Communications System
Vodavi Starplus 2448ex Hybrid Key Telephone System Installation Manual
Vodavi Starplus 2448ex Hybrid Key Telephone System Installation Manual
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Hybrid Key Telephone System STARPLUS@ 2446EX STATION PROGRAMMING (Cont’d) A. Paging Access Programming Steps Description 1. Press the PAGE flexible button (Page A, Button PAGE. Stations can individually be allowed or de- #l). nied the ability to make pages. This applies to ail l LED on = Paging is allowed internal and external zone paging. A station denied l LED off= Paging is denied access to paging may still answer a meet-me page announcement. (Station COS 6 will not deny a sta- 2. Press the HOLD button to enter data. tion the abiiii to make a page.) Default: By default, Paging is allowed at ail stations. B. Do Not Disturb Programmino Steps 1. Press the DND flexible button (Page A, Button W l LED on = Do Not Disturb is allowed l LED off= Do Not Disturb is denied 2. Press the HOLD button to enter data. C. Speed Dialing Access Programming Steps 1. Press the SPEED flexible button (Page A, But- ton #/3). l LED on = Speed Dialing access is allowed l LED off= Speed Dialing access is denied 2. Press the HOLD button to enter data. D. tine Queuing Programming Steps 1. Press the QUE flexible button (Page A, Button w. l LED on = Queuing is allowed l LED off= Queuing is denied 2. Press the HOLD button to enter data. Description DND. Stations can be individually allowed or denied the abilii to place their telephone in Do Not Disturb. Default: By default, Do Not Disturb is allowed at all stations. Description SPEED. Stations can be individually allowed or de- nied the ability to use system speed dial numbers. The last forty system speed numbers are not moni- tored by toil restriction, refer to toil restriction pro- gramming. Stations can not be prevented from using station speed dial. Default: By default, Speed Dialing is allowed at all’ stations. Description QUE. Stations can be allowed or denied the ability to manually queue for a busy group of CO lines. Even when disabled, stations will have automatic LCR queuing privileges. Default: By default, CO Line Queuing is allowed at all stations. , 630-2 issue 3, August 1991

SI-ARPLUS@ 2448EX Hybrld Key Telephone System STATION PROGRAMMING (Cont’d) E. 1. 2. F. 1. 2 G. 1. 2. H. 1. 2. Preferred Line Answer Programming Steps Press the PLA flexible button (Page A, Button w. l LED on = Preferred Line Answer is allowed l LED off= Preferred Line Answer is denied Press the HOLD button to enter data. SLT Add-On Conference Prooramming Steps Press the CSLT flexible button (Page A, Button W- l LED on = SLT Add-On Conference is en- abled l LED off= SLT Add-On Conference is dis- abled Press the HOLD button to enter data. Call Forwarding Programming Steps Press the FWD flexible button (Page A, Button #a. l LED on = Call Forwarding is allowed l LED off= Call Forwarding is denied Press the HOLD button to enter data. Least Cost Routing - Forced Programming Steps Description Press the FLCR flexible button (Page A, Button w. l LED on = Least Cost Routing is forced l LED off= Least Cost Routing *s optional Press the HOLD button to enter data. FLCR. Stations may be forced to place outgoing CO calls by use of LCR (dial [9]) to access an outside line). This allows the system administrator to control dialing patterns and the lines used for outgoing CO calls more effectively. This can be enabled/disabled on a per station basis for addiiional flexibility and control. Description PLA. Stations can be given the ability to answer incoming outside line calls, transferred and recalling lines and line queues by simply going off-hook. (Preferred Line Answer) Default: By default, Preferred tine Answer is disal- towed on all stations. Description CSLT. If the Station ID has been assigned as 5 or 6 (SLT), this flexible button controls the SLT Add-On Conference feature. The restriction of this feature can be used for SLT ports assigned as Automatic Attendant interface. Some Automatic Attendants fail to properly detect when a station user has answered a supervised transfer attempt, thus causing unex- pected Add-On Conference if the Automated Atten- dant attempts to recover the call to be transferred. Default: By default, All stations (SLT) are allowed the SLT Add-On Conference. Description FWD. Stations can be allowed or denied the ability to have incoming CO calls, intercom, transferred outside lines forwarded to another station, UCD group, or Voice Mail group. Default: By default, Call Forwarding is allowed at all stations. Default: LCR is optional for all stations. Related Programming: LCR Class of Setvice (be- low), LCR Enable/Disable (Sec. 610.23) and LCR programming (Sec. 650). issue 3, August 1991 639-3

