Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Installation Manual
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2-50 CO/ PBX Conne ctions In sta l la ti on 1. Insert the BRIB card(s) into the desired BKSU card slot(s). (Slots1and2onTriad 1and sl ots 1 -5 onTri ad 2) †If installing a single BRIB, set switch 4 on SW2 to the ON position. †If multiple BRIB cards are being installed, set switch 4 on SW2 to the ONpositiononthefirstcardand switch4onSW2onallother cards to the OFF position. Switch 4 on SW2 determines if the boar d i s the Mas te r Cl ock sour ce for any digi t al tr unk card s i n t he system. Only one Master Source must be enabled in the system. †If installing a BRIB in a system that also has T1 or PRIB boards, use ei th er the T1 or P RI B c ar d as the M as te r C loc k a nd se t a ll BR IB S W2 swi tch 4s t o OF F. 2. Refer to ISDN and T1 Clocking (later in this section) for clarification on clocking an d cablin g when combining BRIB, PRIB, and T1 cards in one KSU. Figure 2-21: BRIB (Basis Rate Interface Board) ON OFFSW2 SWITCHES:234 1

CO/PBX Conn ections 2 -51 El ectron ic Key T el ephon e Service Electron ic ke y te le phone se rv ice (E KTS) is a fea ture that can be prov id ed on BRI ISDN to simulate standard analog DID lines. This allows several differe nt numbe rs to be sha re d b y a single BRI circuit. Due to the decline in telep hony tariffs, there is an increas in g de mand for BRI ISDN features. A BRI circuit allows two simultaneous calls to be handled, d ue to its techn ical s pecification. BRI circuits have two B-Ch anne ls at 64 kilob ytes per se cond a nd one D- Chann el at 16 kilobytes pe r s ec ond. The Bea re r (B) Chann el s ar e d es igne d for P CM (v oic e ) and t he Data (D) Channe l is de signed to carry in form ation spe cific to e ach incom ing and/or outgoin g call. TheEKTSfeatureallowsasingleISDNServiceProfileIdentifier(SPID)or B-Channel to support multiple directory numbers. A SPID is a number that telephone company switching equipment uses to track configura tion informatio n for e ach terminal ad apter conne cte d to a n IS DN te le phone line . The telepho ne com pany should p rov ide S PIDs at thesametimethattheISDNdirectorynumbersareassigned.Adirectory numbe r is anothe r te rm for a te le phone numb er. If an applica tion re quires E KT S, be awa re that BRI ISDN hand le s a bus y numbe r differe ntly than a D ID circuit. Whe n the calle d numb er is b usy, BRI will issue a busy signal, but a DID circuit will ring another line in the circuit. The bus y s igna l is provided by the telep hone company , theref ore the c a ll i s no t p re se nte d t o t he Vo da vi te le pho ne s wit c h a nd i t is no t forwarded to voice mail. For example, a caller dials 480-443-6000 and is connected to the extens ion. While the firs t caller is still connected , a second caller dials the s ame number. The secon d caller will receive a bus y signal that is provided by the telephone company. In a nor mal BRI appl ica ti on, t wo nu mber s are as si gned to e ach BRI ci rcui t, which consists o f 2 chann els. There can be a m aximum of 4 circuits equipp ed to handle 8 channe ls pe r BRIB. This is a d irect numb er-to- channe l re la tionship without huntin g capa bility . Most circuit providers offe r a n opti onal“hunting”f eat ur e cap abi li ty on BRI ci rcui ts . Thi s op ti onal fea ture allows numb ers to h unt for id le chann els on the BRIB up to a maxi mum of 8 chan nel s p er BRIB, as sumi ng f our BRI ci r cu its w er e ins ta ll ed . I n E KTS app li cat ions , you can h ave a maxi mum of 6 4 DI D numbe rs hunt to one BRIB. Hu nting ca nnot be accomplishe d be tw ee n BRIBs , nor will the hunting fe ature allo w calls to be route d to a bus y DID numbe r.

