Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Installation Manual
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3-38 Misce llan eous In terfa ce Un it (MISU) Installation Ta ble 3-6: Powe r Fa ilure Tra nsfe r Unit ( PF TU) Wiring Pair PIN # Color Description Pair PIN # Color Description 126 1WH /B L BL /W HCO RING 1 - IN CO TIP 1 - IN14 39 14BK/BN BN/BKCO R IN G 4 - O UT CO T I P 4 - O UT 227 2WH /O R OR/WHCO RING 1 - OUT CO TIP 1 - OUT15 40 15BK/ SL SL / B KSLT RING 4 SLT TIP 4 328 3WH/GN GN/WHSLT RI NG 1 SLT TIP 116 41 16YL /B L BL /Y LSLIB R ING 4 SLIB TI P 4 429 4WH /B N BN /W HSLIB RI NG 1 SLIB TIP 117 42 17YL /O R OR /Y LCO R IN G 5 - IN CO T I P 5 - IN 530 5WH /S L SL/WHCO RING 2 - IN CO TIP 2 - IN18 43 18YL/GN GN/YLCO R IN G 5 - O UT CO T I P 5 - O UT 631 6RD/BL BL/RDCO RING 2 - OUT CO TIP 2 - OUT19 44 19YL /B N BN /Y LSLT RING 5 SLT TIP 5 732 7RD / OR OR/RDSLT RI NG 2 SLT TIP 220 45 20YL /SL SL/YLSLIB R ING 5 SLIB TI P 5 833 8RD /G N GN /R DSLIB RI NG 2 SLIB TIP 221 46 21VI /B L BL /V ICO R IN G 6 - IN CO T I P 6 - IN 934 9RD/BN BN/RDCO RING 3 - IN CO TIP 3 - IN22 47 22VI /O R OR/VICO R IN G 6 - O UT CO T I P 6 - O UT 10 35 10RD/SL SL/R DCO RING 3 - OUT CO TIP 3 - OUT23 48 23VI/GN GN/VISLT RING 6 SLT TIP 6 11 36 11BK /BL BL /B KSLT RI NG 3 SLT TIP 324 49 24VI /B N BN /V ISLIB R ING 6 SLIB TI P 6 12 37 12BK /O R OR/BKSLIB RI NG 3 SLIB TIP 325 50 25VI/SL SL/VI 13 38 13BK/GN GN/BKCO RING 4 - IN CO TIP 4 - IN

Miscellane ous Int erface Unit (M IS U) I nst allation 3 -39 Figure 3-16: MISU & PFTU Installation

3-40 CO/ PBX Conne ctions CO/P BX Connections These boa rds provide th e interface from s ystem PCM po rts to s ta tions or the s witching ne twork. The y a re de scribe d as follows: Loop Start CO Trunk Board (LCOB)) The LC OB board provides the in terf ace to eight Loop Start CO, FX , or WA TS t runk s. †Each trunk circuit contains a hybrid, 2-wire interface circuit a nd control circuitry. †TheoperationforPulseDialingorDTMFsignalingcanbedoneona per circuit basis. †Each circuit has an LED indicator that gives trunk status. †Each trunk circuit can be disab led as well as the card. †A Normal/S erv ice switch loca ted near the top of the card a llows the car d t o be i nse rt e d or r emove d f rom the sy st em whil e unde r p ower. †The CO line s a re conne cte d v ia a 50-pin m ale a mphe nol con nector loca te d on the front ed ge of the card. †The c ar d c a n ac c e pt a D TM F- B uni t in a d aught er boa rd ty pe ar ra ngeme nt . †The card ejector ta bs a re color cod ed white. In sta l li ng t he DT MF- B Modu l e 1 . Unpac k the DT M F-B M o du l e fro m it s a nti -s tat i c c o ndu c t ive bag in t he pack ing box. 2. Locate the K1 and K2 connectors on the D TMF- B module. 3. Locate the K2 and K3 connectors on the LCOB (outline d). 4. Pos ition the DT MF-B module s o th at the K2 and K1 connectors match up with the K3 a nd K2 conne ctors on the LCOB res pec tively. 5. Pus h the DT MF -B m odule onto the se connectors ma king s ure it is seated properly.

