Communications System
Vodavi Starplus 2448ex Hybrid Key Telephone System Installation Manual
Vodavi Starplus 2448ex Hybrid Key Telephone System Installation Manual
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Hybrid Key Telephone System sTARPLUS@ 2448EX 2448EX Power Supply Tests DC/DC CONVERTER’ VOLTAGE VOLTAGE TEST POINT DESIGNATION READING LOCATION REMARKS +5 VDC +14 VDC +5 VDC +l% +14 VDC &4% Front of DC/DC Con- verter Adjustable on front cover of DC/DC Converter Front of DC/DC Con- verter *The DC/DC Converter is preset at the time of manufacturing, but should be checked at system initialization with a digital volt meter having an accuracy of fl%. VOLTAGE DESIGNATION 117VAC +24 VDC POWER SUPPLY TEST POINT LOCATION +117 VAC +-lo% Commercial Power Source +24 VDC + 5% DC output terminals TEST POINT LOCATION TEST POINT LOCATION If 24V is below 22V or above 2!3V, check AC power for 117 HO%. No adjustments 700-2 Issue 3, August 1991

STARPLUS@ 2448EX Hybrid Key Telephone System SECTION 800 MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING 800.1 PRINED CIRCUIT BOARD (PCB) TROUBLESHOOTING CHARTS Table 800-l Central Processing Board (CCU) KTU FUNCTION CONTROL OPTIONS FAULT OPTIONS :cu i.Central Processor Contains 8 process Switch 1 - Write 1 .Compiete system ;olor Code: Yellow Board (CCU) to con- running indicators Memory failure. trot system opera- (LEDs) which indi- OFF _ 2.Erroneous call tion. cate “arious condim Protects contents of processing. 2.Read 0 niy tions of the system. database. Memory (ROM) with LED 1 - Depend- 3.lnoperative fea- ON _ factory set instruc- ability/Recovery tures in system tions. Allows update of the operation. Flickers on/off in &;yre from Sta- 4.Partial failures in 3.Random Access normal operation. Memory (vt”) LED 2 - Ringing system operation. Switch 2 - Clear to PrOte’edbYa”th’Um will flash steady Send 5.Continual system battery. restarts. 4.Hard when ring scan is OFF - Restart functioning. For terminal 6,Failure of SMDR. switch for manual equipped to send 7.Loss of unique cus- system restart. LED 3 - Timers CTS signal. tomer data- base 5.Provides RS-232C wi” f’icker when ON programming. POli for SMDR and Vmers are Operat- is normal terminal Terminal/Remote Ing* Programming. LED 4 - Monitor operation. Switch 3 - Trace Mode. LED 5 - LCD ON- Allows trace output LED 6 - Call Proc- OFF - essing No trace output. Switch 4 - Soft Re- LED 7 - Administra- start tion OFF - No soft restart. LED 8 - Idle. ON- Allows soft restart. if the system stops Switch5 - SMDR. processing and LED OFF - 1 only is on, this indi- Disabled. CateS a ROM failure. ON _ If the system halts Enabled. and LEDS 1 and 2 , are on, this indicates a RAM failure. Issue 3, August 1991 800-l

Hybrid Key Telephone System STARPLUS@ 2448EX Table 800-l Central Processing Board (CCU) (Cont’d) KTU FUNCTION CONTROL XU (Cont’d) Zolor Code: Yellow L OPTIONS I FAULT OPTIONS switch 6 - Printer rype: OFF- Normal type 29- Character. ON- Wide type 80-Char- acter. Switch 7 - SMDR. OFF - SMDR goes to CCU port. ON- SMDR goes to APB port. switch 8 - Initializa- ion Protect. OFF - Database will not in- itialize. ON- Database will be in- itialized. Table 8OG2 DC/DC Converter Unit (DC/DC) KTU FUNCTION CONTROL OPTIONS FAULT OPTIONS DC/DC Converter. Provides 5-l 4V logic 1 .Receives 24V DC l.,.otal system vottages from PS. from PS. failure - no LEDs or Provides LED indica- 2.6GM Volume. voice. tions if voltages are 2.Loss of music on- present. hold and BGM. Provides BGM 1 con- ‘. nection. Table 800-3 Battev Charging Board (BC) KTU FUNCTION CONTROL OPTIONS FAULT OPTIONS Battery Charging Charges external Contains relays and The TEU switch l.Battery Backup Board (BC) battery package. circuitry to charge turns on and off the failure. (Located in the EPH) batteries and to audible alarm when switch to battery in the battery mode. when AC power fails. I I 800-2 Issue 3, August 1991

