ngsON OFF 1 6 2 7 8 4 9 5 3 Y E LLO W RED8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1P1 X X X X X X X X X X X IC L ID E N DRJ45J1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 18 7 6 5 4 3 2 1J3J4 TO C P U RJ45RJ45 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 9 22 10 23 11 24 12 25 13 RJ45J2 Y E LLO W REDX X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X KSU END CO NNECTO R DB25 D igi-K ey H 2883-14-N D S tra ig h t th r u C a b le ( D ig i- K e y R e v e r s e ) D B 9 to R J45 A dapterD B 25 to R J45 A dapter To R S -232 B c D B 25P2 NOTE: 1. C ut all other w ires back in the adapters so that none of them short to each other or the connectors. 2. U sing tw o of the cut-off w ires, strip the insulation of the cut end back far enough (1/2 inch) to solder together. 3. Insert the connector pins into Locations 7 and 8 of the D B 9 connector (P 1). 4. Insulate the solder joint w ith tape or heat shrink tubing. 1480 C A LLE R ID C A B LE IC LID C A B LE P IN O U T D IA G R A M FO R 1428/4896/D V X I/D V X 3 NO T ES : 1. Cu t a ll oth er wir es in the adap ters s o that no ne of the m s hort to e ach ot her o r the con nec tors. 2. Using t wo of the c ut-off wire s, stri p the insul ation of t he cu t en d back far e noug h (1/ 2 i nch ) to sol de r t oge the r. 3. In se rt the conn ec tor pin s i nto L ocati ons 7 a nd 8 of the DB9 con ne ctor (P1). 4. In sul ate t he sol der j oint wi th tap e or h eat shri nk t ubin g. ICLID Cable Pin-Out Diagram RJ 45/DB 9/RS2 32

Ca ll er ID In ter fac e Uni t In sta ll at i on 2 - 77 Programming the KSU I/O P or ts 1 . Ve r ify t he p rogr amm ing for th e I /O por t s, p re ss✳✳32 26, Flash 15. 2. Select the desired I/O port, Button 1, 3, 4 (MPB, SIU1, SIU2). 3 . Di al [5 ] on the di al pa d an d pr es s H OLD. CO Lin es 1 . Ve r ify t he p rogr amm ing for th e CO L ine s, pre ss✳✳3226, Flash 40. 2. EnterCOlineRangefortheCallerIDUnitandpressHOLD. 3 . Pr es s B u t t o n 2 1 ( Pa g e C) . 4 . Pr es s But t on 2 , R i ng Del ay Ti mer. 5. Enter 04 (mi nimu m). Pr ess HO LD. 6 . Res et t he syst em and t he C TI b ox. Figure 2-32: CTI System Configuration CO LI NES IC LID Int erface Un i tICLID Int erface Unit RS23 2ST AR PL US KSU RS232 LA N SE RVE RCT I Modul e CT I Modul e CT I Modul e LA NLAN LAN LA N

2-78 Caller ID Interface Unit Installation Fi g u r e 2- 33 : E le ct r on i c Key T el ep h o ne W al l M o un t i n g

Ca ll er ID In ter fac e Uni t In sta ll at i on 2 - 79 Figure 2-34: Digital K ey Telephone Wall Mounting