Hybrid Key Telephone System sTARPLUS@ 2446BX STATION PROGRAMMING (Cont’d) I. LCR Class of Service Programming Steps 1. Press the LCOS flexible button (Page A, Button m 2. Enter a one-digit number between 0 and 6 to correspond to the LCR Class of Service de- sired. 3. Press the HOLD button to enter data. Description LCOS. Stations can be given a class of service assignment for Least Cost Routing. The range is between 0 and 6 with 0 being unrestricted and 6 being the most restricted. A station will be allowed use of LCR mutes with a priority number equal to or higher than the stations LCR COS assignment. Default: By default, all stations are given unre- stricted access (0). Related Programming: LCR Route List Table pro- gramming. 630-4 Issue 3, August 1991

sTARPLUS@ 2448EX Hybrid Key Telephone System STATION PROGRAMMING (Cont’d) Page B Feature Programming Programming Steps The remaining station features are located and pro- grammed on Page B. A Press [PG B] button. The display of current programming for those features will appear as follows: Where: ,---Y J. 1. 2. xx= XX= Station Range (1 O-57) 5 Page “B” Features ID= Station Identification (O-7) CO5 Class of Service (1-6) SPK= Speakerphone Gption (O-2) A= Pickup Group (l-4) 5 Paging Zone (14) CC= Preset Forward Destination DD= CO Line Group access Type of Station Programming Proorammino Steps Press the ID flexible button (Page B, Button#l). Enter a one-to-three digit number to identify the type of station. 0 = Enhanced or Executive Key telephone lxx = DSS Console MAP 1 (Figure 630-l) 2xx = DSS Console MAP 2 (Figure 630-l) 3xx = DSS Console MAP 3 (Figure 630-l) 40 = Phone Box w/o BGM 41= Phone Box with BGM 5= SLT 6= SLT with Message Waiting Lamp 73; Basic Key Telephone two-digit station number the DSS Console is associated with. 3. Press the HOLD button to enter data. ‘-. Description When programming Page B features, the flexible buttons are mapped as follows: NOTE: Features programmed in Page ‘Bg require a numeric entry after pressing the flexible button. Description ID. Each system port must be programmed to iden- tify the type of station that will operate on that port. Each station type must be identified. Default: By default, all KSB’s default to ID 0 (En- hanced, Executive telephone), all SLT’s default to ID 5 (SLT). NOTE: When DSs/DLS Maps 1 or3 are assignedto an Attendant, all W tines‘will ring. When DSWDLS Maps 1 or 3 are assigned to a station other than an Attendant, CO Line ringing is not possible. NOTE: when identifj4ng a station as a Dss/DLS Console, you must also enter the station number of the Key Telephone the ?SS/DLS Console is at- tached to. lssue 3, August 1991 630-5

Hybrid Key Telephone System sTARPLUS@ 2446u( DSS Console Map 1 DSS Console Map 3 Figure 630-l DSS Console Maps l-3 Button Assignment 630-6 Issue 3, August 1991

