Mitel SX-200 DIGITAL Pabx General Description Manual
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Traffic Measurement Peg: Represents the total number of times that the DTMF receivers were accessed during the mea- surement period. Usage: Represents the total usage (Erlangs or CCS) for the DTMF receivers during the measurement period. Does not include busied-out receivers (maximum = 6553.5 ccs). Busy Peg: Represents the number of times a call could not be allocated a DTMF receiver immediately due to busy conditions. Maximum in use/ Available: The scanned maximum count of the number of receivers in use during the period and the num- ber that are available for use. Does not include busied-out receivers. Channel Usage And Local Switching - records activity between Bays and whhin each Peripheral Bay Bay Number: Identifies Bay for which data is being accu- mulated. Channel Usage: Usage of channels available to the Bay. Does not include channels allocated for music or tones (maximum = 6553.5 ccs). Max Channel/ Available: The scanned maximum number of channels in use and the number available for use. Does not include channels allocated for music or tones. Local Switching Usage of peripheral bay local switching Usage: (maximum = 6553.5 ccs). Max Local Switching: The scanned maximum number of local switch- es found in a peripheral bay. Console - records activity of each console on the system Console Number: Directory number of the console. The console directory number is determined at the time of the report. If this console had been deleted, it will display ???? indicating that the directory number could not be determined. Usage: Call Waiting Usage: Calis Answered: Non-idle use of the console. The console is non-idle when it is using a channel. The con- sole is idle when it is ringing, using the applica- tion key, or using the select features key (maximum = 36 ccs). Usage of the Console queue when calls cannot be immediately answered (maximum = 655.35 ccs). Calls answered using the console. Includes softkey and ANSWER key answers (maximum peg count = 65535). Page 2-4

Traffic Measurement Avg Waiting Time: Average waiting time for a call to the console to be answered. Hunt Groups - records activity of each hunt group Hunt Group Number: Programmed hunt group number. Peg: Number of accesses to hunt group, including busy attempts (maximum = 65535). Usage: Usage of all devices in the hunt group (maximum = 6553.5 ccs). Busy Peg: Number of times the hunt group was busy. Max in use/Available: Scanned maximum number of devices in the hunt group that were busy; busied-out devices are not included. Trunk Groups - records activity of each trunk group Trunk Group Number: Programmed trunk group number. Peg: Number of accesses to trunk group, including busy attempts (maximuE = 65535). Usage: Usage of all trunks in the trunk group making outgoing calls, measured in CCS or Erlangs (maximum = 6553.5 ccs). Busy Peg: Number of times the trunk group was busy (maximum = 255). Max in use/Available: Scanned maximum number of trunks in the trunk group that were busy; busied-out trunks are not included. The number of available trunks in a trunk group is determined at the time of the report and is not in the storage registers. Trunks - records activity of each trunk during the measurement period Trunk Number: List of all trunk numbers that were accessed. Peg in: Total number of times the trunk was seized by incoming calls on the trunk (maximum = 255). Usage In: Represents the usage (in Erlangs or CCS) for incoming calls on the trunk (maximum = 36 ccs). Peg Out: Total number of times the trunk was seized by an outgoing call on the trunk (maximum = 255). Usage Out: Represents the usage (in Erlangs or CCS) for outgoing calls on the trunk (maximum = 36 ccs). Register Count Examples 2.05 A call which lasts for 100 seconds has a value of 1 ccs (hundred-call-seconds). One Erlang equals 36 ccs (3600 call seconds). Usage is measured in lo-second units; for example, a usage Page 2-5

Traffic Measurement count of 128 (128 x 10 s) represents 1280 seconds of usage, equivalent to 12.8 ccs or 0.3556 Erlang (36 ccs equals 1 Erlang). The following example illustrates these “count” methods. Extension Originations Peg Count - Each time an idle extension goes off-hook, it causes the register to increment by one count. Since it is a measure of the number of calls originated by the extensions, it does not increment when a ringing extension goes off-hook to answer a call. For example, if this register has a value of 858, the number of call originations (or off-hook originations) during the period totalled 858. Trunk Group Usage - Each time the system scans the members of this trunk group, at 10 second intervals, it counts the number of members that are busy. A register value of 273 indicates that members were busy for 273 X 10 = 2730 seconds (27.3 ccs) during the measure- ment period. Power Failure 2.06 If power fails to the system, the current traffic measurement will be lost, and the latest traffic report will also be lost if it had not been output. When power is restored, traffic measurements will restart, and continue until the end of the scheduled period. This pe- riod’s start time will be the time of the power-up. Page 2-6/6

