Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Installation Manual
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3-78 St at ion Conne ctions In sta l li ng t he DT MF- A Un it The DT M F-A unit ha s 4 D TM F re c ei ver s ins ta ll ed on i t. T his boar d c an be ins ta lled on the SLIB a nd T 1IB b oards. The DT MF-A m ounts on the S LIB boar d a s a da ughte r boar d typ e a rr ange me nt. 1 . Unpac k the DT MF -A M o du l e fr o m i ts ant i- st ati c c o ndu c t iv e ba g in the pack ing box. 2 . Locat e t he CO NN5 and CO NN6 conne ctor s on t he DTMF -A modul e. 3. Locate the CONN5, a nd CONN6 conne ctors on the SLIB ( outline d). 4 . Pos it ion t he D TMF- A modul e so t hat t he CO NN5 and CO NN6 connectors match up with th e CONN5 an d CONN6 connectors on the SLIB respectively. 5. Pus h the DT MF -A mod ule onto thes e conn ectors mak ing sure it is seated properly. Refer toFig u re 3- 27.T his completes the in stallation procedu re for the DT MF -A Modul e.

Sta tion Connections 3 -79 Fi g u r e 3- 27 : S LI B w/ D TM F-A an d MS G1 2 In s ta ll at i on

3-80 St at ion Conne ctions Digital Telephone Interface Board (DTIB) This board provides the interface to twelve (12) digital telephones. The card has tw o LED s (one for the D TIB board, the other for the D TIBE (D T24) board) to indicate off- hook/in use status. The DT IB can b e ins ta lled or removed under system power. The card extractors are color co ded green. There is one 50-pin female amphenol connectors labeled CONN3 located on the front of the card. This allows the system to be cabled to the main di st ri but ion fra me (MDF). 2 5- pai r te le phone ca bli ng m ust be pr ep ar ed with m ating connectors to e xte nd the inte r-face circuits to the MDF. The cabl es shou ld be rout e d t hroug h t he ca bl e cl amp s a t the bot t om of th e KSU to the MDF. These cables are then terminated on industry standard 66 M 1- 50 t y p e p u n c h d o w n co n n ec t o r b l o ck s . It i s r e co m m en d ed th a t 66 M1- 50 s pl it bl ocks wit h bri dgi ng cl ip s b e u sed t o si mpl if y tr oubl es hoot ing and to quic kl y iso lat e faul t s. The Di gi ta l Te le phone I nte rf ace Boar d Ex pans ion (DTI BE) (DT 24 ) uti li z es the othe r LED on the DT IB b oard to indicate of f-hook/in us e s ta tus . T his PCB is installed onto a DTIB board in a daughter board type arrangement to provide an additional twelve (12) digital phones. A compat i bil i ty is sue ex ist s be twe en cer ta in DTI B a nd D TI B-E boar ds, which could result in noise on stations connected to particular Issue 2 DT IB-E boa rd s. The boa rd s af fec t ed c an be ide nt if ie d by th e I ss ue le ve l, whic h is si lks cre ene d on th e b oar ds. VTI ha s r el e ase d I ss ue 1 D TI B and I ssue 1 DTIB-Eboards,aswellasIssue2DTIBandIssue2DTIB-Eboards. The c ompat i bi li ty i ss ue m ay sur fac e whe n an I ssu e 2 DTI B -E is ins ta ll ed on an Issue 1 DTIB. Configure DTIB/DTIB-E cards according to the table to avoid this com patib ility iss ue. Issue 1 DTIB-E Issue 2 DTIB-E Issue 1 D TIBComp atible Not Comp atible Issue 2 D TIBComp atible Com patible

Sta tion Connections 3 -81 In sta l li ng t he DT IB- E Exp an si on Modu le 1. Unpack the DTIB-E Expansion Module from its antistatic conductive bag in the p acki ng b ox . 2 . Locat e t he CO NN1 and CO NN2 conne ctor s on t he DTI B-E modu le. 3. Locate the CONN1 and CONN2 conne ctors on the DTIB (outline d). 4 . Pos it ion t he D TI B-E modul e so tha t t he CO NN1 an d CO NN2 connectors match up with th e CONN1 an d CONN2 connectors on the DTIB respectively. 5. PushtheDTIB-Emoduleontotheseconnectorsmakingsureitis seated properly. Refer toFig u re 3- 28.Th i s co m p letes t h e in st al la t io n p ro ced u re fo r th e DTI B- E Module. No D TI B-E c ards can b e in st alle d in th e up per c abin ets . T he se are cabi nets #1 and #3.