STARPLUS@ 2448EX Hybrid Key Telephone System Table 8OG4 Key Station Interface Board (KSB) L K-l-U I FUNCTION I CONTROL I OPTIONS FAULT OPTIONS KSB Color Code: Green Provides interface Busy state LED that for 8 key telephones. monitors circuits for busy condition. Service switch with Normal/Service mode. Jane 1 .Unable to receive intercom dial tone. 2.Poor transmission characteristics. 3.Key telephone set inoperative. 4.Key telephone un- able to invoke fea- tures 5.No LED indica- tions. Table 800-5 Central Office Interface Board (COI) KTU FUNCTION CONTROL OPTIONS FAULT OPTIONS COI Provides interface Busy state LED that None. l.Unable to receive Color Code: White for 8 CO/PBX lines. monitors circuits for CO dial tone. busy condition. 2.Unable to break Service switch with CO dial tone. Normal/Service mode. 3.CO line(s) not ring- ing. 4.CrosstalWNoise. Table 800-6 Slngle Llne Interface Board (SLT) KTU FUNCTION CONTROL OPTIONS I SLT Provides interface Busy state LED that Color Code: Green for 8 SLTs. monitors circuits for Contains the matrix busy condition. for CO and intercom Setvice switch with paths. Normal/Service Also provides for mode. SLTs with M/W linhts. None. . FAULT OPTIONS l.SLT can’t receive dial tone. 2.Poor transmission characteristics. Issue 3, August 1991 800-3

, Hybrld Key Telephone System STARPLUS@ 2448EX Table 80&7 SLT Ring Generator (RG) and M/w Power Supply KTU I FUNCTION Single Line Ring Generator and M/W Power Supply. (RG). (Located in EPH) I Mounted in the EPH, the RG provides 90 VAC 20 Hz ring supply to supporl SLTs. Also provides volt- age to light M/W lamps on SLTs equipped with M/W lamps. I I CONTROL OPTIONS Vane. done. FAULT OPTIONS 11 .SLTs won’t ring. /2.M/W light will not function properly on all SLTs. Table 800-8 Application Board (APB) KTU I FUNCTION I CONTROL Qplication Board Provides 2 DTMF Zolor Code: Red receivers and 2 DTMF senders for SLTs and DISA. Matrix and control circuitry for DISA, un- supervised con- ference, 1 external page port and sup- ports SLU module and additonal RS232C module (R-W None. OPTIONS RSM Module. RS232C Module. FAULT OPTIONS 1 .DISA circuit does not work. 2.Loss of external page. 3.SLT cannot receive intercom dial tone. Table 800-9 Single Llne Receiver/Sender Unit (SLU) KTU FUNCTION CONTROL OPTIONS FAULT OPTIONS Single Line. Used to expand the DTMF Module (SLU) DTMF receivers and Added to APB Board. senders in system to support SLTs. Adds 4 DTMF receivers and 1 DTMf sender. Jone. None. I 800-4 issue 3, August 1991

STARPLUS@ 2448EX Hybrld Key Telephone System Table 800-l 0 RS-232C Module (RSM) I FUNCTION I CONTROL I OPTIONS I FAULT OPTIONS RS232C Module Provides 2nd None. (RSM) Added to APB RS232C port to sys- Board. tern for deidcated Selection switches 1 .Loss of SMDR on RSM Module data. ,determine the Baud Rate of data sent through 2nd RS232C 1 pofi. Table 800-l 1 Power Failure Transfer Unit (PFT) KTU FUNCTION CONTROL OPTIONS FAULT OPTIONS ‘ower Failure Trans- Provides relay trans- None. er Unit (PFT) fer circuits for up to 6 CO lines in the event of a power or proces- sor failure. Faciliiates Loud Bell ringing AND CO Control Contacts Manual switch used for activating the PFT for testing purposes. 1 .Power Failure Transfer does not function. 2.Loud Bells do not ring. Issue 3, August 1991 800-S

Hybrid Key Telephone System STARPLUS@ 2448EX 800.2 REMOTE MAINTENANCE C. Maintenance Password _ A. General Overview The Remote Maintenance feature allows authorized personnel to survey system and slot configuration information. This can be done through a modem or data terminal connected to the system CPB via the RS232C port. The commands are entered from a keyboard and are limited to those listed. 8. Overview of Maintenance Commands There are four (4) basic commands available in the Remote Maintenance feature. All commands begin with a single character, followed by a space, another character and an optional diiil or digits. All com- mands are terminated with a carriage return. Basic format of the commands are shown in Figure 800-l : The Remote Maintenance feature, like Remote Programming, is entered via a six-character al- phanumeric string. The password prompt is given by entering a carriage return at the device connected to the CCU RS232C port. After the prompt is printed out, the password should be entered followed by a carriage return. Proper entry of the password will resutt in the maintenance prompt. The Remote Main- tenance password is: {BRANDY} D. Exit Maintenance The Exit command will terminate the current Remote Maintenance feature session. The Exit command format is: MAINT>X maint>? command list: d sCnn1 - dwnp system or slot configuration data Cnnl specifies an optional slot number parameter no parameter indicates that the entire system will be dumped examples: maint>d s (dumps entire system configuration) maint>d s2 (dumps slot 2 configuration, etc.) ? - help menu X - exit maint maint> Figure 800-l Remote Maintenance Help Menu J 800-8 issue 3, August 1991

