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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Maintenance Guide

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    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-13 Maintenance Connections 
    Table 1-5. Maintenance Terminal Hookups 
    Local RS-232C Hookup
    (Direct Connection)Remote RS-232C Hookup
    (Through External Modem)
    Baud  Rate: 
    n9600 b p s
    Baud  Rates:
    n1200 b p s
    n2400 b p s
    Op tion setting s: (On all terminals)
    nSe n d  Pa r it y =  sp a c e
    nChec k Parity =  no
    nRETURN k ey  =  CR
    nNewline on LF =  no
    nENTER key =  ec[ 2a
    (ec  is ESCAPE key)
    Op tion setting s: (On all terminals)
    nSend  Parity =  spac e
    nCheck Parity =  no
    nRETU RN  k e y  =  C R
    nNewline on LF =  no
    nENTER key =  ec [ 2a
    ( e c  i s ESC APE k e y )
    Printer op tion setting s:
    nSp eed  =  1200
    nPrinter Mod el = 470    
    (for a 475 or 572 also)
    nFlow Control =  DC1DC3    
    nAlarm =  p in 20    (or none)
    Printer op tion setting s:
    nSp eed  =  1200
    nPrinter Mod el =  470 (for a 475 or 572 also)
    nFlow Control =  DC1DC3    (XON/XOFF)
    nAlarm =  p in 20 (or none)
    Ac cesses:
    nAUDIX sc reens
    nMFB Flashware
    nOp erating  System Shell
    nStand alone Utilities
    nAUDIX sc reens
    nMFB Flashware
    nOp erating  System Shell
    nStandalone Utilities
    nDed ic ated  p ort for Alarm Orig ination c alls 
    to RSC and  c alls to assig ned  AUDIX 
    extension (inc oming  and  outg oing  c alls 
    c annot b e mad e simultaneously)
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-14 Maintenance Connections 
    Spec ific  op tions for setting up  the 715 terminal are inc lud ed  in Tab le 1-6. Port 1 is 
    the (p arallel) p rinter p ort. Port 2 is used  to c onnec t the loc al maintenanc e 
    terminal (LCT) c able. To turn on the p rinter, use the 
    User Preferenc e sc reen. For 
    a c omp lete list of op tions, refer to the terminal manual that ac c ompanies the 715. 
    Table 1-6. 715 Port Options
    Port 2 Port map ping Port 1
    Host Port service Printer
    9600 Baud  rate 9600
    1 bit Stop bit 1 bit
    7 b its Data b its 7 bits
    Sp ac e Send  p arity Even
    No Chec k parity No
    Off Loc al ec ho
    Off Enc od ing
    Xon/Xoff Generate flow Xon/Xoff
    Xo n / Xo f f Re c e i ve  f lo w Xo n / Xo f f
    240 X off at 240
    No Transmit limit
    Yes Answer bac k on c onnec t
    Main Clear c ommunic ations p ort Auxiliary 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-15 Maintenance Connections 
    Maintenance Screens and Usage
    DEFINITY AUDIX screens use a verb-to-objec t approach. Refer to Fi g u re  1 -5, 
    Sc reen Layout, for a samp le sc reen layout. Sc reens used  for maintenanc e are 
    described later. 
    Figure 1-5. Screen Layout
    Screen Accessing
    Ta b l e  1 - 7 d esc rib es the information that ap p ears on the DEFINITY AUDIX sc reen 
    shown ab ove when you ac c ess a DEFINITY AUDIX System.
    24AUDIX STATUS:  System Status Line
    Command History Line
    Activity Window
    Help/Error Message Line
    enter command:  Command Line
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-16 Maintenance Connections 
    Table 1-7. Screen Usage 
    Screen Area Definition
    Status Line Shows:
     (Warning ); M
     (Major); m
     (Minor); A
    (Ad ministrative)
    nlogins: 1
     (one terminal); 2
     (two terminals); 3 
    nthreshold s:
    Ind ic ates that the lower p reset sp ac e threshold  
    ac ross all 
    voic e text filesystems has b een exc eed ed , for 
    examp le, 50% (d efault 75%).
     Ind ic ates that the midd le p reset sp ac e 
    threshold  ac ross all 
    voic e text filesystems has b een 
    exc eed ed , for examp le, 60% (d efault 85%).
      Indic ates that the up p er p reset spac e 
    threshold  ac ross all 
    voic e text has b een exc eed ed , for 
    examp le, 70% (d efault 95%).
     Ind ic ates that more than 85% of the 
    sp ac e within at least one filesystem has b een used .
    History LineThe title of what ap p ears in the 
    Ac tivity Wind ow. Inc lud es 
    the c urrent p age numb er and  p ag e c ount of the sc reens, for 
    example, Page 1 of 2.
    Ac tivity 
    Win d o wUsed  for:
    nDisp lay of sc reens for ad ministration and  maintenanc e 
    d ata entry
    nDisp lay of rep orts (forms in whic h data entry is not 
    allowed )
    nDisp lay of sc reen and  field  help
    nDisp lay of menus for c ommand  entry b roug ht up  with 
    the Choices key
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-17 Maintenance Connections 
    Help /Error 
    Message LineDisplays short error messag es and  p romp ts.
