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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Maintenance Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Maintenance Guide
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Administration Log 11-3 11 clrd Administration log manually clearedNone clrd Administration log recovered during auditNone clrd Administration log recreated during auditNone clrd Administration log recreated during initializationNone cmty Network machine (machine-name) has illegal community ID. Set default to 1Administer the mac hines c ommunity ID b y exec uting the CHANGE MACHINE sc reen. cmwl Corrupt message waiting light, extension This indic ates a d isag reement between the AUDIX System and the switc h ab out a sub sc ribers MWL. Could b e c aused b y a rac e c ond ition. If the sub sc rib er c omplains often, c ontac t the RSC. cpas Copy announcement set from announcement set:annc-set_1 to announcement set annc-set_2, interrupted by shutdown. RecopyInvoke the COPY ANNOUNCEMENT-SET sc reen to rec opy. ctna Covering extension assigned while Call Transfer out of AUDIX is not activeInvoke the CHANGE SYSTEM- PA RA METERS FEA TU RES sc reen to ac tivate Call Transfer. Then reexec ute the CHANGE SUBSCRIBER sc reen. dupt duplicate touch tones Chang e name of d uplic ate mailb ox. dups duplicate subscriber Chang e name of d uplic ate mailb ox. fsot Space threshold exceeded Chec k the DISPLAY SYSTEM- PA RA METERS TH RESH OL D S sc reen. fsut Space threshold resolved None ftwa Error obtaining system profile. Flash transfer delay set to 2 (default)None furm Starting full update None furm Full update (not including names) completed from None furm Full update completed - names received successfully from None Table 11-1. Administration Log Entries — Continued Search String Message Action Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Administration Log 11-4 11 furm Full update completed - no names needed from None furm Full update failed from Chec k p ort status. furm Remote update discrepancies require full update from None furm Local update discrepancies require full update from Chec k p ermission. furm Full update denied due to permission from Chec k p ermission. furm Full update aborted and transmissions temporarily disabled due to errors from Chec k p ermission. furm Full update aborted and transmissions temporarily disabled due to errors from Chec k p ermission on loc al and remote system. furm A full update has been requested by None furm Full update (not including names) completed to None furm Full update (not including names) completed to None furm Update discrepancies require full update to None furm Unable to perform requested full update to - updates temporarily disabledChec k p ermission. furm No permission for requested full update to Chec k p ermission. furm Extension missing causing a full update (extension>None furm Extension ADD causing a full update None Table 11-1. Administration Log Entries — Continued Search String Message Action Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Administration Log 11-5 11 gpcf Guest password conflict: Chang e the guest p assword so a c onflic t no longer exists, then inform the sub sc riber. ilbm Loopback message from , cannot replyCorrec t the AMIS translations using the C H A N G E SYSTEM- PA RA METERS ANALOG-NETWORK sc reen. inva Invalid AMIS analog dial string Correc t the AMIS translations using the CHANGE MACHINE sc reen. isum Invalid digit in AMIS sum string Call the RSC. laom Maintenance port busy, Alarm Origination calls blockedLog off the maintenanc e p ort. laom Alarm Origination line disconnectedCall the RSC. laom Alarm Origination call failed Call the RSC. laom No answer to an Alarm Origination call at the far endCall the RSC. laom No acknowledgement of transmission of an Alarm Origination callCall the RSC. lfmb Full mailbox for If this hap pens freq uently, talk with the subscriber. A larger mailbox may be need ed , or you c an sugg est they c lear out their mailb ox more often. lfmb Broadcast mailbox is full If you have an imp ortant b road c ast messag e to deliver, log into the sp ec ial b road c ast mailbox and d elete an old one. Then resend your messag e. link Link integrity has been reset to n/y lnnr Name not recorded for extension Rec ord a name for the subsc riber specified in the log message. lpba Break-in attempt into mailbox owned by , from Chec k into this — Could be an ind ic ation of toll fraud! lpba Break-in attempt into mailbox owned by , from outside callChec k into this — Could be an ind ic ation of toll fraud! Table 11-1. Administration Log Entries — Continued Search String Message Action Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Administration Log 11-6 11 lsos System out of space Inform subsc rib ers to delete unnec essary messag es or greeting s. (You c an use the log in announc ement to d o this effec tively. Make the announc ement non-d ial throug h.) If you g et little resp onse, lower the retention time on the c lass of servic e sc reens for old and filed messag es and then exec ute. Run AUDIT MAILBOXES. Unused announc ements and announc ement sets c an also be removed. Or you c an d ec rease the numb er of sub sc ribers, or delete unnec essary remote sub sc rib ers. lsxl Mixed local subscriber extension lengthsFix sub sc rib er datab ase so all sub sc ribers have the same extension leng ths. mnod Multiple nodes for AMIS address C h e c k t h e D I SPL A Y A D D RESS- RAN GES sc reen. Then c orrec t the AMIS translations using the CHANGE SYSTEM-PARAMETERS ANALOG-NETWORK sc reen. mnod Multiple nodes for AMIS addressesCorrec t the AMIS translations. msot Message space threshold - upper Chec k the DISPLAY SYSTEM- PA RA METERS TH RESH OL D sc reen. Inform subsc ribers to delete unnec essary messag es or greeting s. (You c an use the log in announc ement to d o this effec tively. Make the announc ement non-d ial throug h.) If you g et little response, lower the retention time on the c lass of servic e sc reens for old and filed messages and then exec ute. Run AUDIT MAILBOXES. Unused announc ements and announc ement sets c an also b e removed . Or you c an d ec rease the numb er of subsc rib ers, or d elete unnec essary remote sub sc rib ers. msot Message space threshold - middle msot Message space threshold - lower msut Message space threshold - retiredNone — Indic ates the time when the threshold was resolved . ncol name conflict Chang e name of d uplic ate mailb ox or remote mac hine, then rerun GET REM O TE. Table 11-1. Administration Log Entries — Continued Search String Message Action Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Administration Log 11-7 11 noci No transmission cycle intersection with outcalling for node: name: This c onc erns AMIS networking . AMIS networking uses the outc alling c yc les on t h e SYSTEM -PARA METERS OUTCALLING sc reen. In this c ase the c yc les on the MACHINE sc reen for the g iven node d o not intersec t with the outc alling c yc les. One or b oth c yc les must b e c hang ed for AMIS messages to b e sent. ncyc Network machine (machine-name) has no transmission cyclesAdminister transmission c yc les by exec uting the CHANGE MACHINE sc reen. ncfl Connect success to machine None ncfl Connect failure to machine (busy) or (dial denied) or (try again) or (no answer) or (no carrier) or (protocol handshake failure) or (premature hang up) or (unknown reason)None ndig Network machine (machine-name) has illegal extension sizeAdminister the mac hines extension size b y exec uting the CHANGE MACHINE sc reen. ndny Remote subscriber update from deniedChec k p ermission. ndsd Remote subscribers are deleted None nloc Local node record missing, default insertedAdminister the loc al mac hine b y exec uting the CHANGE MACHINE sc reen. nlrl Rejected login from remote machine - invalid passwordChec k p assword . nlrl Rejected login from remote machine - unknown machine nameChec k mac hine name. nmar Cannot add remote subscriber - system limit exceededInc rease system limit for remote sub sc riber. nmar Disabling incoming network administrative updates.Run “ aud it network-d ata” to enab le updates. nmar Enabling incoming network administrative updates.None nmtl Message transmission limit reached for machine Consid er enlarging the rang e of times that AMIS messag es are sent, c hanging the outc alling sc hed ule, or b oth. Table 11-1. Administration Log Entries — Continued Search String Message Action Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Administration Log 11-8 11 nmtt Message transmission threshold reached for machine Chec k if the messag e c an b e sent to that mac hine b y invoking the System-Parameters Threshold s sc reen. nntr Send to nonadministered remote node. Set field to y for machine (machine-name)Administer