CO/PBX Conn ections 3 -41 Refer toFig u re 3- 19.T his completes the in stallation procedu re for the DT MF -B. Table 3-7: LCOB Wiring Pair PIN # Color Description Pair PIN # Color Description 126 1WH/BL BL/WHRI NG TI PCO 1 1 4 3 9 14BK/BN BN/BK 227 2WH/OR OR /WHRI NG TI PCO 2 1 5 4 0 15BK/ SL SL / B K 328 3WH /G N GN /W HRI NG TI PCO 3 1 6 4 1 16YL /B L BL /Y L 429 4WH/ BN BN /WHRI NG TI PCO 4 1 7 4 2 17YL /O R OR /Y L 530 5WH /S L SL/WHRI NG TI PCO 5 1 8 4 3 18YL/GN GN/YL 631 6RD /B L BL /R DRI NG TI PCO 6 1 9 4 4 19YL /B N BN /Y L 732 7RD /O R OR/RDRI NG TI PCO 7 2 0 4 5 20YL /SL SL/YL 833 8RD/GN GN/RDRI NG TI PCO 8 2 1 4 6 21VI /B L BL /V I 934 9RD /B N BN /R D22 47 22VI /O R OR/VI 10 35 10RD/SL SL/R D23 48 23VI/GN GN/VI 11 36 11BK/ BL BL /BK24 49 24VI /B N BN /V I 12 37 12BK/OR OR /BK25 50 25VI/SL SL/VI 13 38 13BK /G N GN/BK

3-42 CO/ PBX Conne ctions Figure 3-17: LCOB w/DTMF-B Installation

CO/PBX Conn ections 3 -43 Ground Start CO Trunk Board (GCOB) The GCOB board provides the interface to eight Ground Start CO, FX, or WA TS t runk s. †Each trunk circuit contains a hybrid, 2-wire interface circuit a nd control circuitry. †TheoperationforPulseDialingorDTMFsignalingcanbedoneona per circuit basis. †Each circuit has an LED indicator that gives trunk status. †Each trunk circuit can be disab led as well as the card. †A Normal/S erv ice switch loca ted toward the top of the card a llows thecardtobeinsertedorremovedfromthesystemwhileunder power. †The CO line s a re conne cte d v ia a 50-pin m ale a mphe nol con nector loca te d on the front ed ge of the card. †The c ar d c a n ac c e pt a D TM F- B uni t in a d aught er boa rd ty pe ar ra ngeme nt . †The card ejector ta bs a re color cod ed white. In sta l li ng t he DT MF- B Modu l e 1 . Unpac k the DT M F-B M o du l e fro m it s a nti -s tat i c c o ndu c t ive bag in t he pack ing box. 2. Locate the K1 and K2 connectors on the D TMF- B module. 3. Locate the K2 and K3 connectors on the GCOB (ou tline d). 4. Pos ition the DT MF-B module s o th at the K2 and K1 connectors match up with the K3 a nd K2 conne ctors on the GCOB re spe ctive ly. 5. Pus h the DT MF -B m odule onto the se connectors ma king s ure it is seated properly. Refer toFi g ur e 3- 18 .T his completes the ins tallation p rocedure for the DT MF -B.

