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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Maintenance Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Maintenance Guide
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Digital Networking 6-9 Remote Machine Test 6 Tab le 6-9 shows the sc reen d isp lays of a normal mod e 2 d ata c all: Table 6-9. Screen Displays of Normal Mode 2 Data Call Test Machine Screen State Description R Running Test Call Exec uted R Starting Test Call Starting R Seizing Test Call Seizing an AUDIX network port to p lac e the d ata call R Dialing DEFINITY AUDIX network port dialing the loc al DCP d ata module extension (data mod ule either an ADU or 7400A) R Connec ting DEFINITY AUDIX network port c onnec ting to loc al DCP data module R Starting DSP DEFINITY AUDIX network port c onnec ted to DCP d ata module and estab lishing RS232 c onnec tion to modem R Dialing ATDT9,555¼ DEFINITY AUDIX software ac tivating the loc al modem to d ial the remote modem using the AT d ial c ommand R Connec ted Loc al and remote mod ems c onnec ted R Sending Break DEFINITY AUDIX software sending BREAK c harac ter to ac tivate the DIAL: p romp t on the remote DCP data module R Dialing 12345 DEFINITY AUDIX software d ialing the remote DEFINITY AUDIX networking p ort R Ring ing Ring ing d etec ted on remote DEFINITY AUDIX networking port R Answered Remote DEFINITY AUDIX networking p ort answered , c ompleting the end to end c onnec tion R Starting Data Link The loc al and remote DEFINITY AUDIX exc hange mac hine name and password information R Sending Test File Mac hine and password information verified and test file transmitted P Test Done-Pass Test Call Suc c eed ed
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Digital Networking 6-10 Remote Machine Test 6 Tab le 6-10 shows errors that are d isp layed in the Most Rec ent Test Result field for an unsuc c essful test c all. Table 6-10. Error Displays Test Machine Screen State Description F Seizing-Fail Could not seize the networking port F Seizing -Busy Network p ort is not IDLE or is b usied out F Seizing -Efail Could not seize the networking p ort F Seizing -Abort While seizing the p ort, the p ort is b usied out F Dialing -NoansF Networking c all not answered on remote F Dialing -Busy Received b usy tone F Dialing -Denied Rec eived interc ep t tone F Dialing -Reord er Rec eived reord er tone F Dialing -Tmout Got timeout on d ialing the port F Dialing -Disc onnec t Rec eived d isc onnec t messag e while d ialing F Dialing-Abort While dialing the port, the port is busied out F Dialing -Fail Dialing failed for unknown reason F Connec ted -NoansT Call was answered , b ut d id not rec eive mod em answer tone F Connec ted -Tmout Call was c onnec ted , but timed out b efore an exp ec ted result or state oc c urred F Connec ted -Fail Exp ec ted c onnec tion or result failed to oc c ur. (Chec k ad ministration log for more information) F Connec ted -Busy Call rec eived b usy tone F Connec ted -Rejec t Inc orrec t p assword F Connec ted -Abort While c onnec ting to networking p ort, the p ort is b usied out F File Transfer-Fail Connec tion d rop p ed d uring transfer
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Digital Networking 6-11 Remote Machine Test 6 Tab le 6-11 lists the failure error message for Mod e 2 Test Calls. In the Most RecentTest Result c olumn (from the TEST MACHINE form) it shows the last c omp leted step in the c all p rior to the failure. It also shows the p ossib le prob lem and a list of c orrec tive ac tions. Table 6-11. Error Messages for Mode 2 Most Recent Test Result (Last Step that Completed)Most Recent Test Result (Failure) Possible Problem Corrective Action None F Seizing -Fail AUDIX outg oing networking port hungBusy out and test networking port. R Seizing -Pass F Dialing -Tmout 1. Hard ware p rob lem with 7400A 2. Loc al 7400A interfac e set to AT c ommand (7400A may b e set to fac tory d efaults). 3. Loc al mod em not ad ministered c orrec tly. (Mod em may b e set to fac tory d efaults). 4. Loc al mod em turned off1. Run self-test on the 7400A. Rep lac e if test fails. 2. Chang e interfac e to keyb oard d ial and set options on 7400A. 3. Chang e mod em to c orrec t op tion setting s. 4. Chec k modem. Continued on next page
