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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Maintenance Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Maintenance Guide
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Digital Networking 6-19 Remote Machine Test 6 Tab le 6-12 shows test results for normal mod e 1 and 3 c alls. Table 6-12. Test Results for Normal Mode 1 and 3 Calls Most Recent Test Result (Last Step that Completed)Most Recent Test Result (Failure) Possible Problem Corrective Action R Seizing Pass F Dialing-Denied Numb er of the Remote AUDIX Networking Port incorrectChec k the numb er in the d ial string . R Seizing Pass F Dialing-Disc onnec t Remote AUDIX networking ports busied out (either on the Switc h or AUDIX).Release busy the networking port. R Seizing Pass F Dialing-Tmout Dialed a remote AUDIX networking p ort number that d id not answerChec k the dialed numb er in the dial string . The remote AUDIX networking port may be administered on the switc h b ut not on the DEFINITY AUDIX Sy s t e m R Seizing Pass F Dialing-Busy Remote AUDIX network p ort(s) busyWait and try c all again. R Starting Data LinkF Connec ted -Ehup Called an inc orrec t numb er that was answered with d ata c arrier tone (Possib ly a mod em or 7400A)Correc t numb er in the dial string R Starting Data LinkF Connec ted -Fail 64K Mod e 3 d ata c all mad e over a T1 fac ility that c an only hand le 56K Mod e 1 c alls.Chec k the ad ministration on the T1 fac ility or c hange the c all rate to 56k.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Digital Networking 6-20 Remote Machine Test 6 Tab le 6-13 shows test machine results. Table 6-13. Test Machine Results Test Name Test Result Repair Action Test c onnec tion P Test Done-Pass na (Test d one suc c essfully) R p ort b usy, waiting Use other port or c ontinue waiting. R Starting Starting the test A p ort is OOS-F Fix network port alarm, try ag ain. A p ort is OOS-R Fix MF-BD or software alarms, try ag ain. A p ort is OOS-C Use other port or release b usyout, try ag ain. A p ort is busy Try ag ain later. A p ort is busied out Use other port or release b usyout and try ag ain. A another c all ac tive Wait for other c all to same mac hine to complete. A p ort in loop b ac k Stop loopb ac k testing and run again. A system error Try ag ain, run long p ort test, reboot, c all RSC. R Seizing -Pass Suc c essfully seized loc al networking p ort F Seizing -Busy The p ort is not IDLE or has b een busied out. F Seizing --Efail Could not seize the port (raise alarm). A Seizing -Ab ort While seizing the p ort, the p ort is busied out. F Seizing -Fail Unknown reason (system error) R Dialing-Pass First stag e dialing p assed. F Dialing -Busy Rec eived b usy tone. F Dialing -Denied Rec eived interc ep t tone. F Dialing -Reord er Rec eived reorder tone. F Dialing -Tmout Got timeout on dialing the p ort. F Dialing -Disc onnec t Rec eived d isc onnec t. F Dialing -Abort While dialing the p ort, the p ort is b usied out. F Dialing -Fail Unknown reason (system error) R Connec ting Initiating remote c onnec tion seq uenc e Continued on next page
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Digital Networking 6-21 Remote Machine Test 6 Test c onnec tion R Starting DSPLike is says, “starting DSP” R Dialing xxx Eac h d ial stag e is disp layed as it is sent to the mod em. R Ok Disp lays if the modem ac c epts the init string . R Send ing BREAK Send ing break to remote data mod ule p rior to last d ial stage R Connec ted Loc al mod em is c onnec ted to remote modem. R Ring ing Remote AUDIX or mod em is ring ing . R Answered Remote AUDIX has answered . R Starting Datalink Setting up networking protoc ol R Connec ted -Pass Connec tion to the remote mac hine p assed F Connec ted-Rejec t Rejec ted (wrong p assword ) F Connec ted-Ehup Rec eived d isc onnec t. A Connec ted -Ab ort While c onnec ting the port, the p ort is b usied out. F Connec ted-Fail Chec k ad m. log for the reason. R Send ing Test File Starting file transfer R File Transfer-Pass File transfer passed . F File Transfer-Fail Connec tion d rop p ed d uring transfer. Table 6-13. Test Machine Results — Continued Test Name Test Result Repair Action Continued on next page
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Digital Networking 6-22 Remote Machine Test 6