Traffic Measurement. 3. TRAFFIC MEASUREMENT COMMANDS Maintenance Terminal and Console 3.01 The maintenance terminal or console is used to enter the data required to start traffic measurements, print measurements, monitor status, or change traffic measurement parameters. Refer to Section MITLSI 08-093-35 l-NA, RS-232 Maintenance Termina! for instructions on using the terminal. At the maintenance terminal or console, select the MAINTENANCE application; from the MAINTENANCE main menu, select TRAFFIC MEAS (softkey 5). Traffic Commands SET QUIT SET SHOW PRINT READ STOP SHOW PRINT REAG STOP - Set traffic report information - Status of current traffic report, contains information defined by the SET command. - Print the latest report - Read latest traffic report - Stop current traffic measurements or stop printing report SET Command I UNITS I PERIOD 1 DURATION 1 AUTOPRINT 1 CANCEL 1 I 1 START TIME ) CONDENSED / I I UNITS PERIOD DURATION CONDENSED CANCEL START TIME AUTOPRINT - CCS or ERLANGS - 1 to 60 minutes - number of periods - Condensed report ON or OFF - Quit SET commands - hh:mm - Automatically print after each period Use the SET command to enter or change any traffic measurement parameters; use the prompts to change the required data and then exit from the TRAFFIC MEAS function. Once the START command is issued, the PERIOD and DURATION cannot be changed for the current traffic measurements. The AUTOPRINT, and CONDENSED parameters can be changed while it is running. At the beginning of each period of current traffic measurement, the pegs and the dynamic records are initialized. If a new trunk group was set up by CDE, it would not be included in the traffic report until the next period. The START command cannot be issued while traffic measurement is on; it must be STOPped and then Page 3-l

Traffic Measurement restarted. STOP Command - This command causes two softkeys to become active, and pressing either selects what is to be stopped. TRAFFRPT PRINT - stops the traffic measurement currently active. No report will be made of the incomplete collected data. - stops a printout being sent to the PRINTER port. Note: The STOP command will not stop an AUTOPRINT in progress; the AUTOPRINT command must be set to OFF between print- outs to stop printouts. SHOW STATUS Contains a summary report on the current traffic Command measurement parameters. STATUS : Activated/OFF DATA COLLECTION : Running/OFF START TIME : hh:mm DURATION : nn periods PERIOD : mm minutes UNITS : erlangs/ccs AUTOPRINT : ON/OFF CONDENSED : ON/OFF START TIME and DATA COLLECTION are not displayed if STATUS is OFF. DATA This indicates that data is currently being collected COLLECTION (if it is running). When it is OFF, either the daily start time has not been reached, or, it has finished the required number of periods since the start time; in either case, no data is currently being collected. PRINT This softkey command causes the latest traffic report held in the system to be immediately printed. READ This softkey command causes the latest traffic report in the system to be displayed on the maintenance terminal, where it may be read by the user. READ is only available at the Maintenance Terminal. If the Console softkey is pressed, the following message appears on the LCD display: QUIT This function is not available for this device. This softkey command allows the user to exit from Traffic Measurement mode at the console or terminal. Page 3-2/2

