Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Installation Manual
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3-58 CO/ PBX Conne ctions Primary Rate Interface Board (PRIB) The PRIB board allows the network connection to a Primary Rate ISDN interface. It provides one Primary Rate Interface circuit. Each circuit is compris ed of 23 be are r channe ls an d one da ta channe l (23B+D). The sys te m i nt er pr et s a ll B cha nnel s as tr unks/l in e a ppe ar ances . A m axim um of six PRIBs can be installed into the system. The PRIB uses 24 time slots. The PRIB conta ins an ISDN interfa ce circuit, control circuitry , an d synchronous clock control circuits . D TMF tone de te ction units can be ins ta ll ed opt iona ll y on t he P R I B . T he P R IB a c c ept s two DT MF -A boa rds . The PRIB has 8 LED s on the f ront e dge of the PCB which ind icate s e rrors of ISD N line , in- use status, and synchronous clock ena ble s ta tus . The PLL U must be in stalle d on t he MPB for th e PRI B card to o per ate pr ope rly . V odav i has succe ssfu lly i nte grate d its PRI I SD N with the L uce nt 5 ESS, Siemens, Strom burg Carlson, and the DMS100 Central Offices. Vodavi I SD N shoul d work with al l Ce ntra l Offic e switch es, but t his has not b ee n v eri fied . Th ere fore , som e de lay s in se rv ice m ay be exp eri en ced . Tabl e 3- 15 : P R I B Bo ar d LED s LED Func tion 1 (G reen) OFF ONLine Idle Line busy (use)Line Status 2(Red) OFF ONNormal RX Carrier Loss PRI Line Error Status 3(Red) OFF ONNormal Out of Fr am e 4(Red) OFF ONNormal Yell ow Ala rm 5(Red) OFF ONNormal AIS or Blue Alarm 6(Red) OFF ONNormal Loop 7(Red) OFF ONNormal Mu lt i-Fra me Esta b lish Al ar m 8(Red) OFF ONC l ock D isa b le Clock EnableC lo ck Statu s

CO/PBX Conn ections 3 -59 The PRIB conta ins 2 sw itches and 3 connectors. The Normal/Service switch is used during maintenance to place the card in an Out-Of-Service (OOS) mode. The clock selection s witch is u sed for control s ynchro nous clock. The sys te m can be eq uipp ed w it h si x (6 ) PRI I nte rf ace Boa rds and t he PRI B can b e installed in any ca rd slot in the Ba sic KSU. The Phas e Locked Loop Unit (PLLU) must be installed on the MPB when the PRIB is installed. The DT MF 4- A boar d w hic h co nta ins 4 DT MF r ec e iv er s c a n be opt i onal ly ins ta ll ed o n t he P R IB . If the PRIB is to be installed in a live system, the Normal/Service switch shoul d b e p la c ed in the S er vic e po sit i on. A ft er i nst al li ng the boa rd , t he Normal/S ervice switch must be placed in the Normal pos ition for proper operation. †Thi s b oar d su ppor t s E xte nde d S upe r Fr ame (E SF ) for mat a nd B8 ZS li ne c odin g. †The boa rd can s upport T IE , Loop and Groun d start s igna ling emul at io n pe r c hanne l. †The bo a rd re qu i re s a n ex te rna l CSU u ni t. †The PRIB board ca n accept two (2) DTMF-A un its in a da ughter board ty pe arrang eme nt. This unit has 4 DT MF Rece iv ers installe d on it. T his boar d ca n be i nst al le d on the S LI B, and T1 I B boar ds. †The boa rd h as a 15- pin D S ub conne ctor f or conne ction to a CS U unit. †The card ejector ta bs a re color cod ed white. Tabl e 3 -1 6: P R I O rd e ri n g I nf o rm at i on PRI Ordering Information Ri nger Equi valent Num ber 6.0P Fa c ili ty Li ne Int erfa ce 04D U9 -B Jack Type RJ45 Whe n ord eri ng a PRI c ircu it from a car rie r, req uest th e NI -2 stan dard .

