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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5, CallVisor, ASAI Protocol Reference Instructions Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5, CallVisor, ASAI Protocol Reference Instructions Manual
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Facility Information Element (FIE) General Description Issue 6 June 1997 1-5 Facility Information Element (FIE) General Description The CCITT Q.932 Facility Information Element (FIE) identifies the capability being requested for or responded to within an association. The FIE carries ASAI capability information across the ASAI. At most, one FIE may be contained in a REGister, FACility, or RELease COMplete message. All REGister and FACility messages contain an FIE. All RELease COMplete messages used during normal ASAI operation also contain an FIE. The FIE carries information in a component that has one of four basic structures, explained as follows: 1. An Invoke component invokes an ASAI capability and contains: nAn invoke-id used to identify this capability’s invocation within the ASAI association, and used to associate any later result with the specific invocation nAn Operation Value used to identify the capability nAny optional ASAI parameters 2. A Return Result component indicates that a previously invoked capability (within this association) has successfully completed, and contains: nThe invoke-id of the FIE that carried the capability request nAn optional Operation Value that identifies the completed capability3 nAny optional ASAI parameters with a result 3. A Return Error component indicates that a previous ASAI request (within this association) is denied, and contains: nThe invoke-id of the FIE that carried the capability request nAn Operation Value that identifies the terminated capability nAny optional ASAI parameters with an error 4. A Reject component rejects a previous FIE that violates protocol, and contains: nThe invoke-id of the rejected FIE (if it can be determined) nA problem code 3. The optional Operation Value and optional results parameters are both present in or absent from the Return Result component. (One is not present without the other.) This is derived from Q.932.

Introduction to Layer 3 Protocol 1-6Issue 6 June 1997 FIE Acknowledgements ASAI Capability invocations may be: The messaging procedures in Chapter 2, ‘‘Messaging Sequences and ASAI’’ explain when capability invocations require an acknowledgement. Within an ASAI association, an acknowledgement uses the same invoke-id and CRV in the Return Result or Return Error component as was present in the invoke request. An endpoint need not wait for a capability to be acknowledged before invoking another capability within the same association. The messaging procedures in Chapter 2, ‘‘Messaging Sequences and ASAI’’ indicate when the requesting endpoint must wait for acknowledgements. For example, an adjunct may send a Third Party Clear Call request at any time during a Call Control association. Also, an ASAI endpoint may send an Abort request any time during any association. FIE Protocol Errors An ASAI endpoint may use the Reject component to reject a badly structured FIE or one that violates protocol. When FIE contents violate protocol, the ASAI endpoint may use the Reject component if it is able to determine the message type, CRV, and FIE within a message but not where the FIE contents violate the protocol. Or, the ASAI endpoint may also abort or return an empty RELease COMplete message.acknowledgedThe serving ASAI endpoint always responds with either a Return Result component or a Return Error component (an example is the Value Query capability). unacknowledgedThe serving ASAI endpoint does not send a response (an example is the Event Report capability). acknowledged only on failureThe serving ASAI endpoint sends a Return Error component if it cannot process the request (or if the processing results in an error). The serving endpoint does not return a Return Result component in response to a successful request. Examples are the Routing and Third Party Make Call capabilities. acknowledged only on successNone of the capabilities supported in the ECS ASAI are in this class.

Facility Information Element (FIE) General Description Issue 6 June 1997 1-7 ASAI permits the rejecting endpoint to send the Reject component in either: nA FACility message if the rejecting endpoint permits the requesting endpoint to continue the association and retry nA RELease COMplete message if the rejecting endpoint terminates the association when an FIE protocol error occurs Of these options, the ECS always sends a Reject component in a RELease COMplete message to terminate any association where an FIE protocol violation occurs. The ECS does not permit the adjunct to retry within the same association after an FIE protocol violation. The ECS does not attempt to retry during any association where an adjunct rejects an FIE sent by the ECS. If the ECS receives a Reject component in a FACility message, it immediately replies with a RELease COMplete message that terminates the association. Operation Values As previously noted, each FIE carries ASAI information for an ASAI capability. The Operation Value segment of the FIE component identifies the ASAI capability for which the FIE is carrying information. The Operation Value/Error Value Coding Table in Chapter 4 (Table 4-14 on page 4-48) lists the complete set of Operation Values and their encodings. Invoke-id Values Invoke-ids are identifiers that carry binary values within each association (CRV). To ensure orderly acknowledgements within an ASAI association, endpoints must use the following rules to select invoke-ids: 1. With any new request (whether it begins a new association or is one added onto an existing association), the requesting endpoint assigns an invoke-id value for the duration of that request. Because the invoke-id is a binary field, the requesting endpoint may use any binary value except all zeros. ASAI reserves the all zero value. In addition, the endpoint initiating the ASAI association must use invoke-ids with the low order bit set to one; the serving endpoint must use invoke-ids with the low order bit set to zero. An endpoint making a new request on an existing association need not be the endpoint that initially requested the association. 2. Invoke-ids for an association are in one of two states: nAvailable — Not assigned to an association nIn-use — Assigned to an association 3. All invoke-ids are available when an association begins.

