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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Maintenance Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Maintenance Guide
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Maintenance Strategy 2-1 2 DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 2 Maintenance Strategy This chapter b riefly d iscusses normal step s to take when p rob lems occur with the DEFINITY AUDIX System. Feature p rob lems that may b e rep orted b y the sub sc rib er are also listed , with p ossib le solutions. !CAUTION: Many of the rep air ac tions and use of utilities d esc rib ed in the following c hap ters should not b e p erformed b y the c ustomer. Certain p roc ed ures may b e d estructive to the system.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Maintenance Strategy 2-2 Begin Troubleshooting 2 Begin Troubleshooting Refer to Fi g u re 2 -1, Resolving Alarms, when troub le c alls are p lac ed and alarms will have to b e resolved . Figure 2-1. Resolving Alarms TSC: You receive trouble call Is AUDIX system out of service? Log in and go to display alarms form Consider customer complaints See next sectionMF_BD ALARM_ORIG SYS_TIME MO_DISK DISK VOICE_PT VOI CE_GRP LINK_PORTS SWITCH SWITCHLINK LANINTF NET_PORT MACHINE STORAGE M_DATA (master data) S_DATA (system data) SOFTWARE AUDIT (shutdown codes) -Reboot -Test board -Replace board -Set time -Test alarm origination fcdxalm LJK 030999 Basic repair actions Displayed resource types See chapter 3 See chapter 4 -Reboot -Test MO disk -Status disk -Restore from backup/generic -Replace device -Restart/reboot -Test port -Change voice group -Test switch-link -Test LAN See chapter 5 -Test network port -Test machine -Restart/rebootSee chapter 6 -Decrease file system size -Reboot -Restore file system from backup See chapter 7 -Restart -Reboot -Restore generic file systems See chapter 8 -Restart -Run auditsSee chapter 9 Is there a problem with the switch? Consider: Power outage, fluctuation Improper translation, port distribution Overheating Circuit, circuit pack failure ! ! ! !
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Maintenance Strategy 2-3 Feature Problems Reported by Subscriber 2 Feature Problems Reported by Subscriber Are DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers rep orting feature p rob lems throug h the system ad ministrator; AUDIX Sub sc rib er; AUDIX System Ad ministrator, Customer Care Center (RSC)? Ta b l e 2 - 1, Customer Rep orted Feature Prob lems, lists the most c ommon feature p rob lems the c ustomer may rep ort. In c onsid ering these, c ustomer c ontac t may be need ed to g et more explic it details of the prob lem. Table 2-1. Customer Reported Feature Problems Feature Problem What to Consider After d ialing the AUDIX extension (for a Voic e Mailb ox c all), a sub sc rib er hears ring b ac k tone b ut the AUDIX system never answers.1. Verify the func tioning of the switc h? Plac e a test c all: — Dial the switc h extension related to the AUDIX port. — Chec k switc h translations for hunt g roup, voic e p orts and c overag e paths. — Listen for ring ing , go off-hook and verify a dial tone. — Break the d ial tone to ensure that the switc h port listens. — If a c all c annot b e plac ed , c hec k the alarm log . 2. Is a voic e p ort out of servic e? (See Chap ter 5.) 3. Is the system c loc k set? (See Chap ter 3.) 4. Do filesystems exist? (See Chap ter 7.) 5. Is the system hard ware b ad or imp rop erly seated? (See Chap ter 3.) 6. If the p rob lem p ersists and no alarms are present, c hec k for errors in the error log . Comp are these with p ast alarms. A sub sc rib er dials for a Call Answer c all, rec eives a ring bac k tone, b ut the AUDIX system never answers.1. Is the c all-c overag e translation c orrec t? (See Chap ter 5.) 2. Is the subsc riber set up with Call Answer p ermission? The ad ministrator should c hec k this. 3. Is the switc h port op en? Plac e a test c all. If the c all c annot be p lac ed, c hec k the alarm log. 4. Have the filesystem threshold s b een exc eed ed? Is the voic e text filesystem out of sp ac e? (See Chap ter 7.) 5. Is the d isk d rive operating ? (See Chap ter 4.) 6. If the p rob lem p ersists and no alarms are present, c hec k for errors in the error log . Comp are these with p ast alarms. Continued on next page
