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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Maintenance Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Maintenance Guide
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Audits, Shutdown Codes 9-1 Audits 9 DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 9 Audits, Shutdown Codes Audits The aud its that automatic ally keep the DEFINITY AUDIX System sane, c onsistent, and c lean are alarmed ac c ord ing to whether they are p erformed nig htly or weekly. Table 9-1, Pe r io d i c Au d i t s, lists the typ es of aud its that run d uring system op eration. Most of the aud its c an also b e p erformed on a demand b asis as indicated below and described in Chap ter 1. Table 9-1. Periodic Audits AuditWhen Audit is Automatically PerformedPerformed on Demand? Messag e Waiting Lamp Refresh Continuously No Names Weekly Yes Voic e File Sund ay night Yes Switc h Translations Nig htly Yes Switc h Names Weekly Yes Maintenanc e Log Chec ks Weekly Yes Network Data Weekly Yes Site Data Copy Nig htly No Subsc riber Data Nig htly Yes Subsc riber Mailb ox Nig htly Yes Mailing Lists Nig htly Yes Personal Direc tories Sund ay night Yes
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Audits, Shutdown Codes 9-2 Audits 9 When the system is op erating normally, d emand aud its need not be run. Only the RSC would run an aud it should the system c rash, or to ob serve p rob lems c onc erning voic e spac e, filesystem threshold s, remote messag e add ressing , sub sc rib er log in diffic ulties, and so forth. Note in Ta b l e 9 - 2 that it would b e p ermissib le for the c ustomer to run Selec ted Aud its in an attemp t to c lear an alarm. Re f e r t o Ta b l e 9 - 2 for a list of alarms and repair proc ed ures ad d ressed to aud its. Perform eac h d ashed step one at a time until the p rob lem is resolved . Alarms ap p ear in the D I SPL AY A L ARM S sc reen und er the resourc e typ e: AUDIT Table 9-2. Audit Alarms Fault CodeFault DescriptionAlarm LevelError Log ResourceRepair Action 0 Nig htly aud it failedMINORNIGHT_AUD — Resolved if the next nig htly g eneral aud it p asses — Ru n RESET SYSTEM REB OO T a t th e next c onvenient time. Be prep ared to restore from g eneric or b ac kup d isk if the g eneric restore or restore b ac kup alarms are raised . — If this alarm is raised d uring the next nightly audit, alert the RSC. 1 Delivery data audit failedMINORNIGHT_AUD or WEEKLY _AUD— Resolved if the next nig htly d elivery d ata audit p asses — Run AUDIT MAILING-LISTS. — If this alarm remains, alert the RSC. 2 Switc h names audit failedMINORNIGHT_AUD — Resolved if the next nig htly switc h-names aud it p asses — Run AUDIT SWITCH-NAMES. — If this alarm remains, alert the RSC. 3 Messag e waiting audit failedMINORNIGHT_AUD — Resolved if the next nig htly message waiting aud it p asses — Ru n RESET SYSTEM RESTART a t t h e next c onvenient time. Be prep ared to restore from g eneric or b ac kup d isks if the g eneric restore or restore b ac kup alarms are raised . — If this alarm is raised d uring the next nightly audit, alert the RSC. Continued on next page
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Audits, Shutdown Codes 9-3 Audits 9 4 Switc h translation audit failedMINORNIGHT_AUD or WEEKLY _AUDResolved if the next nightly switc h translation aud it passes. Run audit switc h translations. 5 MaiIb ox aud it failedMINORNIGHT _AUD or WEEKLY_AUD— Resolved if the next nig htly aud it p asses — Run aud it mailboxes. — If the alarm remains, alert the RSC. 6 Network d ata audit failedMINORNIGHT_AUD or WEEKLY_ AUD— Resolved if next nig htly network d ate aud it p asses — Run AUDIT NETWORK.DATA — If the alarm remains, alert the RSC. 7 Delivery Manag er Network d ata audit failedMINORWEEKLY _AUD — Resolved if next weekly DM network d ata audit p asses — Run AUDIT NETWORK DATA — If the alarm remains, alert the RSC. 8 Weekly aud it failedMINORWEEKLY _AUD — Resolved if next weekly general aud it p asses — Ru n RESET SYSTEM REB OO T a t n e xt c onvenient time. Be p repared to restart from g eneric or bac kup d isks if the g eneric restart or restore backup op tions are raised . — If this alarm is raised d uring next weekly aud it, alert the RSC. 9 Maintenanc e logs audit failedMINORWEEKLY _AUD — Resolved if the next weekly maintenanc e log s aud it passes — Run aud it maintenanc e logs at the next c onvenient time. Be p repared to restore from g eneric or bac kup d isks if the g eneric restore or restore b ac kup alarms are raised — If this alarm is raised d uring the next weekly aud it, alert the RSC. Table 9-2. Audit Alarms — Continued Fault CodeFault DescriptionAlarm LevelError Log ResourceRepair Action Continued on next page
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Audits, Shutdown Codes 9-4 Audits 9 Tab le 9-3, Audit Errors, lists the errors that may trig ger the ab ove alarms. Table 9-3. Audit Errors Error ResourceError Code DescriptionFault ResourceFault Code NIGHT_AUD 81 Sc hed uled MP 39 failed (g et names d irec tory from switc h)AUDIT 2 NIGHT_AUD 81 Sc hed uled MP 40 failed (aud it messag e waiting ind ic ators)AUDIT 3 NIGHT_AUD 81 Sc hed uled MP 41 failed (aud it d elivery queues)AUDIT 1 NIGHT_AUD 81 Sc hed uled MP 45 failed (p erform nightly audits)AUDIT 0 NIGHT_AUD 81 Sc hed uled MP 79 failed (aud it SD switc h translations)AUDIT 4 NIGHT_AUD 81 Sc hed uled MP 80 failed (aud it sub sc rib er mailb ox data)AUDIT 5 NIGHT_AUD 81 Sc hed uled MP 81 failed (aud it network data)AUDIT 6 WEEKLY_AUD 81 Sc hed uled MP 41 failed (aud it d elivery queues)AUDIT 1 WEEKLY_AUD 81 Sc hed uled MP 42 failed (aud it logs)AUDIT 9 WEEKLY_AUD 81 Sc hed uled MP 52 failed (p erform weekly aud its)AUDIT 8 WEEKLY_AUD 81 Sc hed uled MP 79 failed (aud it SD switc h translations)AUDIT 4 WEEKLY_AUD 81 Sc hed uled MP 80 failed (aud it sub sc rib er mailb ox data)AUDIT 5 WEEKLY_AUD 81 Sc hed uled MP 82 failed (aud it DM c op ies of mac hine translations)AUDIT 7 WEEKLY_AUD 81 Sc hed uled MP 81 failed (aud it network data)AUDIT 6
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Audits, Shutdown Codes 9-5 Audits 9 Tab le 9-4, Demand Aud it Test Results, lists d emand aud its, ind ivid ual tests that are p erformed, and any ac tions that need to b e p erformed . NOTE: A d emand aud it and the TEST MO func tion c annot b e run at the same time. Table 9-4. Demand Audit Test Results Te s t N a m eTe s t Result (Passed) Test Result (Failed)Test Result (Aborted) Action Aud it Mailb oxes P Passed F Fa il e d A Ab ortedSystem error (c all RSC) Ab orted b y user Aud it Mailb ox Data Aud it Mail Lists Aud it Delivery Data Aud it Log s Aud it Voic e Names Aud it Mac hine Translation Aud it Personal Direc tories Aud it Subsc ribers Aud it Network TranslationsP Pa sse d A Ab orted Ab orted b y user F Failed Try aud it subsc riber and run again. If failure still occurs, call RSC. Disp lay Set Only Aud it Switc h NamesP Pa sse d A Ab orted Ab orted b y user A No p ort avail Try ag ain later F Failed See ad min log F Aud it is b usy System error (c all RSC) F Int. aud it error #2 System error (c all RSC) Aud it Switc h TranslationsP Pa sse d A Ab orted Ab orted b y user F Fa il e dSystem error—try again later. If failure oc c urs ag ain, c all RSC. Aud it Voic e FilesP Pa sse d A Ab orted Ab orted b y user F Failed System error (c all RSC)
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Audits, Shutdown Codes 9-6 Shutdown Codes 9 Shutdown Codes Fault c od es are g enerated from the DEFINITY AUDIX System flashware whenever the system shuts d own and goes into firmware mod e. These c odes ap p ear automatic ally on the loc al and/or remote maintenanc e terminal. Whenever the DEFINITY AUDIX System reinitializes, the c od es will ap p ear in the event log . Ta b l e 9 - 5, System Shutd own Cod es, lists these faults and p ossib le rep air ac tions. Table 9-5. System Shutdown Codes Fault CodeFault DescriptionAlarm LevelCause/Repair Action f020 MFB 386 shuts d own when the fac