Introduction to Layer 3 Protocol 1-8Issue 6 June 1997 4. When an ASAI endpoint invokes an operation, it uses an available invoke-id in the FIE. If the capability is acknowledged, then the invoke-id state changes to “in-use.” If the operation is not acknowledged, then the invoke-id state remains “available.” 5. An endpoint may assign invoke-id values in any order; they do not have to be sequential. Therefore, an endpoint must be able to receive invoke-ids in any order. 6. When an ASAI endpoint receives a Return Result or Return Error component, the associated invoke-id becomes available. 7. If an adjunct re-uses invoke-ids within a single association, it is recommended that it select those ids that have been available for the longest period of time. 8. The initiating endpoint must not use (within a given association) the same invoke-id value for more than one acknowledged operation at a time. The receiving endpoint may reject subsequent requests using an “in-use” invoke-id. In other words, the initiating endpoint must ensure that it does not use an “in-use” invoke-id when invoking another capability. Denying an ASAI Request When an endpoint receives a capability request for a service that is permitted in the present ASAI context, but that it cannot provide (such as an invalid value for a request parameter), it responds with a message whose FIE contains a Return Error component and an optional reason for the denial. The return error response must be the first response to the request. The denial may be carried in: nA FACility message if the denying endpoint allows the association to continue nA RELease COMplete message if the denying endpoint does not allow the association to continue The ECS expects any adjunct denials to terminate the association. If the ECS receives a Return Error component in a FACility message, then the ECS sends a RELease COMplete and terminates the association.

Aborting an ASAI Association Issue 6 June 1997 1-9 Aborting an ASAI Association Once an ASAI endpoint has started processing an ASAI request and finds, for some reason, that it cannot continue to process the request, the endpoint may abort the association. The abort mechanism may be used: nWhen internal constraints within the ASAI endpoint terminate processing nWhen a capability request is made on the wrong association nWhen an error, unexpected, or abnormal condition occurs within the ASAI endpoint Any ASAI endpoint may abort any ASAI association at any time. An ASAI endpoint must be prepared to receive an abort at any time. To abort an ASAI association, the endpoint sends a RELease COMplete message containing an FIE with a special Abort Operation Value. The message may optionally include a cause.

Introduction to Layer 3 Protocol 1-10Issue 6 June 1997

Issue 6 June 19972-1 2 Messaging Sequences and ASAI This chapter describes the ASAI message sequences for the ASAI capabilities. These message descriptions include information necessary for understanding the procedures, such as the message direction, message type (REGister, FACility, or RELease COMplete), the FIE component type, Operation Value, and the parameters within the FIE. The descriptions provided in this chapter focus on the information flowing across the ASAI. They are not bit-level descriptions of each message. The latter descriptions for each message are located in Chapter 5, ‘‘Byte Level Messages.’’ Message Conventions In this chapter, optional parameters in the message will be enclosed by square brackets — [].

Messaging Sequences and ASAI 2-2Issue 6 June 1997 All procedures implicitly include the denial, association termination, protocol violation, reject, and abort messaging. The message procedures are presented in this chapter in the following order: nCommon Capabilities (Event Reports) nCall Control Association nDomain (Station/ACD) Control Association nNotification Association nRouting Association nRequest Feature Association nValue Query Association nSet Value Association nEnding an ASAI Association nLink Management and Maintenance nApplication Timers Conventions Within certain messages, specific information elements are optional and may or may not be present in a specific message. These items are shown in square brackets [ ].

Common Capabilities Issue 6 June 1997 2-3 Common Capabilities The Event Report capability is common to certain other capability groups that require message procedure instructions. Event Reports The ECS sends event reports to an adjunct for controlled calls (Third Party or Domain) and monitored calls. A call becomes either controlled or monitored in the following circumstances: nThe adjunct invoked a Third Party Make Call capability to set up the call (the call is controlled). Event reports are sent on the call control association. nThe adjunct invoked a Third Party Take Control capability to take control of the call (the call is controlled). In this case the event reports are sent on the call control association. nThe adjunct invoked the Request Notification capability on a domain and the event report pertains to a call that was offered as an incoming call to the domain (the call is monitored). The event reports are sent on the Request Notification association. nThe call is present at a station extension for which an adjunct has a Domain (Station) Control association. Event reporting for such a call ceases when the call leaves the controlled extension (though it may continue on another association because it enters a monitored domain or arrives at another controlled extension). Event reports are sent on the Domain Control Association. nThe adjunct invoked the Third Party Domain (Split) Control Request for a split domain. Event reports inform the adjunct when the agent(s) has logged into or logged out of the split domain. The event reports are sent on the Domain Control association. The ECS also sends Charging Event Reports indicating charge advice received for ISDN-PRI calls. These are sent if the adjunct has invoked an Event Notification capability on the domain of all trunk groups. However these calls are not considered monitored by ASAI. No events other than the Charging Event are sent on the Event Notification association for all trunk groups. Certain call-related event reports indicate that further control of a call is no longer possible. An adjunct might use this information to determine when it might terminate a control association. Event reports are of three types: 1. Those that inform the adjunct of some event; the control association continues and adjunct control of the call is still possible. 2. Those that may indicate that no further call control is possible; the only additional feedback about this call will be Third Party Call Ended Operation.

Messaging Sequences and ASAI 2-4Issue 6 June 1997 3. Call Ended Event Reports, which terminate a Call Control association. A RELease COMplete message carries the call ended operation and terminates the association. Within a notification association, a FACility message carries the Call Ended operation so that the association is not terminated and notification of any future calls will continue to occur. Events may be sent to monitoring, call control, and domain control adjuncts as a result of either: nA manual operation nA request from another association controlling the call or endpoint An endpoint making an ASAI call control request receives an acknowledgement, not an event report, such as when there is domain control on both stations of a call, and one of the associations is used to request a hold. The requesting association gets an acknowledgement, and the other association gets a Hold Event Report. All call-related event reports (which excludes the Login and Logout Event Reports) contain the ASAI call identifier for the call. This identifier specifies the particular call the event report is for when the ECS sends event reports for multiple calls on a notification or extension control association.