3-60 CO/ PBX Conne ctions In sta l la ti on 1. Insert the PRIB card(s) into the desired BKSU card slot(s). Up to six PRIB ca rds can be ins ta ll ed in a syst em . E ach PRI B pr ovid es 23 C O Lines to the s ystem. 2. If installing a single PRIB, set SW2 to the ON position. If multiple PRIBs are being installed, set SW2 to the ON position on the f ir st c ar d a nd S W2 on a ll ot her c a rds to th e O FF pos it ion . The PRIB comes with a clock cab le. This cable is us ed when multiple PRIB a nd/or dig ital trunk cards are to be installe d in the sys te m. The c lo c k c abl e is supp li ed wi th eac h P R IB . 3. Conne ct the D B15 cab le from the PRIB to the CS U. 4. Conne ct the ne twork cable from th e C SU to the ne twork. 5. Refer toI SDN a n d T 1 Clo c kin gfo r clarif icatio n on clockin g and cabling wh en com bining BRIB, PRIB, a nd T 1 card s in one KS U. Fi gure 3 -2 3: PRIB ( Pri m ary Rat e Inte rf ac e Bo ard) The PRIB is off ered as a s ta nd-alone card or a s a kit which include s the PRIB, CSU , an d cab les.

CO/PBX Conn ections 3 -61 Functionality Description Auto matic Num ber I dentification (A NI)i nform at ion from t he c a rr ie r is tr ea te d e xac t ly t he same as an in bound I CL ID (Ca ll er I D) numbe r. Ca ll s can be routed, placed in the unanswered call table, sent out to the CTI Module p ort on a ke yse t, an d run throu gh the numbe r to name tr ans la ti on t abl e . T heTri ad 3Sy st em prov ide s c all p rogr es s t one s i n t he same manner as ICLID. Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS)info rma ti on fr om the carrier is treated using DID line rules. DNIS calls are routed based on the DI D r out ing ta bl e. ANI/DNISis a combined f orma t, where the sys tem waits for the ANI/DN IS inf orma tion f rom the carrie r. Whe n it is rece ive d, the s ystem route s the cal l us in g I CLI D p roce ssi ng. †If t his i nfo r mat io n is no t fo und in th e I CL ID R o ute Tab le s, t he DN IS inf orma ti on i s c om par ed to t he DI D t ab le for a mat ch . Th e c a ll i s t hen rout ed ba sed on t he DI D tab le s. †If a match is not fo und on eithe r the ANI or D NIS num ber, th e ca ll is rout ed bas ed on nor mal CO li ne oper at ion (CO Ringi ng Ass ig nment s). The following ta ble s ummarize s the ope ra tion of the s ystem . Table 3- 17: Call Routing Criteria ANI DNIS Operation N N Calls routed based on normal CO operation (CO Ring Assignments. N Y C a lls r ou ted ba sed on D ID ta b les wi th DI D op era tio n. Y N C a lls r ou ted ba sed on IC L ID ro ut ing a n d I CL I D o p era tio n. Y * Y C a lls r ou ted on IC L ID first , if n o ro ut e is fo un d, t he D NI S d igi ts a re c omp a red to th e DI D t a bl e. If n o r ou te is fo un d in the DI D t ab l e the c al l i s rou ted b ased o n C O lin e R ing in g Assig nmen ts. *I f both ANI and DNIS calls are routed -- the following tabl e summarizes what i s displayed at the phone.

