Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Installation Manual
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3-48 CO/ PBX Conne ctions Fi g u r e 3- 19 : D I D B w /D T MF- B In s ta ll at i on

CO/PBX Conn ections 3 -49 T- 1 In t e r f a c e B o a r d ( T 1 I B ) The T 1I B bo a rd al lo ws t he net wo r k c o nne c ti o n t o a T- 1 (1. 54 4 M bps, 2 4 Voice C hanne l) dig ital inte rf ace. The T1IB contains T-1 interface circuit, control circuitry, and synchronous clock control circuits . DT MF tone detection un its ca n be installed optiona lly on th e T 1IB. The T1IB has 8 LE Ds on the fron t edge of th e PC B which indicates errors of T-1 line, in-use status, and synchronous clock enable status. The T1IB contains 3 s witches a nd 2 connectors. Th e N orma l/Service switch is used during maintenance to place the card in an Out-Of-Service (OOS) mode. The clock selection s witch is u sed for control s ynchro nous c loc k. Th e L ine B ui ld- Out s wit c h i s c ontr oll e d by di st anc e bet we en the Tri ad 3System and a CSU and the Switch #4 is used for loopback contro l. The PL LU mu st b e in sta lle d on th e MPB for the T- 1 ca rd to op era te pro per ly. S of tware 2.1G or ne we r i s ne ede d whe n us ing an y T-1 car d th at cont ains 1.0G Firmwar e. Wi thou t the n ewer software, the T-1 car d will n ot work. Tabl e 3 -10 : T-1 Bo ar d LED s LED Function 1 IN USE At lea st o ne o f th e 24 c irc ui ts is i n u se. 2 RED T1I B i s in RED a la rm du e to an y al a rm. 3 H/W TEST N or ma l c a ll p ro cessin g is n ot av a ila b le. 4 BLU E T 1 I B h a s de t e cte d R X_ B LU E al a rm. 5 YELLOW T1I B has det ected R X_Y ELLOW alar m. 6 OOF T1IB i s Out of Frame synchr onizati on 7 RC L T1I B rec eiv es Ca r rier L oss (u n-p lu gg ed from t he c a bl e) 8 CLOCK Clock Enable/Disable T-1 Ordering Information

3-50 CO/ PBX Conne ctions The sy st em can b e e qui ppe d wi t h four (4 ) T -1 I nt er face Boar ds and the T1IB can b e ins talled in card slots 0-8 in the Basic KS U. T he Ph ase Locke d Loop Unit (PLLU) must be installed on the MPB when the T1IB is installed. The DT MF4-A boa rd which contains 4 D TMF re ceivers can b e op tionally ins ta ll ed on t he T1 I B . The clock control cab le s hould be connected by daisy- chain meth od like Fig u re 3- 20: T -1 Clock C onne ct C able Ins ta llation whe n more tha n one T1 IB boar ds ar e ins tal l ed. Whe n t he clock contr ol cabl e of t he T1 I B i s connected by daisy- chain method , the clock selection s witch of th e f irst T1IB must be placed in the Enable position and the other board should be pl aced in t he D is abl e posi ti on. The Li ne Buil d- Out s wit ch mus t be se le cte d b y di st ance be twe en th eTriad 3Sys te m a nd a CS U an d t he swi tc h sel e ct i on as in dic a te d be low. I f t he C SU is loc at e d ne ar the K S U, al l LBO switche s should b e ON. The S W1 swi tc h #4 of th e L ine B ui ld- Out s wit c h i s use d for Loop B ac k control. Its s witch is us ed only for ha rdwa re tes t and must be place d in the ON p osition f or n orma l operation . Tabl e 3 -1 1: T- 1 Or d er i n g In f or m at io n T-1 Ordering Information Ri nger Equi valent Num ber 6.0P Fa c ili ty Li ne Int erfa ce 04D U9 -B Jac k Type RJ48C Tabl e 3 -1 2: T-1 Sw i tc h Po si t io n s DistanceSwitch # 1234 0 to 133 feet on on on on 133 to 266 feet o ff o n o n o n 266 to 399 feet o n o ff o n o n 399 to 533 feet o ff o ff o n o n 533 to 655 feet o n o n o ff o n

CO/PBX Conn ections 3 -51 IftheT1IBistobeinstalledinalivesystem,theNormal/Serviceswitch shoul d b e p la c ed in the S er vic e po sit i on. A ft er i nst al li ng the boa rd , t he Normal/Service switch must be placed in the Normal pos ition . †Thi s b oar d su ppor t s s ta ndar d D4 f ram ing for mat wi th rob bed bi t si gnal ing. The E xte nde d S upe r Frame (E SF -B8ZS) form at is al so supp or te d. †The boa rd can s upport T IE , Loop and Groun d start s igna ling emul at io n pe r c hanne l. †The bo a rd re qu i re s a n ex te rna l CSU u ni t. †The T -1 boar d ca n acce pt t wo (2 ) DT MF-A unit s in a da ughte r boa rd ty pe arrang eme nt. This unit has 4 DT MF Rece iv ers installe d on it. T his boar d ca n be i nst al le d on the S LI B, and T1 I B boar ds. †The boa rd h as a 15- pin D S ub conne ctor f or conne ction to a CS U unit. †The card ejector ta bs a re color cod ed white. Functionality Description Auto matic Num ber I dentification (A NI)i nform at ion from t he c a rr ie r is tr ea te d e xac t ly t he same as an in bound I CL ID (Ca ll er I D) numbe r. Ca ll s can be routed, placed in the unanswered call table, sent out to the CTI Module p ort on a ke yse t, an d run throu gh the numbe r to name tr ans la ti on t abl e . T heTri ad 3Sy st em prov ide s c all p rogr es s t one s i n t he same manner as ICLID. Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS)info rma ti on fr om the carrier is treated using DID line rules. DNIS calls are routed based on the DI D r out ing ta bl e. ANI/DNISis a combined f orma t, where the sys tem waits for the ANI/DN IS inf orma tion f rom the carrie r. Whe n it is rece ive d, the s ystem route s the cal l us in g I CLI D p roce ssi ng. †If t his i nfo r mat io n is no t fo und in th e I CL ID R o ute Tab le s, t he DN IS inf orma ti on i s c om par ed to t he DI D t ab le for a mat ch . Th e c a ll i s t hen rout ed ba sed on t he DI D tab le s. †If a match is not fo und on eithe r the ANI or D NIS num ber, th e ca ll is rout ed bas ed on nor mal CO li ne oper at ion (CO Ringi ng Ass ig nment s).