3-44 CO/ PBX Conne ctions Table 3-8: GCOB Wiring Pair PIN # Color Description Pair PIN # Color Description 126 1WH /BL BL /W HRING TI PCO 1 1 4 3 9 14BK/BN BN/BK 227 2WH /O R OR /W HRING TI PCO 2 1 5 4 0 15BK/SL SL/B K 328 3WH/GN GN/WHRING TI PCO 3 1 6 4 1 16YL/BL BL/YL 429 4WH /B N BN /W HRING TI PCO 4 1 7 4 2 17YL/OR OR /YL 530 5WH /S L SL/WHRING TI PCO 5 1 8 4 3 18YL / GN GN /Y L 631 6RD/BL BL/RDRING TI PCO 6 1 9 4 4 19YL /B N BN /YL 732 7RD / OR OR/RDRING TI PCO 7 2 0 4 5 20YL /SL SL/YL 833 8RD /G N GN /R DRING TI PCO 8 2 1 4 6 21VI /BL BL /V I 934 9RD/BN BN/RD22 47 22VI/OR OR /VI 10 35 10RD/SL SL/R D23 48 23VI/GN GN/VI 11 36 11BK /BL BL /B K24 49 24VI /BN BN /V I 12 37 12BK /O R OR/BK25 50 25VI /S L SL/VI 13 38 13BK/GN GN/BK

CO/PBX Conn ections 3 -45 Figure 3-18: GCOB w/DTMF-B Installation

3-46 CO/ PBX Conne ctions DI D Tru nk B o a rd ( D I DB ) The DIDB board provides the interface to eight (8) Direct Inward Dialing (DID) trunks. †Each of the trunk circuits conta in a hy brid, 2- wire interfa ce circuit a nd control circuitry. †The ope ra ti on f or d ia l-r ep ea ti ng a ddre ss or DT M F s igna li ng c a n be immediate, wink, or delay-start supervision. †Each circuit has an LED indicator that gives trunk status. Each circuit canbedisabledaswellasthecard. †The CO Lines are connected via a 50-pin male amphenol connector loca ted on the card f ront edge. †A Normal/S erv ice switch loca ted toward the top of the card a llows thecardtobeinsertedorremovedfromthesystemwhileunder power. †The car d ca n acce pt a D TMF4 -B unit a s a daug hte r boar d t ype arra ngeme nt. T his unit has 4 DTMF Rece ive rs installe d on it. This boar d ca n be i nst al le d on the LCO B, GCO B, an d DI DB boar ds. Thi s board m ounts as a daughter b oard type arra ngem ent. In sta l li ng t he DT MF- B Modu l e 1 . Unpac k the DT M F-B M o du l e fro m it s a nti -s tat i c c o ndu c t ive bag in t he pack ing box. 2. Locate the K1 and K2 connectors on the D TMF- B module. 3. Locate the K2 and K3 connectors on the D ID B (outlined ). 4. Pos ition the DT MF-B module s o th at the K2 and K1 connectors match up with the K3 a nd K2 conne ctors on the DIDB res pectively. 5. Pus h the DT MF -B m odule onto the se connectors ma king s ure it is seated properly. Refer toFig u re 3- 19.T his comp letes the installa tion proced ure for the DT MF -B.

CO/PBX Conn ections 3 -47 Tabl e 3 -9: D I D B W ir i n g P ai r P I N # C o lo r D esc r ip t i o n Pa ir P I N # C o l or D es cr i p ti o n 126 1WH /B L BL /W HRING TI PCO 1 14 3 9 14BK /B N BN /B K 227 2WH /O R OR/WHRING TI PCO 2 15 4 0 15BK/SL SL/B K 328 3WH/GN GN/WHRING TI PCO 3 16 4 1 16YL/BL BL/YL 429 4WH /B N BN /W HRING TI PCO 4 17 4 2 17YL/OR OR /YL 530 5WH /S L SL/WHRING TI PCO 5 18 4 3 18YL /G N GN /Y L 631 6RD/BL BL/RDRING TI PCO 6 19 4 4 19YL/BN BN/YL 732 7RD/OR OR/RDRING TI PCO 7 20 4 5 20YL /SL SL/YL 833 8RD /G N GN /R DRING TI PCO 8 21 4 6 21VI/BL BL/VI 934 9RD/BN BN/RD22 4 7 22VI/OR OR /VI 10 35 10RD/SL SL/RD23 4 8 23VI/GN GN /V I 11 36 11BK /BL BL /B K24 4 9 24VI/BN BN/VI 12 37 12BK /O R OR/BK25 5 0 25VI /S L SL/VI 13 38 13BK/GN GN/BK