Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Installation Manual
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2-40 CO/ PBX Conne ctions The sy st em can b e e qui ppe d wi t h t wo (2 ) T -1 I nte rf ace Boar ds a nd t he T1 IB c an b e i ns tal l ed in Sl o ts 0 t hru 2 in theTr iad 1Basic KSU, while the T1 IB c an b e i ns tal l ed in Sl o ts 0 t hru 5 in theTr iad 2Basic KSU. The Pha se Locke d Loop Uni t (PLLU) must be i nst al le d on the MPB whe n t he T1I B i s ins ta lled . T he DTMF4- A board which contains 4 DTMF receive rs can be optiona lly installed on the T 1IB. The clock control cab le s hould be connected by daisy- chain meth od like Fig u re 2- 18when more tha n one T 1IB boa rds are in stalled . W hen the clock control cable of the T1IB is connected b y da is y-chain m ethod, the clock selection s witch of the f irst T1IB mus t be pla ced in the E nable position and the other b oard shou ld be placed in th e D is able position. The Li ne Buil d- Out sw it ch mus t be se le cte d b y di st ance be twe en th e Tri ad 1 /2Systems and a CSU and the switch selection as indicated in the following cha rt. If the C SU is loca te d ne ar the KSU, all L BO s witche s shoul d b e O N. The S W1 swi tc h #4 of th e L ine B ui ld- Out s wit c h i s use d for Loop B ac k control. Its s witch is us ed only for ha rdwa re tes t and must be place d in the ON p osition f or n orma l operation . Table 2 -6 : T -1 O rde ring Inform at ion T-1 Ordering Information Ringer Equivalent Number: 6.0P Fa ci lit y Li ne I nter f a ce: 04D U 9-B Jac k Type: RJ48C Tabl e 2 -7: T- 1 Sw i tc h Po si t i on s DistanceSw it c h # 1234 0 to 133 feet on on on on 1 33 to 266 feet off o n o n o n 266 to 399 feet on off on on 399 to 533 feet off off on on 533 to 655 feet on on off on

CO/PBX Conn ections 2 -41 †Thi s b oar d su ppor t s s ta ndar d D4 f ram ing for mat wi th rob bed bi t si gnal ing. Ex te nded Sup er Fr ame (E SF) for mat i s a lso supp or te d. †The bo a rd re qu i re s a n ex te rna l CSU u ni t. †The T -1 boar d ca n acce pt t wo (2 ) DT MF4 -A uni t s i n a daug hte r boar d ty pe arra ngeme nt. E ach unit has 4 DT MF Re ceivers ins ta lled on it. Thi s b oar d can be in st all ed on t he SL IB, and T1 IB boar ds. †The boa rd h as a 15- pin D S ub conne ctor f or conne ction to a CS U unit. †The card ejector ta bs a re color cod ed white. Functionality Description †Autom atic Nu mber Identificatio n ( ANI)information from the car ri er i s t r eat ed ex act ly the s ame as an inbo und I CLI D (Cal le r I D) numbe r. C al ls can b e rout ed, pl aced in the Un answe re d C all Tab le, se nt out to the C TI Module port on a key set, and run through the Numbe r To Nam e Tr ans lat i on Tabl e. TheTr iad 2system provides call progre ss tone s in the s ame mann er as ICLID. †Dialed Number Identification Ser vice (DNIS)inf o rma ti o n f ro m the carrier is treated using DID line rules. DNIS calls are routed based on the D ID R o u t ing Ta bl e. †ANI/DNISis a combined format, where the sys tem wa its f or the ANI/ DNIS information from the carrier. When it is received, the system routes the call using ICLID processing. If this information is not found in the I CLI D R o u te Tabl e s, t he DNI S inf o rm ati o n i s c o mpar ed to th e DID table for a match. The call is then routed based on the DID tables. If a match is not fo und on eithe r the ANI or D NIS num ber, th e ca ll is rout ed bas ed on nor mal CO li ne oper at ion (CO Ringi ng Ass ig nment s).