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Digital Networking 6-12 Remote Machine Test 6 R Seizing -Pass F Dialing -NoansF Modular c ord on 7400A or ADU p lugg ed into the wrong mod ular jac k on the b ac k of the d evic eChec k the c ord and p lug into the Line mod ular jac k. Cab le b etween 7400A/ADU and Mod em unp lug ged or b ad . Auto answer not administered on the ADU.Chec k c ab le. ADU or 7400A failed Run test data on switc h. Test 7400A d ata module from front panel. ADU or 7400A not wired correctlyRun test data on the switc h. Chec k wiring . Auto answer turned off on the 7400AChang e Front Panel setting to Auto Answer Auto answer not ad ministered on the ADU.Chec k switc h administration ADU or 7400A Busied out on switc hRelease b usy d ata module Modem Turned off or badChec k Mod em. Run self test on modem from front p anel Data Terminal Read y not set on Mod em (DTR lig ht off)Chec k the mod em c onfig uration from front p anel. DTR ACTION should b e set to Stnd rd _RS232 and LSD Control should b e set to WinkWhenDisc . These setting are und er the DTE_Interfac e c onfiguration heading . Ta b l e 6 - 1 1 .Error Messages for Mode 2 — Continued Most Recent Test Result (Last Step that Completed)Most Recent Test Result (Failure) Possible Problem Corrective Action Continued on next page
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Digital Networking 6-13 Remote Machine Test 6 R Starting-DCP F Connec ted-Ehup 1. The first extension in the d ial string is the mod em or mod em hunt g roup extension instead of the DCP d ata mod ules/hunt group extension.1. Correc t d ial string . 2. The first extension in the d ial string is inc orrec t, but the c all is being answered with data tone2. Correc t the d ial string . R Dialing ATDT9,555… F Connec ted- Ti m o u tADU bad or manufac tured p rior to 10/94Replac e ADU. R Dialing Atdt9,555… F Connec ted-NoansT Up p er and lower c ase c harac ters in the AT c ommand stringChang e the ATDT to either all upp er c ase or all lower c ase c harac ters. R Dialing adtd 9,555… F Connec ted-Tmout. Typing error in the atdt c ommandCorrec t d ial string. Ta b l e 6 - 1 1 .Error Messages for Mode 2 — Continued Most Recent Test Result (Last Step that Completed)Most Recent Test Result (Failure) Possible Problem Corrective Action Continued on next page
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Digital Networking 6-14 Remote Machine Test 6 R Dialing atd t9,555… F Connec ted-Ehup No outg oing trunks availab leTry test c all ag ain Inc orrec t or wrong telephone numb er in dial stringCorrec t d ial string Modular line c ord p lugg ed into the wrong jac k on bac k of mod emPlug cord into correct jack Modem analog line not c onnec ted or wired correctlyAdminister modem Remote mod em not answering1. Chec k if remote mod em turned on or c onnec ted 2. Chec k if remote mod em has Auto Answer on 3. Chec k if remote mod em has DTR light on and mod em is c onfig ured c orrec tly. 4. Chec k if remote modem c able is p lug g ed into ADU/7400A or cable is bad 5. Chec k if Keyb oard Dial is set on the remote ADU. On switc h SAT terminal do a change data . 6. Chec k if remote 7400A set to AT c ommand mod e. Chang e from front panel. 7. Chec k if remote 7400A/ADU/ modem’s modular cords are plugged into correct jacks. Ta b l e 6 - 1 1 .Error Messages for Mode 2 — Continued Most Recent Test Result (Last Step that Completed)Most Recent Test Result (Failure) Possible Problem Corrective Action Continued on next page
