Communications System
Nitsuko Digital System Feature And Terminal Programming Manual
Nitsuko Digital System Feature And Terminal Programming Manual
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Step 5 Enter data for all applicable rate periods. After all the required Rate Period charts are completed, it is necessary to transpose the data from the graphic format of the chart to a numerical entry. You enter the numerical entry into the system during ARS programming. When transposing the data: •The format is HH-HH/RP •HH-HH = From Hour-To-Hour •RP = Rate Period # •Always use a 24-hour clock. •Use the slash (/) to identify the rate period. •If a Rate Period extends from evening of one day to morning of the next, it must be recorded as two entries (e.g. 11:00 P.M. to 08:00 A.M. is recorded as 23-24/3 and 00-08/3). •All half hour entries are in the format HH:30. Description COMPLETING THE PROGRAM RECORD FORMS 20Automatic Route Selection

Completing the ARS Worksheet There are various types of calls that are switched by the DDD network. Among these calls are: •NNX+nnnn (7-digit local call) •1+NNX+nnnn (1+7-digit home area toll call) •NPX+NNX+nnnn or 1+NPX+NNX+nnnn (10-digit or 1+10-digit outside area code call) •0 or 0+Operator Assisted call •10xxx +Equal Access Other Common Carrier (OCC) call •011+International (IDDD) call •411, 1+411, 555+nnnn Directory Assistance call •900 or 976 Special Service calls (e.g., Dial a Joke) Each of the above types of calls must be directed to the desired service(s) for each rate period for economic call processing. Use the steps listed be- low to fill out the ARS Worksheet (Table 2-3). Step 1 Make additional copies of the ARS Worksheet, if required. Step 2 Under the TYPE OF CALL column, enter one of the above types (e.g. 1+NNX). Step 3 Under the OPT # column, enter the option number of the route selection you are about to develop. The range is 1-16. Note: Arrange options by cost. The cheapest route should be Option 1. Step 4 Under the SERVICE TYPE/Rate Period column enter the desired service for each rate period (e.g. DDD, WATS3, MCI). If a rate period is not used, enter a dash. Description COMPLETING THE PROGRAM RECORD FORMS Automatic Route Selection21

Step 5 Determine the COS required to use each option and enter it in the column marked REQ COS. The range is 0-27. Step 6 After you define all options for all rate periods for a type of call, assign the group a Selection number in the column marked SEL #. The range is 1- 64. Description COMPLETING THE PROGRAM RECORD FORMS 22Automatic Route Selection

In the example below, the worksheet entries are for: •1+NNX-nnnn type calls •Using 5 rate periods, where MCI is the least expensive during rate periods 1, 3, & 5. DDD is the least expensive during rate periods 2 & 4. •The customer wishes to have both services available at all times to users with a COS of 3 or less, but all COS’s can access the cheapest route during any rate period. Compile all the necessary data and complete the ARS worksheet. The data on the worksheet can be transposed to the appropriate PRF’s for data entry into the system. 01850C57 SERVICE TYPE Rate Period OPT # TYPE OF CALLREQ COSSEL # 12345678 1 2 1+ NNX MCI DDD MCI DDD DDD MCIMCI DDD1 27 03MCI DDD Description COMPLETING THE PROGRAM RECORD FORMS Automatic Route Selection23

