Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Installation Manual
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3-8 K SU & Po we r Suppl y ( PSU) Inst al l atio n Fi g u r e 3- 2: B KSU M o un t i ng H o l es Mounting the Expansion Cabinet (EKSU1) If required, an Expansion KSU1 (left top cabinet) is mounted directly on the top of the Basic KSU . Before mounting the Expansion KSU on the screws: 1. Remove the KSU Interconnect Ca ble Cove r Plate on the top at the re ar ri ght o f the B a sic K SU. 2. Remove the two screws holding each plate and lift the plate from the BKSU. Refer toFi gur e 3- 2. The E KSU1 i s moun te d i n a mann er si mi lar to the BKSU. 1. Place the EKSU 1 on the BKS U a nd ma rk th e location of the four mounting scr ews. 2. Drill pilot holes in the four locations marked, insert and tighten the screws leaving about½inch exposed. 3. Mount the E xpans ion KSU1 on the s cre ws a nd tig hte n the screws securely. 4 . Mount the 4 s ide br acke t s b et wee n t he Basi c an d Ex pans ion KSUs.

KS U & Power Supp ly (PSU) In sta llat ion 3-9 5. Remove the front cov er by turning the two front cove r screws½tu r n counter clockwise. 6 . Ti lt a nd l if t the c ove r to r em ove. The KSUs require intercommunications which are provided by the KSU Data Cable shippedwitheachEKSU. 1. Conne ct the ca ble to the back pla ne of b oth KSUs by a 25- pair connector. 2. InstallthecablethroughtheBasic KSUwheretheCableCoverPlate wa s r em oved int o t he Exp ansi on KS U. 3. Ins ert th e 25- pair conn ector a t e ach e nd of the ca ble in the connec tor on th e b ack p lan e of ea ch KS U. Mounting the Expansion Cabinet (EKSU2) The Expans ion KSU2 is m ounted d irectly on the right of th e BKSU. 1. Before mounting the Expans ion KSU2 on the s crews, remove the KSU Inte rconne ct Cable Cove r Plate on the right side at the re ar right of the BKSU. 2. Remove the two screws holding each plate and lift the plate from the BKSU. (Refer toFi g ur e 3 - 2.) 3. Mark the location of the fou r m ounting scre ws. 4. Drill pilot holes in the four locations marked, insert and tighten the screws leaving about½inch exposed. 5. Mount the E xpans ion KSU on the scre ws and tighten the screws securely. The KSUs require intercom munica tions which are p rovide d by the KSU Data a nd Power Ca ble s shippe d with ea ch EKS U2. The KS U cable is conne cte d to the back plane of b oth KSUs by a 25- pair connector and 20 wi re s power cab le .

3-10 K SU & Po we r Suppl y ( PSU) Inst al l atio n Fi gure 3 -3: Expa nsi on Cabi net (EK SU2) Ins ta ll at i on

Ring Gene ra tor Ins tallat ion (RG U) 3 -11 Rin g Gene rator Installatio n (RGU) This unit is needed in the BKSU, whenever SLT devices are installed on the s yst em. T his uni t supp li es th e r i ng vol t age and me ssag e w ait v olt age fortheoperationofSLTsonthesystem. The sy stem pro vid es the ca pability to ha ve an op tional ring ge nerator (RGU) for signaling 2500 type telephones and providing message waiting on 2500 type telephones. Figure 3-4: Ring Ge nerator Installation

3-12 KS U Gro unding KSU Grounding To e nsur e pr oper sy st em op er at ion and f or s afe ty pur pose s, a good e ar th gro und i s r e quir ed . A metallic COLD water pipe usually provides a reliable ground path. Care fully che ck that the pip e d oes not conta in ins ula te d join ts th at could is ola te th e ground p ath . In the ab sence of the COLD wate r p ipe , a ground rod or ot her sour ce may be use d. A #1 4 In sul ate d AW G o r la rg er c o ppe r wir e sho ul d be use d be tw ee n t he gro und sou rce and the KSU . T he wire s hould be ke pt as short a s p ossible, it i s re c o mmen ded tha t the wi r e b e n o lo nger t han abo u t 2 5 fe et . Grounding Instructions 1. Remove about 1½inches of ins ula tion from b oth end s. 2. Attach one e nd of the w ire to the Ground Lug in the m idd le of the Basic KSU by inserting the wire under the lug screw and tighten the screw securely. Refer toFi gur e 3 -5. Attach the other e nd of the wire as a ppropriate to th e ground source. 3. Ta ke a D C re sis ta nce re ading an d an AC Volt rea ding be twe en th e cha ssis groun d point (cold water p ipe ) a nd AC ground (third wire AC ground). The limit is 5V AC and 5 Ohms DC resistance. If a higher rea din g is ob ta ine d, choos e a diffe re nt chass is ground p oint a nd repeat this step until a suitable ground point is found. G round ing t o an el ec trica l cond uit is NO T cons id ere d a goo d ground!