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Maintenance Strategy 2-4 Feature Problems Reported by Subscriber 2 The sub sc rib er d ials the AUDIX system, b ut it answers only after many ring ing s.1. This is normal d uring heavy traffic c ond itions. The sub sc rib er is b eing p lac ed in a waiting queue. Verify heavy traffic ac tivity by c hec king the p ort usage/p eg c ount d ata on the LIST MEASUREMENTS LOAD HOUR sc reen. 2. If a port has not b een used for some time, c hec k the STATUS VOICE-GROUP sc reen to verify that p orts are in servic e. 3. Chec k the CHANGE/DISPLAY VOICE-GROUP sc reen to see if voic e p ort loc ations and extensions are c orrec t. 4. If the p rob lem persists and no alarms are present, c hec k the error log for any voic e-g roup errors. (See Chap ter 5.) The sub sc rib er d ials the AUDIX system and hears static or ab normal noise.1. Is the c all internal or external? If external, the loc al telep hone fac ilities need to d eal with this. 2. Run the TEST BOARD LONG. When making a Voic e Mail or Call Answer c all, the sub sc rib er is c onnec ted to the AUDIX system b ut rec eives no system announc ements, wrong announc ements, garbled announc ements, or announc ements out of ord er.1. If the p roblem oc c urs rarely or oc c asionally, c hec k for a faulty AUDIX p ort. 2. If b ad announc ements oc c ur freq uently or always, the system may not b e ab le to ac c ess the Storag e filesystem. (See Chap ter 7.) — Chec k the DISPLAY ANNOUNCEMENT sc reen for ac tive announc ements. If this field is emp ty, rec over the filesystem from the bac kup MO disk. (See Chapter 7.) — If the filesystem ap p ears intac t, c hec k the status of the disk using the STATUS DISK sc reen. (See Chap ter 4.) The sub sc rib er’s message waiting lamp (MWL) may not lig ht or exting uish properly. nThe lamp does not light in response to a sent messag e: Plac e a test c all to c hec k the switc h voic e p ort. Also c hec k that MWL translations are c orrec t. (See Installation and Switc h Ad ministration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 , 585-300-122.) nChec k the STATUS SWITCH-LINK sc reen to see that the datalink is in-servic e and in d ata-transfer. nThe lamp d oes not extinguish: Chec k the MWL translations for the subsc riber’s p hone. nCL only. Chec k the ad junc t name field on the sub sc rib er’s switc h station form. The value should b e the same as the ad junc t name on the hunt group form. When sc anning messag es, the sub sc rib er may hear There is no message to play b ac k. On a Call Answer c all, this announc ement may b e followed b y a stand ard system g reeting instead of a p ersonal g reeting .1. Chec k the DISPLAY ALARMS/ERRORS log s for a c orrup ted voic e text filesystem (See Chap ter 7) or a b ad d isk. (See Chap ter 4.) 2. Chec k the log s for intermittent errors and alarms (those that resolve themselves and then b ec ome ac tive ag ain). Ta b l e 2 - 1 .Customer Reported Feature Problems — Continued Feature Problem What to Consider Continued on next page