ep late SHUTDOWN b utton is p ressedNoneNormal — no ac tion f021 MFB 386 firmware c ommand menu shutd own c ommandNone Normal — no ac tion f022 MFB 386 firmware shuts d own in reac tion to NVRAM fw_b t_c tl B O O T_C TL _STA Y_D O WNNone No ac tion f023 MFB 386 firmware shuts d own in reac tion to NVRAM fw_b t_c tl B O O T_C TL _E_SH U TNone Could b e c aused b y hard d isk, MO d isk, or TN568. Determine rep air ac tion from the LCD shutd own c ode. — d8FF — Do upgrade. — d 211 — Restore from generic . f024 Power failure None The problem is with the switc h p ower. f025 Shutdown when voltage g oes out of rangeNone Carrier voltag e is b ad. f026 Shutdown when sensor g oes out of rangeNone The system is too hot. Chec k the airflow around the board and the fans. f027 Shutdown when FAC b oot timer exp iresNone — Reboot the system. — If the p rob lem reoc c urs, reinstall the generic software. — If the p rob lem still p ersists, replac e the TN568. f028 Shutdown on the SAKI interrup t.None Indic ates that the switc h reset the board. Reb oot the system. If this hap pens three c onsec utive times, rep lac e the TN568. f029 Shutdown when b oot load er aborts b ac k to firmwareNone Chec k sc si status from firmware c ommand mod e. If the d isk is not Luc ent-c ertified , the c ustomer must p urc hase a Luc ent-c ertified d isk. Continued on next page
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Audits, Shutdown Codes 9-7 Shutdown Codes 9 f02a Shutdown from software Major Look at the old shutd own reason on the maintenanc e terminal. The only c odes need ing rep air ac tions are: d a01 — Restore from generic . d 7xx — Failed installation. Attemp t reinstallation. f02b Software system error Major Contac t Luc ent servic es f050 15 c onsec utive disk failures or system failed to b oot from d iskMAJOR 1. Chec k b oard — If MFB d iagnostic s fail: — Replac e the b oard. 2. Chec k d isk/software — Attemp t an automatic b oot: a. If you g et a bad b oot load er messag e, the d isk is OK b ut software is b ad : — Reinstall from generic MO d isk and restore b ac kups. b . If you get a Disk 0 not present or not read y messag e, the d isk c ould not b e ac c essed ; the p rob lem is either the d isk d rive or SCSI: — Attemp t a manual b oot from backup d isk c . If b oot from bac kup disk fails with a b ad MO disk messag e, the MO d rive is ac c essib le and the SCSI bus is OK; the troub le is prob ab ly with the d isk: — Chec k the d isk drive c ab ling. If OK, rep lac e the disk. d . If the b oot from b ac kup MO disk fails (e.g ., failed manual b oot), the SCSI b us is not working and the d isk is prob ab ly OK. — Chec k the SCSI c abling . e. If the c ab ling looks OK: — Rep lac e the SCSI c ab le, and the TN568, in that ord er. f051 System failed to b oot from MO diskMAJOR Verify that a MO d isk is in the d rive. Verify that the MO d isk is a valid b ootab le one. Replac e the g eneric MO d isk. Chec k the SCSI c ab ling . If the system still d oes not b oot, rep lac e the MO-d rive. f052 Bad SCSI bus MAJOR This c ould b e any numb er of p rob lems. Chec k the following : c ab les between the TN568, the d isk d rive, and the MO-drive. f053 Manual b oot failed None Verify that all p arameters g iven to the manual b oot were c orrec t. If they were, invoke an automatic b oot. If this fails, rep lac e the TN568. Table 9-5. System Shutdown Codes — Continued Fault CodeFault DescriptionAlarm LevelCause/Repair Action Continued on next page