    LineWhere the user enters c ommand s to the system.
     On the c ommand  line, d isp lays the p revious 
    c ommand  entered . 
     On the c ommand  line, d isp lays the next c ommand if 
    one was p reviously entered .
    Func tion Keys/
    (Control Key 
    Eq uivalents)/
    Fu n c t i o n
    n Cancel 
    — In a sc reen, ab orts the c urrent ac tivity 
    and returns the user to the c ommand  line. On the 
    c ommand  line, erases the entire c ontents listed  there.
    n Refresh
     — Rep aints the sc reen.
    n Enter
     — In a sc reen, sub mits a c omp leted  sc reen 
    for the ac tion sp ec ified  on the c ommand  line. On the 
    c ommand  line, req uests exec ution of the c ommand  or 
    p osting  of the req uested sc reen. The RETURN key is 
    id entic al to Enter on the c ommand  line only.
    n ClearFld
     — Clears an entire field  in a sc reen or a 
    sing le keyword from the c ommand  line.
    n Help
     — On the c ommand  line, this is identic al to the 
     c ommand , whic h d isp lays a sc reen exp laining  
    what typ es of help are availab le. In a sc reen, this 
    d isp lays information ab out the sc reen.
    n Choices
     — On the c ommand line, this req uests a 
    menu of valid  entries for c ommand-line keyword s. If a 
    Choic es menu is alread y d isp layed , d epressing  this key 
    ag ain will selec t the c urrent item from the menu.
    n NextPage
     — Navig ates forward  throug h 
    multip le-p ag e sc reens, rep orts, or help  and  b ac k to the 
    first p age.
    n PrevPage
     — Navig ates b ac kward  throug h 
    multip le-p ag e sc reens or help  and  to the last p ag e from 
    the first p ag e.
    Ta b l e  1 - 7 .Screen Usage  — Continued
    Screen Area Definition
    Continued on next page
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-18 Maintenance Connections 
    Function and Arrow Key Equivalents
    Keyb oard  eq uivalents are availab le for users whose terminals c annot 
    ac c ommod ate the DEFINITY AUDIX func tion keys.
    Data Entry
    When a sc reen with d ata-entry fields is ac tive, the following  ad d itional keys c an 
    b e used  for navigating  throug h the sc reen and  entering  d ata in field s:
    Table 1-8. Function and Arrow Key Equivalents
    Key Purpose
    1 Canc el c ntl-x Canc el c urrent op eration.
    2 Refresh c ntl-l Refresh (rep aint) c urrent screen.
    3 Enter c ntl-e Exec ute c urrent c ommand  or enter c urrent 
    4 Clear Fld c ntl-k Clear d ata in c urrent field .
    5 Help c ntl-w Get Screen Help .
    6 Choic es c ntl-c Get Field help  (and  d isp lay field    choic es, if 
    7 Next Pag e c ntl-n Go to next p ag e (if any).
    8 Prev Pag e c ntl-p Go to previous p ag e (if any).
    c ntl-u On the c ommand line, d isp lays the p revious 
    c ommand  entered . On a screen, moves to 
    the c losest field  in the p revious line.
    c ntl-d On the c ommand line, d isp lays the next 
    c ommand  if one was p reviously entered . On 
    a sc reen, moves to the c losest field  on the 
    next line.
    Key  What it Does 
      Moves the c ursor to the next field. From the b ottom field , wrap s to 
    the top  field .
    Moves to the p revious field . From top  field, wrap s to the b ottom 
    Moves to the next field. From b ottom field , wrap s to the top  field . TA B
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-19 Maintenance Login Procedure 
    Maintenance Login Procedure
    When the DEFINITY AUDIX System is reb ooted , a log in p romp t ap pears briefly, 
    followed  immediately b y the following  lines: 
    System name: audix 
    login: Phase 2 file check PASSED 
    Phase 3 file check PASSED 
    Phase 4 file check PASSED 
    Phase 5 file check PASSED 
    TRACECMD=-s 60 -o /var/spool/audix/tracelog.a -o 
    Save output to Trace process 
    When the last line ap pears, p ress  . You will g et another log in p romp t. At 
    this point, you c an log  in.
    To log in, typ e cust
    , or craft
     at the p romp t, and  p ress  . Typ e your 
    p assword  and p ress  . If req uired, type your system p assword  and  p ress 
    Forms You Will Use
    Tab le 1-9 lists the sc reens that will allow you to maintain, rep air, and  d iag nose a 
    DEFINITY AUDIX System from the loc al or remote maintenanc e terminal. 
    Onc e you are log g ed  into the system, typ e the name of the sc reen and  press 
    . If need ed , refer to the HELP for eac h sc reen to ensure p rop er ac tion. 
     Moves to the next field to the p revious field . From top  field, wraps 
    to the b ottom field.
    Moves to the nearest field  on the p revious line. From top  field , 
    wrap s to the bottom field . 
