Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Installation Manual
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Prelimina ry Proce dures 4-3 Preliminary Procedures 1. Make sure th at the Ba sic Key Service Unit (BKSU) is properly grou nded. 2. Verify that all PCBs are firmly plugged into the correct card slot positionsorexpandermodulesarefirmlyseatedonto their connectors. 3. Ins pect the MDF for shorted wiring and improper p ola rity that would affect the Digital Terminal or DSS console. 4 . M ake c er t ai n t hat t he li th iu m bat te r y s wit c h o n the M as te r Pr o c es so r Boa rd (MPB) is s et to the ON position to enab le Battery Ba ckup op tion. 5. Make sure that the plug-ended MDF cables connected to the KSU are s ecure and a re plugged into the correct pos itio n. Po we r Up S e q u e n c e The pow er up seq uenc e i nvol ves t he prop er ap pl ic at i on of AC powe r to the S yst em , an d MPB LE Ds. A succe ssf ul power up i s a ssur ed if t he installation checklist has been followed. 1. Plug the AC p ower cord of the Key S ervice U nit into th e d edicated 11 7 Vac o u t l et . 2. Turn th e p ower switch of the KSU to ON . 3. The MPB has e ight red LED s located on the front of the card. If the powerupissuccessful,LEDs1,2,5and8willbeflickering. 4. Pres s the rese t button on the MPB. The a bove LED in dica tions will repeat. Initialization may be required prior to programming. 5. The sys te m is rea dy for programming. If a ny problems have occurred, Refer toMaintenance and Troubleshootingchap ter.

4-4 Po we r Up S equence Ta ble 4- 1: Powe r S upply Tes ts Voltage Designation Voltage Reading Test Point Location 117 Vac +1 17 Vac, ±10%Co mmer ci al Powe r Sou rce Note: The power supply is preset at the time of manufacturing, but should be checked at system initialization with a digit al volt meter having an accuracy of ±1% Tabl e 4 -2:Tri a d 3DCCU Te st Points Voltage Designation Voltage Reading Test Point Location +5V dc ±5%Front P anel -5 V dc ±5%

5 Maintenance and Troubleshooting This chapter is provided as a guideline in isolating and resolving functional problems that may be encountered as a result of improper use or component failure of theTriad 1/2/3S y s t e m s. Ot h e r f ai l u r e s, such as no dial tone from the central office, must also be considered as an overall troubleshooting procedure.

Syst em Programmin g and Verificat ion 5-3 System Programming and Verification Sys te m op er at ion shoul d b e v er if ie d as pe r th e p rogr amm ed c ust omer dat aba se once al l cu sto mer dat aba se prog ra mming has b ee n compl et ed. A hard cop y of the customer databa se can be printed from the sys tem and shoul d b e k ept on- si te an d up to dat e for fut ure r ef er ence . TheTriad 1/2/3Sys te ms a re highly fe ature d digital switche s and as such, fea ture activ ation ca n s ometim es be mistaken for improper op eration. Fi rs t, ve ri fy all p ro gr amm abl e f eat ur es ar e ena ble d f o r the pho ne o r function in ques tion. Then comp are the sus pected improper op eration with the feature operation description to determine which feature is causing conflict. Be aware that some features canoverrideothers and ta ke pr ec ed enc e i n ope ra ti onal pr i ori ty . T hen make t he nec e ssa ry pr ogra mmi ng chan ges in cust ome r d at abas e prog ram ming t o acqui r e the d esi r ed oper at ion . If fe ature ope ra tion is not the ca use of the sus pected problem, then general troubleshooting procedures sho uld be employed. A basic guideline for determining the cause of a reported problem are as follows: 1. Verify that system programming is correct and that the suspected feature, circuit or function has been enabled in programming. 2. Che ck the unit on another circuit, if po ssible, a nd v erify that it is functioning. 3. Che ck the ins ta llation cabling /wiring and connectors for cuts, shorts or loose connections. 4 . Che ck t he syst e m i nte r face cir cuit b y sub st it ut ing a k nown goo d circuit. Verify the Service/Normal switch on the printed circuit board is in theNORMALpo sit i on. By ve r ifyi ng co rr ec t op er ati on f or eac h se gmen t of t he ins ta ll at ion andsystem,thesourceoftheproblemisisolatedandcanbe id ent ifi e d and r esol ve d. S ys te m m us t b e in itia lize dbeforecusto mer da tabase is pr ogramm ed.