3-82 St at ion Conne ctions Tabl e 3 -21 : D T I B W ir i n g Pair PIN # Color Description Pair PIN # Color Description 126 1WH/BL BL/WHDATA-R 1 DA TA - T 1 DTIB12 S ta tion Ports 13 38 13BK/GN GN/BKDATA-R 13 DATA -T 13 DTIB24 S ta tion Ports 227 2WH/OR OR/WHDATA-R 2 DA TA - T 214 39 14BK /B N BN /B KDATA-R 14 DATA -T 14 328 3WH /G N GN /W HDATA-R 3 DA TA - T 315 40 15BK /SL SL/B KDATA-R 15 DATA -T 15 429 4WH/BN BN/WHDATA-R 4 DA TA - T 416 41 16YL/BL BL/YLDATA-R 16 DATA -T 16 530 5WH/SL SL/WHDATA-R 5 DA TA - T 517 42 17YL / O R OR/YLDATA-R 17 DATA -T 17 631 6RD /B L BL /R DDATA-R 6 DA TA - T 618 43 18YL /G N GN /Y LDATA-R 18 DATA -T 18 732 7RD /O R OR /R DDATA-R 7 DA TA - T 719 44 19YL/BN BN/YLDATA-R 19 DATA -T 19 833 8RD/GN GN/RDDATA-R 8 DA TA - T 820 45 20YL/SL SL/Y LDATA-R 20 DATA -T 20 934 9RD /B N BN /R DDATA-R 9 DA TA - T 921 46 21VI/BL BL/VIDATA-R 21 DATA -T 21 10 35 10RD /SL SL/RDDATA-R 10 DATA-T 1 022 47 22VI/OR OR/VIDATA-R 22 DATA -T 22 11 36 11BK/BL BL/BKDATA-R 11 DATA-T 1 123 48 23VI /G N GN /V IDATA-R 23 DATA -T 23 12 37 12BK/OR OR/BKDATA-R 12 DATA-T 1 224 49 24VI/BN BN/VIDATA-R 24 DATA -T 24 25 50 25VI/SL SL/VI

Sta tion Connections 3 -83 Figure 3-28: DTIB w/DTIB-E Installation

3-84 Station Wiring Station Wiring Station interface boa rds (DT IB, ET IB, S LIB) in clude s a 25 pa ir conne ctor for station wiring to the ports on the board. The following provides details on the interconnection of each type of station interface board and the st at ion ja ck. Digital Key set & Terminal Wiring Wiring f rom the D TIB to station jack req uires one pair of w ire. Digitized voi ce, si gnal ing , and powe r ar e sent ov er t hi s pa ir .Fi g ur e 3- 29giv es details on connections of station jacks to the system andTabl e 3-2 1giv es the conf iguration of the 25- pair station connector arra ngem ent and punchdown type block. F igure 3 -29 : Digi t al St at io n Jac k Wi ring

Sta tion Wiring 3 -85 El ectron ic Key set a nd Te rmina l Wiring Wiring from the ETIB to statio n jack requires two pairs o f wire. The first pair provides the audio or voice path, the second is for signaling or data pat h. The DAT A pai r is pol ar it y s ens it iv e, re ve rs al doe s not ha rm th e key set or s ystem , but the port does not f unction p roperly when revers ed. P ower i s d el iv er ed by a ppl yi ng DC vol t age t o t he c e nt er t ap of t he coupling trans formers of each of the 2 p airs.Figure 3 -26gi ve s d etai ls on connections of station jacks to the sy stem andTa b l e 3 - 1 9giv es th e configura tion of the 25-pa ir station conne ctor a rrange men t and punchdown type block. Figure 3-30: Electronic Station Jack Wiring Only the first pair (Red, Green on jack) should be connected back tothe KS U. N o othe r pai rs sho uld be con nec ted b ack t o the K SU.

3-86 Station Wiring Single Line Telephone Wiring The S LIB is wi re d t o S LT dev ic e s wi t h a sin gle pa ir of wir e whi c h pr ovi des battery feed, voice and signaling to and from the SLT. Typical wiring to th e S LT ja ck is sh o w n inFig u re 3- 31andTa b l e 3 - 2 0giv es th e c onf igur at ion of the 25- pair station con nector arran gement when connected to a punchdown type block. Figure 3- 31: Single Line Telephone Wiring

Sta tion Wiring 3 -87 Power Failure Transfer Wiring ThePFTUiswiredfromthe25-pairconnectortotheMDF,cross connected to the C O Line inp uts from the te le phone compa ny, to the CO Lineinputsofthesystem,andtoPowerFailureSLTs.Thebasic connections a re sh own inFigure 3-32a nd the 25- pair connector configuration is given inTa bl e 3 - 6. Note tha t the SL T m ay a ls o be connected to a syste m S LIB as shown. Figure 3-32: PFTU Wiring