Completing the Dial Treatment Table The Dial Treatment allows specific dialing instructions to be applied to each call, independent of the NNX and local address dialed. ARS accommodates a total of 15 programmable Dial Treatments. A Dial Treatment can be up to 32 characters and contains a combination of the option codes listed below. The options are listed in the order that they MUST be entered on the Dial Treat- ment Table PRF (Table 2-4). If an option is not required, omit it. (Note that n represents any digit 0-9.) Fnn Fnn is the Forced Authorization Code entry. If the extension from which the call is placed has a Class of Service equal to or greater than the COS specified by nn, then an Authorization Code must be entered before the call will be processed. For example, F04 indicates that all extensions with a COS equal to or greater than 04 must enter an Authorization Code. Only one Fnn code per Dial Treatment is allowed. 3 Entering 3 causes the NPA to be deleted during ARS redial if it was dialed as part of the initial call. For example, a 1 + NPA + NNX + nnnn call is routed to an FX. The NPA must be stripped before the call is redialed into the remote exchange. Only 1+NNX-nnnn would be dialed out by ARS if the 3 entry is used. 2 Entering 2 causes the leading 1 to be deleted during ARS redial if it was dialed as part of the initial call. Only one 2 code per Dial Treatment is al- lowed. The 2 option code may not be used with the 1 option code below in the same Dial Treatment. 1 Entering 1 causes a leading 1 to be added during ARS redial if it was not dialed as part of the initial call. This code can be used for all NNXs in the home NPA that are toll calls from the system. The leading 1 is automat- ically inserted in the redial if the user inadvertently omits it. Only one 1 code per Dial Treatment is allowed. The 1 option code may not be used with the 2 option code above in the same Dial Treatment. Description COMPLETING THE PROGRAM RECORD FORMS 24Automatic Route Selection

Inpa Inpa is used to insert an NPA during ARS redial. This code can be used if a 1 + NNX + nnnn call is routed to a service which requires an NPA (e.g., WATS, or dial-up MCI). For example, I203 would automatically insert the NPA 203 whenever the Dial Treatment is selected. Only one Inpa code per Dial Treatment is allowed. Dnn Dnn instructs the system to dial the nn digits or codes that follow. ARS uses the Dnn option code to insert digits, pauses, or timed waits into the number as it is redialed. When programming the Dnn option code, the fol- lowing rules apply: •The nn entry specifies the number of characters that follow that are included in the Dnn option. For example, D11 indicates that the next 11 characters immediately following D11 should be dialed. •A Wnn entry indicates the number of seconds ARS should pause be- fore outdialing or continuing to outdial. The Wnn is always counted as three characters. For example, D03W30 instructs ARS to wait 30 seconds before dialing. All nn entries must be 2 digits in length (e.g. 06 = six seconds). •P indicates a programmed interval the system will wait for a second (OCC) dial tone. Each P is always counted as a character. To wait for more than one interval, enter more than one P. The interval of each P is equal to three times (3X) the Dialtone Detect Count pro- grammed in system timers (QT). For example, D02PP instructs ARS to wait up to 2 intervals (6 Dialtone Detect Counts) for a second dial tone. If the second dial tone is detected before the wait interval expires, the system immediately continues with the rest of the dial treatment. (Dialing a * during this interval will also override this wait and con- tinue with the rest of the dial treatment.) If second dial tone is not detected within the programmed time frame, the route is considered unavailable and the call will be denied (or routed to the next selec- tion). •Digits that are not part of a Wnn or P option are redialed just as they are entered in the Dial Treatment. For example, D079262000 in- structs ARS to dial 9262000 whenever this Dial Treatment is cho- sen. Description COMPLETING THE PROGRAM RECORD FORMS Automatic Route Selection25

R R instructs ARS to redial the initially dialed number including any modifi- cations, if any were made using the above entries in the dial treatment. Only one R code is permitted per Dial Treatment. If the R code is not inserted in a Dial Treatment, ARS will never redial the number initially dialed. In this case, ARS will redial only if a Dnn entry specifies that a different number be dialed. E E designates the end of a Dial Treatment. All Dial Treatments must end with the E code. The E code will only display as part of the dial treatment, when initially programming the dial treatment. The following Dial Treatment code (F053D039PPRE) tells the system ARS that: •(F05) Extensions with Classes of Service equal to or greater than 05 must enter an authorization code. •(3) Strip the NPA from the digits dialed. •(D039PP) The system outdials the digit 9 and waits for up to six Dialtone Detection counts. •(R) The initial call will be redialed (less the NPA). •(E) This is the end of the Dial Treatment. Note: Dial Treatment number 00 (no dial treatment) directs the system to outdial the initial number exactly as it was dialed. To enter a Dial Treatment: Step 1 Enter the required Dial Treatment options. Step 2 Enter E to finish the Dial Treatment. Description COMPLETING THE PROGRAM RECORD FORMS 26Automatic Route Selection