5-4 Telephone a nd Termina l Trouble shooting Telephone and Terminal Troubles hooting This section discusses general functions on a variety of key telephones and te rm ina ls ava il abl e for use on the s yst em. I t is ass ume d t hat ba sic troubles hooting skills in the iden tifica tion a nd res olution of bas ic pr oble ms ar e alr ea dy p osse ss ed (e. g. s ta ti c / nois e he ar d on c onve rs at ion, one phone only; Re place worn hand set cord). Ke ys et S e lf Te s t TheTriad 1/2/3Sys tems con tain a tes t mode fea ture that sup ports the off- line te sting of d igital key sets and DSS units. T he term off -line me ans tha t the unit unde r te st is d is connected from the switch during the tes t operation. Keysets not und er tes t con tinue to operate in the n orma l manne r. T ests are p rov ide d to v erif y the keys et a nd D SS LED , LC D, and key board b utton op erations . 1. Enter the test mode by taking a keyset’s hands et of f hook. 2. Pres s the SPEE D button and d ial [7#] on the dial pad. T his disconne cts the key set from the s ystem a nd brings up the Te st Mode Menu on the keyset’sLCD. 3. Exit th e tes t mode by putting the hand set b ack on hook. This r econn ect s t he ke yse t to the sy st em. Test Mod e Menu --T he menu allows the operator to select a tes t mode by pre ss ing the mod e n umbe r a t the di al p ad. The ope ra tor can al ways re tu rn to the ma in te st me nu by pr es si ng [# #]. S ELEC T 1:LCDLED 2:KEYBTN 3 :DS SBTN

Key s et S el f Tes t 5- 5 Keyset LC D/LED Te st This test outputs a series of continuous ly repeated L CD string m ess ages to LCD lines 1 and 2. The set of strings consists of the lettersAth ro u ghX andath ro u ghx.Thenextsetofstringsare: The st r ing s a re al te r nat el y di sp lay ed on l ine s 1 a nd 2 of t he L CD dis pl ay. Keyset Button Test 1. Press a keyset button to turn on the LED and display an LCD message id ent ify ing th e b utt on num ber. Eac h ti me t he sel ec te d bu t t o n i s p re sse d i t se qu e nce s thr o u gh the ta bl e o f fl ash ra te s av ail ab le. “PICKUP TRUCK SPEED ZONE !” “*** STANDING BAC K ***” PR ES S KE YS ET B U T TO N S DIGIT1

5-6 Keys et Self Tes t 2 . Pr es s t he di al pa d ke ys to dis pla y an LCD mes sage t hat i ndi cate s wh ic h d igi t was pr es sed. Depress ing the H- T- P switch from one pos ition to another d is pla ys one the fo llowing word s: H_POS, T_POS, or P_POS. 3 . Te st LE Ds in depe nde ntl y of t he Keys by pre ss ing the fl e x LE D but t on. DSS LED/Button Test When the DSS test is selected and a DSS test is invoked, ALL DSS units associated with the keyset are placed in the test mode. If no D SS unit is ass ocia te d with the keys et, the ke yse t dis play indicates NODSS.TheDSSLEDtestcausesalltheLEDstolightsteady.AllLEDs remain lit steady until a DSS flex button is depressed. Pressing a DSS button turnsontheDSSbuttonLEDanddisplaysan LCD message onthe associated keyset identifying the DSS button number (01 to 48). In addition, it turns off the prev ious ly selected flex LED . Conditions Test mode interrupts the normal operation of a keyset or DSS. PRESS DSS BUTTONS

Key s et S el f Tes t 5- 7 Key Tele phones/Te rminals The following actions apply to multi-line key telephones: Tabl e 5 -2 : Key Te le pho nes /Termi nal s Func ti o n Faul t O pti o ns No Pow er to Keyset Veri fy t hat keyset i s co nnect ed t o c orr ect type of station card (digital or ele ctr onic. No Ha n ds f r e e Ans w e r-b ac k on in terc omOn d ig ital key sets, t he mo d e of in terc om an swer i s p rog ra mm ab le. On el ect ronic keyset s, make sure t he i nter co m mo de sw itc h i s in th e HF p o siti on . CO Line/Station Button won’taccess CO Line/StationC hec k Flex ib le bu tto n p ro gr am min g for tha t button. Speakerphone doesn’t w ork C he c k s t at io n p ro gra m min g fo r s p e a k e rp ho ne a llo wed. Verify phone is a speakerphone model. C an n ot c a ll a n ot her i nt erco m s ta ti on C hec k p ro gr am min g f or int erco m a cc es s . No C a mp -On sig n al s or Over rid e to ph o neCheck station programming for Override enable Sta tio n respo nse to w ron g in terco m nu mb e r(adj ac ent ci rcu it n u mber on ly, e. g. 110 & 111) Dat a pai r o f wire s ar e reversed on elec tro ni c keysets (ETIB), or DSS. C he c k p ro gr am min g f or as s i gn e d i nt e rco m nu mb e r