2-52 CO/ PBX Conne ctions Conditions BRI EKTS su ppor t is ava il abl e in Voda vi te le phone s yst ems wi th soft war e ve rsion 3.0G a nd highe r. Like DID, EKTS can be programmed to route calls using up to 7 digits. By default, only the last three digits are analyzed for routing. EKT S doe s not re qui re a l i ne a ppe ar ance on a spe cifi c t el ep hone beca use the BRI terminates directly into the KSU. Vodav i s uppor t s Bas ic E KTS. The EKT S ca ching opti on i s not s uppor te d by Vodav i. Ca ch ing is normally use d whe n a n ISDN teleph one instrumen t is used on the cus tomer premise. ISDN and T1 Clocking When combining BRIB, PRIB, and T1 cards in one KSU, specific settings and cabl ing ar e imp ort ant for p rope r clocki ng. The Phas e Lock Loop Uni t (PLLU) synchronizes the clock ing from the Central Office to the clock ing oftheKSU.Popping,crackling,droppedcalls,andone-waytransmission ar e u sual ly at tr i but ed to the c l oc king not be ing sync h roni ze d cor r ec t ly. Exa mples - Set ting s an d C abling The following exa mples cla rify the clocking and cabling for thes e ca rds : Whe n the switch i s i n the“up”pos iti on, it s ho uld be con si der ed“ON”. Whe n the switc h is in th e“do wn”pos it ion, it s houl d be con si der ed“OFF”. Th e ca ble c onn ecti on foll ows the s ame logi c -“up”is cloc k ou tsi de (O N) and“do wn”is cl ock in si de (OF F ). ON me ans th at c lock in g is c omin g from outs id e the KSU a nd O FF mean s th at clo cki ng is comin g from ins id e the KSU.

CO/PBX Conn ections 2 -53 (1) T1IB and (1)PRIB If both cards in a phone switch are connected to a telephone compa ny clock (not point- to -point T1), put the T1 clock switch in th e enab le position (UP) to allow it to receiv e clocking from the teleph one com pany dire ctly, a nd do not install the clock cab le . Se t the PRIB clock switch in the disable position (OFF), which allows the PRIB to synchronize its timing off of the backplane (fro m the T1 clo cking). If the T1 is a point-to-point T1, se t the P R I B in th e e nab le pos it ion (ON ), t he T1 i n t he di sab le pos it ion (OF F), and do not install th e clock ca ble . (1) PRIB and (1) BRIB Ins ta ll with the ca ble a nd s et both PRIB an d BRIB switche s to the e nable posi t ion (ON ). T1IB PRIB SW3 On SW2 Off PR IB BRI B Sw 2 On Switch 4, SW2 On

2-54 CO/ PBX Conne ctions (1) T1IB and (1) BRI B If both cards in a phone switch are connected to a telephone compa ny clock (not point- to -point T1), put the T1 clock switch in th e enab le position ( ON) to a llow it to receiv e clockin g from the telephone company directly. Do not install the clock cab le. Set the BRIB clock switch in the disable position (OFF), which allows the BRIB to synchronize its timing off of the backplane (fro m the T1 clo cking). If the T1 is a point-to-point T1, se t the BRIB to the e nab le pos ition (ON), the T 1 in the disa ble pos ition (OF F), and do not i nst al l th e cl ock t ab le . (2) PRIB s and (3) T1IBs The clock cable should be connected to the OUT position on the connector on the PRIB1. The clock cable should b e conn ected to the IN position on PRIB2. SW2 of the PRIB1 and PRIB2 shou ld be placed in the T1IB B RIB SW3 On Sw itch 4, SW2 Off PR IB1 P RI B2 T1IB 1 T1 IB2 T1IB 3 SW2 On SW2 On SW3 Off SW3 Off SW3 Off

CO/PBX Conn ections 2 -55 ON position. The three T1IBs are not connected with the clock control cabl e and SW3 on the se boa rds sh ould be in th e O FF pos it ion . (3) T1IBs and (2) PR IBs The clock cable should be connected to the OUT position on the cable connector on the T1IB and conne cte d to th e IN pos ition on the conne ctor on the T1IB2. The clock cable should be connected to th e OUT pos ition on T 1IB2 and connected to the IN position on the T1IB3. SW3 of T1IB1 should be placed in the ON position, with SW3 on T1IB2 and T1IB3 being OF F. T he two PRIBs a re not connected with clock control cab les, and S W2 on the PRIBs should b e in the OFF position. (3) PRIB s and (2) BR IBs TheclockcableshouldbeconnectedfromtheOUTpositionofthePRIB1 to the IN con nectors of all the cards and all clock s witches sh ould be in the ON position. T1IB 1 T1I B2 T1IB 3 P RIB 1 PRI B2 S W 3 O n S W3 Of f S W3 O f f S W2 O ff SW 2 O f f PR IB1 PRI B2 PR IB 3 BRI B1 BR IB 2 SW2 On SW2 On SW2 On Switch 4 , SW2 On Sw itch 4, SW2 On