Traffic Measurement 4. INSTALLATION General 4.01 1. 2. 3. 4. installation to meet the Traffic Measurement requir-ements con- sists of the foilowing steps: Determine the required traffic parameters Determine the required output device Install the output device Program the traffic parameters and output device for this in- stallation. Connection Requirements, Local Printer 4.02 Section MITL9108-093-200-NA details the installation of SX- 200@’ DIGITAL PABX systems; also refer to Section MlTL9108- 093-351-NA, RS-232 Maintenance Terminal, and reference System Set Commands which assign printers during installation and initial main- tenance programming. The Traffic Measurement data may be output to a printer, magnetic recording device, or the maintenance terminal. If required, a Data Demultiplexer may be used and the Traffic Measure- ment data directed to one output of it. 4.03 When a local printer is used, it should be located as near as possible to the PABX, and connected to the PABX data port with a 25-conductor connectorized cable, not longer than 4.5 m (15 ft) in length. Page 4-l/1

Traffic Measurement -- 5. REPORTS 5.01 The standard report provides a printed report of the data in the storage registers (usually the measurements taken during the preceding period). The report includes headings which make the data easy to read. Three typical reports are printed following: SX-200/G 1000 TRAFFIC REPORT 6-DEC-85 1 I:20 to 12:20 SYSTEM ACTIVITY: Is dial tone 0 Console calls 6 Ext. origin. 34 Activity 126 FEATURES: CallBack 1 Call Pickup 2 Console hold 2 Flash hold 6 Override 0 TAFAS 0 DTMF RECEIVERS Peg Usage 1 0.01 ccs CHANNELS: Bay Usage 1 3.30 ccs 2 0.00 ccs 3 6.10 ccs 4 0.00 ccs 5 0.00 ccs CONSOLE: Directory Usage Number 1821 0.60 ccs 1841 0.00 ccs 2321 0.00 ccs 2341 0.00 ccs TRUNK GROUPS: Number Peg ‘I 6 2 9 6 11 7 0 8 0 TRUNKS: Number Peg In 1 3 4 4 8 6 9 5 IO 3 2s dial tone Console orig. Intercepted Illegal calls 3s dial tone 0 Dial 0 calls 5 Recall 1 Call hold Campon DND Hold pickup Paging Call Forward 1 Console conf. 0 Ext. conf. 2 Msg Waiting 1 Serial call 0 Busy Peg Max/Avl 0 l/ 4 Max/Avl 6/126 O/ 63 5/ 31 o/ 31 o/ 31 Local Usage Max local 0.00 ccs 0.00 ccs 0.00 ccs 0 0 0 Calls Calls Waiting Avg. Waiting Answered Usage Time (set) 1 0.05 ccs 5.00 0 0.00 ccs 0.00 0 0.00 ccs 0.00 0 0.00 ccs cl00 Usage Busy Peg Max/Avl 0.90 ccs 0 l/ 1 1.60 ccs 3 l/ 1 1.04 ccs 1 2/ 2 0.00 ccs 0 o/ 1 0.00 ccs 0 o/ 0 Usage In Peg Out Usage Out 0.80 ccs 6 0.90 ccs 0.70 ccs 3 0.50 ccs 0.50 ccs 6 1.10 ccs 0.60 ccs 11 1.04 ccs 0.20 ccs 0 0.00 ccs Page 5-l

Traffic Measurement SX-200 DIGITAL Generic 1001 336P/B39 TRAFFIC REPORT SYSTEM 253 25-APR-86 13:45 TO 14:05 SYSTEM ACTIVIT’/: Is dial tone Console calls Ext. origin. Activity . FEATURES: CallBack Call Park Console conf. Ext. conf. Hold pickup Override TAFAS DTMF RECEIVERS: Peg 218 CHANNELS: Bay 1 ; 4 CONSOLE: Directory Number 2321 HUNT GROUPS: Number 1 2 TRUNK GROUPS: Number 1 2 6 7 8 5 2s dial tone 35 Console orig. 175 Intercepted 2803 Illegal calls 1 Call hold 0 Call Pickup 11 Console hold 5 Flash hold 3 Maid in Room 6 Paging 4 Wakeup Usage 6.70 ccs Usage Max/Avl 2.20 ccs 124 9.60 ccs 4/ 62 33.00 ccs 6/ 94 41.20 ccs 5/ 94 Usage 1.05 ccs Calls Answered 36 Calls Waiting Avg. Waiting Usage Time (set) 2.56 ccs 7.11 Peg Usage 34 0.30 ccs 8 14.30 ccs Busy Peg 21 3 Peg Usage Busy Peg 33 2.80 ccs 0 21 1.50 ccs 0 8 1.30 ccs 0 0 0.00 ccs 0 38 0.00 ccs 38 Busy Peg 5 0 3s dial tone 0 28 Dial 0 calls 32 0 Recall 2 1 9 Call Forward 5 1 Campon 13 9 DND 11 31 Guest Room 20 5 Msg Waiting 7 13 Serial Call 13 11 Max/Avl 3/ 4 Local Usage Max local Max/AvI l/ 2 2/ 2 Max/Avl 3/ 6 31 5 3/ 4 o/ 0 o/ 0 Page 5-2