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Digital Networking 6-15 Remote Machine Test 6 R Sending BREAK 1. F Connec ted -Fail 1. The atd t telep hone numb er c ontains the numb er for the remote DCP d ata mod ule/hunt group or the DEFINITY AUDIX networking p ort/hunt g roup instead of the remote mod em/hunt g roup . 2. Remote ADU or 7400A has multiple sp eed s set. 3. Remote 7400A Interfac e is set to Answer Only 4. Remote 7400A or ADU b usied out on switc h 5. Remote ADU or 7400A line unp lug g ed or wired wrong 6. Remote 7400A b usied out from front p anel 7. Remote ADU or 7400A hard ware bad1. Correc t numb er 2. Chang e so only the one sp eed is set 3. Chang e 7400A Interfac e from front panel 4. Release b usy the 7400A/ADU 5. Chec k wiring 6. Release b usy 7. Test ADU and 7400A from switc h SAT and selftest on 7400A Ta b l e 6 - 1 1 .Error Messages for Mode 2 — Continued Most Recent Test Result (Last Step that Completed)Most Recent Test Result (Failure) Possible Problem Corrective Action Continued on next page
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Digital Networking 6-16 Remote Machine Test 6 R Sending BREAK F Connec ted-Ehup 1. Remote 7400A and remote AUDIX networking p ort still ac tive after previous call dropped (remote mod em d isc onnec ted from trunk) 2. Parity not set to SPACE on the remote 7400A or ADU 3. Remote 7400A failure 4. Remote 7400A set for wrong sp eed1. Chec k if the remote 7400A DTR Lead setting is IGNORE. Chang e to FOLLOW und er the set op tions on the front panel 2. Chang e Parity setting. Parity is set on the front panel for the 7400A (Chang e Options) and on the switc h SAT terminal for the ADU 3. Run 7400A self-test c ommand . 4. Chang e to c orrec t sp eed setting R Dialing 12345 F Connec ted-Ehup Transmission sp eed set in the remote AUDIX sc reen (add /c hange mac hine < mac hine name> ) d iffers from the sp eed set on the modems and 7400A/ADUChang e to c orrec t speed setting s. R Dialing 12345 F Connec ted-NoansT or Connec ted -Tmout1.The “ B” b reak c ommand left out of the d ial string 2. The remote AUDIX network port/hung g roup extension is inc orrec t b ut the extension is valid on the remote switc h1. Chang e d ial string 2. Chang e d ial string R Dialing B² 1234 F Connec ted-NoansT or F Connec ted-TmoutMissing d oub le q uotes b etween the wait c ommand and the break c ommand (² W² B² ). AUDIX is trying to d ial the B.Chang e dial string Ta b l e 6 - 1 1 .Error Messages for Mode 2 — Continued Most Recent Test Result (Last Step that Completed)Most Recent Test Result (Failure) Possible Problem Corrective Action Continued on next page
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Digital Networking 6-17 Remote Machine Test 6 R Dialing 12345 F Connec ted-Busy 1. ac tive on another c all. 2. Remote AUDIX Network port(s)hunt g roup ad ministered on Switc h, but the network pors are not ad ministered on the remote AUDIX. 3. Remote ADUIX Network port(s) b usied out on switc h1. Wait and try again. 2. Chec k the networking ad ministration on AUDIX. 3. Release b usy. R Dialing 12345 R Ri n g i n gF Connec ted-Ehup Remote AUDIX is d own or Reb ootingWait and try c all ag ain. R Dialing 12345 F Connec ted-Denied F Connec ted-Busy 1. Remote AUDIX network port/hunt g roup extension inc orrec t and d ialing an invalid extension on remote switc h. 2. Remote AUDIX p ort/hunt g roup extension not ad ministered on remote switc h 3. Remote ADU bad or manufac tured b efore 10/941. Correc t numb er in dial string 2. Chec k remote switc h ad ministration for AUDIX networking p orts and hunt g roup 3. Rep lac e ADU. Ta b l e 6 - 1 1 .Error Messages for Mode 2 — Continued Most Recent Test Result (Last Step that Completed)Most Recent Test Result (Failure) Possible Problem Corrective Action Continued on next page
DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Digital Networking 6-18 Remote Machine Test 6 R Starting Datalink F Connec ted-Ehup 1. Password being sent is inc orrec t 2. Far End AUDIX network port extension is inc orrec t and c all was answered1. Chec k and c orrec t password . 2. Correc t extension. R Starting Datalink F Connec ted-Fail Remote mac hine name incorrectChec k that the ac tual mac hine name and the mac hine name entered in the ADD MACHINE sc reen are the same. If the mac hine names agree, c hec k that the d ial string is for that mac hine and not another mac hine in the network. Ta b l e 6 - 1 1 .Error Messages for Mode 2 — Continued Most Recent Test Result (Last Step that Completed)Most Recent Test Result (Failure) Possible Problem Corrective Action Continued on next page