Filesystems 7-1 7 DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 7 Filesystems Minor and major alarms ag ainst the filesystems g enerally req uire system initialization. If a serious p rob lem oc c urs d uring normal system op eration, an alarm is raised and no c orrec tive ac tion is taken until the system is reb ooted . The alarm is retired b y the reb oot. If the filesystem c annot b e rep aired during initialization, more drastic rep air ac tion will b e req uired , suc h as restoring the filesystem from b ac kup or rep lac ing the d isk. A DEFINITY AUDIX System d oes not allow for automatic filesystem growth. Customer filesystems are mad e up of: nMaster Data (M_DATA) — Backed up nig htly nSys t e m D a t a ( S_D ATA ) — Backed up nig htly nStorag e (STORAGE) — Voic e text b ac ked up on d emand — Announc ements b ac ked up on d emand — Names b ac ked up Sund ay morning s The c ustomer is not responsib le for c reating filesystem free sp ac e. Low free sp ac e situations are noted on the administration terminal status line and in the ad ministration log . The system will not notify the RSC of this situation. All c ustomer filesystems must b e ac c essib le for the system to suc c essfully reac h the AUDIX state. Customer filesystems ap p ear on the C H A N G E FI L ESYSTEM sc reen.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Filesystems 7-2 Customer Storage Problems 7 Customer Storage Problems Re f e r t o Table 7-1, Storag e Filesystem Alarms and Rep air Proc ed ures, for a list of alarms and repair p roc ed ures ad d ressed to the storag e filesystem. Perform d ashed rep air ac tions one at a time until the p rob lem is solved . Alarms ap p ear in the DISPLAY ALARMS sc reen und er the resourc e typ e: STORAGE Table 7-1. Storage Filesystem Alarms and Repair Procedures Fault CodeFault DescriptionAlarm LevelError Log ResourceRepair Action 0 No free sp ac e. Oc c urs if earlier filesystem threshold warnings to the ad ministrator are ig nored . Will c ause serious p rob lems with system operation.WA RN I N GSTORAGE — Ask sub sc rib ers to d elete unnec essary messag es or g reeting s. Messag e retention time for old and filed messag es may also b e shortened via the c lass of servic e sc reens. — Remove unused announc ements or announc ement sets. — Dec rease the numb er of sub sc rib ers with rec ord ed names. Delete unnec essary remote sub sc rib ers. 1 The filesystem is c orrupted . Detec ted b y the filesystem d river after the system is up and running . Op erations c ontinue b ut the filesystem will be marked unc lean when unmounted .MINORSTORAGE I n vo k e t h e RESET SYSTEM REBOOT sc reen whic h will c ause fsc k to run ag ainst the filesystem and c lean it up . 2 No free i-nod es WARNINGSTORAGE This is a symp tom of some other p rob lem in the system. Invoke the RESET SYSTEM REB O O T s c reen whic h will c ause fsc k to run ag ainst the filesystem and c lean it up . Also, c ome up in sing le-user mode and run fsc k. 3 Free sp ac e low No alarmSTORAGE Used internally. Alarm is never ac tive.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Filesystems 7-3 Customer Storage Problems 7 Tab le 7-2, Storag e Filesystem Errors, lists the errors log g ed in the D I SPL AY ERRO RS sc reen. If these errors exc eed a c ertain threshold , they may g enerate the ab ove alarms. Note that pseud onyms of listed error resourc es may app ear in the error log; these hidden resourc es are listed in parenthesis with their related resourc es. 4 Ac tive announc ement set is inac c essible or nonexistent.MAJORSTORAGE Use the CHANGE SYSTEM -PARA METERS FEATURES sc reen to ac tivate another announc ement set. If the d esired announc ement set is saved , use the RESTORE BACKUPS sc reen to restore all announc ement sets. To restore, the system must b e in the OA&M state. If the d esired announc ement set is not saved , restore g eneric . Table 7-2. Storage Filesystem Errors Error ResourceError Code DescriptionFault ResourceFault Code STORAGE 81 Periodic MP 34 failed (c hec k file threshold s)STORAGE 3 FILESYSTEM 132 System FS d river—Filesystem c orrupted STORAGE 1 FILESYSTEM 133 System FS d river—no free sp ac e STORAGE 0 FILESYSTEM 134 Filesystem is out of free i-nod es STORAGE 2 FILESYSTEM 135 System FS d river—internal s/w error STORAGE 1 FILESYSTEM 137 In-c ore filesystem i-nod e tab le overflow STORAGE 2 STORAGE 210 Ac tive announc ement set not availab le STORAGE 4 STORAGE 211 Ac tive announc ement set ok STORAGE 4 (STORAGE) FILESYSTEM 8181 Disk I/O errorSTORAGE none Table 7-1. Storage Filesystem Alarms and Repair Procedures — Continued Fault CodeFault DescriptionAlarm LevelError Log ResourceRepair Action Continued on next page