sTARPLUS* 2448u( Hybrid Key Telephone System STATION PROGRAMMING (Cont’d) K 1. 2 Station Class of Service (COS) Programming Steps Press the COS flexible button (Page 6, Button w. Description Enter a two-digit Class of Senrice entry as follows: l 1 st digit is day COS l 2nd digit is night COS COS. Each stations must be assigned a certain COS for day mode operation, and also be assigned a COS for night mode operation. The night COS goes into affect when the system is placed into the night mode, manually or automatically. This prevents the misuse of phones after hours. Class of service (COS) determines the stations dial- ing privileges. Refer to Table 620-l. Default: By defauft, all stations are assigned a COS 1 for day mode and COS 1 for night mode. The six classes of service are: I= unrestricted 2= governed by Table A 3= governed by Table B 4= governed by Tables A and B 5= no 0,i ,‘,# as first diiit, 7 digits max. 63 intercom only (no CO tine access) 3. Press the HOLD button to enter data. Display will now update. Related Programming: CO Line Attriies (Sec. 620) Class of Service programming (Sec. 620), Exception Tables programming (Sec. 640). L Speakerphone Programming Programming Steps 1. Press the SPK flexible button (Page B, Button w. 2 Enter a one-digit number between 0 and 2 to ’ identify the speakerphone operation. 0 = works as normal speakerphone 1 = intercom calls enabled, outgoing calls disabled 2 = allows, headset operation 3. Press the HOLD button to enter data. Description SPK. Each telephone’s speakerphone ability is pro- grammable in one of three ways. A speakerphone ID of 2 will allow the station user to enable headset mode by dialing a code. The station user may then return to full speakerphone operation by dialing the same code again. Default: By default, all stations are assigned an ID of 0. Issue 3, August 1991 630-7

Hybrid Key Telephone System sTARPLUS@ 2446u< STATlON PROGRAMMING (Cont’d) M. Pick-Up Group(s) Programming Programming Steps 1. Press the PKUP flexible button (Page B, Button w. 2. Enter a one-to-four digit number to program pickup groups. o= nogroup I= Group 1 2= Group 2 3= Group3 4= Group 4 3. Press the HOLD button to enter data. Description PKUP. Each station is assigned into pick up groups. Stationscan be in any combination of the four groups or in no group at all. Default: By default, all stations are in group 1. N. Paging Zone(s) Programming Programmino Steps 1. Press the PAGE flexible button (Page B, Button m. 2. Enter a one-to-four digit number to program paging zone(s). O= no zone (no pages received) 1~ Zone 1 2= Zone 2 3= Zone 3 4=Zone4 3. Press the HOLD button to enter data. Description PAGE. Each station is assigned to internal paging zones. A station can be in any or all zones or in no zone at all. All Call is all page zones combined. If a station is not in any internal zone, a will not receive any all call iw- Stations not assigned to a page group can still make page announcements if allowed in station program- ming. Stations can be assigned to a page group in order to receive pages but not allowed to make pag=. Default: By defauft, all stations are in page zone 1. 636-6 Issue 3, August 1991

%ARPLUS@ 2448EX Hybrid Key Telephone System -Y STATION PROGRAMMING (Cont’d) 0. Preset Call Forward Programming Programming Steps 1. Press the PREFW flexible button (Page 8, But- ton #6). 2. Enter a two-digit number to determine the des- tination where calls are to be routed when the preset forward timer expires. 1 O-571 Station Numbers , 690-697= Voice Mail Groups l-6 890-897s UC0 Groups 18 3. Press the HOLD button to enter data. Display now updates. 7 Description PREFW. This feature allows the system database to be configured so that incoming CO Lines, which are programmed to ring at a particular station, can be forwarded elsewhere in the system predetermined by programming. This feature is active if the station ringing is not answered in a specified time. This is particularly useful in “overflow” applications where a Voice Mail or Auto Attendant may be in use. A station may have one designated preset forward location defined in the database. Preset Call Forward is chainable only to other pre- determined preset forward stations specified in the database up to a chain of 5 stations. If a CO tine forwarded by Preset Call Forward encounters a manually forwarded station (Call Fonvard - Station), or a station in DND, then the incoming CO Line will bypass that station and forward to the next in the chain. If that station is the last in the chain, then the call will not forward any further and will continue to ring at that station until answered or terminated. Chainable Preset Call Forwarding will force the in- coming CO tine to ring at each station preassigned in the database for the Preset Forward Ring Timer, specified in the database, before forwarding. CO Lines can be preset forwarded to ring into a UCD Group, or Voice Mail Group from any station. A CO line will not preset forward to a busy voice mail, or UC0 group, however each time the preset forward timer expires (for a total of fwe attempts) the group will be checked for an idle station. If a member of the group is idle the call will then be presented to that member. Default: By default, no preset forward destinations are programmed. Related Programming: Call Fonrvard Preset Timer. -. . Issue 3, August 1991 630-9