2-42 CO/ PBX Conne ctions The following ta ble s ummarize s the ope ration of the s ystem. Ta b l e 2 - 8 : C a l l R o u t i n g C r i t e r i a ANI DNIS Operation N N Calls routed based on normal CO operation (CO Ring Assignments. N Y C a lls r ou ted ba sed on D ID ta b les wi th DI D op era tio n. Y N C a lls r ou ted ba sed on IC L ID ro ut ing a n d I CL I D o p era tio n. Y * Y C a lls r ou ted on IC L ID first , if n o ro ut e is fo un d, t he D NI S d igi ts a re c omp a red to th e DI D t a bl e. If n o r ou te is fo un d in the DI D t ab l e the c al l i s rou ted b ased o n C O lin e R ing in g Assig nmen ts. *I f both ANI and DNIS calls are routed -- the following tabl e summarizes what i s displayed at the phone. The T-1 card acc epts AN I/D NIS i nforma tion in a DTMF format on ly. So me carr ier s do not p rov ide A NI or AN I/D NIS in a D TMF format . C on su lt you r loca l carr ier for a vai labl e options. Table 2-9: Call Routing Display Format Route FoundTy pe o f DisplayFormat ICLID ICLID ANI number placed in the 14-character number field, the DNIS number followed by the name programmed in ICLID translation table placed in the 24-character name field. DID ICLID ANI number placed in 14-character number field. DNIS number followed by programmed name from the DID t a bl es in 24-ch a ra ct er n am e field . NONE ICLID ANI number placed in 14-character number field and t he DNIS number is placed in the 24-character name fi eld.

CO/PBX Conn ections 2 -43 T-1 Orderin g In form atio n:When ordering a T-1 circuit from a carrier, re que st eithe r D 4 fram ing a nd Alternate Mark Inve rs ion (AMI) Line coding using the superframe (SF) or the Extended Superframe (ESF-B8ZS) format. The following are additional ordering information specifications: Tab l e 2 -10 : T-1 Or d er i ng S p eci f ic at io n s If o rd e r in g…ANI/DNIS/ DID/TIELoop S ta rt/ Ground Start Signaling* C irc ui t In f or ma ti on 2 wir e 2 wi re Sup erv iso ry Sig n al in g TIE L oo p or Gro un d Address Signal ing DTMF DTMF St art Dial Indicator Wink Start Dial Tone * ANI/DNIS not avai lable on Loop/Ground start si gnaling. If Loop Start signaling protocol is ordered, the Ce ntral O ff ice doe s not provide Disconne ct Supervision. However i f TIE signaling protocol is ordered, dis connect supervis ion is provided. The swi tching equipm ent process es DNIS numbers re ceived from the T-1 ci rcuit dependi ng on the trunk sim ul ation.

2-44 CO/ PBX Conne ctions Figure 2-17: T-1 Clock Connect Cable Installation (Multiple Cards)1 SW-3 CT R L CL KO U T CT R L CL K IN CO N 3T1- 2DN T1-3 45678 UP T-1 Lines from Tel co Clock Cable In the case of a Master system , the cl ock cable does not get connected and SW3 on a ll T-1 Bo a rd s is in th e d own p osi tio n. Two (2) T-1 Cards maximum in the system. MULTI PLE CA RD ARR ANGEMENT

CO/PBX Conn ections 2 -45 Figure 2-18: T- 1 Clock Connect Cable Installa tion (Single Card) 1 SW-3 CON3T1-2 T1 -3 45678 UP T-1 Li nes from Telco SINGLE CARD ARRANGEMENT

2-46 CO/ PBX Conne ctions In sta l li ng t he DT MF- A Modu les 1. Unpack the DTMF-A Modules from their antistatic conductive bags in the p ac ki ng b oxe s. 2 . Locat e t he CO NN5 and CO NN6 conne ctor s on t he DTMF -A modul e s. 3. Locate the CON4, CON5, CON8 and CON9 connectors on th e T1IB (outlined). 4. Pos ition one of the DT MF-A m odule s so that the CON N5 and CON N6 connectors match up with the CON8 and CON9 connectors on th e T1IB respectively. 5. Pus h the DT MF -A mod ule onto thes e conn ectors mak ing sure it is seated properly. 6. Pos ition the s econd DT MF -A mod ule so th at the CONN5 a nd CONN6 connectors match up with the CON4 and CON5 connectors on th e T1IB respectively. 7. Pus h the DT MF -A mod ule onto thes e conn ectors mak ing sure it is seated properly. Refer toFig u re 2- 19.This completes the installation procedure for the DTMF-A Modules.