send ing to nonad ministered remote sub sc rib ers b y exec uting the CHANGE MACHINE sc reen, or ad ministered users on this node using A D D REM O TE- SU B SC RI B ER. nprm One network port removed during upgrade nrli Connect to machine aborted - invalid machine nameChec k mac hine name on loc al and remote system by invoking the Mac hine Profile sc reen. nrli Connect to machine aborted - invalid password Chec k p assword on loc al and remote system by invoking the System-Parameters Network sc reen. nrli Connect to machine aborted - permission deniedChec k d ial string . nrli Connect to machine aborted - (seize or dial failed)Chec k net-p ort status. nrng Network machine (machine-name) has no address rangesAdminister the ad d ress rang es b y exec uting the CHANGE MACHINE sc reen. nsmb No voice space available to add new mailboxInform subsc rib ers to delete unnec essary messag es or greeting s. (You c an use the log in announc ement to d o this effec tively. Make the announc ement non-d ial throug h.) If you g et little resp onse, lower the retention time for old and filed messag es on the c lass of servic e sc reens and then exec ute. Run AUDIT MAILBOXES. Unused announc ements and announc ement sets c an also be removed . Or you c an d ec rease the number of subsc ribers, or delete unnec essary remote sub sc rib ers. nsua Full update requested but remote update permissions deniedTurn on permission. ntrn Unable to read machine information for node Chec k remote mac hine form. Table 11-1. Administration Log Entries — Continued Search String Message Action Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Administration Log 11-9 11 pafd System profile corrupt, Password Aging DISABLED!To turn on the feature, c hec k the entries for the PASSWORD AGING LIMITS field s o n th e C H A N GE SYSTEM-PARAM ETERS FEATURES sc reen. pewd System profile corrupt, password warning DISABLED!To turn on the feature, c hec k the entries for the PASSWORD AGING LIMITS field s o n th e C H A N GE SYSTEM-PARAM ETERS FEATURES sc reen. pglt Automated Attendant menu lost for all calls, extension Rerec ord menu. (Automated Attend ant not availab le.) pglt Automated Attendant menu lost for out-of-hours calls, extension Rerec ord menu. (Automated Attend ant not availab le.) pglt Automated Attendant menu lost for internal calls, extension Rerec ord menu. (Automated Attend ant not availab le.) pglt Automated Attendant menu lost for external calls, extension Rerec ord menu. (Automated Attend ant not availab le.) pglt Automated Attendant menu lost for busy calls, extension Rerec ord menu. (Automated Attend ant not availab le.) pglt Automated Attendant menu lost for no-answer calls, extension Rerec ord menu. (Automated Attend ant not availab le.) pglt Automated Attendant menu lost for unknown calls, extension Rerec ord menu. (Automated Attend ant not availab le.) pglt Bulletin Board message lost for all calls, extension Rerec ord Bulletin Board announc ement. (Bulletin Board not availab le.) pglt Bulletin Board message lost for out-of-hours calls, extension Rerec ord Bulletin Board announc ement. (Bulletin Board not availab le.) pglt Bulletin Board message lost for internal calls, extension Rerec ord Bulletin Board announc ement. (Bulletin Board not availab le.) pglt Bulletin Board message lost for external calls, extension Rerec ord Bulletin Board announc ement. (Bulletin Board not availab le.) pglt Bulletin Board message lost for busy calls, extension Rerec ord Bulletin Board announc ement. (Bulletin Board not availab le.) Table 11-1. Administration Log Entries — Continued Search String Message Action Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Administration Log 11-10 11 pglt Bulletin Board message lost for no-answer calls, extension Rerec ord Bulletin Board announc ement. pglt Bulletin Board message lost for unknown calls, extension Rerec ord Bulletin Board announc ement. (Bulletin Board not availab le.) pglt Personal greeting lost for all calls, extension Chec k into this — Could be an ind ic ation of toll fraud! pglt Personal greeting lost for out-of-hours calls,extension Notify c alled extension (sub sc rib ers). They will have to rerec ord g reeting. pglt Personal greeting lost for internal calls, extension Notify sub sc rib ers. pglt Personal greeting lost for external calls, extension Notify sub sc rib ers. pglt Personal greeting lost for busy calls, extension