KS U Gr o u nd i ng 3 - 13 Figure 3-5: KSU Grounding (#14 InsulatedWire) GND Groun d L ug BK SU Fr ont Vie w

3-14 Pow er Suppl y Unit Inst al l atio n Po we r S u pp l y Un it In s t a l la t i o n AC/D C (P S- 10A o r PS -15 A) There are two power supply units, one with a 10A (output) rating, the oth er with a 15A (outp ut) ra ting. The pow er sup ply conne cts to th e DC/D C C onve rter Unit (DC CU) locate d in the BKSU ca binet. The BKSU /E KSU1 cab ine ts ar e powe re d wi t h a se par at e p ower s uppl ie s. The se powe r supp li es sho uld be abl e to supp ort i ts as soci at ed ca bi net i n a heavily loaded configuration of station instruments. The BKSU /E KSU1 cab ine ts can ea ch house t wo ( 2) power s uppl ie s. The powe r suppl i es conve rt AC to 24 V D C. The PSU can operate from either 115 or 230 volts AC based on the setting of the VTG S elector Switch on the lower f ront of the PSU. If loca l AC is 110 volts, move the switch to the right to display 115V. If local AC is 230 volts, move the switch to the left to display 230V. Al t h o u g h , th eTr iad 3System PSUs are equipped with power-line tr ans ie nt pr ote cti on, an e xt er nal Powe r L ine S urge Pr ote ctor s hould be installed at the AC outlet to give additional protection, especially during violent th understorm activ ity. Refer toPower Line Surge Protection.

Powe r Supply Unit I nst alla tion 3 -15 Fi g u re 3- 6: AC / DC P o w er I ns ta ll at i o n

3-16 Pow er Suppl y Unit Inst al l atio n DC /D C (wi t h B CU & 48 V U) The BKSU/EKSU1 cabinets have a separate DC/DC Power supply. This powe r suppl y shoul d be a ble t o s uppor t it s ass ociat e d cab ine ts i n a hea vily load ed configura tion of station ins truments . T he power supp ly connects from the AC /D C located in the BKS U. -4 8V Sup ply Uni t (48 VU) - T he DC /D C ha ve an opti onal - 48 V s uppl y un it (48VU) to the system to support certain trunks and SLT station. The system can supply -48V DC up to 1.5A amp per KSU. If 1.5A amp is exc e ede d i n a KSU , an ex te rna l -4 8v sour c e must be us ed. Conn ec t ions ar e m ade on t he fr ont pan el of e ach KSU. In sta l ling O ptiona l Ba ttery Ch arg ing U nit (BCU ) The DC/DC Converter (DCCU) has an optional Battery Unit to provide charging of external batteries and the circuitry to support switchover to battery operation with no los s of sys tem op eration. Con nections are made on the front pa nel of ea ch KSU. Th e b atte ries are charged at a ra ti ng o f 1 amp ./ per c a bin et . 1. Remove the four screws on the DCCU a nd remov e the cover. Unpa ck the Battery Charging Unit. There should also be a cable and four screws in th e p ackag e. Locate the four screw loca tions on the DCCU wher e th e BC U c ar d i s ins ta ll ed. R efe r toFigure 3 -7. 2. Place the BCU b oard so th at the Molex connector is below th e connector labeled TO BCU on the DCC U motherboa rd. S crew the BC U into place. Refer toFigure 3 -8. 3. Attach one end of the BC U cab le to the co nnector on the BCU board a nd the other e nd to the connector la be le d TO BCU . 4. Replace the cov er and screws back onto th e D CCU. Insert D CCU into the BKSU.

Powe r Supply Unit I nst alla tion 3 -17 Figure 3-7: Optional Battery Charging Unit (BCU)