CO/PBX Conn ections 2 -47 Figure 2-19: T1IB w/DTMF4_A Module Installation DT M F- A D T M F- A CONN6 CONN6 CO N 9 CO N 8CO N 5 CO N 4

2-48 CO/ PBX Conne ctions Primary Rate Interface Board (PRIB) This interface provides one Prima ry Rate Interface circuit. Each circuit conta ins 23 bea re r and one data cha nnel (23B+D ). W hen a PRIB card is progra mmed into theTr iad 1/ 2sys te m, t he sy st em int er pr et s all B chann els a s trunks. Thus , one PRIB which contains 23B+D circuits pr ovid es 23 l i ne appe ar ance s t o t heTri ad 1/2s ystem. A ma ximum of two PRIB b oards m ay b e ins talled into the sys te m. The PRIB card use s 24 tim e slots whe n installe d. The PRIB must b e us ed in conjunction with a Chan nel Se rvice Unit (CS U). Conne ction is made via a D B15 from the PRIB to the C SU. The PRIB accepts two DTMF-A boards. Whe n ordering PRI line s from the telep hone company , s pecify ESF framing and B8ZS line coding. PRI only supports National ISDN 2 (NI-2). No othe r standards are suppo rted. In sta l la ti on 1. Insert the PRIB card(s) into the desired BKSU card slot(s). Up to two PRIB ca rds can be ins ta ll ed in a syst em (Sl ot s 1 a nd 2 onTri ad 1an d slots 1-5 onTriad 2). 2. If installing a single PRIB, set SW2 to the ON position. If multiple PRIBs are being installed, set SW2 to the ON position on the f ir st c ar d a nd S W2 on a ll ot her c a rds to th e O FF pos it ion . The PRIB comes with a clock cab le. This cable is us ed when multiple PRIB a nd/or dig ital trunk cards are to be installe d in the sys te m. The c lo c k c abl e is supp li ed wi th eac h P R IB . 3. Conne ct the D B15 cab le from the PRIB to the chann el se rvice unit (CSU). 4. Connect the network cable from th e cha nnel s ervice unit to the ne twork. 5. Refer to ISDN and T1 Clocking (later in this section) for clarification on clocking an d cablin g when combining BRIB, PRIB, and T1 cards in one KSU. Vodavi has successfully integrated its PRI ISDN with the Lucent 5ESS, Si em e ns , St rom bu rg Ca rls on, an d t he DM S 1 00 C en t ral O f f ice s. V odav i IS DN s ho uld wor k with all C ent ral O ffi ce s witc he s, bu t this has not b ee n verified. Therefore, some delays in service may be experienced.

CO/PBX Conn ections 2 -49 Fi gure 2 -2 0: PRIB ( Pri m ary Rat e Inte rf ac e Bo ard) The PRIB is off ered as a s ta nd-alone card or a s a kit which include s the PRIB, CSU , an d cab les. Basic Rate Interface Board (BRIB) This interface provides four Basic Rate Interface circuits. Each circuit is compris ed of two b earer ( 64Kbps ea ch) an d one da ta (16Kbp s) cha nnels (2B+ D). Whe n a BRIB is p rogram med into theTr iad 1 /2sys te m, t he syst e m inte rprets all B channe ls as trunk s. Thus , one BRIB which contains f our 2B+ D ci r c uit s p rov ide s ei ght li ne app ea ran ce s to theTr iad 1/ 2sys te m. A maximumoffiveBRIBscanbeinstalledintothesystem(40Bchannels). The BRIB use s the U interface of the BRI stan dard. C onnection to the network is m ade via RJ45 conne ctors o n the front e dge of the bo ard . No NT1 device is req uired to conn ect to the central office. The BRIB card us es ei ght t ime s lot s when ins ta ll ed. Whe n ordering BRI line s f rom the telep hone compan y, s pecify Cap abi li t y P as t he o rde ri ng c o d e. Nat io n al IS DN 1 (N I- 1) is sup po rt e d. No oth er stand ard s a re sup ported. Vodavi has successfully integrated its BRI ISDN with the Lucent 5ESS Ce ntra l O ffice . V odav i IS DN shou ld work wit h a ll Ce ntra l O ffice switc hes, but th is h as not be en ve rifie d. The refore , some d ela ys in serv ice may b e ex per ien ce d.