3-62 CO/ PBX Conne ctions In sta l li ng t he DT MF- A Modu les 1. Unpack the DTMF-A Modules from their antistatic conductive bags in the p ac ki ng b oxe s. 2 . Locat e t he CO NN5 and CO NN6 conne ctor s on t he DTMF -A modul e s. 3. Locate the CON4, CON5, CON8 and CON9connectors on the PRIB (outlined). 4. Pos ition one of the DT MF-A m odule s so that the CON N5 and CON N6 connectors match up with the CON8 and CON9 connectors on th e PRIB resp ectiv ely. 5. Pus h the DT MF -A mod ule onto thes e conn ectors mak ing sure it is seated properly. 6. Pos ition the s econd DT MF -A mod ule so th at the CONN5 a nd CONN6 connectors match up with the CON4 and CON5 connectors on th e PRIB resp ectiv ely. 7. Pus h the DT MF -A mod ule onto thes e conn ectors mak ing sure it is seated properly. Refer toFig u re 3- 24.T his completes the in stallation procedu re for the DT MF -A Modul es . Table 3- 18: Call Routing Display Format Route FoundTy pe o f DisplayFormat ICLID ICLID ANI number placed in the 14-character number field, the DNIS number followed by the name programmed in ICLID translation table placed in the 24-character name field. DID ICLID ANI number placed in 14-character number field. DNIS number followed by programmed name from the DID t a bl es in 24-ch a ra ct er n am e field . NONE ICLID ANI number placed in 14-character number field and t he DNIS number is placed in the 24-character name fi eld.

CO/PBX Conn ections 3 -63 Fi g u re 3- 24 : P R I B w/ D TM F-A Mo d u le I ns ta ll at i o n

3-64 CO/ PBX Conne ctions Basic Rate Interface Board (BRIB) This interface provides four Basic Rate Interface circuits. Each circuit is compris ed of two b earer ( 64Kbps ea ch) an d one da ta (16Kbp s) cha nnels (2B+ D). Whe n a BRIB is programme d into theTri ad 3system, the system inte rprets all B channe ls as trunk s. Thus , one BRIB which contains f our 2B+ D ci r c uit s p rov ide s ei ght li ne app ea ran ce s to theTr iad 3sys te m. A maximum of e ight BRIBs ca n be installe d into the sys te m (64 B chan nels). The BRIB use s the U interface of the BRI stan dard. C onnection to the network is m ade via RJ45 conne ctors o n the front e dge of the bo ard . No NT1 device is req uired to conn ect to the central office. The BRIB card us es ei ght t ime s lot s when ins ta ll ed. Whe n ordering BRI line s f rom the telep hone compan y, s pecify Cap abi li t y P as t he o rde ri ng c o d e. Nat io n al IS DN 1 (N I- 1) is sup po rt e d. No oth er stand ard s a re sup ported. In sta l la ti on 1. Ins ert the BRIB and/or BRIB- E ca rd(s ) into th e d esired BKSU ca rd slot(s ). †If installing a single BRIB, set switch 4 on SW2 to the ON position. †If multiple BRIB cards are being installed, set switch 4 on SW2 to the ONpositiononthefirstcardand switch4onSW2onallother cards to the OFF position. Switch 4 on SW2 determines if the boar d i s the Mas te r Cl ock sour ce for any digi t al tr unk card s i n t he system. Only one Master Source must be enabled in the system. †If installing a BRIB in a system that also has T1 or PRIB boards, use ei th er the T1 or P RI B c ar d as the M as te r C loc k a nd se t a ll BR IB S W2 swi tch 4s t o OF F. 2. Refer to ISDN and T1 Clocking (later in this section) for clarification on clocking an d cablin g when combining BRIB, PRIB, and T1 cards in one KSU. Vodavi has successfully integrated its BRI ISDN with the Lucent 5ESS Ce ntra l O ffice . V odav i IS DN shou ld work wit h a ll Ce ntra l O ffice switc hes, but th is h as not be en ve rifie d. The refore , some d ela ys in serv ice may b e ex per ien ce d.