3-52 CO/ PBX Conne ctions The following ta ble s ummarize s the ope ration of the s ystem. Table 3- 13: Call Routing Criteria ANI DNIS Operation N N Calls routed based on normal CO operation (CO Ring Assignments). N Y Calls routed based on DID tables with DID operation. Y N Calls routed based on ICLID routing and ICLID operation Y * Y Ca l ls ro uted o n I C LI D fi rst, i f no ro ute i s fou nd , th e DN IS dig it s a re compared to the DID table. IfnorouteisfoundintheDIDtablethecall isroutedbasedonCO lin e R ing in g Assig nmen ts. * If both ANI and DNIS calls are routed -- the following table summarizes what is displayed at the phone. The T-1 card acce pts A NI /DN IS infor matio n in a D TMF for mat on ly. So me c arri ers do not pro vid e A NI or A NI /DN IS i n a DTMF for mat. C onsult y our l ocal ca rrie r for av aila ble opti ons . Table 3- 14: Call Routing Display Format Ro u t e FoundTy pe o f Dis playFo rm at ICLID I CLI D ANI number plac ed i n t he 1 4-character number fi eld, t he DNIS nu mb er fo llo wed by th e n am e p rog ra mm ed i n I C LI D t ra nsl at io n table placed in the 24-character name field. DID ICLID ANI number placed in 1 4-character number field. DNIS number foll owed b y pr og ra mmed n am e fro m th e D ID ta b les in 24-character name field. NONE I CLI D ANI number plac ed i n 1 4-character number fi eld and the DNIS nu mb er i s pl ac ed in the 24-ch a ra ct er n am e fiel d.

CO/PBX Conn ections 3 -53 T-1 Orderin g In form atio n:W hen o rde r ing a T -1 c i rc ui t fro m a c arr i er , re que st eithe r D 4 fram ing a nd Alternate Mark Inve rs ion (AMI) Line coding using the superframe (SF) or the Extended Superframe (ESF-B8ZS) format. The following are additional ordering information specifications: If ordering…ANI/DNIS DID/TIELoop S ta rt/ Ground Start Signaling* Ci rcu it In form at io n 2 w ire 2 w ire S up er vi s or y Si gn a lin g T IE Lo op or Gro un d Address Si gnaling DTMF DTMF Sta rt D ia l I nd ic at or W in k St ar t D ia l Ton e * ANI/DNIS not available on Loop/Ground start signaling. If Loop Start signaling protocol is ordered, The Central Off ice does not provide Dis connect Supervis ion. However if TIE s ignaling protocol is ordered, disconnect s upervis ion is provided. The sw itching equipment process es DNIS num bers received from the T-1 circuit depending on the trunk s imulation.

3-54 CO/ PBX Conne ctions Figure 3-20: T-1 Clock Connect Cable Installation (Multiple Cards)1 SW-3 CT R L CL KO U T CTRL CLK IN CO N 3T1-2DN T1-3 45678 UP T-1 Lines from Tel co Clock Cable In the case of a Master system, the clock cable do es not get c onnec ted and SW 3 on all T-1 Bo a rds i s in th e do wn p osit io n. Tw o (2) T-1 C a rd s ma x imu m i n t he sy stem. M ULT IP LE C A R D A RRA N GE M E N T

CO/PBX Conn ections 3 -55 Figure 3-21: T- 1 Clock Connect Cable Installa tion (Single Card) 1 SW-3 CON3T1-2 T1-3 45678 UP T-1 L in es from Telc o SIN GL E C ARD AR RAN GEMEN T

3-56 CO/ PBX Conne ctions In sta l li ng t he DT MF- A Modu les 1. Unpack the DTMF-A Modules from their antistatic conductive bags in the p ac ki ng b oxe s. 2 . Locat e t he CO NN5 and CO NN6 conne ctor s on t he DTMF -A modul e s. 3. Locate the CON4, CON5, CON8 and CON9connectors on the T1IB (outlined). 4. Pos ition one of the DT MF-A m odule s so that the CON N5 and CON N6 connectors match up with the CON8 and CON9 connectors on th e T1IB respectively. 5. Pus h the DT MF -A mod ule onto thes e conn ectors mak ing sure it is seated properly. 6. Pos ition the s econd DT MF -A mod ule so th at the CONN5 a nd CONN6 connectors match up with the CON4 and CON5 connectors on th e T1IB respectively. 7. Pus h the DT MF -A mod ule onto thes e conn ectors mak ing sure it is seated properly. Refer toFig u re 3- 22.T his completes the in stallation procedu re for the DT MF -A Modul es .

CO/PBX Conn ections 3 -57 Figure 3-22: T1IB w/DTMF-A Module Installation