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Maintenance Strategy 2-5 Feature Problems Reported by Subscriber 2 When trying to c reate a messag e, the sub sc rib er hears There is no room in your mailb ox.1. The sub sc rib er should d elete unneeded messag es in resp onse to the warning messag e. 2.If the sub sc rib er’s mailbox is not full, the system ad ministrator should c hec k the sub sc rib er’s maximum messag e leng ths. Also, minimum requirements for sub sc rib ers should b e c hec ked . 3. Chec k for extra voic e data and text files in the Storage filesystem. (See Chapter 7.) The sub sc rib er rec eives a reord er tone (fast-busy) after dialing the system.1. Will oc c ur if you were working on the AUDIX system and all the voic e ports were b usied out. 2. Will oc c ur if you were not d oing servic e, b ut the system was out of servic e b ec ause of a restart. Chec k the alarm and error logs for restart errors. (See Chap ter 3 for hard ware errors and Chap ter 8 for software errors.) 3. Chec k the STATUS SWITCH-LINK sc reen to see that the datalink is in-servic e and in d ata-transfer. 4. Chec k the log s for intermittent errors and alarms. 5. Chec k the hunt g roup translations. A CL-mod e system answers in stand alone mod e (sub sc rib er hears “ Use touc htones to reenter the numb er you c alled” ).1. Chec k the STATUS SWITCH-LINK sc reen to see that the datalink is in-servic e and in d ata-transfer. 2. Chec k the switc h translations, p artic ularly the message c enter field to ensure it is set to audix in the hunt g roup. A sub sc rib er c omplains that voic e mail messag es are not being sent to users on a remote system.1. Use DISPLAY REMOTE to determine to whic h remote mac hine the user is send ing. 2. Use LIST MEASUREMENTS REMOTE MACHINE DAY to determine if any messag es are being sent or rec eived to or from that mac hine. 3. Use TEST MACHINE (NAME) to plac e a test c all to that mac hine. If it fails, c hec k the p hone numb er and switc h translations or if ok, the trouble may b e in the remote mac hine. 4. Chec k that the Send to Non-Administered Rec ipients field on the MACHINE PROFILE sc reen is set to y. 5. Chec k the ac tivity log. Ta b l e 2 - 1 .Customer Reported Feature Problems — Continued Feature Problem What to Consider Continued on next page
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Maintenance Strategy 2-6 Feature Problems Reported by Subscriber 2
TN568 Circuit Pack 3-1 MF_BD Alarms, Repair Procedures and Errors 3 DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 3 TN568 Circuit Pack MF_BD Alarms, Repair Procedures and Errors Tab le 3-1 lists alarms and rep air p roc ed ures assig ned to the Multifunc tion Board (MF_BD) fault resourc e. Rep air ac tions are p erformed one at a time until the p rob lem is solved . If the p rob lem reoc c urs, refer to Tab le 3-2 to b etter und erstand the errors that may b e trig g ering the alarms. Alarms ap p ear in the D I SPL AY AL ARM S sc reen under the resource type: MF_BD
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 TN568 Circuit Pack 3-2 MF_BD Alarms, Repair Procedures and Errors 3 Table 3-1. MF_BD Alarms and Repair Procedures Fault Code Fault DescriptionAlarm LevelError Log Resource Repair Action 100 Unab le to p ump DSP Parallel ControllerMAJORDSP_SUBSYS — In v o ke RESET SYSTEM REBOOT. If system d oes not return to AUDIX state, or error/fault reoc c urs, shut d own the system, and rep lac e the TN568. 101 Failed to c onfigure Voic e Buffer driver MAJORDSP_SUBSYS 102 DSP Parallel Controller p roc ess diedMAJORDSP_SUBSYS 103 Proc ess error No alarmDSP_SUBSYS Used internally. Alarm is never ac tive 200 Firmware detec ted faulty Dig ital Sig nal p roc essorMAJORDSP_VOICE Replac e TN568. 201 Dig ital Sig nal Proc essor failed tone testMAJORDSP_VOICE — Invoke test board long. — Rep lac e TN568. 202 Reac hed maximum rep umps allowedMAJORDSP_VOICE — System resets Dig ital Sig nal Proc essor automatic ally. — Invoke test board long. — Invoke reset system reboot. — If system alarm reoc c urs, rep lac e TN568. 203 Dig ital Sig nal Proc essor failedMAJORDSP_VOICE 204 Proc ess error rep ortedMAJORDSP_VOICE — System resets Dig ital sig nal Proc essor automatic ally. — If system alarm reoc c urs, rep lac e TN568. 