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Audits, Shutdown Codes 9-8 Shutdown Codes 9 f054 Bad disk drive or SCSI c onnec tionMAJOR— Chec k the SCSI c abling . — Rep lac e the hard disk, SCSI c ab le, and the TN568, in that ord er. f055 Bad load er/p artition or b oot c ontrolMAJOR Reinstall from g eneric MO disk and restore b ac kups. f058 Cannot boot from a write- p rotec ted disk.None — Chec k the SCSI c abling to the hard d isk. — Rep lac e the hard d isk. f059 Cannot boot from a write- protected MO cartridgeNone Tog g le the write-p rotec t tab so the MO is writable. f05A Wrong MO d rive op tions/c onfig urationNone Replac e MO drive f060 Core hardware b ad MAJOR Verify that all p arameters g iven to the manual b oot were c orrec t. If they were, invoke an automatic b oot. If this fails, rep lac e the TN568. f070 Shutdown on unexp ec ted sanity non-maskab le-interrup tMAJOR f072 Unexp ec ted p arity non-maskab le-interrup tMAJOR f073 Unexp ec ted b us timeout non-maskab le-interrup tMAJOR f074 Unexp ec ted hog non-maskab le-interrup tMAJOR f076 Unexp ec ted shutd own non-maskab le-interrup tMAJOR f078 Unexp ec ted 386 vec tor MAJOR f079 Unused 386 vec tor MAJOR Table 9-5. System Shutdown Codes — Continued Fault CodeFault DescriptionAlarm LevelCause/Repair Action Continued on next page
Utilities, On-Site Diagnosis 10-1 Standalone Utilities 10 DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 10 Utilities, On-Site Diagnosis This c hapter d esc rib es the utilities p rovid ed for the DEFINITY AUDIX System. Note that most of the utility p roc ed ures should b e d one b y the on-site tec hnic ian and not attemp ted b y the c ustomer. Standalone Utilities Stored on the g eneric MO d isk, the Stand alone Utilities are used when the system will not b oot to the OA&M state or when the system req uests it. This may b e c aused b y a d isk c rash, a sud d en p ower loss when essential filesystems are not saved, or b y d amaged or c orrup ted filesystems, p artition map s or d isk b ootstrap p rog rams. The system must b e in an error shutd own or maintenanc e shutd own state to ac c ess the Stand alone Utilities. Tab le 10-1, lists the options that are provided:
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Utilities, On-Site Diagnosis 10-2 Standalone Utilities 10 Table 10-1. Standalone Utilities Options Option Description Exit Exits from the utilities b ac k to firmware mode. Initialize Disk (5 sec ond s) nCreates a valid d isk boot bloc k and writes it to the d isk nBuild s a d efault p artition map and writes it to the d isk Mod ify Partition Map (5 sec ond s) This selec tion bring s up a sec ond level of menu op tions. These options are lists in the Desc rip tions c olumn.— Return to Main Menu. — Create Default Partition Map. — Ad d a Sing le Partition. — Remove a Sing le Partition. — Inc rease a Sing le Partition (Note that the root filesystem c annot b e split over a frag mented partition). — Disp lay Current Partition Map (Shows values of p artition map c urrently in memory). Cop y Generic Partitions (8 minutes) nCreates a c orrec t b oot b loc k if one d oes not alread y exist nVerifies the partition map . If one exists but has insuffic ient sp ac e, c ertain p artitions will b e inc reased if p ossib le. nCop ies the b oot p rog ram and b asic p artitions to disk, then reb oots the system Ad d itional Command s This selec tion bring s up the following sec ond level of menu options. 0. Return To Main Menu (2 minutes) 1. Display MO Disk Volume Lab el(10 sec onds)Shows the c ontents of the volume lab el on the MO d isk that was b ooted from. 2. Reassig n Bad Bloc ks (5 seconds) Send s a SCSI reassig n b loc ks c ommand to the d isk for a sp ec ified bloc k. Will reassig n a sing le b loc k at a time, and attemp ts to save d ata. 3. Format Disk (30 minutes) Formats the d isk. 4. Disk I/O Tests (1 sec ond)Runs a d isk test on the d isk. The numb er of iterations c an b e sp ec ified . The non-d estruc tive mode read s the d isk. The d estruc tive mode writes and read s an ac tive disk. The four c hoic es are: Quic k Test — reads one bloc k Read Test — reads% of disk requested Write-Read-Verify Test — read s, writes and verifies% of d isk sp ec ified (overwrites existing d ata on d isk) Quit — returns to main menu. 5. Copy Boot Prog ram Only (15 sec onds)Reads the d isk b oot p rogram from the MO disk and c opies it to the hard d isk. If it c annot find the d isk b oot p rog ram, read the MO d isk, or write the d isk, it will fail. Continued on next page