STARPLUS@ 2448EX Hybrid Key Telephone System E. System Configuration Figure 800-2 is a configuration of the Starplus 2448EX system with LCR and shows what is printed out when: a. The installer enters D*space>S at the maint> prompt. ?A MONITOR Eng. Vet-. l.lf DATE: 07/2’+/91 TIHE: 11):29:24 ENTER PASSWORD: maint>d s SLDT TYPE FW UER. BRD TYPE BRD OPTS SEW STRT ------ ---w-D --------- ---------- ---_______ ---------__ i ecu l.lf CDL : co1 3 COL co1 z COL co1 STA : KS.0 6 STA : KSB 7 STR SLT 8 STR : SLT 9 STA SLT 10 STA 1 KSB 11 APB 1 RPB maint>x DATE: 07/24/91 TIflE: lq:30:00 exiting maintenance utility... 2W8,LCR INS 8 INS 00s 0 00s 0 ItiS 0 INS 0 INS 0 INS INS : INS 1 00s Figure 800-2 Starplus 2448EX Configuration with/LCR where: Column 1: lists the card slot. Column 2: lists card type of that card slot. Column 3: lists the firmware version of the card. Column 4: lists card type and if that card is installed. Column 5: lists card options: KSB option 0 = standard KSB APB option 0 = standard APB: APB: option 1 = APB: + RSM APB: option 2 = APB: + SIU Module APB: option 3 = APB: + RSM + SIU Column 6: lists card status: 00s status can indicate the entire card is out of service or a specific station is not installed or installed but not operational INS status can indicate a specific station is installed and operating correctly. Issue 3, August 1991 800-7

Hybrid Key Telephone System STARPLUS@ 2448EX F. CO Line Configuration Figure 800-3 is the CO Line Configuration and shows what is printed out when: a. The installer enters Dcspace>SP at the maint> prompt. 7Q tlONITdR Eng. Uer. l.lf DRTE: 07/2W91 TIflE: 11):31:h5 EKTER PASSWORD: maint>d s2 SLOT : 2 ----------------- Slot Type : COL Board Type: CO1 co STFITUS em-0 ------------____________ : IN SEWICE IN SERVICE 3 IN SEWICE I, IN SEWICE 5 IN SEFUICE 7 IN SERVICE IN SEWICE B IN SERJICE maint> PULSE/DTRF -------e--e- DTtlF DTtlF DTtlF DTtlF DTtlF DTflF DTtlF DTtlF CO/PBX -------- co :i co co co co co Figure 800-3 CO Line Configuration Printout where: Column 1: lists the CO Line number. Column 2: indicates status: 00s status can indicate the entire card is out of service. INS status can indicate a board station is in- stalled and operating correctly. Outgoing enabled indicates the CO line is active in the system. Outgoing disabled indicates that the Attendant has disabled the CO line for outgoing access Column 3: indicates whether the CO Line is Pulse or DTMF. (programmable option) Column 4: indicates whether the CO Line is a CO Line or a PBX Line. programmable option) 800-8 Issue 3, August 1991

STARPLUS@ 2448EX Hybrid Key Telephone System G. Station Configuration Figure 800-4 is the Station Configuration and shows what is.printed out when: a. The installer enters DqxrceGS at the maint> prompt. I 7FI flONITOR Eng. Uer. l.lf DRTE: 07/2r(/91 TIDE: 1’+:56:22 EMER PFlSSWORD: maint>d s5 SLOT : 5 -----------___--- Slot Type : STFl Board Type: KSB STA TYPE ------- -------- STRTUS LCD ---------- ----- 12 13 14 15 16 17 Keyset INS Y Keyset 00s N Keyset INS Y DLS/DSS INS N Door Box INS N Keyset 00s N Keyset 00s N Keyset 00s N I maint> Flgure 80&4 Station Configuration Printout where: Column 1: lists the station number. Column 2: indicates station type (keyset, DSS, SLT, phone box. Keyset - ID 0 = Key station DLS-ID1 =DSSMapl DSS-ID2=DSSMap2 DSS/DLS - ID 3 = DSS Map 3 Door Box - ID 4 = Phone Box SLT-ID5=SLT SLT w/lamp - ID 6 = SLT w/Message Waiting Keyset - ID 7 = Basic Keyset Column 3: indicates status: COS status can indicate the entire card is out of service or a specific station is not installed or installed but not operational. INS status can indicate a specific station is installed and operating correctly. Column 4: indicates whether the station has an LCD Display or doesn’t have an LCD Display. Issue 3, August 1991 800-9