Notify sub sc rib ers. pglt Personal greeting lost for no-answer calls, extension Notify sub sc rib ers. pglt Personal greeting lost for unknown calls, extension Notify sub sc rib ers. pmad System profile corrupt, minimum password age DISABLED!To turn on the feature, c hec k the entries for the PASSWORD AGING LIMITS field s o n th e C H A N GE SYSTEM-PARAM ETERS FEATURES sc reen. rest Restore failed Try eac h of the following in ord er until the restore suc c eeds: Retry the restore using the RESTORE sc reen. Chang e the MO d isk. Call the RSC. rest Restore passed None Table 11-1. Administration Log Entries — Continued Search String Message Action Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Administration Log 11-11 11 rest Restore aborted Try eac h of the following in ord er until the restore suc c eeds: Retry the restore using the RESTORE sc reen. Chang e the MO d isk. Call the RSC. rest Unknown issue Call the RSC. rest Unknown release Call the RSC. rmtx Sending matrix missing, default insertedAdminister send ing restric tions by exec uting the CHANGE SYSTEM-PARAMETERS SENDING-RESTRICTIONS sc reen. rmtx Community has illegal entry in sending restriction matrixAdminister send ing restric tions by exec uting the CHANGE SYSTEM-PARAMETERS SENDING-RESTRICTIONS sc reen. rmax Sending restriction matrix file is empty. Default records, which have all entries set to the value PERMIT, were insertedAdminister send ing restric tions by exec uting the CHANGE SYSTEM-PARAMETERS SENDING-RESTRICTIONS sc reen. save Save failed Try eac h of the following in ord er until the save suc c eed s: Retry the save using the SAVE sc reen. Try the save with the initialize option. Chang e the MO d isk. Call the RSC. save Save passed None save Save aborted Try eac h of the following in ord er until the save suc c eed s: Retry the save using the SAVE sc reen. Try the save with the initialize option. Chang e the MO d isk. Call the RSC. save Automated save weekly is disabledEnab le the automated weekly save. save Backup device added None save Removing backup device None save Volume label check failed Run ad d mo-d isk initialize c ommand save Remove tape for rewind None Table 11-1. Administration Log Entries — Continued Search String Message Action Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Administration Log 11-12 11 save Remove MO for initialize None sext Subscriber name has null extensionEnter the extension for the subsc rib er using the CHANGE SUBSCRIBER sc reen. sext Remote subscriber name has null extensionEnter the extension for the subsc rib er using the CHANGE REMOTE-SUBSCRIBER sc reen. spce Save failed: backup device full The MO disk is full.The initialize option must b e used. spce Automated save nightly causing rewindNone — Indic ates that p rior bac kup s are not ac c essib le and are b eing overwritten. spce Approaching end of backup device - room for more automated save nightliesIf you want to keep these b ac kup s, invoke REMOVE MO-DISK, rep lac e the MO d isk c urrently in the system, and invoke ADD MO-DISK. spce Automated save nightly removing oldest backupIndic ates that the old est p revious b ac kup is b eing removed to make room for the c urrent save. spce Automated save weeklies removing oldest backupIndic ates that the old est p revious b ac kup is b eing removed to make room for the c urrent save. spwd System Password changed None sxltCharacters ‘to found more than onceChang e the switc h station/trunk name so that it does not c ontain the c harac ters to. Note: Cap italizing the t is suffic ient. sxlt Name: ‘name () not unique. See Chang e one of the names assoc iated with extension1 or extension2 so they are uniq ue. Note: The names may already b e uniq ue, b ut when the switc h sorts them for the d irec tory, they may end up looking the same. When this happ ens, c hang e them ag ain to make them uniq ue. sxlt Too many errors found, logging suspendedClean up switc h ad ministration flaws d esc rib ed in previous log entries, and try the switc h names aud it again. sxlt Name might contain ‘to If the station name on the switc h c ontains the c harac ters to, remove the c harac ters. Note: Cap italizing the t is suffic ient. If the name d oes not c ontain to, no errors will oc c ur. But this messag e will b e log ged every time the aud it runs. Table 11-1. Administration Log Entries — Continued Search String Message Action Continued on next page