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Filesystems 7-4 Master Data Problems 7 Master Data Problems Refer to Ta b l e 7 - 3, Master Data Filesystem Faults and Rep air Proc ed ures, for a list of alarms and rep air p roc ed ures add ressed to the Master Data filesystem. Alarms ap p ear in the D I SPL AY A L A RM S sc reen under the resourc e typ e: The system must b e b rought to the OA&M state b efore rep air on this filesystem can begin. Tab le 7-4, Master Data Filesystem Errors, lists the errors log g ed in the D I SPL AY ERRO RS sc reen. If these errors exc eed a c ertain threshold , they may g enerate the ab ove alarms. Note that p seud onyms of listed error resourc es may ap p ear on the error log ; these “ hid d en” resourc es are listed in p arenthesis with their related resourc es M_DATA Table 7-3. Master Data Filesystem Faults and Repair Procedures Fault CodeFault DescriptionAlarm LevelError Log ResourceRepair Action 0No free spac e. Oc c urs if earlier filesystem threshold warnings to the administrator are ig nored . Will c ause serious problems with system op eration.MINORM_DATADec rease the size of the log files (ad min, ac tivity, error log s, and so forth). 1Free spac e is lowMINORM_DATADec rease the size of the log files (ad min, ac tivity, error log s, and so forth). If this p rob lem is neg lec ted, fault c od e 0 may app ear. 2The filesystem is c orrup ted . Detec ted b y the filesystem d river after the system is up and running . Op erations c ontinue but the filesystem will b e marked unc lean when unmounted.MINORM_DATAIn v o ke th e RESET SYSTEM REBOOT sc reen whic h will c ause fsc k to run against the filesystem and c lean it up. Also, c ome up in sing le-user mod e and run fsc k. 3No free i-nodesWARNINGM_DATAThis is a symp tom of some other p rob lem in the system. Invoke the RESET SYSTEM REBOOT sc reen whic h will c ause fsc k to run ag ainst the filesystem and c lean it up .
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Filesystems 7-5 Master Data Problems 7 Table 7-4. Master Data Filesystem Errors Error ResourceError Code DescriptionFault ResourceFault Code M_DATA 81 Period ic MP 34 failed (c hec k file thresholds)M_DATA 1 FILESYSTEM 132 System FS d river — Filesystem c orrup ted M_DATA 2 FILESYSTEM 133 System FS d river — no free spac e M_DATA 0 FILESYSTEM 134 Filesystem is out of free i-nodes M_DATA 3 FILESYSTEM 135 System FS d river — internal s/w error M_DATA 2 FILESYSTEM 137 In-c ore filesystem i-node tab le overflow M_DATA 3 (STORAGE) FILESYSTEM 8181Disk I/O errorM_DATA none
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Filesystems 7-6 System Data Problems 7 System Data Problems Refer to Tab le 7-5, System Data Faults and Rep air Proc ed ures, for a list of alarms and rep air proc ed ures ad d ressed to the System Data filesystem. Alarms ap p ear in the DISPLAY ALARMS sc reen und er the resourc e typ e: Exc ep t for fault c od e 4, the system must b e broug ht to the OA&M state before repair can begin. S_DATA Table 7-5. System Data Faults and Repair Procedures Fault CodeFault DescriptionAlarm LevelError Log ResourceRepair Action 0 No free spac e. Oc c urs if earlier filesystem threshold warnings to the administrator are ig nored . Will c ause serious problems with system op eration.WARNINGS_DATA Ask sub sc rib ers to d elete unnec essary messag es. Shorten the message retention time via the c lass of servic e sc reens. 1 The filesystem is c orrup ted . Detec ted b y the filesystem d river after the system is up and running . Op erations c ontinue b ut the filesystem will b e marked unc lean when unmounted.MINORS_DATA I n vo ke t h e RESET SYSTEM REBOOT sc reen whic h will c ause fsc k to run ag ainst the filesystem and c lean it up. 2 No free i-nodes WARNINGS_DATA This is a symp tom of some other problem in the system. I n vo ke t h e RESET SYSTEM REBOOT sc reen whic h will c ause fsc k to run ag ainst the filesystem and c lean it up. Also, c ome up in sing le-user mode and run fsc k. 3 Free spac e is low No alarmS_DATA Used internally. Alarm is never ac tive. 4 Switc h transfer dial p lan MINORS_DATA Re-ad minister transfer d ial p lan information using CHANGE TRAN SFER-D I AL PL AN