    Moves to the nearest field  on the next line. From b ottom field , 
    wrap s to the top  field .
    Deletes the last charac ter entered in the c urrent field . 
    Key  What it Does 
    bac ksp ac e
    RETU RN 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-20 Forms You Will Use 
    Table 1-9. Maintenance Screens and Their Use 
    Form/Available Logins Purpose
    display alarms 
    (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (customer)Disp lays ac tive or resolved  
    MAJOR, MINOR, or 
    WA RN I N G alarms.  Ind ic ates by resourc e typ e 
    what p art of a DEFINITY AUDIX System may b e 
    faulty, and  when and  if it was automatic ally 
    resolved.  Can be activated if the system is in 
    ad ministrative shutd own mode. Troub leshoot the 
    first alarm listed , as this may resolve the other 
    alarms.  Prob lems are listed  in this manual 
    ac c ord ing  to resourc e typ e.
    display errors
    (onsite tec hnic ian)Lists errors that oc c ur d uring  automatic  inline and  
    maintenanc e p roc ed ure testing . Rep eated  errors 
    will set an alarm. Can b e ac tivated  if the system is 
    in ad ministrative shutd own mod e.
    display events
    (onsite tec hnic ian)Lists all rep orted  maintenanc e events inc luding  
    inline errors, maintenanc e p roc ed ure failures, 
    alarms, and  errors. An entry is mad e in this log  
    whenever a transition is mad e into or out of the 
    AUDIX or OA&M state. Maintenanc e eng ineers 
    use this when the system need s an in-d epth 
    d iag nosis.
    (onsite tec hnic ian)
    (c ustomer)Disp lay b ac kup s lists the bac kup s stored  on the 
    MO d isk that were mad e on a nig htly and  weekly 
    b asis. Bac kups inc lud e those d one automatic ally 
    and  manually, and  also inc lud e announc ements, 
    voice filesystems, Lucent software, and  system 
    (p anic /c rash) d ump s. The system saves up  to two 
    weeks of b ac kup s d ep end ing on the sp ac e 
    availab le on the MO disk and  the amount of data 
    being saved.
    Restore backups restores a complete bac kup 
    from an MO d isk to the hard  d isk. This ac tion c an 
    b e done only in the OA&M state.
    (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer)Disp lays the DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration 
    alarms rep orted  to maintenanc e. Rep orts the d ate, 
    time, and  typ e of alarm. (See Chap ter 10 for a list 
    of ad ministration alarm messages and  rep air 
    ac tions.)
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-21 Forms You Will Use 
    (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer)For CL mod e, d isp lay/c hang e the Log ic al 
    Channel, Switc h Port, and Data Link for the 
    switc hes using  this DEFINITY AUDIX System. 
    Also, d isp lay/c hang e the host switc h numb er and  
    AUDIX mac hine numb er known b y the switc h. For 
    DS mod e, disp lay/c hang e the c all-answer timeout 
    extension and  p arameters. Also, d isp lay/c hang e 
    the host switc h numb er and AUDIX mac hine 
    numb er known b y the switc h.
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
    (Control Link only)Disp lays the link-log  p arameters: enab le/d isab le 
    link-log  d ata c ollec tion and  the maximum numb er 
    of link-log  entries.
    network-groupDisplays or changes the digital networking port 
    and  extension.
    The networking  p ort ad ministered  must matc h the 
    networking port ad ministered  on the switc h.
    Ta b l e  1 - 9 .Maintenance Screens and Their Use  — Continued
    Form/Available Logins Purpose
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-22 Forms You Will Use 
    status network-
    (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer)Disp lays the status of the network p ort. Can b e 
    exec uted  from any user id  and  is available only if a 
    networking port is p urc hased  (from the “ system-
    p arameters customer-op tions” form). Up d ates the 
    d isp layed  status every 3 sec ond s until the user 
    p resses the CANCEL key.
    For an inac tive port, the State-Reason field is as 
    for the b usyout/release c ommand s and  the 
    remaining  field s are b lank.
    For an ac tive p ort the status field s are:
    nState-Reason: ISB-IN, ISB-OUT, OSP-C, or 
    nMac hine: name of remote mac hine to whic h 
    the p ort is c onnec ted  (or “ TRANSITION”  
    during call setup)
    nAc tivity: c urrent ac tivity on the p ort (TEST-IN, 
    TEST - O U T,  AD M I N - O U T,  VM AI L -I N ,  VM A I L -
    nSp eed : c urrent line sp eed  
    nMode: DMI mode (M1,M2,M3)
    status mo-disk
    (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer)Disp lays the c urrent status of the d rive and  MO 
    d isk. It also performs SCSI self-d iag nostic s tests 
    to the MO d rive and  MO d isk. The SCSI-level 
    d iag nostic s inc lud e write, read and  verify tests.
    Se e  Chapter 4 for a d esc rip tion of the status and  
    results rep orted .
    Ta b l e  1 - 9 .Maintenance Screens and Their Use  — Continued
    Form/Available Logins Purpose
    Continued on next page 
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