Completing the Call Route Option PRF Each Selection Number has up to 16 Call Route Options available for each of the 8 Rate Periods. It is the Call Route Option that determines the actual routing for a call after the Selection Number is chosen. Call Route Option data consists of three entries: •The required class of services which have access to the route •The service which the call should be dialed out on •The dial treatment to the initial number dialed to make it acceptable to the service selected To enter the required Call Route Option data: Step 1 Make enough copies of the Call Route Option PRF (Table 2-5). Each sheet is for one Selection Number and one Rate Period. Step 2 Using the ARS Worksheet (Table 2-3) as a guide, enter data on Table 2-5 according to the routing preference. When a Selection Number is chosen, and the Call Route Option sheet for the correct Rate Period is configured, Option 1 should be the most preferred route. List the remaining options in decreasing order of preference. Step 3 In the COS column for each Call Route Option, enter the maximum Class of Service permitted to use the route. Extensions with a COS equal to or lower than this entry can use the route; those with a higher COS cannot. When a route is busy, ARS selects the next route on the list. If that and all other routes available to the extension are busy, the call is denied. ARS requires hierarchical CLASS OF SERVICE programming (i.e, the lower COS numbers are the least restricted; the higher numbers are the most restricted). The Class of Service numbers are 00-27. Note: ARS overrides TOLL RESTRICTION programming. Description COMPLETING THE PROGRAM RECORD FORMS Automatic Route Selection27

Step 4 In the SER # column, enter the number of the service desired for the rout- ing as entered in the QL program. The range is 01-10. Step 5 In the Dial Treatment column, enter the number of the dial treatment nec- essary for the initially dialed number to be transmitted over the desired route. The range is 00-15. DT# 00 redials the original number with no modifications. Description COMPLETING THE PROGRAM RECORD FORMS 28Automatic Route Selection

Completing the 3-Digit Table PRF ARS uses the 3-Digit Table PRF to direct the number dialed to a Selection Number. Data is entered in the 3-digit table for all NNXs (exchange codes), and for all NPAs that do not require 6-digit analysis (in the 6-digit table). If ARS does not find an entry for a code in the 3-digit table, the call will be placed automatically on Service #1. Before completing the 3-digit Table the following routing conditions must be considered: If the system is installed in a Non-Conflict Area: •ARS automatically recognizes NPA and NNX codes. If a leading 1 is dialed, the call is routed according to the 1+CODE SEL # entry. If the leading 1 is not dialed, the call is routed according to the CODE SEL # entry. •If an NPA is dialed, ARS first determines if 6-digit analysis is re- quired. (6-digit analysis can occur if the NPA is dialed with or with- out a leading 1.) If no data for the NPA exists in the 6-digit table, and the call is dialed with a leading 1, the call is routed on the 3- digit table 1+CODE SEL # entry. If no 6-digit table data for the NPA exists and the call is dialed without a leading 1, the call is routed ac- cording to the 3-digit table CODE SEL # entry. To enter data in a Non-Conflict Area: Step 1 For all NNXs that are dialed without a leading 1 (i.e., toll-free), enter a Se- lection Number in the CODE SEL # column. Step 2 For all NNXs that are dialed with a leading 1 (i.e., NNXs that are toll calls), enter a Selection Number in the 1+CODE SEL # column. If the 1+CODE SEL # and the CODE SEL # routing is the same, enter the same Selection Number in both columns. Note: Steps 3 and 4 below are only used for NPAs that will not be entered on the 6-digit table. Step 3 For all NPAs that are not dialed with a leading 1, enter a Selection Num- ber in the CODE SEL # column. Description COMPLETING THE PROGRAM RECORD FORMS Automatic Route Selection29