205 Dig ital Sig nal Proc essor kernel fatal errorMAJORDSP_VOICE — System resets Dig ital Sig nal Proc essor automatic ally. — If system alarm reoc c urs, rep lac e TN568. 206 Dig ital Sig nal Proc essor kernel faultMAJORDSP_VOICE 207 Dig ital Sig nal Proc essor insaneMAJORDSP_VOICE 208 Dig ital Sig nal Proc essor voic e p ort faultMAJORDSP_VOICE 300 Going to Shutd own stateNo alarmEMB_MFB Used internally. Alarm is never ac tive.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 TN568 Circuit Pack 3-3 MF_BD Alarms, Repair Procedures and Errors 3 301 Restarting system MAJOREMB_MFB — In v o ke RESET SYSTEM REBOOT. — If system d oes not return to AUDIX state, or error/fault reoc c urs, shut d own the system, and rep lac e the TN568. 302 Restart w/o ang el initializationMAJOREMB_MFB 303 Go to OA&M MAJOREMB_MFB 304 Flashware tests failedMAJOREMB_MFB Shut d own the system, and rep lac e the TN568. 305 Cloc k Hard ware failedMAJOREMB_MFB — Run TEST BOARD LONG — If the alarm is still ac tive, alert the RSC. 306 Initialization ang el failedMAJOREMB_MFB — If system d oes not return to AUDIX state, or error/fault reoc c urs, shut d own the system, and rep lac e the TN568. — If system initializes to OA&M state, b oot from the MO d isk. — If system d oes not return to AUDIX state, or error/fault reoc c urs, shut d own the system, and rep lac e the TN568. 307 Time-Division Multiplexing c loc k failedMAJOREMB_MFB — Verify the TDM c loc k is op erational on the switc h. — If the switc h TDM c loc k is op erational, invoke RESET SYSTEM RESTART. — If system d oes not return to AUDIX state, or error/fault reoc c urs, restore from the MO disk. — If system d oes not return to AUDIX state, or error/fault reoc c urs, shut d own the system, and rep lac e the TN568. 308 Angel problem in KDBMAJOREMB_MFB System reb oots. 309 Sanity timer upd ate MAJOREMB_MFB — Restore the g eneric p artitions. — If system d oes not return to AUDIX state, or error/fault reoc c urs, shut d own the system, and rep lac e the TN568. Fault Code Fault DescriptionAlarm LevelError Log Resource Repair Action
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 TN568 Circuit Pack 3-4 MF_BD Alarms, Repair Procedures and Errors 3 312 Time Slot Controller badMAJOREMB_MFB — Verify the TDM c loc k is op erational on the switc h. — If the switc h TDM c loc k is op erational, shut down the system, and rep lac e the TN568. — If the prob lem reoc c urs, c hec k the switc h TDM c loc k. 313 386 flashware rep rog ramming ab ortedWARN IN GEMB_MFB Insp ec t the /usr/add-on/audix/lib/pumpware/fw 386/reprog.out file. This file will c ontain the reason c ode for why rep rog ramming ab orted or failed . 314 386 flashware rep rog ramming failedWARN IN GEMB_MFB 317 386 flash PROM c hec ksum errorMAJOREMB_MFB If system d oes not return to AUDIX state, or error/fault reoc c urs, shut d own the system, and rep lac e the TN568. 600 SCSI protoc ol failure MAJORSCSI_CHIP — If system is in the AUDIX state, i n vo ke RESET SYSTEM REBOOT. — Shut down the system and c hec k the SCSI bus c ab les. — If system d oes not return to AUDIX state, or error/fault reoc c urs, shut d own the system, and rep lac e the disk drive. — If system still does not return to AUDIX state, or error/fault reoc c urs, replac e the TN568. 601 SCSI hard ware d iagnosticMAJORSCSI_CHIP 602 SCSI bus reset MINORSCSI_CHIP This alarm should automatic ally resolve after 24 hours. If it has not: — Chec k the hard d isk d rive — Chec k the MO d isk drive — Rep lac e the TN568 — Chec k c ab les 800 Loop -b ac k failed MAJORSYNC_PT — Exe c u t e TEST SWI TC H -L I N K LONG. — As a last resort, rep lac e the TN568. 900 FW d etec ted DSP faultMAJORDSP_NET — In v o ke RESET SYSTEM REBOOT. If error p ersists, rep lac e TN568. 901 DSP failed tone test MAJORDSP_NET — If MF_BD alarm 312 ac tive see its rep air ac tions. Otherwise run test ag ain, and if error persists rep lac e the TN568. Fault Code Fault DescriptionAlarm LevelError Log Resource Repair Action