2-56 CO/ PBX Conne ctions (3) T1IBs and (2) B RIBs TheclockOUTcablefromT1IB1shouldbeconnectedtotheclockIN cable of the T1IB2 a nd the clock OUT cab le from T 1IB2 sh ould be connected to the clock IN cable of T1IB3. SW 3 of T1IB1 should be in the ON position, and SW3 of T1IB2 and T1IB3 should be in the OFF position. The two BRIBs a re not connected with clock control cab les a nd S W2 of the BRI B car ds ar e p la ced in the O FF posi t ion. T1IB 1 T1 IB2 T1I B3 B RI B1 BR IB2 S W3 O n S W 3 O f f S W3 Of f S w itc h 4 , S W2 O f f S w itc h 4, S W2 O f f

Sta tion Connections 2 -57 St a t io n C o n n e c ti o n s The sy st em can b e e qui ppe d wi t h any combi nat ion of t he four s tat i on boar ds; DT IB1 2 , D TI B24 , ETI B a nd S LIB6 . The st at i on i nte rf ace boar ds can be installed in any card slot in the BKSU and EKSU, except for MPB slot of the B K S U. A s a d efa ult , t he sof twa re al lo ca te s slo ts 1 th rough 5 of t he BKSU and 9 through 10 of the E KS U f or s ta tion interface boa rds . It is recommended that slots beginnin g from S LOT # 1 be used for s ta tion int e rfa ce b oar ds. Al so, si nce th e f ir st por t of t he DT IB is t he dat abas e acces s p ort (the only port which e nables Admin programming), it is strong ly re comme nded that a D TIB be installe d in the SL OT #1 a nd a Digital Keyset w/LCD be connected to the first port. Ele ctr on i c Tel eph on e Int e rf ace Bo ard (ET IB) The E TI B boar d prov id es the i nt er fac e t o t wel ve (1 2) el ec t ron ic te le phone s or DSS /D TS termin als . T he card ha s one LE D indicator for off- hook/in use status. The E TIB card extractors a re color cod ed green . The re is o ne 50-pin f ema le amp henol conne ctors la beled Conn 2 locate d on the front of the card. This allows the system to be cabled to the main di st ri but ion fra me (MDF). 2 5- pai r te le phone ca bli ng m ust be pr ep ar ed with m ating connectors to e xte nd the inte rface circuits to the MDF . T he cabl es shou ld be rout e d t hroug h t he ca bl e cl amp s a t the bot t om of th e KSU to the MDF. These cables are then terminated on industry standard 66 M 1- 50 t y p e p u n c h d o w n co n n ec t o r b l o ck s . It i s r e co m m en d ed th a t 66 M1- 50 s pl it bl ocks wit h bri dgi ng cl ip s b e u sed t o si mpl if y tr oubl es hoot ing and to quic kl y iso lat e faul t s. Only DTIB type stat ions can be used for Database programming.

2-58 St at ion Conne ctions Tabl e 2- 11 : E TI B W i ri n g Pair PIN # Color Description Pair PIN # Color Description 126 1WH /B L BL /W HVT - 1 VR - 1CKT1 13 38 13BK /G N GN /B KVT - 7 VR - 7CKT7 227 2WH /O R OR/WHDT-1 DR-114 39 14BK/BN BN/BKDT-7 DR-7 328 3WH/GN GN/WHVT - 2 VR - 2CKT2 15 40 15BK/ SL SL/BKVT - 8 VR - 8CKT8 429 4WH /B N BN /W HDT-2 DR-216 41 16YL /B L BL /Y LDT-8 DR-8 530 5WH /S L SL/WHVT - 3 VR - 3CKT3 17 42 17YL /O R OR/YLVT - 9 VR - 9CKT9 631 6RD/BL BL/RDDT-3 DR-318 43 18YL/GN GN/YLDT-9 DR-9 732 7RD/OR OR/RDVT - 4 VR - 4CKT4 19 44 19YL /B N BN /Y LVT-10 VR-10CKT10 833 8RD /G N GN /R DDT-4 DR-420 45 20YL / SL SL/YLDT - 1 0 DR - 1 0 934 9RD/BN BN/RDVT - 5 VR - 5CKT5 21 46 21VI /B L BL /V IVT-11 VR-11CKT11 10 35 10RD/SL SL/RDDT-5 DR-522 47 22VI /O R OR/VIDT - 1 1 DR - 1 1 11 36 11BK /B L BL /B KVT - 6 VR - 6CKT6 23 48 23VI/GN GN/VIVT-12 VR-12CKT12 12 37 12BK /O R OR/BKDT-6 DR-624 49 24VI /B N BN /V IDT - 1 2 DR - 1 2 25 50 25VI/SL SL/VI

Sta tion Connections 2 -59 Figure 2-22: Electronic Telephone Interface Board (ETIB)