Traffic Measurement SX-200 DIGITAL Generic 1001 336P/B39 TRAFFIC REPORT SYSTEM 253 25-APR-86 13:45 to 14:05 (CONTD) TRUNKS: Number 100 101 102 103 104 105 120 121 122 123 124 125 130 131 132 133 134 150 151 190 Peg In 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 11 10 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Usage In Peg Out Usage Out 0.00 ccs 5 0.50 ccs 0.00 ccs 5 0.30 ccs 0.00 ccs 6 0.60 ccs 0.00 ccs 6 0.40 ccs 0.00 ccs 6 0.50 ccs 0.00 ccs 5 0.40 ccs 1.50 ccs 4 0.40 ccs 1.70 ccs 5 0.40 ccs 1.30 ccs 4 0.20 ccs 1.70 ccs 4 0.30 cc3 1.50 ccs 4 0.20 ccs‘ 0.00 ccs 0 0.00 ccs 0.00 ccs 0 0.00 ccs 0.00 ccs 2 0.40 ccs o.oc ccs 2 0.20 ccs 0.00 ccs 2 0.50 ccs 0.00 ccs 2 0.00 ccs 0.00 ccs 0 0.00 ccs 0.00 ccs 0 0.00 ccs 0.00 ccs 0 0.00 ccs Page 5-3

Traffic Measurement SX-200 DIGITAL Generic 1001 480P/B39 TRAFFIC REPORT SYSTEM 253 25-APR-86 13:45 TO 14:05 SYSTEM ACTIVITY: 1s dial tone 5 Console calls 35 Ext. origin. 175 Activity 2803 FEATURES: CallBack 1 Call Park 0 Console conf. 11 Ext. conf. 5 Hold pickup 3 Override 6 TAFAS 4 DTMF RECEIVERS: Peg Usage 218 6.70 ccs CHANNELS: Bay Usage 1 2.20 ccs 2 9.60 ccs 3 3.00 ccs 4 1.20 ccs 5 18.10 ccs CONSOLE: Directory Usage Number 2321 1.05 ccs HUNT GROUPS: Number Peg 1 34 2 8 TRUNK GROUPS: Number Peg 1 33 2 21 6 8 7 0 8 38 2s dial tone 0 3s dial tone 0 Console orig. 28 Dial 0 calls 32 Intercepted 0 Recall 2 Illegal calls 1 Call hold 9 Call Forward 5 Call Pickup 1 Campon 13 Console hold 9 DND 11 Flash hold 31 Guest Room 20 Maid in Room 5 Msg Waiting 7 Paging 13 Serial Call 13 Wakeup 11 Busy Peg Max/AvL 5 3/ 4 Max/Avl 124 41 62 l/ 31 3/ 31 6/ 31 Local Usage Max local Calls Answered 36 0.00 ccs 0 0.00 ecs 0 4.80 ccs 2 Calls Waiting Avg. Waiting Usage Time (set) 2.56 ccs 7.11 Usage 0.30 ccs 14.30 ccs Usage 2.80 ccs 1.50 ccs 1.30 ccs 0.00 ccs 0.00 ccs Busy Peg Max/AJI ‘2 1 l/ 2 3 2/ 2 Busy Peg Max/AvI 0 3/ 6 0 3/ 5 0 3/ 4 0 01 0 38 o/ 0 Page 5-4