CO/PBX Conn ections 3 -65 Figure 3-25: BRIB (Basis Rate Interface Board) ON OF F SW2 SWI TC HE S: 2 3 4 1

3-66 CO/ PBX Conne ctions El ectron ic Key T el ephon e Service Electron ic ke y te le phone se rv ice (E KTS) is a fea ture that can be prov id ed on BRI ISDN to simulate standard analog DID lines. This allows several differe nt numbe rs to be sha re d b y a single BRI circuit. Due to the decline in telep hony tariffs, there is an increas in g de mand for BRI ISDN features. A BRI circuit allows two simultaneous calls to be handled, d ue to its techn ical s pecification. BRI circuits have two B-Ch anne ls at 64 kilob ytes per se cond a nd one D- Chann el at 16 kilobytes pe r s ec ond. The Bea re r (B) Chann el s ar e d es igne d for P CM (v oic e ) and t he Data (D) Channe l is de signed to carry in form ation spe cific to e ach incom ing and/or outgoin g call. TheEKTSfeatureallowsasingleISDNServiceProfileIdentifier(SPID)or B-Channel to support multiple directory numbers. A SPID is a number that telephone company switching equipment uses to track configura tion informatio n for e ach terminal ad apter conne cte d to a n IS DN te le phone line . The telepho ne com pany should p rov ide S PIDs at thesametimethattheISDNdirectorynumbersareassigned.Adirectory numbe r is anothe r te rm for a te le phone numb er. If an applica tion re quires E KT S, be awa re that BRI ISDN hand le s a bus y numbe r differe ntly than a D ID circuit. Whe n the calle d numb er is b usy, BRI will issue a busy signal, but a DID circuit will ring another line in the circuit. The bus y s igna l is provided by the telep hone company , theref ore the c a ll i s no t p re se nte d t o t he Vo da vi te le pho ne s wit c h a nd i t is no t forwarded to voice mail. For example, a caller dials 480-443-6000 and is connected to the extens ion. While the firs t caller is still connected , a second caller dials the s ame number. The secon d caller will receive a bus y signal that is provided by the telephone company. In a nor mal BRI appl ica ti on, t wo nu mber s are as si gned to e ach BRI ci rcui t, which consists o f 2 chann els. There can be a m aximum of 4 circuits equipp ed to handle 8 channe ls pe r BRIB. This is a d irect numb er-to- channe l re la tionship without huntin g capa bility . Most circuit providers offe r a n opti onal“hunting”f eat ur e cap abi li ty on BRI ci rcui ts . Thi s op ti onal fea ture allows numb ers to h unt for id le chann els on the BRIB up to a maxi mum of 8 chan nel s p er BRIB, as sumi ng f our BRI ci r cu its w er e ins ta ll ed . I n E KTS app li cat ions , you can h ave a maxi mum of 6 4 DI D numbe rs hunt to one BRIB. Hu nting ca nnot be accomplishe d be tw ee n BRIBs , nor will the hunting fe ature allo w calls to be route d to a bus y DID numbe r.

CO/PBX Conn ections 3 -67 Conditions BRI EKTS su ppor t is ava il abl e in Voda vi te le phone s yst ems wi th soft war e ve rsion 3.0G a nd highe r. Like DID, EKTS can be programmed to route calls using up to 7 digits. By default, only the last three digits are analyzed for routing. EKT S doe s not re qui re a l i ne a ppe ar ance on a spe cifi c t el ep hone beca use the BRI terminates directly into the KSU. Vodav i s uppor t s Bas ic E KTS. The EKT S ca ching opti on i s not s uppor te d by Vodav i. Ca ch ing is normally use d whe n a n ISDN teleph one instrumen t is used on the cus tomer premise. Basic Rate Interface Expansion Board (BRIB-E) Thi s ca rd in st all s as a da ught er -boa rd on t he BRIB and prov ide s an additiona l four Basic Rate In terf ace circuits. One BRIB and BRIB- E ass emb ly p rov ide s 1 6 l i ne ap pea ra nc es t o t heTriad 3sy st em. A ma xim um of four BRIB/BRIB-E assemblies can be installed into the system. The BRIB-E use s the U interface of the BRI standa rd . C onnection to th e network is ma de via RJ45 connectors on the front ed ge o f the board. T he BRIB-E card uses eight time slots when installed.