Hybrid Key Telephone System sTARPLUS@ 2448EX STATION PROGRAMMING (Cont’d) P. CO Line Group Access Programming Steps 1. Press the ACC flexible button (Page B, Button m. 2. Enter up to seven digits (0, or l-7) for the outside line groups the station will have access to. 0 40 access 1 =access to Group 1, Code 9 or 81 2 =access to Group 2. Code 82 3 =access to Group 3, Code 83 4 =access to Group 4, Code 84 5 =access to Group 5, Code 85 6 =access to Group 6, Code 86 7 =access to Group 7, Code 87 3. Press the HOLD button to enter data. Description ACC. A station is allowed access to any combination of outside line groups. Or a station may not be allowed any access to outside lines. The following are the line group numbers and their access codes. CO line groups are used primarily by single line telephones or for flexible buttons assigned as pooled group buttons on a Key Telephone. Default: By defauft, all stations are allowed access to all groups. Related Programming: CO Line Group pmgram- ming. 630-W issue 3, August 1991

BARPLUS@ 2448EX Hybrid Key Telephone System -, STATION PROGRAMMING (Cont’d) Q. Flexible Button Programming Programming Steps 1. Press the REX flexible button (Page 6, Button #8). The following message is shown on the display phone: 2 Enter the button information as follows: where: BB= Button number (01-l 6) l MULTI: To assign a button as a multi-function button (user programmable) enter. BB [0] HOLD . CO UNURINGING: To assign a button as a CO tine button, enter: BB [l] LL R HOLD Lb CO Lines 01-24 R= Ring Status O=no tinging 1 =day ringing 2=night ringing 3=both day & night ringing 0 LOOP: To assign a button as a Loop button, enter: BB [2] HOLD l POOL: To assign a button as a pooled group button, enter: BB [3] G HOLD (G=J tine Group # l-7) Note: Group 0 may not be selected via a Pooled Group button. . UNASSIGN: To unassign a button, rendering it inoperable, enter: BB [#] HOLD Description FLEX. When programming flexible buttons, first en- ter the two digit button number to be programmed (01 to 16). MULTI. When a button is assigned as a mufti-func- tion button [O], the user then has the ability to pro- gram any features or functions on the buttons that the user has access to. For a complete Iii of user programmable code (functions and features), refer to Table 630-l. CO. When programming a button as a CO line button, the user enters the two-digit button number (01-16). a [l] followed by the two-digit CO Line number (Ol-24), and finally a one-digit to represent the ring status: 6=no ring; l=day ringing; 2=night ringing; 3=both day & night ringing. Press the HOLD button to complete the entry. By defautt, Station 10 will ring on all lines. However, if station 10 is not given button access to a line, another station must be programmed to ring on that line. LOOP. All stations should be given a loop button so they can receive a transferred call on a line for which they have no button access. When programming a button as a Loop button, the user enters thetwodigit button number (Ol-16), and a [2] to represent the Loop button. Press the HOLD button to complete the entry. POOL. When programming a button as a pooled group button, the user enters the two-digit button number (01-l 6), a [3] followed by a one-digit entry to represent the CO Line Group # l-7. Refer to CO line group programming. Press the HOLD button to complete the entry. Pooled group numbers match CO line group num- bers. , Note: It is recommended that ALL unused CO Lines be placed into Line Group 0. This will prevent the system from inadvedently accessing unused lines when a Pooled Group button is pressed.